- . ; A Seventy-Fif th Yearr EDnTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Press Lays Basis for US. Consent Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail 42 AIADS.ANAROaC. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MOORE Dems To Face Losses In 1966 Elections PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S policies in Viet Nam-no matter which way the war goes--and the Dominican Republic may cost Democrats a number of congression- al seats in next year's elections. Usually the major issues in the con- gressional, off-year elections are strictly of local interest. But the elections in 1966 will probably prove an exception. As it looks now, Viet. Nam and the stands taken on United States policy by senators and representatives will be the focus for much politicking. There are striking similarities between the Viet Nam situation today and the Ko- rean War, faced by President Truman more than 12 years ago. A major factor in the administration's defeat in 1952 by Eisenhower was Truman's failure to obtain a negotiated settlement in Korea. The actual facts and complexities of the issue were obscured by the political har- angue, resulting in heavy Democratic losses. THE POLITICAL SITUATION today is probably not as drastic for Johnson has wide popular support for his domestic policies. The presidential elections seem far enough away to defy prophesy, yet it is possible to make a few predictions con- cerning the congressional elections in 1966 when all the seats in the House and one-third of the Senate seats will be up for grabs. If, for example, the war in Viet Nam continues along its present course-get- ting larger and larger without the pos- sibility of a conference table settlement, Republican candidates will find it to their advantage to point to the administra- tion's failure to solve the war and their apparent unwillingness to negotiate the issue. This tactic could gather wide anti- administration votes among big city lib- erals. On the other hand, if some sort of peace negotiations are concluded or un- derway by election time, the issue would be diluted by cries of "sell-out." This sort of political sham would most appeal to the Goldwater conservative or the mid- dle class moderate with the fall-out shel- ter in his back yard. The "peace through strength" ideology would find added sup- porters in the air of fear and suspicion. NO MATTER what high level policies are instituted in Viet Nam, they are bound to hurt the Democratic party next year. -MICHAEL BADAMO To the Editor: NOW THAT the Johnson Ad- ministration has involved the American nation in that land war in Asia, certain members of the press are laying the groundwork for the people's consent to the next chain of odious military tactics to be employed in their name. On Saturday, for example, Han- son Baldwin of the New York Times ruminated at length about the role of airpower, alluded to the positive and negative aspects of all-out saturation bombing, noted that up to now "restrained" bombing had not produced vic- tory, and concluded that the full force of United States air might must now be used. On Sunday Mr. Baldwin, having again consulted "experts," an- nounced a startlingly sudden and tumor-like growth of military might in the "Hanoi-Haiphong area" of North Viet Nam. HIS READERS were also alert- ed to "unconfirmed reports" that the North Vietnamese "now have or will eventually be provided with ground - to - ground ballistic mis- siles with a range in excess of 1,000 miles." Taken together, the Baldwin articlesnare simply the advance rumblings of "pre-emptive" strike against a largely mythical mili- tary threat. What weapons will be used in such a strike? There are three possibilities: -Saturation terror - bombing with ,conventional high explosive and incendiary munitions (though Mr. Baldwin says we don't have enough planes to do a really com- plete job of destruction with these), -Large-scale use of lethal and "incapacitating" chemicals, and -Nuclear weapons. WILL THERE BE another na- tional "controversy" as Hanoi burns? Maybe. But this will be readily exer- cised by Robert S. McNamara, our own Hermann Goering, waving a pointer at a brace of aerial photo- graphs while intoning that "all women and children have been evacuated fom Hanoi-Haiphong and that sector is now completely devoted to military preparations for expanded Communist aggres- sion." Will the men running the com- plex of military and corporate in- stitutions, for whom Mr. McNa- mara is one prominent spokes- man, recoil at the prospect of certain Chinese intervention and an even bloodier war? WHY SHOULD they? They have been making plenty This Is A Candidate?. WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY will run for Mayor of New York as the offering of the Conservative Party, which was organized in 1962 and has as its dedication the torment of Nelson Rockefeller's Republicans. At the time of his declaration he was the only one to have the nomination of every party he wanted. And he was the only one who did not merely disdain his opponents but rather disdained the office itself. "Do you want to be Mayor of New York?" an attendant journal- ist asked him. "I HAVEN'T considered it," the candidate answered. -Murray Kempton The New Republic of money off the Cold War-that non-war which has never been allowed to develop into a danger- ous nuclear