Reports Marine Deaths
Is the OAS Falling Apart?
SAIGON (AP)-United States Ma-
rines. battled the Viet Cong in
two sectors near the Da Nang1
air base Monday and are report-
ed to have killed 48 of the Com-
munist guerrillas. A spokesman
said yesterday five Marines died
and 17 were wounded.
One fight flamed only three
miles southwest of Da Nang, where
Marines were clearing an area
the Communists might use for a
mortar attack on the strategic
The other developed during a
Marine mission that relieved an
Davies' Viet
i rip: Si ns
Point to Snub
LONDON (/P)- Prime Minister,
Harold Wilson's Viet Nam peace
envoy headed home last night
with all signs suggesting he was
snubbed by President Ho Chi Minh'
of North Viet Nam.
Harold Davies-a deputy min-
ister of pensions and a Labor left-'
winger-left the North Vietnamese
capital quietly after a four-day
visit. On a brief stop in Vientiane,
Laos, he limited comment to a
declaration that his trip had been
Wilson's aides in London said
that, as far as they knew, Davies
had seen neither President Ho nor
Premier Pham Van Dong-or any
other ranking member of the Ha-
noi government.
No Comment
Wilson himself postponed mak-
ing an assessment of the outcome
of the mission pending a personal
report from Davies after his re-
turn here today.
Nevertheless the initial reaction
of veteran British diplomats was
to see Hanoi's treatment of Da-
vies as tantamount to a kingsize
Davies, according to British
spokesmen, was encouraged to vis-
it North Viet Nam on the under-
standing he would be received by
the president, with whom he has
claimed an old friendship.
No Purpose
The British informants said Da-
vies sent Wilson a recommenda-
tion Monday that he pack his bags
and quit because he could see no
useful purpose in staying any
longer. The prime minister replied
that he should return to England.
Meanwhile, it emerged that
Wilson has other ideas in mind
for pressing the search for peace.
Just what they are remains secret,
but associates reported the next
step may be quite as unorthodox
as the dispatch of a minister with
no responsibility or official exper-
ience in foreign affairs.
Some of Britain's partner na-
tions in the Commonwealth are
supporting Wilson's energetic en-
It was learned that President
Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana has
suggested to President Ho that he
personally visit Hanoi. Nkrumah's
purpose evidently would be to try
to convince the North Vietnamese
that the projected Commonwealth
Peace Mission has been designed
as a genuine attempt to end the
fighting in Southeast Asia.
DIAL 8-6416
Bosley Crowther,
Now York Times
-ie Magazine
embattled Vietnamese government
outpost 11 miles south of Da Nang,
itself 380 miles northeast of Sai-
42 Killed
Vietnamese government forces,
gunning elsewhere for the Com-
munist enemy, said they slew 42
in two engagements.
Militiamen said they accounted
for 23 in a fight 220 miles north-
east of Saigon in Phu Yen prov-
ince while losing four killed and
four wounded from their own
ranks. Nineteen Communists were
reported killed by a task force of
regulars and militiamen in a
sweep in Thua Thien province near
Phu Bai airport, north of Da
The Son La army depot, 125
miles west northwest of Hanoi,
was again a target of the day in
American air raids on North Viet
Bomb Depot
Eight U.S. Air Force F-105
fighter-bombers dumped 21 tons
of 750-pound bombs on one part
of the depot and pilots said the
installations they attacked were 90
per cent destroyed.
A spokesman said other war-
planes attacked a ferry complex
70 miles west of Hanoi and crater-
ed approaches to two bridges 220
miles south of that Communist
capital. In addition, four F-105's
maintaineddthe propaganda cam-
paign by dropping a half million
leaflets over Minh Binh, 55 miles
south of Hanoi.
Marine Engagements
A U.S. spokesman announced
details of the Marine engage-
A determined Viet Cong band,
estimated to number about 200
men, opposed the sweep operation.
Two U.S. Marine F-4B Phantom
jets supported the Marine rifle-
men probing their way through
rice paddies and hamlets.
Viet Cong marksmen killed four
Marines and wounded 14.
Twenty-two of the Viet Cong
fell dead before the American at-
tack. Of these, six were hit by
rockets from the Phantoms.
A Marine recollnaissance com-
pany and a Viet Cong force of
perhaps equal size clashed in the
second engagement, the, fight at
the outpost. One Marine was kill-
ed and three wounded. Without
confirmation, the Marines esti-
mated they killed 26 guerrillas
in driving off the assault force.
