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July 17, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-17

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L1 iIt ujan

a t

Chance of showers
in afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom









Romney, Regents

Terms Governor's Defense of Fee
Hike as 'Elusive if not Disloniest'

of Berkeley Campus

Political reaction to the University's tuition hike continued
yesterday as state Democratic Chairman Zolton Ferency termed
Gov. George Romney's statements supporting the Regents' actions
"evasive if not dishonest."
Ferency also berated the Regents for not giving indications that
a tuition increase would be necessary if the University did not receive
an appropriation higher than the $51.2 million approved by the
Verency's blast yesterday was the latest incident in a series of
exchanges over the fee jack this week between the governor and the











Reported Acceptable


Troop IieTJ All U-C Factions


4Soviets Orbit'
12.2 Metric
Ton Paload
MOSCOW )-The Soviet Un-
ion launched into orbit around the
earth yesterday "a scientific space
station"weighing 12.2 metric tons,
Tass reported.
The station, named "Proton-l,"
was heavier than the biggest load
launched into orbit by the United
States, a dummy satellite weighing
about 10'metric tons.
The announcement distributed
by the official Soviet news agency
said, "In order to ensure the reali-
zation of the planned research
program, a new powerful booster
rocket has been developed in the
Soviet Union.''
The Azaerican Titan 30 rocket
that launched a 21,000-pound sat-
ellite last month had a thrust of
2.65 million pounds. So far as was
known at the time the largest
Russian rocket generated only 1.43
million pounds of thrust.
But the reported launching yes-
terday of a payload-without the
last stage of the booster-of 26,-
840 pounds indicated the Russians
now have the world's most pow-
erful rocket.
Tass said Proton-1 was intended
to study cosmic particles of super-
high energies .
There were no further details
about the rocket given.
Earlier Tass announced that
Russia had launched five artifi-
cial earth satellites into orbit with
a single rocket yesterday.
They were identified as num-
bers 71 through 75 in the Cosmos
series whose announced purpose is
scientific research. The unmanned
series began in March 1962.
The Tass announcement said
the five Sputniks went into nearly
circular orbits, with all equipment
functioning normally.

Democratic state chairman.
The main question which Fer-
ency felt was sidestepped by the
governor was how Romney could
support the tuition increase when
it was he who recommended to
the legislature that they appro-
priate $50 million to the Univer-
sity rather than the $56 million
which was requested.
The state Democratic chairman
said that if Romney felt there was
a real need for the additional rev-
enue, he should have made higher
Ferency said that perhaps the
governor was trying to perserve
his image of being "no tax Rom-
ney" by making low recommenda-
tions for education and having the
rest of the needed money coming
through higher tuition rates.
He commented that this policyl
of "taxing the students" because
of the weaknesses in the state's
fiscal structure was "illegitimate."
Pointing out that the other state
educational institutions were also
in need of money but did not
raise tuition, Ferency said that
Romney's attitudes toward edu-
cational financing seems to be
"they are helped who help them-
selves and the devil with the help-
Although Romney advocates
fiscal reform measures in speech-
es, Ferency said, "he has made no
genuine positive legislative moves"
to implement change.
Romney said earlier this week
that the Regents have the con-
stitutional jurisdiction to raise
tuition and that Ferency's attack
was based on "fantasy and poppy-
He said that students at the
University were still getting an
"academic bargain," and that he
did not believe in putting the
University at the same level with
other state schools because "Mich-
igan will lose a great academic
City Council
To Act on Plan
The City Council is expected to
accept recommendations Monday
night that will significantly alter
the commercial center of Ann
Proposed amendments, recom-
mended last Thursday by the
Joint Committee on Central Busi-
ness District High Rise Develop-
ment and Parking, would cut' the
size of the downtown business
area in half, create four new zon-
ing districts, place an 18-story
limit on all buildings, and require
off-street parking facilities for
high rise apartments.
After passage of the proposed
amendment, expected to arouse
controversy from builders at first
reading, public hearings will be