exchange. And they stand to make it hand over fist in a real Asian war. ("Industry Could Mobolize Fast If Viet Nam Clash Grows to Korea- Scale; Firms Say They Could Meet Big Military Needs With Small Civilian Output Cuts," the Wall Street Journal, June 18.) BUT ASIA HAS no H-bombs with which to threaten. And America has plenty of cannon fodder that, through its silence, is demonstrating daily a willingness to be funneled into the breech. -Michael Locker Peter Henig Mental Health Research Institute UN Rebuttal To the Editor: I FEEL COMPELLED to write your newspaper concerning Mr. Arnoni's article of July 3, "U.S. Acts Cause UN Failure." Unfortunately, the printing of such an article, which abounds with inaccuracies and miscon- ceptions, reflects your newspaper's lack of concern for the truth about the United Nations and the role of the United States. To say that the U.S. "maneu- vered the international organiza- tion into serving as an instrument of its partisan pursuits in Korea" is to distort realities. THERE WAS no war until the attackers came from the North. Up until the day before the first attacks, border patrols had naively believed that troops wlich nad been spotted just north of the 38th parallel were defensive in nature. With the Soviet Union absent, the Security Council unanimously voted to aid the cause of freedom. The article also claims that the U.S. government "ignored the in- terests of world peace in the Congo." THE AUTHOR fails to realize that both the U.S. and the USSR initially supported the peace- keeping force. Then the USSR changed its position after it found that the peace-keeping force pre- cluded unilateral action in the Congo. The most absurd part of the article however, is the author's statement that ". . . least of all was the U.S. willing to consider the UN even as a beginning of an international parliament or exec- utive; for the governing of the world, it thought itself amply qualified." First of all, the UN was not set up in order to become a world government. FURTHER, there is no logical reason which supports world gov- ernment as the panacea for all global problems. Then, too, it has been the USSR which has consistently refused to consider expansion of the UN into a governing body. They claim, rightly, that the UN was not set up for such purposes. THERE WOULD have been no veto power if the goal of the UN lay in its evolution to world gov- ernment. Does the author not realize that the USSR would also rather exercise world authority than let the UN do so? The author condemns the use of the Organization of American States instead of the UN in the Dominican Republic. Does he not realize that the UN Charter calls for problems to befirst dealt with by regional organizations? THERE ARE NO easy solutions which can lead to world peace and to an increased role for the UN. To simply put the blame for the continuing Cold (and Hot) War onto the shoulders of the U.S. is a manifestation of naivete-albeit it is the "in" thing to do. r -Stephen Finkle II, '69 TODAY AND TOMORROW: i Cigarette Warning Inadequate ION-cigarette smoking may be cations, the warning appears extremely ('AUT] hazardous to your health!" If the bill, recently passed by the Sen- te, is passed in the House, every cigarette arton and package will have to carry his warning.. While the intentions of Congress are ood, the warning will only enable the rnoking industry to avoid governmental upervision ,thus maintaining the status uo. In the first place the warning is ridicu- )us. Just about anything can be haz- rdous to your health. In the second lace the warning will have little effect n. people already smoking and probably on't deter people from smoking for the rst time. VHEN VIEWED in relation to the sur- geon general's report and its impli- IDITH WARREN .............. Co-Editor OBERT H1PPLER ... . . . ... Co-Editor DWARD HERS'IETN .......... Sports Editor JDITH FIELDS ... Business Manager :FFREY LEEDS...............Supplement Manager Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich Published daily Tuesday thnough Saturday morning. inadequate. The warning, maintaining the status quo, will, in effect, help the cigarette industries. In the first place, by putting the simple warning on the packages - something which can easily be made in- conspicuous with a little artistry in pack- age design-the industries avoid super- vision by governmental agency-some- thing which they were rather fearful of when the controversy first erupted. In the second place, by placing the warning on the package, the industry can claim no responsibility if a direct causal relationship should be proven be- tween smoking and cancer. Not only that, the cigarette industry avoids future hassles over the issue in the future. It can always point to the warn- ing and claim it is meeting its responsi- bility by warning the public before they buy cigarettes. IF CONGRESS really wanted to do some- thing about the health hazard of cig- arette smoking, and if it could adequate- ly ignore pressure from the tobacco com- pany lobbyists, it should place the indus- tries under direct governmental supervi- Sion. New By WALTER LIPPMANN THE STAKES are unusually high in this year's election for mayor of New York. Can a very great city like New York be made governable, can its dangers and disorders and in- conveniences be overcome? And then, can the Republican Party