Seventy-Fiftb Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Information Aout China-A Must e Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. 'ruth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DNESDAY, JULY 21, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MOORE The Balance of Power: A Historical Principle THE FACT that a struggle between great powers is now In progress and has existed for a number of years is not to ,be questioned. More pertinetnt and ,rele- vant to the world's survival are the char- acter and implications of this power struggle. The balance of power has been a poli- tical and strategic reality for thousands of years. When a reasonable balance of power exists in a given area peace with competition usually prevails. However, if the balance is in any way shifted from one side to the other, violence in the form of war erupts and continues until a new balance can be established. The problem in today's situation con- cerns one aspect of the balance of pow- er-the buffer state. The buffer state was first employed by the ancient Romans. Through it they preserved their empire when it would have otherwise been destroyed. It has been the practice of nations since to make free use of the independent and neutral buffer state as a no man's land when dealing with problems of power. THIS PRINCIPLE has been negated in today's world situation. From the time of Napoleon's downfall until the end of. World War II, Europe was effectively divided in half, with Ger- many thrust into the role of the strong and independent buffer state. Germany was the meeting ground of East and West. When Germany attempted to extend its influence too far the balance of power was destroyed, resulting in World Wars I and II in which a coalition of East and West combined to defeat it. At the end of World War II Germany as a buffer state ceased to exist. In- stead what was once Germany became a frontier outpost for both East and West to engage in the power struggle directly. [N THE FAR EAST a similar situation has developed. The nations of India, Pakistan, the In- dochinese states, Japan and possibly Ko- rea should provide the buffer states be- tween China and the United' States' ,sphere of influence which includes the entire southeastern Pacific area. This, however, has not happened. India is weak, overpopulated, and inef- fectual. It does possess the natural advan- tage of immense size, which is an asset for any buffer state. But India is too willing to be influenced by whatever power seems to hold the upper hand at a given instant. Pakistan is much the same. The Indochinese states in general do Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. not have buffer state qualifications sim- ply because they are for the most part directly dominated by the United States. The only Indochinese state which could, if permitted, be an effective buffer state is the northern half of Viet Nam, Its president, Ho Chi Minh, has demon- strated in the past that he will not fol- low the Chinese line because, in part,- of the historically bitter conflict between Indochina and China. If Viet Nam were united under Ho's leadership the entirety of the country would provide a portion of the buffer necessary in the Far East. JAPAN, WHICH HAS the economic might to provide an effective buffer state, will not function in this role because of a great reliance upon the economic influ- ence of the United States. Japan feels if it acts independently of the United States' policy line American markets and Ameri- can economic investment would be lost. Korea, if united, could provide another, buffer state along the Chinese border. The chances of reunification, however, are so small as to be nonexistent. None of the Asian countries can pro- vide an adequate buffer between China and the United States on its own, al- though together they possibly could form a neutral chain. Despite President Johnson's platitudin- ous statements concerning the welfare of the Vietnamese people, freedom for every- one, and the constant repetition of the word peace, and despite an apparently paranoic fear of the catch-all word, Com,- munism, the reality remains that the principles of world conflict today are es- sentially the same now as they were 2000 years ago when Caesar defeated the Gauls. Imperialism is practiced by each of the today's three great powers vying for dom- ination. The United States' military in- tervention in Viet Nam and the Domini- can Republic is imperialism. Russia's doinination, politically and economically, of the Baltic states is imperialism. China's aggression in Tibet and India is im- perialism. WHAT ARE THE REASONS for this im- perialism and its continued domin- ance of international politics? They are many-sided and involve many popularly supported delusions. TOMORROW:,The delusions be- hind the balance of power, sugges- tions for removing the need for it- and why those suggestions are not implemented. -MICHAEL BADAMO By LUTHER H. EVANS Saturday Review TJHE DEPARTMENT of State thinks it knows all it needs to know about Communist China in order to decide our foreign policy in regard to that regime. I am not in a position to say that this is not so. Indeed, I suspect that it is quite true. What I believe, and wish to argue, is that such a desirable ob- jective has not been reached by public opinion in the U.S., or even by the more enlightened portion of it, and that this situation jeopar- dizes the dialogue between the government and the people in the democratic process of this coun- try's foreign-policy formation. I wish to argue also that no more time should be allowed to pass before we take significant measures to improve this situa- tion. THE STATE Department ac- knowledges that a few years ago the Chinese, in the Warsaw con- versations, wanted information exchanges with us, including the exchange of reporters, and that it was Mr. Dulles and his colleagues who refused such exchanges. Now the situation is the reverse, and the Department reports that the Chinese are adamant in blocking such a program. I believe the Department's re- port, but I do not fully share its apparent conclusion that the situ- ation is, therefore, hopeless. I be- lieve, on the