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May 08, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-05-08

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Teach-In Efforts
Dot U.S. Campuses
Many colleges and universities across the nation which have
local teach-in movements and will "hook up" to Washington's
national teach-in. Over 35 other institutions will be listening
in May 15 when experts on both sides debate the merits of
U.S. policies in South Viet Nam.
Here is an outline of the activities at four other colleges and
unversities which are participating in the national teach-in:
. The University of North Carolina. UNC will participate
via the national hook-up, according to Prof. Lewis Lipsit of the
UNC political science department. 'Students here have an in-
tense interest-on both sides," Lipsit commented yesterday.
The impetus behind the movement at UNC lies with many
groups. General interest has teamed with local pressures from
the YMCA, Students for a Democratic Society, the Carolina
Forum Society and the faculty ad hoc teach-in committee. The
finances for the hook up will be shouldered mainly by the
faculty members of the ad hoc committee.
* San Francisco State College. Student Jefferson Poland
and 15 compatriots initiated the Viet Nam controversy here
when they sat in last month at the Air Force ROTC building.
The Young Americans for Freedom responded to the sit-in by
picketing both it and the office of Prof. Henry McGuckin. They
said McGuckin "represents the sentiments of persons advocating
stopping the bombing of North Viet Nam."
The president of the YAF's led the picket, saying that "we
can't negotiate from a position of weakness. It must be one of
A local teach-in is planned for today, but "not too large a
crowd is expected," Jeffrey Link, editor of the student news-
paper, the Gator, said yesterday. The national hook-up here
is to be sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers.
! Dartmouth College. Thursday night here, local faculty
members held a panel discussion on the administration's Viet
Nam policies. Three men from the government department
argued for the administration's current policy, and three other
faculty members argued for immediate negotiations and a
The faculty here who are anti-Johnson say that the "burden
of the proof" for the war in Viet Nam lies with the administra-
tion, %since it is initiating the hostilities there. "Up until now,
the administration has been saying: 'Prove to us that we should
stop the war'," one faculty member said. "They are doing the
fighting; they must prove just why they are there," he coun-
Thursday's panel discussion lasted three hours and was
attended by approximately 100 faculty members and 250-300
students, or 10 per cent of the student body. Many separate stu-
dent discussions continued after the panel had completed its
formal debate.
Dartmouth has a scheduled hook-up with the national
teach-in, but the attendance is expected to be small, since that
weekend is the date of the college's annual Spring Weekend.
. University of Illinois. An ad hoc student committee yes-
terday distributed literature here protesting administration poli-
cies. The literature included reprints from the New Republic
and the New York Times. A letter to President Johnson was cir-
culated for signatures at the same time.
Staff members of the student newspaper, The Daily Illini,
felt yesterday that interest was moderately high among stu-
dents. Prof. Earl Davis, a member of the faculty ad hoc com-
mittee on Viet Nam, estimated that 700-1500 students will attend
the national hook up on the 15th. His committee is sponsoring it.
State Recruits Most
U.S. Merit Scholars
Michigan State ran away from the rest of the Big Ten this year
In recruiting National Merit Scholars, due primarily to its special
program which offers scholarships directly through the National Merit
Scholarship Corp.
The University ran a pale second in the Big Ten with 29 scholars
recruited. It has no special scholarship program similar to MSU's.
Northwestern University was third in the Big Ten with 20, follow-
ed by Illinois and Indiana with 12 each, Purdue with 11, Wisconsin
9with eight, Ohio State with six,

Hectic Work Faces

'U' Teach-In Organizers

From contacts at one university to contacts at 350, from
audiences of 25 to probable future audiences of 55,000, the Ann
Arbor-based Inter-University Committee for a Public Hearing on
Viet Nam has grown.
Formed on March 11 to protest administration policies in
Viet Nam, the group is now busy coordinating teach-ins at other
campuses and planning for its May 15 national teach-in in
Washington, D.C.
The national teach-in could be one of the biggest events
of the year on the issue of public participation in government
policy-making group. A group spokesman, Prof. Julien Gendell of
the chemistry department, tentatively guessed on the 55,000
figure based on 100 television hookups, each with an audience
averaging 500-600. The hook-ups would carry three hours of
debate and discussion between administration spokesmen and
academic dissenters.
The group expects 10,000 listeners on one hook-up alone, in
The national teach-in and its preparations will probably cost