begin its recovery by pro- moting a public man who shows the way successfully in dealing with the urbanized America that the country is coming to be? THE CHALLENGER and pace- setter in this contest is Rep. John V. Lindsay. New York City is the biggest city of the very big cities, and it suffers from all the problems of crowding, congestion and com- plexity. Under Mayor Robert Wagner, who has been an honest and. compassionate mayor, the prob- lems of crime, vice, delinquency, slums and mal-education have become increasingly unmanage- able, as if they were too compli- cated and stubborn for the mind and will of the men who govern New York and too much for the civic virtue of its citizens. NEW YORK NEEDS a New Deal, not so much in the sense of this or that specific reform, but in the sense that it needs the in- fusion of a new generation of public men, young, with modern minds, not yet tired, not yet cynical about the possibility of breaking through the established routines and customs of politics, still able to believe that some- thing much better can be achieved. There are plenty of men and women in New York City who could man a new administration. The problem is to find them, to tap them, to call them up, to be able to appoint them, to convince them that they have the oppor- tunity to participate in a new attempt. These recruits are now in law offices, on the managerial staffs of banks and businesses, in the universities and foundations and publishing houses with which New York is so richly endowed. IF ANYONE can summon and rally these men and women it is most likely to be John V. Lindsay. He belongs to this new genera- tion, and he has proved that he can make himself understood and liked by the voters. The new generation can turn to Lindsay with the confidence that they are on solid political ground. He has known how to win elec- tions on the basis of what is an admirably enlightened- legislative record in Congress - a record which shows him to be a resolute progressive who knows well the problems of a great city and at the same time .a free spirit, a dis- cerning and discriminating liberal. HE SHOULD HAVE his chance to see what can be done with the unsettled problems of a very great city. The election of Lindsay in New York could be the turning point in the continuing break-up of the Republican Party. The decline of the party is a danger to the country, for it is because of a want of real opposi- tion that we are heading toward a breaking apart of the Demo- cratic Party as well. THERE HAS YET been no re- liable sign of a recovery from the Goldwater disaster. For the Re- publican leaders who are supposed to be managing the recovery are the same men who aborted the resistance to the capture of the Republican Party. It will have to be led by men who are modern in their minds and in their spiritsl and have not burned their fingers with Gold- waterism. As of now, the future lies with Republicans like Lindsay, Taft and Percy, that is with men who be- long not to the right wing or the dead past but the vital center of American politics. THERE IS NO future for the party in the strategy of 1964, which amounted to surrendering to President Johnson the whole center of American politics and to an eccentric attempt to recoup that loss by appeasing the South- ern racists. This does not mean, and I cer- tainly do not think, that Lindsay They surrendered the party to a faction which, in terms of vot- ers, was a very minor fragment of the electorate. The old Republican leaders, Eisenhower, Nixon, Dirksen, are not leading and will not be able to lead the recovery of the Republi- cans, from the disaster because they played such a leading part in it. THE REPUBLICAN will, perforce, have to be new political generation. Tork, GOP Need Lindsay recovery led by a elected in New York would, could or should move on to a Presiden- tial nomination in 1968. He will need at least one term, and probably more than one term, in the mayor's office to be- gin to prove himself in New York. BUT HIS ELECTION would make him a powerful figure in the councils of the Republican Party, and by 1968 that may be a matter of great national conse- quence. For the re-election of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Humphrey is by no means to be taken for granted. The Democratic future is in doubt because the country is en- tangled in what may be an un- limited and inconclusive war. A war that cannot be won and cannot be ended has never done any goodto any political party, and it will not do good to the Democratic Party. IF THINGS GO as badly as they threaten to go in Southeast Asia, it will matter a great deal in 1968 whether the Republican Party is 'still in the hands of the Goldwater faction, as it is under Dirksen's leadership, or has been retrieved by its moderate and educated leaders. Copyright, 1965, Los Angeles Times I 4 BRANCH SYSTEM: c'U' Plays Numbers Game' --BARBARA SEYFRIED i* I t- k , '_ ' r: << r; : ,. ; .. y, ^ r ; %:" ';t rj: i y qy rr;= }'; 3t t s i SUMMER RE-RUNS: 'Golden Arm' Gripping; 'Moon Is Blue' Dull At the Campus Theatre SUMMERTIME IS re-run time in Ann Arbor theatres. The offerings until Saturday are two "oldies but goodies"-"Man With the Golden Arm" and "The Moon Is Blue." "The Man With the Golden Arm," starring Frank Sinatra, is really a great movie. It's exciting, interesting, frustrating and absolutely