contrary, that there are concrete measures we can take in an effort to exchange informa- tion with the Communist Chinese, and I believe that such measures might possibly result in due time in a reversal of the Chinese at- THERE NEEDS to be, first of all, a dedication of U.S. policy that corresponds with the present undeclared policy-one might al- most call it a secret policy-of vig- orously opening up the channels for a mutual exchange of informa- tion. The President ought, as I see it, to declare that he deems it a duty of all our citizens to learn more about the Mainland regime, including facts that are favorable to it, and that the government, in all its activities, including those of the Customs Bureau and the Post Office, will encourage such an objective. He should unequivocally declare that ignorance in this matter, as in all others, is dangerous. THE PRESS and the other mass media should be called upon to present a more adequate flow of information to the people, even if it is necessary and desirable to call attention to the fact that the source in some cases obviously means that the material is "Com- munist political propaganda.' Even propaganda is helpful in understanding a country's motives, accomplishments, problems, and objectives. It should also be pointed out that our media have within their ,reach not only important sources of data but also a large and grow- ing group of scholars who are available to comment on such pre- sentations as the media might wish to make, giving correctives to much of what might be deemed misinformation. THIS IS TRUE also of moun- tains of factual and not so fac- tual material. We have large ef- forts going on constantly to trans- late Chinese material into English, and much of this is available or could easily be made available to the press and other media. Besides having policy clarified where government use of such ma- terial is concerned, there is need for special-interest groups to de- mand its prompt presentation to the people. When it does not seem to the media that there is a general de- mand for this kind of material, at least some of it might be prepared in a form useful for more limited circulation, as in magazines with circulation among opinion leaders and other highly select clienteles. THE TRANSLATION work how being carried forward, though ex- tensive, particularly in the news field, needs to be extended con- siderably. We ought to have many more, perhaps dozens, of current Main- land scientific, technical, and so- cial science periodicals translated cover to cover and distributed widely to libraries on a current basis, as is regularly being done today with Russian periodicals. We need to know what Chinese scholars ae sayingto one another fully as much as we need to know what 'scholars in the USSR are saying to their colleagues. IN THE CASE of motion pic- tures, the college circuit could be used when a large general clien- tele is not present to justify or- dinary moviehouse presentation. Educational TV could also use much material whose interest might not appear to justify reg- ular network presentation. Fortunately, many Canadians are visiting the Mainland these A PEKING CROWD (above) lines a street to greet Field Marshal Ayub Khan (wearing hat In oar), leader of Pakistan, during a recent official visit. U.S. public must get more information on main- land China if relations between the two countries are ever to approach normalcy. days, and much good could be ac- complished by having them tour widely in the U.S. to report their observations. Magazines and TV could also report what they have to say. This is almost as good as having U.S. citizens go to China and re- port to the public. MOREOVER, if we were to take the information problem seriously, we could print in our press more of what is reported from Peking by Canadian and British corre- spondents. The New York Times is already reprinting some of these stories. The practice should become much more general. A great deal would be gained if newspapers were to view this as a responsibility. THERE IS another important source of news about Mainland China that could be exploited much more than at present. . A considerable number of uni- versities and research centers in the U.S. have mounted significant research efforts dealing with China and other parts of Asia. Their libraries contain an ever- increasing flow of material orig- inating in Red China, of the kind relied on by the State Department and other government agencies in their study of China. Experts in the universities and research establishments read this material, interpret it, write about it, discuss it with their colleagues. BUT THE DIALOGUE they hold among themselves is not fully known to even the leaders of opinion in this country. Something should be done to get wider dissemination of their findings and even of their cur- rent reactions to the flow of in- formation that passes under their vision. What happened when they were mobilized to comment on the sig- nificance of the detonation last October of a nuclear device should be repeated every week about some Chinese development-how farm- ing is going forward or backward, what is happening in the schools, developments in health or the productivity of labor, what kind of poetry is being written, what kind of people are getting ready to take over from the oldest genera- tion of Red leaders, and other such matters. IS THERE anything we can do to increase Red China's knowledge of us? As long as the present rigid position is maintained, on their side, this will be difficult, andmay not pay off. But I think we should try. There is already a significant exchange of books and other materials in progress, and our government could help- this process. The Chinese are requesting much more than the libraries with which they have exchange relations here can supply from their collections of unwanted material. The government should help our research libraries buy U.S. and perhaps other books for this ex- change purpose. The State De- partment gives moral encourage- ment to this exchange, but finan- cial encouragement is also requir- ed for our maximum gain. IT NEEDS to be considered whether we should translate U.S. books and other