Seventy-Fifth Year EImED AND MANAGED BY STuDom or THE UNIVERsITo 0f MIc GAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBUCATIONS IN THE REGENTS' HANDS: Heyns and the Problem of Leadership Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BRUCE WASSERSTEIN The Balance of Power: Some Solutions ONE OF THE DISASTROUS popular illu- sions concerning imperialism is the policy which has been called "defensive imperialism." "Defensive imperialism" finds histori- cal precedent in the growth of the Ro- man Empire. It was in fact the motiva- tion of Rome's expansion. The reason for Rome's expansion through conquest in the second and third centuries B.C. was the prevalent fear in Rome that if she did not attack her neighbors they would certainly attack her. Consequently Rome embarked on a 'long series of aggressive wars and con- quered all possible opposition. ONE MORE SIGNIFICANT point to note concerning Rome's policy is that it is not clearly known if the policy was justi- fied. It is possible that Rome had no choice, in the interests of her own se- curity, but to embark on the policy of "defensive imperialism." It is also possi- ble that Rome was gripped for two cen- turies with a paranoic fear of a non- existent enemy. It is clear there was fear Out the justification for this fear is not known. When relating Rome's "defense im- perialism" to modern times there is an added complication. There is no longer only one power engaging in a policy of "defensive imperialism" but three - the Soviet Union, China, and the United States. Today there exists a similar fear in the three major world powers. The U.S. feels that Communism must be stopped at all costs or it will surely engulf her. China fears that the U.S. and Russia will com- bine to annihilate her. Russia fears Chi- nese hordes will come crashing across the Siberian border seeking living space and also fears the U.S. and her nuclear stock- ple. The absurdity of this situation is self- evident. Because there are three powers en- gaging in the policy of "defensive im- perialism" there is bound to be a direct and disastrous clash among the powers if the policy is continued, The Pentagon war hawks are correct in the assumption that an armed conflict with China is in- evitable. It is their reasoning which is in error. In their opinion the problem stems from the evil menace-Commu- nism-while the U.S. is good and right- eous. They are out to conquer the world and we want to give everyone peace, free- dom and prosperity. This, at least is their public stand on the issue of China. THE U.S. AND CHINA are on a collision course simply because they are death- ly afraid of each other. Another delusion about the problems of power comes with the omnipresent voice of propaganda. Every nation uses propaganda to convince its population of the "rightness," morally or otherwise, of its official position on any issue. This is glaringly evident when one ob- serves the news mediae of the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The same facts are presented in totally different lights by .imple alterations in verbiage, while dif- .ereices in facts presented are by no neans uncommon. This in itself is not terribly important, out when related to the overall picture of a power struggle it becomes an im- portant point. NEWS MANAGEMENT and propaganda establish a justification for any ac- tion taken by a nation if presented in a correctly indoctrinating manner. The U.S. government presents certain alleged "facts" to newsmen on the war :n Viet Nam and leaves the newsman to present these facts in the "correct" way. The Chinese reporter is also presented with a set of alleged facts and is also left to present them in the "proper" way. .[f in either case the "facts" are not pre- vented properly the newsman risks gov- ernmental ostracism. If the populations of the individual na- .ions are not wholly convinced of the "rightness" of the government further similar policies enacted by the govern- ment would become dangerous because THE U.S. FEARS a surprise nuclear at- tack by the Soviet Union and there- fore builds a massive retaliatory force to deter such an attack. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, also fears a surprise nuclear attack by the U.S. and builds a huge retaliatory force. China fears the nuclear capabilities of both the U.S. and Russia and pushes de- velopment of its own nuclear force to the extreme. Eventually if the situation re- mains relatively static for any length of time, China will also develop sufficient nuclear capabilities to pose a third deter- rent power. Whereas the use, or lack of use, of atomic weapons will make absolutely no difference in the world situation aside from massive aestruction, tfe propagan-. iizea rears or atomic war are so mgramea in everyone it is highly unlikely any side will resort to the use of them. THE CONCEPT of "overkill" is also in- teresting In the light of deterrence, the balance of power and present con- flicts. The presence of "overkill" should pro- vide the absolute deterrent to war and the maintenance of a stable balance of power because it is absolute. But here we are once again victims of our own propaganda. We are caught between the fear of absolute destruction on the one hand, yet convinced that these awesome weapons will not be used. So the arms race con- tinues, the stockpiles grow larger and the fear of their use also grows in direct re- lation to the size of the stockpile. Another aspect of the power struggle is the struggle between the three major powers for the allegiance of the few in- dependent and non-aligned countries left. THE U.S. ALLOCATES huge amounts of money each year to so-called foreign aid. The alleged objectives of such allo- cations is the betterment of the under- developed countries. The actual philoso- phy behind the foreign aid program is the prevention of the underdeveloped countries from "going Communist." THE SOVIET UNION does the same in hopes the aid will prevent the same countries from going "capitalist" or per- haps "Maoist." China, on a smaller scale stemming from lack of adequate resourc- es, follows suit. The theory falls down when the coun- tries receiving the aid from all sides play off one power against the other to in- sure continued shipments. The U.S. also runs into a further trap because, in many cases, much of the aid goes into the pockets of the leaders. Thus, because the money is not going to the in- tended place, i.e., the peasants, the peas- ant is easily convinced the corruption is a direct function of those "imperialistic, capitalistic war mongers." The outlook is, of necessity, pessimis- tic. THERE ARE, HOWEVER, a number of alternatives to the present patterns of world policy. -The formation of strong, independent and neutral buffer states which would be capable of deterring any aggression against themselves. -The establishment of better commu- nications between the major powers. This would reduce the fallacious necessity for policies of "defensive imperialism." -The elimination of news manage- ment by all the great powers and the eradication of all so-called "military se- crets." This would lessen the possibility of in- ternational misunderstanding and also permit the people to have sane and ra- tional opinions concerning world politics. -The elimination of nuclear stockpiles as being worthless expenditures. This would lessen tensions and remove the threat of a nuclear disaster. -The adoption of a mutual aid pro- gram to underdeveloped countries. This would reduce waste, curb corruption, and approach the ideals of the various aid programs. IT IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD that these EDITOR'S NOTE: Roger W. Heyns, vice-president for academic affairs, is currently being considered as the next chancellor of the Berkeley campus of the University of Cali- fornia. By ROBERT JOHNSTON and KENNETH WINTER THE ISSUE tonight is leader- ship in the University. This ar- ticle is addressed directly to the Regents of the University, for it is to them that this problem of lead- ership has been ultimately en- trusted. Suddenly and without warning decisions involving the essential nature and future and meaning of the University have devolved upon them. And, while the concerns ex- pressed here are important to every faculty member and every student as much as they are to the Regents, these faculty and these students can, at this point, serve only as observers. Michigan has placed the fate of its finest university in the hands of the Board of Regents. And the faculty, students and administra- tors of the University have shown this week a similar faith in the ability of the regental structure to handle these problems of respon- sibility. DEANS, department chairmen, and other faculty and administra- tors and students have expressed, almost to a man, unqualified es- teem and support for the work of Roger W. Heyns. This is remarkable. It has been a long time since so many have genuinely felt that the future of the University hinges on the pres- ence or absence of one man. Per- sonnel changes-even those in- volving highly competent people and top slots in the hierarchy- are generally just personnel changes: another competent per- son is found, and life goes on. But where, the campus seems to be asking, could we find another Roger Heyns? Hence the frenzied activity: phonecalls, letters, meetings with the President and an unprece- dented summer meeting of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs at which a unanimous resolutiontwas passed and sent to the Regents. The University's three most. powerful deans, Haber of the lit- erary college, Hubbard of the Med- ical School