No Casualties
Militiamen garrisoning the out-
post suffered no casualties.
The roll of American combat1
dead in Viet Nam neared the 500'
mark. Day to day announcements
here since the Pentagon issued its
last overall figures last week indi-
cated a total of 497.
Guerrillas fired automatic weap-
ons Monday night at a U.S. Army
compound a half mile from the
Bien Hoa air base, but hit none
of the American advisers within.
One bullet punctured a soldier's
The compound is guarded by
South Vietnamese troops. The air
base itself, 12 miles northeast of
Saigon, is ringed by U.S. para-
troopers and Australian infantry-
-Associated Press
W. Averell Harriman, United States ambassador-at-large, said
yesterday that he expects to meet some Soviet leaders but that
no appointments have been fixed yet. Harriman is in Moscow on
what is officially termed a vacation, but there is considerable
speculation that he will try to discuss Viet Nam with Soviet
Approve Southern Judgeship
Coleman's nomination to the fed-
eral appeals court that serves the
deep South was approved yester-
day by all three members of a
Senate Judiciary subcommittee
after he plelged to act without
The former Mississippi governor
said he could abide by the Su-
preme Court's rulings and the acts
of Congress "100 per cent."
"I will do my duty fairly and
impartially," he said as the sub-
committee concluded two days of
hearings at which Atty. Gen.
Nicholas Katzenbach made an ap-
peal for confirmation. It was one
of the rare time in this century
that an Attorney General has tes-
tified on behalf of a judicial
Coleman's Defense
The subcommittee acted shortly
after hearing Coleman defend
himself against protests by a suc-
cession of civil rights leaders who
testified that he is an arch-
segregationist. They said he is
unfit to serve on the New Orleans-
based 5th United States Circuit
Sen. James O. Eastland (D-
Miss) announced the subcommit-
tee decision on behalf of himself
and Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-
NC) and Roman L. Hruska (R-
The full judiciary committee is
scheduled to meet today, but there
were indications some members
want more time before voting on
the nomination.
Sens. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich),
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass),3
Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) and other
members of the full committee
participated 'in the hearings but1
had no vote.
Hart said afterward he was re-
serving judgment on Coleman's
Coleman had been "very respon-
nomination. Kennedy said he felt
sive" to questions but said he+
would examine the record in de-
tail before reaching a decision.
Javits said he also wants to read1
the record.
Coleman stressed, as had Kat-
zenbach, that his potential as a
judge should be weighed by plac-
ing his actions as governor in per-
spective to the time and place.
Different Circumstances
He said that as governor from
1956 to 1960 "I acted in the light
of circumstances then prevailing
in the state," not as a judge. He
signed legislation designed to avoid
school integration, he said, be-
cause "a governor has to give some
regard to the wishes of his legis-
lature in a matter of this kind."
Those who opposed Coleman
noted that the 5th U.S. Circuit
Court handles many civil rights
cases. The tribunal serves Florida,
Alabama, most of Georgia, Mis-
sissippi, Louisiana, Texas and the
Canal Zone.
Coleman was pictured by his
opponents as using every means
short of force to obstruct the
Supreme Court's decisions on in-
tegration. Among those who tes-
tified were Alan Schiffman for
the Congress of Racial Equality
and three parents of young civil
rights workers in Mississippi.
As the hearing went on, six men
and women paraded in front of
the White House protesting Cole-
man's nomination.
They described themselves as
parents of Mississippi civil rights
workers and issued a statement
saying they are "frightened-that
our children's safety may be put
into the hands of this man who
has proven he will not uphold
their constitutional rights."
House Passes
Cigarett Bill
WASHINGTON ) - Congress
decided yesterday that after next
Jan. 1 cigarette packages should
bear this label: "Caution: Ciga-
rette smoking may be hazardous
to your health."
It's now up to President Lyndon
B. Johnson to approve or dis-
Final congressional action came
when the House voted 285 to 103
for the legislation requiring the
label. The Senate already has ap-
proved it.
Heated arguments preceded the
House vote.
The bill would bar state and
local governments from requiring
other health warnings. It also
would delay, at least until July
1, 1969, plans of the Federal Trade
Commission to require health
warnings in cigarette advertising
Associated Press Special Correspondent
WASHINGTON -- Some Latin
American leaders express fear that
the Organization of American
States is coming apart at the
At a time when many nations
individually are displaying new
confidence about their prospects,
the OAS is in danger.