about $20,000, about $6,000 of which will go for communications
hook-ups. Gendell, who is acting as treasurer in the tenuous
organization of the Inter-University Committee, said these figures
would be about right. The group has $6,000 to $7,000 in its
treasury now, Gendell said.
The group's funds are all from individual donations, he added.
But there are indications that larger political groups may give
financial support, although Gendell said "we are relying only
upon individual donations to finance the teach-in."
The mechanics of putting on a nationwide demonstration-
discussion are almost overwhelming. The group works from a
four-room office at 305 So. State, a cluttered, crowded office
with magic-marker wall signs, a map of the United States with
pins in it, indicating hook-ups, three desks, two windows and
five phones.
They moved in on April 17. The office is usually busy from
15 to 18 hours a day, handling 250 letters and 200 calls on
an average day. This was the estimate of one worker, Bruce
Bevelheimer, who has worked with the group since they moved
in. The group spends about $50 a day on postage. The phone bill,
says Bevelheimer, will be "unbelievable."

A hard core of about 15 people do much of the work in the
office, and a large number of others help.
The office, just one block North of Angell Hall on State
Street, is on the second floor of a building, right above a large
men's clothing store. The office space was donated by William
Barth, Assistant Director of the University Center for Research
on Conflict Resolution.
Barth is a member of the Inter-University Committee. The
office is that of his own private corporation, the Independent
Research and Development Corp.
The national teach-in will take place in Washington's Shera-
ton Park Hotel, from where it will be "piped" by telephone wires
to campus and radio station hook-ups. Admission to the live
teach-in session itself will probably be limited by some sort of
ticket policy to a group of foreign and domestic pressmen, gov-
ernment officials, top academic leaders and, of course, the
group's founders.
Each local teach-in will pay an average of $150 for the
hook-up and transmission, although that fee will not cover all
the costs. The price varies greatly depending on facility and
audience. The hook-up system took three weeks to set up.

C, . r

But A


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Johnson Asks European Unity, Ties

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson outlined yes-
terday a six-point agenda of
"urgent and unfinished business"
for the Atlantic community and
said one holdout nation "will not
stand in the way of the rest."
Johnson did not mention French
President Charles De Gaulle by
name, but he stated the admin-
istration's view of Paris policy by
assailing 'the kind of nationalism
which would.. . destroy the dream
of European unity and Atlantic
The President chose the 20th
anniversary of the end of World
War II in Europe to deliver what
aides described as his first major
policy speech on Europe since his
The 18-minute address from the
White House was broadcast na-
tionally and televised live to Eu-
rope via the Early Bird Communi-
cations Satellite.
Basic Lines
Mainly, Johnson hewed to the
basic lines of U.S. policy toward
Europe since the end of the war-
a growth in European unity and
trans-Atlantic ties, f i r inmnae ss
against Communist pressure and
a search for improved relations
with the Soviet bloc.
Saying that those who gavet
their lives in World War II did
not die in vain, Johnson said
"shining achievement'' over the1
past two decades includes the
democratic revival of the defeatedE
nations, growing European unityf
and U.S.-European partnership,
prosperity through closer economic
ties and peace through firmness1
against any aggression.
Unfinished Business1
"Here is some of our unfinishedt
and urgent business," he added,
listing his half dozen points in
this order:r
"We must hasten the slow ero-i
sion of the Iron Curtain" by build-
ing bridges between the Commun-

"The kind of nationalism which
would blight the hope and destroy
the dream of European unity and
Atlantic partnership is in the true
interests of no free nation on
Earth. It is the way back toward
the anguish from which we
"Let us therefore continue the{
task we have begun, attentive to
counsel but unmoved by any who
seek to turn us aside."
Among the latest in a long
series of differences between
France and her Atlantic allies is
an argument over a proposed
joint declaration by the Western
occupation powers on Germany.
Because of the policy differences,
U.S. offiicals said it now is doubt-
ful whether the United States(
Britain, and France will be able
to agree on a joint 20th annivar-
sary declaration on Germany.
In a separate White House
statement, Johnson announced he
will nominate John M. Leedy to be
Assistant Secretary of State.for
i European Affairs.
Leedy, 51, has been U.S. Am-j
bassador to the Organization for
European Cooperation and De-
velopment in Paris. He succeeds
William Tyler, who has been
named Ambassador to the Nether-
lands. Both are career diplomats.
Concluding Remarks
The following concluding re-
marks set the tone for Johnson's

Juggles Leaders
Imbert Heads New Government;
Junta To Retain Some Control
SANTO DOMINGO (P)-The three-man military junta opposed
to the rebel regime of Col. Francisco Caamano Deno resigned last
night in what appeared to be a bid for popular support by the anti-
rebel forces.
The triumvirate gave way to a new civilian-military junta of
five men calling themselves a "Government of National Reconstruc-
tion." It is headed by Gen. Antonio Imbert, one of the military of-
ficers opposing the rebels. The three who resigned probably will
retain a large measure of control over the new junta. The sur-
prise move came as the rebels asserted their forces spoke for the