and Smith of the. law school have sent a message through President Hatcher to the Regents. So have many depart- ment chairmen. THEY ALL AGREE on one thing: a way must be found to keep Roger Heyns at the Univer- sity. Heyns himself would have to admit that unified faculty support of anything at the University is practically unheard of. Again, however, no one has sug- gested that this is not a matter which must be left in the hands of the Regents. No one has suggested that ways be found to circumvent or undercut the decision-making authority of the Regents. There is every willingness to discuss, to confer and to suggest if called upon, but the established limits have been scrupulously observed by both sides. It is some measure of Heyns that the high quality of the Re- gents-University relationship evi- denced this week is due in no small part to his own work over the last three years as vice- president for Academic affairs. His effect has been to build a ra- tional mutual faith into relations often governed (as in California) by an uninformed mutual hostility. His method has been to transcend discord based on pettiness and jealousies and to clarify disagree- ments based on genuine, impor- tant issues, so that men may talk to one another. As one professor put it, "Heyns' method is still the method of a teacher." Heyns has, in fact, shown an extraordinary ability to take in- stitutions as he finds them, to work with them and to make them work. He has accepted the basic tenets of the University and re- spected them: the power of the Regents over the University on the one hand and the control by the faculty of their own destiny on the other, academic freedom, student responsibility, and the powers held by his fellow executive officers. BUT THERE ARE larger ques- tions involved here. Ross L. Moon- ey of Ohio State University dis- cusses them in a 1961 paper en- titled "The Problem of Leadership in a University." Mooney notes first the acceler- ating rate of change on campus. Since 1900, he says, "As the people have changed in their needs and in their preceptions of preparation for life in the modern world, the universities have changed from small to large, from simple to complex." With. growth in both size and complexity, "What was formerly a clear center of power, i.e., the assembled faculty, is no longer a feasible instrument of institution- al decision. It is too big, too di- verse." As a result, Mooney says, "Aca- demic power and operational re- sponsibility are divided and sub- divided, again and again, and the image of the university as an in- tegral community progressively dissipates." What has happened is that "the problem of leadership is bigger than men can solve, no matter how able they may be, so long as they accept the present institu- tional context as suitable for their action. "It is the most able men who are most likely now to sense that the ball may be lost. They cannot take a sufficiently comprehensive grip on the situation to really take hold. If anyone has power to act, it seems to each that it must be some other; one certainly cannot do it himself. A prevailing ques- tion becomes, how does one take leadership in a university today? The question is naked and sharply real." And it was driven sharply home by events last fall at Berkeley. The California regents and the central administration of the Uni- versity of California did not real- ize what the University's Regents have generally understood quite well, that the trustees' role is (as President Hatcher once put it) "not to manage a college, but to make sure that it is properly man- aged." IT IS somehow fitting that Heyns has been asked to work with the same problems at Berkeley that he has coped with so well here. But they are far from solved at the University of Michigan. Mooney states: "Into the pri- vate speech of conscientious lead- ers of higher education, there now commonly appears a deeply plain- tive note, expressing a hope-all- but-lost that they shall ever be able to gain commanding perspec- tive and intelligent control o what is happening inside their in- stitutions. The note of plaintive- ness derives from a feeling not only of having gotten behind in the game, but perhaps of having lost the ball altogether." Compare this with the last paragraph of Heyns' 1963-64 President's Report: The pace of the University of Michigan is fast. There is much life and excitement; there is no shortage of good ideas to encourage, of sound programs to assist, no, indeed, of weak ac- tivities that need strengthening. In the face of this vigorous life of the University, this short chronicle of things done only accentuates the daily feeling of regret that exciting tasks had to be put off, and that, unfortun- ately, problems which should have been solved persist to this very minute. This comes from a man who believes