agonozing. The plot is well-known. Sinatra is a "dealer" in a backroom card game. As the movie opens he has just returned from "kicking the habit" at the Federal Hospital at Lexington. The world is open to hin again-he's "clean." THEN, SLOWLY, inextricably he is sucked back into the whirlpool again. He struggles, grasps at hope, and then, unavoidably he's got "the monkey" on his back again. This movie is great because what grips and tears at the viewer aren't just the sensational scenes. Sinatra, experiencing withdrawal symptoms, is terrifying and shocking to us. But the man's whole life is what is so awful. He's a weak man who has been kicked around by his environment. Showing us that he is basically kind and maybe could have a future only increases the audience's impotent anger. And the other characters are also powerful. Frankie's neurotic wife is a tremendously pitiful person. She loves him so much she forces him By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Third in a Series AS A POLITICAL animal in search of spoils, the University plays the game of 'legislative in- fighting with no holds barred. On the other hand, representatives of conflicting interests are not hesi- tant to parry and lunge with strong-armed tactics. In the past, the University has managed to have relatively more political pull than the other state colleges. This power came because the University used to be the larg- est higher educational institution in the state, and because many of the University's alumni have been prominent in political affairs. Times are changing, however, and already Michigan State Uni- versity surpasses the University in terms of enrollment. Wayne State Univerety will also bypass the University in the near future, and even schools like Eastern Michi- gan University will equal the size of this institution. MEANWHILE the quality of the other schools is also rising and their alumni are being placed in prominent positions. The repercussions of these changes will have a tremendous impact on the future of the Uni- versity. No longer commanding the support of the most alumni, nor the highest number of parents of students enrolled, the University will not remain "the politically privileged institution" in the fu- ture. Despite the fact that it is prob- able that the University will lose political power relative to the growing might of other state in- stitutions, administrative officials here are unwilling to play the "numbers game" using the con- ventional methods. RATHER THAN over-extending the campus in Ann Arbor, their solution to the problem has been the establishment of branches. Not only do branches give the University a higher power base of working out as well as University administrators had hoped. State educational studies, most notably the Davis report, have come out against such expansion. More recently the new State Board of Education has recom- mended that the University branch at Flint be replaced by an inde- pendent four year institution.-Fur- thermore, enrollment figures at the Dearborn branch have been disappointing. The University will not, however, accept the demise of the branch solution without fighting. By per- sisting to advocate educational im- perialism, the University got in- volved in a direct confrontation with the State Board from which both parties are still suffering the consequences. IT IS CLEAR that if the Univer- sity wants to retain the leadership of higher education in Michigan without the necessary political power to support its bid, the backing of the State Board is a vital necessity . Yet right now, politicians seem to feel that the rift between the University and the State Board is deepening. An enlightening incident docu- menting this trend was the un- successful attempt to slash the retroactive pay of Board Chair- man Thomas Brennan. As one leg- islator explained, that cutback was attempted because of the anti-ex- pansion decisions made by the Board on the University's ' Flint branch. AS IT IS, the University will have enough problems in the fu- ture, without getting involved in a feud with the State Board. The irony of the situation is that both the State Board and the Uni- versity will desperately need the support of each other, and yet they currently seem to be at each oth- er's neck. PIANO RECITAL: Programming Ruins 'Polite' Concert At Rackham Auditorium GARY GRAFFMAN opened the Second Annual Summer Concert Series at Rackham last night with a program of Romantic works. The evening suffered more from the programming than from Mr. Graffman's playing, which was polite throughout. The four pieces on the recital (by Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Brahms, and Schumann) were all composed within a 40 year period, in exactly two towns only a couple of hundred miles apart. Even the two encores barely departed from this charmed circle. To ascend the soapbox for a moment, I might ask if it is too much to expect of a major American artist. to exchange Schumann's "Flores- tan" and "Eusebius" for, say, Ives's "Hawthorne" and "Emerson?" Even the supposedly provincial Ann Arbor audience yawned through the umpteenth "Carnaval." RUBINSTEIN PERFORMED a recital similar to Graffman's this year, but managed by an amazing versatility and tact of phrasing to delineate the individual characteristics of each piece, composer, and 4 I I I ( fg 7 .f S L pwdo ERA' z. ®; I t M