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON yesterday outlined his Eu-
ropean policy plans for the future. In a twenty minute talk he
designated. six major areas for possible improvement in the
Atlantic alliance.

ist East European nations and the'
West, including increasing East-
West trade.
-"We must work for the reuni-
fication of Germany" under which
the East and West Germans can
freely choose their own future.
"The shame of the (Communist)
East Germans must be ended."
-Solution of a wide range of
economic p r o b1 e m s, including
g r e a t e r European integration,
freer flow of trans-Atlantic trade
and modernizing the international
payments system.
-A new effort for a common
program by the advanced coun-
tries for aiding backward areas
around the world.
-"More effective forms of com-
mon defense," including a share
in nuclear defense for those who
want to participate. He added that
atomic-backed, strong U.S. forces

will remain in Europe "just as
long as they are needed and
-"We must work toward an
agreement with the Soviet Union.
Our firmness in danger has shown
that the door to conquest in the
West is forever closed. Thus, the
door to peaceful settlement is now
Against De Gaulle
In arguing against De Gaulle's
vision of a Europe of independent
nation-statesvery loosely tied to
the United States, Johnson said:
"There are some efforts today
to replace the partnership with
suspicion, and the drive toward
unity with a policy of division.
"The peoples of the Atlantic
will not return to that narrow
nationalism which has torn and
bloodied the fabric of our society
for generations. - .


28 Per Cent
Of Scholars
Attend 'U
More than 28 per cent of the
2,844 recipients of college scholar-
ships awarded by the Michigan
Higher Education Assistance Au-
thority selected the University as
their choice of Michigan's 48 uni-
versities, colleges and junior col-
leges, Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard Cutler announced
Also, Dean Walter B. Rea, direc-
tor of financial aids, said that in
addition , the Legislature's House
Committee on Colleges is consid-
ering two bills which will make
further scholarships to state
schools available to Michigan, one
of which would call for pinpoint-
ing of potential top grade college
material at the junior high school
Rea said that passage of this
bill would keep the high school
dropout rate down, as diligent
young but poor scholars would
then be urged to stay in school
and maintain good grades with a
scholarship as incentive.
First Time
"To my knowledge, this is the
first time the Legislature has tak-
en even tentative steps against
poverty in the area of education,"
Rea said.
Concerning the recent announce-
ment of scholarship awards, Cut-
ler said that of the total of 810
winners who chose the University,
13 have planned enrollment at the
University's e m b a t t 1e d Flint
~ branch, currently awaiting a de-

and Minnesota with five.
Harvard Second
Among all the colleges and uni-
versities in the nation, Harvard
was chosen by 111 Merit scholars,
making it second in the nation to
Michigan State's total of 214.
MSU offered 140 scholarships
directly through the National
Merit Scholarship Corp. for this
fall, recruiting the remaining of
its scholarship students from those
who had won stipends offered by
industrial sponsors or by the cor-
poration itself.
The roster of National Merit
Scholars for this fall includes:
-600 scholars who are the re-
cipients of designated National
Merit Scholarships offered by the
corporation itself;
-600 who are sponsored by al-
most every major industry and
public service group and bear the
name of the sponsoring group, eg.,
Shell Merit Scholars, and
.-240 who are sponsored by 42
universities and colleges. A stu-
dent who is a recipient in this
category must attend the univer-
sity or college that provides the
scholarship. Of the sponsoring
universities and colleges, MSU
provides the largest number of
scholarships - approximately 150
for each of the last two years.
Is MSU Stealing?
Prof. Adon A. Gordus, associate
director of the honors college,
noted recently that he has inves-
tigated and done research "to see
if MSU is taking away our Merit
Scholars." He said that his studies
have shown that when the Uni-
versity invites students to enter
the honors program, the students
who do not accept the invitation.
only very rarely go to Michigan
Last year the University lost
eight Merit scholars to Michigan

We still live in an uncertain
world. Men have not yet stopped
war or put an end to poverty.
Freedom, as always, demands
courage and unyielding vigilance
and, occasionally, the life of man.
And the alliance of the West is
marked by arguments among its
members. But on the whole, this
20 years has been a time of shin-
ing achievement ,of promises real-
ized, of hopes fulfilled.
"These are the achievements of
two decades: in place of depres-
sion, abundance; in place of divi-
sion, unity; in place of isolation,
partnership; in place of weakness,
strength; in place of retreat,
firmness; in place of war, peace.
"None of us has sought-or will
seek-domination over others. We
have resisted the temptation to
serve only our own interests . .
and, with our help, Europe is bet-
ter able to resist domination."
He said that the Atlantic na-
tions could resist aggression bet-
ter than ever before.