deeply in the present and future greatness of the University, and who has worked prodigiously on the problems he speaks of, but whose leadership has been every- where circumscribed by fragmen- tation, splits between sensitive faculty and administration, man- agement psychologies, inertia born of paralysis and Multiplying patch-work bureaucracy and com- mittees. Again, Mooney states it suc- cintly: "Without release of -posi- tive leadership in the university, the pressures for further size and complexity will mean that the ROGER W. HEYNS, who may accept a bid to become chancellor of California's Berkeley campus, was made vice-president for aca- demic affairs in 1962, replacing the old dean of faculties position. He is 47 and a native of Michigan. He received his bachelor's degree from Calvin College in 1940, his master's in clinical psychology from the University in 1942, and his PhD from the University in 1948. Heyns moved up through the professional ranks at the Uni- versity, becoming a full professor in 1957. In 1958 he moved from an assistant deanship in the literary college to the deanship, re- placing Charles Odegaard. 0 university moves- deeper into its own paralysis, with progressively decreasing capacity to give power and dignity to its leadership role in the culture. If the universities bog down, then from what agen- cies in the culture may we expect leadership to come for America and the modern world?" Where, indeed? CLARK KERR, president of the University of California, notes, with Mooney, the disappearance of the faculty from the center of leadership. In "The Uses of the University" he says, "Hutchins observed that the faculty really 'prefer anarchy to any form of government' - particularly the presidential form." But, he says, there is a strong case for leadership. "A university needs a purpose, 'a vision of the end.' Without vision, there is 'aim- lessness' and the 'vast chaos of the American university'." Such vision is difficult to find and nurture. "The role of the giant was -never a, happy one. The experience of Tappan at Michigan was typical of many, as Angell later saw it: 'Tappan was the largest figure of a man that ever appeared on the Michigan campus. And he was stung to death by gnats'." For his university leader then, Kerr supports the idea of "'a co- ordinator rather than a creative leader . . . an expert executive, a tactful moderator'." But he wants "mostly a mediator." However, Kerr gives the game away with his next sentence, "The first task of the mediator is peace." IIEYNS HAS SAID on occasion that he disagrees with Kerr's me- diator theory of leadership. A mediator cannot subscribe to any particular theory of leadership. A mediator cannot subscribe to any particular side if his primary goal is to keep the peace and make sure the boat doesn't rock. Heyns is always willing to examine new ideas and to support them and put them through if they are promis- ing. The idea is to keep the boat A case in point is the residential college. This is boat-rocking of the first sort. Rather than me- diate-i.e., let the gnats go to work and destroy the idea-he has been behind it since its inception, sug- gesting, cajoling, wheedling and persuading. Faculty and admin- istrators are gradually lining up in support, a head of steam is slowly building, and.; eventually, if Heyns stays around to see it out, there will be a residential college -and it will be free to become something more than space for 1200 new students. Many times faculty conversation runs something like this: "It's a fine idea but nobody will ever ac- cept it." Followed by, "Well, we can talk it over with Heyns." THIS IS CLOSE to the essence of leadership in a modern uni- versity. It includes Clark Kerr's comprehension of the reality that is, but not his surrender to it. It includes Tappan's and Hutchins' vision of the reality that should be, but rendered more possible by a calm determination to bring it about with the devices available in the real world. Such a leader gets more ulcers than ovations. But he gets things done: ideas are provoked, evaluat- ed and implemented, not "stung to death." It has been and will continue to be a painfully slow process, open- ing up new programs and prob- lems to Heyns' style of leadership. And there are plenty of them. In yesterday's Detroit News Dean Allan Smith of the Law School was quoted as saying, "There has been a lot of specu- lation about what the Regents might do, and it should remain in the realm of speculation." The article, however, goes on to state, "What some faculty mem- bers have talked about-for many years actually-is an administra- tive reorganization that would create a position between the presidency and the eight second- echelon vice presidents." The Regents' closed meeting be- gins tonight. They have a lot to 0 4 BEAUTIFUL: The Soft