publications into Chinese for sale onthe Hong Kong market, and for distribution to Chinese libraries on exchange. Perhaps the Red Chinese lead- ers would like to have many of our books in Chinese, books they are vigorously trying to procure in English. If they can be convinced that such translations are true trans- lations-it would be easy for them to verify this-it would seem ob- vious that more people on their side would read them than can read English. I RECOMMEND that we make a try in this area of communication also. Perhaps Franklin Book Pro- grams, which has done such a magnificent job in other areas and languages, could be pressed into service to manage such a Chinese program. If we dq not do something imaginative and constructive in the exchange of information with Red Chia, the people of this country and the people of China may well pay dearly for our fail- ure Capn we act in time? A Automobiles AREA Cause of Pollution K Plak '"Oak tit I I I t S n.1 "C ^ 9r 7 + ir ,, a 1 a~ } x^ EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- lowing aricle first appeared as an editorial in the publication of the Federation of American Scientists. T HE NATION'S automobile man- ufacturers oppose any Federal legislation controlling car exhaust fumes pending "further research." The views of these firms were summarized recently by Harry A. Williams, managing director of the Automobile Manufacturers Asso- ciation in testimony before a Sen- ate subcommittee- held in Detroit. Williams told the Public Works subcommittee that proposed legis- lation requiring exhaust control systems on all new cars could be complied with after reasonable time, but "we believe the combined efforts of government and industry pose questions which should be answered before new legislation is considered." PROBLEMS which he said de- served consideration include the extent and nature of the smog problem on a national basis, whether, control of vehicle exhaust will significantly reduce air pol- lution, where funds could best be spent for such reduction, and dis- parities in present data on the smog problem. Most government officials in- volved in the question believe the automobile is a growing pollution menace whose emissions must be strictly controlled if the major metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles, are not eventually to choke on their own exhaust. The administration's attitude was reflected in President John- son's conservation message to Con- gress in February in which he spoke of the need to substantially reduce or eliminate automotive air pollution. THE NATION'S automobile mak- ers are equally convinced that there is insufficient evidence that cars are a national pollution prob- lem to warrant controls. They argue that the taxpayer would get more for his pollution dollar by spending it to expand controls on pollution from indus- trial plants and homes instead. But both sides in this argument James V. Fitzpatrick, director of Chicago's Department of Air Pol- lution, calculates from fuel sta- tistics that half the organic gases in the atmosphere there come from vehicles. Nationwide controls on auto emissions would primarily benefit dwellers in metropolitan areas and might impose an unnecessary bur- den on the millions who reside in pollution-free rural areas; how- ever, two-thirds of the population of the nation already lives in met- ropolitan areas having only nine per cent of the land area. GASOLINE-POWERED vehicles discharge an- estimated total of 92 million tons of carbon monoxide 4 into the air annually, besides mil- lions of tons of the smog-forming hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that California has been striving to control. The daily output of carbon monoxide from vehicles, if con- fined over one area, would pollute the air to a concentration of 30 parts of carbon monoxide per mil- lion of air to a height of 400 feet over 20,000 square miles-the area of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey combined. DR. DIETRICH HOFFMAN, a biochemist and air-pollution ex- pert at the Sloan-Kettering In- stitute for Cancer Research in New York, has found that auto exhaust contains particles that, when ap- plied to the skin of mice, have caused cancer. This does not prove that auto exhaust willcausedcancer in hu- mans, he explained, but "nobody claims man will benefit from air pollutants." Surgeon General Luther L. Terry made the following comments on air pollution control in December of 1962: "Much of the speculation and controversy about whether or not air pollution causes disease is irrelevant to the significance of air pollution as a public health hazard. "NEW CRITERIA must be em- ployed in assessing the damage of air pollution-criteria which in- clude statistical evidence that a disease condition exists in a popu- lation, epidemiological evidence of the association between the disease and the environmental factor of air pollution, reinforced by lab- oratory demonstration that the air pollutants can produce similar dis- eases in experimental subjects. "There are still great deficien- cies in our knowledge. We need to learn more about the pollutants which affect health-and in what amounts and under which condi- tions. But the qualitative evidence at hand conveys a clear message. There is no longer any doubt that air pollution is a hazard to health." , 01 Philippe Entremont, above, showed excellence at the piano En tremont Maintains Excellent Reputation At Rackhain Auditorium ALTHOUGH WEARY from an intensive concert tour, French pian- ist Philippe Entremont gave brilliant interpretations of five pro- grammed works and four encores last night at Rackham Auditorium. This third presentation in the Summer Concert Series came before a standing room audience. fl---,nnf-'c n.fnr- r nnrfnll nxxunA ISb,, rn a a ,x,-n1 P(-. ,gj - music, instilled great warmth and vibrancy in Debussy's "Suite: Pour le piano" and Prokoafieff's "Sonata No. 2 in D minor." Throughout, he held mastery over technique in these sophisticated selections. Entremont's skill was evident to the audience in his controlled flowing hand and finger attacks. He executed extremely rapid pass- ages in the Profofieff Sonata with deftness and finesse. *I