Johnson's OK
Required for
'Quick' Boost
Viet Cong Denounces
Fact-Finding Survey
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-In a further boost to
the idea of swelling United States
ranks in Viet Nam, Premier Ngu-
yen Cao Ky yesterday asked De-
fense Secretary Robert McNamara
for a further rise in the American
A U.S. embassy spokesman,
Barry Zorthian, told newsmen
that if the Johnson administration
agrees to the Vietnamese recom-
mendations "we would go about it
McNamara's latest fact-finding
survey was denounced as "another
act of sabotage against world
peace" in a Viet Cong statement
broadcast by radio Hanoi. The
statement declared the U.S. has
suffered heavy failures in Viet
Nam and is doomed to crushing
The South Vietnamese defense
ministry officially announced late
last night that Col. Pham Ngoc
Thao, leader of at least two un-
successful coup attempts, was kill-
ed yesterday by South Vietnamese
security forces.
Thao had been the subject of
an intensive manhunt since he
was sentenced to death in ab-
sentia by a military tribunal on
May 7.
Two Hour Meeting
McNamara met for more than
two hours with the generals run-
ning the Saigon regime shortly
after he arrived from Washington
for a fact-finding survey generally
expected to lead to a decision to
substantially increase American
Assistant Defense Secretary Ar-
thur Sylvester, who accompanied
McNamara, said the Vietnamese
presented their request interms
of force levels without asking for
a specific number of troops. He
said McNamara and his party
made no comment of commitment.
An increase in U.S. forces, he'
said, is being considered as part
of an over-all buildup that would
include induction of 100,000 Viet-
namese recruits. That would bring'
the Vietnamese armed forces to
well above 600,000 men. American
armed forces in Viet Nam now
total somewhat less than 75,000.
No Specific Increase
McNamara told newsmen on his
arrival that the Joint Chiefs hadl
not recommended any specific in-
crease in terms of numbers. But
he reiterated the American com-
mitment to provide whatever is9
needed to defeat the Viet Cong. 1
The talks during the day cen-I
tered heavily on current estimates3
of Viet Cong strength, Sylvesteri


-Associated Press
AS AMERICAN SOLDIERS LAND at the beach at Da Nang, seen above, South Vietnamese Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky has asked Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara for additional American troops
to bolster the South Vietnamese troops already fighting there.

Confers with Officials on Coast;
U' Colleagues 'Deeply Concerned'
Roger W. Heyns, vice-president for academic affairs since
1962, may leave his post at the University to become chancel-
lor of the University of California's troubled Berkeley cam-
pus, according to unofficial sources close to the California
While there was no announcement that an offer had been
made following the California regents' monthly meeting yes-
terday afternoon, there have been several indications in the
past two days that the regents, as well as faculty and adminis-
trators at California, could agree on Heyns as the next chan-
cellor if he would accept the position.
Attempts to find a chancellor to replace Acting Chancel-
for Martin Meyerson have been plagued until now by a con-


If' Workers

Suggest Harrimans Trip Leave Jobs


1o avert jNucecar war I
MOSCOW (P)-W. Averell Harriman's mission to Moscow is to
avert misunderstandings between the United States and the Soviet{
Union on issues-particularly Viet Nam-which might accidentally
lead to nuclear confrontation, informed sources suggested yesterday.
Harriman, a U.S. Ambassador at Large, told newsmen the two
great powers have a responsibility to the world to make their positions
clear to each other.
Significant Information
He explained U.S. positions to Premier Alexei N. Kosygin Thurs-
day in the Kremlin and heard Kosygin outline Soviet attitudes.

School Aid
Bill Signed
LANSING W) - Gov. George
Romney yesterday signed the
state's record $524.1 million school
aid bill.
The governor said the bill was
$27.5 million higher than his rec-
ommendation. But, he added, the
increase could be managed "main-
ly as a result of increased reve-
nues in excess of earlier expecta-
The school aid bill increases the
state's share of school expenses
past 50 per cent for the first time
since 1960.
By the governor's figures the
bill will provide an $87.9 million
increase in state aid for local dis-
tricts over last year. Some $63.7
million will come from the state's
general fund, the rest of the in-
crease from an upswing in sales

OHarriman said later he had gain-
ed "some significant information"
which he cabled to President Lyn-
don B. Johnson.
Informants said yesterday the
three-hour meeting had not been
long enough to cover all the sub-
jects adequately and Harriman is
tentatively slated to meet Kosy-
gin again next week.
Harriman told newsmen yester-
day that he thought he would
leave Moscow before the end of
next week. But the veteran Amer-
ican diplomat, who said on ar-
rival Monday that he was on
vacation and might travel outside
Moscow, added that he now has so
much to do in Moscow that he
cannot leave the Soviet capital.
- Suggestions False
There have been suggestions
that Harriman's visit might in-
volve trying to get Viet Nam peace
talks moving. But Harriman told
newsmen this is "a subject not
between us and the Soviets but
between North Viet Nam and
South Viet Nam." He restated the
American position of supporting a
settlement between Saigon and

A spokesman for the 200 Uni-
versity employes in the plant de-
partment who walked off their
jobs for three hours Thursday said
last night that University em-
ployes should be receiving the
same treatment as other workers
receive in their trades.
The employes were persuaded at
a Thursday noon demonstration
to return to work with the prom-
ise that University officials and
representatives of the trade unions
would meet at 4 p.m. Monday to
discuss negotiations.
The plant workers are demand-
ing a pay hike to 10 per cent be-
low the going union scale, Uni-
versity payment of their Blue
Cross and free parking permits.
Representing the employes at
the -Monday meeting will be men
from such varied -trade unions as
the carpenters, plumbers, masons
and bus drivers. This is the first
time that protesting University
workers have gone to the local
unions for support.
An official University announce-
ment stated, "Several University
employes decided not to return to
work after the regular lunch per-
iod today (Thursday). These men
remained off work in direct vio-
lation of their responsibilities as
University and public employes in
an effort to make known some
general and individual complaints
which had previously been pre-
sented by some of their spokes-