Skin': Almost Great At the Campus Theatre "THE SOFT SKIN" proves again just how capable an artist Francois Truffaut is. For although it misses in some vague way achieving the stature of a "Great" film, "The Soft Skin" is in all respects an outstanding work. As, a film or as an experience, "The Soft Skin" is a beautiful and com- pelling creation. The plot is simple and age-old. A middle-aged married man finds new life and excitement in a young girl. An affair ensues, the wife discovers it and the eternal triangle results. However, Truffaut needs no added complications (although they occur) nor spicey love scenes to substitute for interest and action. TRUFFAUT realizes that the true complications of life and the real complexity of an emotional situation need no props, instead they are an integral- portion of human nature. Technically "The Soft Skin" is a marvel. The camera work is so creative, so clear, so compact and inventive that in many instances the impact of a particular scene or shot is delayed slightly and doubles itself back in one's mind. The camera eye becomes more than an observer, it participates as well as relates. In superb co- ordination with Coutard and his camera, the editing in "The Soft Skin," an art form in itself, is perhaps the most effective and interesting of any European film maker (except those of Godard). ADD TO THIS the same com- petent acting one has come to expect from the New Wave cinema, mix under the direction of a master, Truffaut, and the re- sult is both exciting and memor- able. For in the final evaluation, it is under the eye of Truffaut that this tale of adultery and intrique becomes more than the usual Hollywood "Sandpiper" or the European skin flick. Truffaut has that exquisite sense of taste and that integ~ral eleme.nt rof fienif', art, there must be honesty. "THE SOFT SKIN" offers no vicarious sexual thrill (as the ads indicate), nor is it the adventur- ous escape film currently in vogue. But as a testament to hu- manity, and a beautiful portrayal of the life's paradox of equal por- tions of simplicity and complexity (as well as an artistically beau- ful film), "The Soft Skin" should not be missed. --HUGH HOLLAND I TODAY AND TOMORROW: Can We Meet Stevenson's. Heritage? By WALTER LIPPMANN WE MUST wonder whether we have buried with Adlai Stev- enson some element of the prom- ise of American life. For in this generation he has stood apart, not only for his deeds and his words and his wit and his lovableness, but as somehow a liv- ing specimen of the kind of American that Americans them- selves, and the great mass of man- kind, wouldrlike to think that Americans are. He was not a common man or a typical American of our times or, indeed, of any other time. But he evoked for us the mystic chords of memory because he touched again "the better angels of our nature." FROM LINCOLN to Adlai Stev- enson the heritage is direct and unbroken, a family tradition which began with his great-grandfather. Like Lincoln he made men feel what this nation had to be if the American experiment was to suc- ceed. Like Lincoln he was what the prairies and the new world had made of the educated Englishmen who led this country in the 18th century. with the enormous and sudden increase of our power and wealth, the stress and strain of the strug- gle for the American soul has be- come fierce. It is the uncertainty as to which spirit will prevail that divides, more than tactics or manners or policy, the American people among themselves and from the world around us. ADLAI STEVENSON'S enemies were not men whom he had in- jured. He injured no men. His enemies were men who recognized that he did not share and was a living reproach to the new imperi- ousness of our power and our wealth, that he was a deeply es- tablished American who had no part in the arrogance of the newly rich and the newly powerful and the newly arrived. His very presence made them uncomfortable, even abashed, all the more because he was so witty when they were so hot, so urbane when they were pushing and vul- gar, so elegant when they were making a spectacle of themselves. . Shall we see his like again? Or was he the last of his noble breed? On this question hangs the Ameri- can future. nV nV VTU ndTrQI t. . cho I -Associated Press THE BODY OF THE LATE Adlai Stevenson lay in the rotunda of the capitol in Springfield, Ill., after being returned from London where he died. such an American. He was ad- mired by the discerning all over the world and greatly loved. AN ESSENTIAL ingredient of of the admiration and the love was the knowledge that only Amrr mi~~n nld hVa,,,. n.nAina t-.4him. THE QUESTION is whether in our critical moments the better angels of our nature respond to our authentic ideals. For there is abroad in this land today a very different spirit con- tending for the soul of our people.