Dominican Republica as its legi-
timate government.
Their leader, Col. Francisco Ca-
amano Deno, said the rebel gov-
ernment he heads was not con-
sulted about bringing an inter-
American police force to supervise
a cease-fire.
Caamano did not say, however,
what official position his regime
would take if the force, organized
by the Organization of American
States, came to Santo Domingo.
Extend Movement
Asked whether an effort would
be made to extend the rebel move-
ment outside the Dominican capi-
tal, the colonel said businesses
in the interior would not open
their doors until he told them to.
Caamano said an effort would
be made Monday to reopen banks
in the battered old quarter of the
city controlled by the rebels. He
said there was no truth to U.S.
government reports the banks were
looted and invited newsmen to see
for themselves.
From the outside, the banks
looked as they always did to re-
porters familiar with Santo Do-
mingo, except for some bullet
damage to walls.
Quiet Day
A bitter and prolonged debate
on the issue in the UN Security
Council delayed a vote until Tues-
day on a Soviet resolution calling
for condemnation of the United
States and demanding immediate
withdrawal of U.S. armed forces
in the Dominican Republic.
The resolution has no chance
for council approval, and the ac-
tion taken by Cuba and the So-
viet Union in raising the legality
issue appeared to be a delaying

Still Say 'U' Towers To Open in Fall

in the Americap zone of Santo
Scranton Plans
Aid to Temple
Collegiate Press Service
Scranton of Pennsylvania last
week asked the state legislature to
vote funds to enable Temple Uni-
versity to lower its yearly tui-
tion by $200. Students now pay
about $450 per year.
If granted, the request would
raise the state appropriation to
Temple by some $2.2 million for
a total of $10.6 million. Temple
is a private, but partially state-
supported institution of 14,500 stu-

Despite some recent bad weath-
er and a strike, those constructing
on the 18-story apartment build-
ing on South University seem con-
fident that it will be completed on
time for students-many of whom
have already signed their leases-
to occupy it this fall.
Thomas Dailey, of R. E. Dailey
Co., construction engineers for
University Towers, said yesterday
that the structure will probably be
completed on time, depending
principally on two factors that
have caused trouble.
First, if a local steel' workers'.
construction strike continues for
an extended period of time, the
construction might not be finished
Sees No Need
For Reserves{

on time, he said. The strike dis-1
pute,.which is a week old, is cur-i
rently being mediated by federals
mediators, according to Dailey. It
is mainly effecting the placing of1
metal attachments to prefabricat-t
ed concrete, he said.
Second Factor
The second mitigating factor is'
that the American Bridge Co.,
which is constructing the inner
steel frames for the 'building, is
two months behind schedule be-
cause of bad weather. Dailey noted
however that now the company is
working on the sixth floor and is
finishing the frames for one story
per week. With 12 stories to go, it
will take the builders three months
to complete the frame.
Dailey maintained that the con-
struction crew was "making up1
time elsewhere" to compensate for
the delay.
* "Although the completion date
is tight," Dailey said the building
should be "substantially complet-

have signed leases for the build-
ing "are taking quite a chance by
"For the students' sake, I really
have to pull for them and hope
they get the building one on time,"
she added.


Da ily Has (A) Room for Everyone

A Benday box. An eight-column log. A 3-36 bit. A, A-cut. Don't
these sound like interesting terms? Wouldn't you like to know what
they mean? No? Well, come over to the Daily anyway-we have
lots more to offer. Like the only nickel coke machine in Ann Arbor
and an actual bound volume of the Daily for the year 1898.
Special Daily agent O-O-No, alias Daily co-editor Robert Hippler,
shown here unleashing his newest secret weapon-the rubberband-
would be the right person to talk to if you want to join the Daily's

Gen. ed" by the beginning of the fall editorial staff.
EArLAEDe, Cai a - semester and "ready to be occu- That is if we can get him to come out of the broom closet.
Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the pe
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said pied. He's convinced that an under-the-counter spy from Student Gov-
yesterday he 'saw little likelihood 150 Workers ernment Council is lurking about waiting to "discuss" Hippler's
of calling up reserve units for Pointing out that 150 men are last editorial on SGC.
active duty because of the Viet working on the job, he said that if But never fear, for Judy Warren, while disguised as a mild-
Na iuto.necessary the owner, R. E. Weav- BunerfafoJdyWrnwieisiedsa mild-
Nam situation.ess wo h. crew manner Daily co-editor, is in reality a super-personnel-director,
In a news conference, he re- w'iA g to he cti gifted in the art of introducing innocent young trainees into the


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