Its future as an instrument to
preserve peace and counter sub-
version in the hemisphere may de-
pend upon what sort of solution
emerges from the Dominican Re-
Dominican Episode
Influential leaders say the Do-
minican episode has been a severe
blow to an already ailing organ-
ization. Some say the OAS faces
the threat of yet another jolt if
its special plenary conference
opens on schedule Aug. 4 in Rio
de Janeiro. This is a meeting
postponed. by the Dominican crisis.
"No matter what happens in
August, it will be bad for the
OAS," said a Mexican source.
Mexico is vigorously opposed to
holding the meeting. "If it at-
tempts to do something positive,
it will run into disagreement
which will weaken it even more. If
it is postponed again, or if it
meets and does nothing, it will
demonstrate its weakness. But per-
haps the best it can do is nothing
at all."
The United States evidently
wants Latin American govern-
ments to stand up and be counted
on the issue of perfecting some
sort of machinery to deal with
subversion. A meeting of OAS
foreign ministers in Venezuela last
year defined subversion as a form
of aggression.
Two U.S. Views
There are two U.S. views of
what should be done. One con-
tends that the OAS should have
military machinery ready to meet
any sudden explosive situation.
The other would settle for a more
vague result, such as measures to
"strengthen the peacekeeping
system" and expand areas in
which a peace commission might
There could be new explosions.
What would happen, for example,
if followers of former dictator
Juan D. Peron in Argentina-in
alliance with Communists-threat-
ened to take over? What would
Shappen if Brazilian unrest over
an austerity program led an up-
heaval? What would happen if a
combination including the extreme
left tried to seize the power again
in nervous Guatemala?
When the U.S. acted in the
Dominican Republic, it was a mat-
ter of geography. The Dominican
Republic is close to U.S. shores.
Seeing the possibility of a Com-
munist bastion there, the U.S.
intervened without seeking OAE
New Emergency?
What if there is a new emer-
gency elsewhere?
Sovereignty is a cherished con-
cept in Latin America. The idea
of an inter-American force oper-
ating within their own frontiers
is disturbing to many Latin Amer-
icans. They also worry about who
would be the judge of whether
such action was necessary, about
who would say that an upheaval
in this or that country was a
threat to the hemisphere. The U.S.
made itself the judge in the Do-
minican case.
It is clear to Latin Americans
that the North Americans would
supply the backbone of any inter-
American force. Many Latin poli-
ticians would want to go slowly
about reshaping the OAS ma-
chinery. There would be sharp re-
sistance at Rio de Janeiro to an
attempt to force the issue of an
effective force in being.
Influential Nations
Even if the U.S. got the neces-
sary 14 votes for such a project,
the results could be highly un-
satisfactory without the support
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
ATHENS-Defense Minister Peter Garoufalias was tossed out
of his party for refusing to resign yesterday, placing King Con-
stantine in the middle of a political storm.
Garoufalis, ousted from Premier George Papandreou's Center
Union Party, declared: "I don't intend to resign . . . no one can
change my political ideology. Only the King can oust me from the
This left King Constantine with the choice either to go along
with Papandreou and sign a royal decree dismissing Garoufalias
of important and influential na-
tions which dislike the idea.
The basis already exists in the
OAS charter for cooperative
peacekeeping measures. For ex-
ample, the U.S. can extend its
good offices to both parties in any
dispute with the approval of one
or both, or on request of a mem-
ber of the organization. This
offers machinery at least for talk-
ing, which sometimes interrupts
But explosions sparked by sub-
version are internal matters, de-
spite the definition of subversion
as aggression from outside. OAS
members in some cases are skit-
tish about precedents which might
be set. The United States, on the
other hand, seems to feel that
the problem "must be faced" and
the result cannot be negative.
If the U.S. wins the argument,
there could be further Latin
American intervention in the
Fund Request'
WASHINGTON (A') - Senate
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen (R-Ill) said yesterday he
expects President Lyndon B. John-
son to ask Congress for addition-
al defense funds to step up pro-
duction of military equipment for
Viet Nam.
Dirksen said he was informed
that the increase in U.S. fighting
forces in Viet Nam is draining
off equipment from military units
in other parts of the world that
must be replaced without lengthy
He said a request for additional
funds would be another sign that
"we're in this war forkeeps."
However, two House Republi-
cans yesterday called for a clari-
fication of U.S. Viet Nam policy.
House Republican Leader Gerald
Ford (R-Mich) demanded that
Johnson deliver a "state of emer-
gency address" on the Viet Nam
situation, and Rep. Edward Der-
winski (R-Ill) questioned the ap-
pointment of Henry Cabot Lodge
as the 'new U.S. ambassador to
that nation.