servative faction of the Cali-
fornia regents which has re-
fused to accept candidates ac-
ceptable to liberal faculty and
students at Berkeley. Making
Meyerson's appointment per-
manent has apparently been
ruled out by the conservative
Heyns Satisfies
Heyns has apparently satisfied
them on this score, however. Re-
gents Edward Carter and Edwin
Pauley, leaders of the conserva-
tives, told the San Francisco Ex-
aminer Thursday that "Heyns is
definitely in the running for the
post," and indicated that he would
be acceptable to them..,
Meanwhile, Heyns was the guest
of regents and administrators at
a private party at President Clark
Kerr's home Thursday night. In
addition, it was learned from
Kerr's office that Heyns spent
yesterday morning with the Cali-
fornia president prior to the re-
gents meeting. He also conferred
with California administrators a
week ago Thursday.
The next California regents
meeting is scheduled for the mid-
dle of August, and California sad-
ministrators have announced that
a, chancellor will probably be ap-
pointed at that time.
If Heyns has, in fact, been of-
fered the job, he will apparently
have to make a decision on it
soon, thus allowing time for the
regents to find another man be-
fore their next meeting, if Heyns
Opinions Unanimous
Opinion among University fac-
ulty and administrators was
unanimous last night, praising
Heyns' work here and expressing
hope that he would stay. President
Harlan Hatcher, who has watched
him move from assistant dean of
the literary college to dean in
1958 and to the vice-presidency
in 1962, said, "His work has been
superb in every way. We place
tremendous esteem and value
upon him and hope that he will
decide to stay."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler referred
to the "significant contributionhe
has made to the University as a
Prof. James Morgan of the
economics department and newly-
elected chairman of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs sent a personal letter to
President Hatcher yesterday indi-
cating his concern. "It is quite
clear," Morgan said last night,
"that large numbers of SACUA
members don't want him to go,
and we will do what we can to
keep him here."
Loss Serious
Prof. William Kerr, chairman
of the nuclear engineering de-,
partment and SACUA chairman
two years ago, said Heyns' loss
would be "very serious to the Uni-
versity. He certainly has provided
leadership and inspiration in the
office and, if he stayed, would
continue tv contribute to the ex-
cellence that we seek at the Uni-


FSF Stages
Speker Ban
aProtest Walk
A march to the state capitol in
Columbus was made Thursday by
about 300 Ohio State -University
students in protest of the OSU's
Board of Trustees' refusal to alter
or abolishrthe speakersban rule.
The protest, staged by the Free
Speech Front, was termed suc-
cessful last night by a FSF spokes-
Because the FSF was not able
to obtain a parade license for the
march, it was conducted on the
sidewalk to circumvent the Co-
lumbus law banning unlicensed
street marches. There was no vio-
lence and no arrests were made.
Upon reaching t h e capitol
building three spokesmen for the
FSF, John Manning, Sanford
Weinberg and Toby Emimer, met
with Ohio Senator Frank King
(D-Toledo), and another legisla-
tor to discuss possible legislative
King said that a bill had been
introduced in the state Senate
offering support for FSF and their
aims. No mention was made, how-
ever, of any legislation to reverse
the Board of Trustees.
Three other Ohio legislators
spoke to the marchers on the
steps of the state capitol building
supporting repeal of the ban giv-
ing the OSU administration tha
power to prohibit any speaker
from appearing on the Columbus
campus which they consider not
in the best interests of theuni-
FSF has scheduled a meeting
Monday to decide whether or not
to stage any more protests during
the remainder of the summer or
to postpone action until the entire
student .body returns in the fall.
When the march to the capitol
was proposed last Monday night


B errigan

Views Civil Rights, Changes i~n Church



:Pie paramount question today for the American Negro is how to
get "from here to there"-from a life of social injustice to a life of
equality-without using the violence that has characterized the ac-
tions of his opponents, Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J., poet and theologist,
said yesterday.
Speaking to a gathering in Aud A, Fr. Berrigan, who recently
returned from travels in Russia, Asia and Eastern Europe, charac-
terized America as "a land with a will to move into the question." He
said the paramount question for the Negro was symbolized at Selma,
where Negro demonstrators had to cross the Alabama bridge to get
to Brown's Chanel.

"under the nuclear shadow" is made "both possible and necessary by
the impact of technology."
"Integration is the one essential unfinished job in America today,"
he added. "Responsible change"-including the various movements
toward integration-is the essential characteristic of the world today,
he said.
Asked to evaluate the work of his church, Fr. Berrigan cited is-
sues that will be before the coming and final session of the Ecumeni-1
cal Council:4
-Coming up for debate will be a schema which would declare it
immoral "not only to aim arms, but to possess them." Though chances'
are slim of passage, such a document would in effect "outlaw as im-
tna HIPnrnfin o rf-.-r mn- -srmi h v o il11PrRn- a-

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