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or ask for the premier's resig-
BOGALUSA, La. - Louisiana
Gov. John McKeithen came to
Bogalusa yesterday for a fresh try
at arranging a cooling off period
in civil rights demonstrations.
Meeting in an airport waiting
room, he again urged leaders of
the Bogalusa Civic and Voters
League to agree to a 30-day truce
in street demonstrations.
As McKeithen and league of-
ficials conferred, an estimated 300
civil rights workers marched with-
out incident to the city hall. They
were escorted by 325 state police-
men and a score of city police.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Dean Rusk yesterday cau-
tioned Japan against providing
safe credits that could be regard-
ed as aid rather than trade to
Communist bloc countries.
The secretary's remarks came at
a lively and outspoken meeting
of United States and Japanese
cabinet ministers on trade i prob-
Japan's foreign minister Es-
tsusaburo Shiina said that basical-
ly Japan agrees with the U.S. view
that whatever dealings are in-
volved with the Communist bloc
should be on the basis of trade,
not aid.
* * *
WASHINGTON -- Henry Cabot
Lodge, ambassador-designate to
South Viet Nam, said yesterday
his acceptance of the post for a
second time involvedi no partisan
"I have no political future, no
political ambition," Lodge told
newsmen at the White House in
advance of a conference with
President Lyndon B. Johnson set-
ting the stage for Lodge's depar-
ture today for a visit to Saigon.
We are y
for auther
j China by
Perhaps y
F ~to sta rt a
Phone NO 8-67
1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual
Education Center will present a
film preview, "1964" in the Mul-
tipurpose Rm. of the UGLI.
7 p.m.-An Open House will be
held at President Harlan Hatcher's
home until 9 p.m. All students are
8:00 p.m.--The Department of
Speech will present the University
Players' production of T. S. Eliot's
"The Confidential Clerk" in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-The Stanley Quar-
tet, f aturing Angel Reyes, violin;
Gustave Rosseels, violin; Robert
Courte, viola, and Jerome Jelinek,
cello, will perform in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual
Education Center will present a
film preview, "The True Story of
an Election," in the Multipurpose
Rm. of the UGLI.
7:30 p.m.-Prof. Uriel Wenreich
of Columbia University will speak
on "Three Models of Dialect Dif-
ferentiation" in a Linguistic In-
stitute Forum Lecture at Rack-
ham Aud.
8:00 p.m.The University Play-
ers will present the Department
of Speech production, of T. S.
Eliot's "The Confidential Clerk"
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m. - Robert Cecchini,
clarinetist, will perform in a
music school degree recital in
Recital Hall.
and find the answer
to the
comedy question
of the year
Ouales ltFefdn
Sellers Oboie1
Romg Sehneider
and least but not last
Woodg Allen
Ursula Andmesc
They're all together again!
(forthe first timel
Released thru
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the eay preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Community College Leadership Pro-
gram Junior College President's Insti-
tute - Vandenberg Room, Michigan
League, 8:30 a.m.
Engineering Summer Conference-H.
Buning, D. T. Greenwood, co-chairmen,
"Flight Mechanics of Spacecraft": 1042
East Engineering, 8:30 a.m.
Leadership Training Workshop-Union
Ballroom, 8:30 am.
Conference on Nuclear and Space Ra-
diation Effects - Physics-Astronomy
Bldg., 9 a.m.
School of Music Conference on Piano
Teachers-Arthur Loesser, Cleveland In-
stitute of Music: School of Music, 9 a.m.
Summer Biological Symposium-"Bio-
logical Excitability and Membrane Phe-
nomena": Rackham Amphitheatre, 9
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Previed-"1964": Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Production-T. S. Eliot's "The Confiden-
tial Clerk": Mendelssohn Theatre, 8
School of Music Concert-The Stan-
ley Quartet, Angel Reyes, violin; Gus-
tave Rosseels, violin; Robert Courte,
viola; Jerome Jelinek, cello: Rackham
Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m.
Tonight Is Opening Night for T. S.
Eliot's "The Confidential Clerk" pre-
sented by University of Michigan Play-
ers of the Dept. of Speech. This play
will run through Sat., July 17, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets may be
purchased at the box office'12:30-5.
Tonight and tomorrow tickets are $1.50
or $1; $1.75 or $1.25, Friday and Satur-
Peter Shaffer's "The Private Ear
and the Public Eye" is the next U-M
Players production, 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, July 21-24.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Wood Rogers, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "The Effects of Slotting Organ
Pipes," Wed., July 14, 2072 E. Engrg.
Bldg., 1:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for John Brock-
enbrough Woodward, III, Naval Archi-
tecture & Marine Engineering ;thesis:'
"Natural Circulation Experiments in
an Oscillating Force Field," Wed., July
14, 2148 Fluids Lab. Bldg., 4 p.m.
Summer Education Conference-Wed.,
July 14, 10 a.m., Dr. Irving H. An-
derson, professor of education, Univer-
sity of Michigan, "International Com-
parisons of Reading Achievement."
Chairman, Dr. C. F. Lehman, associate
dean, School of Education, University
of Michigan.
General Notices
Law school Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
* * *
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Mixer,
Thurs., July 15, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill St.,
no charge.
* * *
University Lutheran Chapeil, 1511
Washtenaw; "The Secular City" by
Harvey Cox will be reviewed by Prof.
Kenneth Block; Wednesday Evening
Devotions by Pastor Alfred Scheips, 9-
10 p.m.
Test Sat., July 17 are requested to re-
port to Room 130 Business Admin. Bldg.1
at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.1
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-1
dates: All requirements for the teach-t
er's certificate must be completed byt
Aug. 2. These requirements include the
teacher's oath, health statement, so--
cial security number, and Bureau of
kppointments material. The oath shouldt
be taken as soon as possible in Room]
1431 University School. The office is
open from 8-12 and 1-5, Monday,
through Friday.1
Open House at the home of Presi-
dent and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher on Wed.,I
July 14, 7-9 p.m. All students are cor-
dially invited.
Mail Orders are still being received'
for the remaining productions of the
University Players' Playbill Summer '65.
Next week, T. S. Eliot's "The Confiden-
tial Clerk," Wed. and play through
Saturday. "The Private Ear" and "The
Public Eye," two one-act plays by Pe-
ter Shaffer, July 21 through July 24.
Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure,"
Aug. 4-7. An opera, to be announced,
will round out the season, Aug. 11-14.
All performances 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Box Office open
daily 12:30-5 p.m.; or send orders to
Univ. of Michigan Players, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Stanford Repertory Co., Calif.-Vari-
ous tech. positions with newly formed
professional company including carpen-
try, properties ,lights & sound, painting
& ass't. designer. 40 weeks job begins
Sept. 13. Apply before Aug. 1.
Mead Corp., Chillicothe, Ohio-Sales
Trainees, degree in bus. or lib. arts pref.
6 mos .trng. prior to metro. sales as-
signment selling to printers, publishing
companies, etc.
Oakland Univ., Rochester, Mich. - 1,
Clinical Psych, PhD pref. Man or wom-
an over 35. 2. Educ. advisor. Admis-
sions or admin. exper. 3. Volunteer
is now in town talking
Placement, MSW or agency exper. 4.
Employment Counselor. Trng. in persib-
bek plus 5-10 yrs. exper.
City of Dayton, Ohio-Systems Engr.
IE degree with exper. in info. flow.
Computer application exper. desirable.
Good opportunity for advancement.
Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Boston, Mass.
-Economist in Research Dept. MS
math-statistical bkgd. Exper. in med.
econ. helpful. Assist in studies in
health care field.
City of New York-Various openings
including Ass't. Civil Engr., Ass't. Plan
Examiner (bldgs., Dentist, Psych., etc.
Also, 1. Case Worker, degree, no exper.
req. 2. Ass't. Landscape Arch. Degree
plus 2 yrs. exper. or equiv. comb. 3. Soc.
Worker, MSW, no exper. req.
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
Chrysler Corp., Detroit-Aug. grads.
BS CE, EE, IE, ME. Engrg. staff, mfg.
prog., indust. engrg, prog., mgmt. train-
Austin Prep School, Detroit, Mich. -
Vacancies for men in following fields:
French, Spanish, H.S. Govt./Civics.
Interview: Pontiac, Mich. - Thurs.,
July 15. Fields include H.S. English, 1.S.
Soc. Stud. (MA & exper.), 3.11. English,
J.H. Vocal/Engl. or Soc. Stud. or Speech,
6th grade, Elem. PE (man or woman).
** *
For additional information & ap-
pointments call 764-7462, Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Educ. Div., 3200 SAB.
University Players
Department of Speech
The Confidential Clerk
n 1
DIAL 662-6264
LK7 Iw r~r " E-
"DR. NO" at 1:30-5:20 & 9:20
at 3:25 & 7:25
111 11