mirtigan Datiy
Sevent y-Fifth Year
*here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mic.
Truth Will Prevail
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
A Prime Task of Education:
Dlevelo Healthy Cynicism
CYNICISM IS THE AIM of education, a
kind of "idealistic cynicism" toward
the armies of opinions and facts that
make decisions difficult. A good liberal
arts education should teach not only facts
but also a curious and rugged combina-
tion of irreverence toward, familiarity
with, and respect for facts.
The cynicism developed by a good
education can have many practical ap-
plications. Most important, an educated
"cynic" does not believe everything he
In the furor a number of years ago
over the American public's attitude as a
"nation of sheep," the most serious dan-
ger to the existence. of this country as a
place where the people influence deci-
sions was underlined: many Americans
are fed slanted truths and swallow them
as children swallow pablum.
It is sufficient to point out a few of
these slanted news sources to help out-
line the danger. Time magazine is the
first and probably the worst example. It
is a handsome, brilliant magazine, but is
slanted far-and subtly.
THE BIAS BEGINS at the cover.
artists can make anyone look
For Mayor?
AM RUNNING (for mayor of New York)
qn a program that will seek to restore
law and order by increasing the police
force, encouraging it to do its duty and
the city judges to do theirs; lower taxes
by effecting efficiencies and introducing a
resident requirement in order to qualify
for welfare benefits;require work from
able-bodied beneficiaries on relief who
are not directly concerned with looking
after their children; disavow and dis-
courage those of their leaders who en-
courage racism, lawlessness and despair
among the Negro people; petition Con-
gress for legislation that would permit
New York to free itself of the binding
hold on some of its vital functions, e.g.,
the newspapers and the waterfronts, now
exercised by the monopoly labor unions;
decentralize the city schools and substi-
tute, education for racial integration as
their principal function; and tranquilize
the mania for urban renewal and city
planning of the kind that is dehumaniz-
ing the city.
In a Letter to the Editor
of the New York Times
Second clasa postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday thrutgh Saturday morning.
anyone look fatal. Compare the cover
picture of Lee Harvey Oswald to the pic-
ture of McGeorge Bundy. Time covers are
a fascinating study in art as propaganda.
It is the same on the inside. On the
question of Viet Nam, for instance, the
magazine clearly backs administration
policy. Reading of a few issues and com-
parison with other magazines makes that
conclusion inescapable.
A recent issue described the new gov-
ernment of Marshal Ky in South Viet
Nam, making him seem a brave hero
straightening the mess of his country.
Whether true or not the conclusions were
TIME GETS to shuffle, cut and deal the
cards and it is hard to get a really fair
hand if you're playing against whichever
side Time has decided to back.
From photography (a gory picture of
a man beheaded by the Viet Cong) to
philosophy (Time's fact-laden essays) the
magazine presents a picture of reality-
readable, interesting, brilliantly drawn-
that is dangerous because too many
Americans are likely to accept it at face
Other examples abound. Although one
can argue that thoretically everything
written by man is biased, some news me-
dia avoid bias more than others. The As-
sociated Press, for instance, is also often
subtly biased. Although this slanting may
merely be calling some states "regimes"
and other "governments," it is there. And
the Daily, in campus politics, has itself
been guilty of this, particularly in years
when it has been very involved in cam-
pus issues.
THIS IS NOT a diatribe against bad
journalism. What matters-what edu-
cation should be-is teaching people to
be able to function intelligently on what
information exists at the moment.
In the outside community, the facts
which the intelligent person must ques-
tion lie in slanted news media. In the
academic community, they lie in the
frightening lack of perspective of some
intellectual "specialists."
Every teacher of every class should re-
mind himself that critical, clear think-
ing is imperative, and should reward orig-
inal, critical and-if necessary--icono-
clastic thinking instead of deft acro-
batics with worn concepts.
If more teachers did this, the college
graduate would be better equipped to
form realistic opinions himself instead
of accepting the stock liberal and con-
servative categorizations and the insid-
iously slanted news often found in Amer-
ican news media today.
Special To The Daily
ASHINGTON - "Washing-
ton," John F. Kennedy said,
"is a city of Southern efficiency
and Northern charm."
Indeed. Washington's very lay-
out proclaims its unique and per-
plexing nature.
The Capitol building is sup-
posedly the center of the city,
although geographically it is not.
Emanating from it, gridlike, are
two basic kinds of streets: alpha-
bet streets (which run east-west)
and number streets (which run
ALARMINGLY, these streets
come in pairs: a C Street (running
east-west) north of the Capitol,
and another (also east-west) south
of it. The number streets are both
east and west of the Capitol.
Thus, a visitor wanting to go to
205 C Street had better know
which C street he has in mind -
north or south of the Capitol-
and if its 200 block is on the 2nd
Street which is east or west of
the Capitol.
In short, NW, SW, NE, and SE
are the four vital suffixes without
which the visitor might just as
well give up - although M. C. and
U. S. S. sometimes help.
TO MAKE matters worse, there
are also avenues named after
states-Pennsylvania and Massa-
chusetts Avenues being the most
famous. Starting at hub-like cir-
cles, these avenues spread at
varying angles across the other-
wise orderly grid of the city, add-
ing to the confusion.
The idea for the avenues was
that of the city's clever planner,
Major Pierre L'Enfant. He re-
soned that American troops could
mass in the circles ,and thus be
able to turn to fire down any of
the avenues radiating from them
to ward off advancing enemy
Alas, in 1814 the British not
only captured Washington but
burned the Capitol ,the White
House, and most other public
buildings as well.
ANOTHER consuming dream of
Major L'Enfant's was the hope
that Pennsylvania Avenue would
afford clear line of sight, stretch-
ing majestically and uninterrupt-
ed, all the way from the Capitol
to the White House.
In 1835, however, President
Jackson, despairing of the bur-
eaucracy that was already en-
shrouding the city in a vast mist,
ended bickering over the site of
the Treasury building by putting
it right next to the White House
-and squarely in front of the
approach to the Capitol.
There are, however, more re-
cent and picturesque anomalies.
THE HOUSE Office Buildings,
invariably, are abbreviated H. O.
B. The Senate Office Buildings,
usually, are not.
The Carpenters Union building
is made of gorgeous marble.
The Taft Carillion, honoring
the famous Ohio senator and
perhaps reflecting his conserva-
tive political outlook, rings the
traditional hourly chime back-
THE SITE of government for
190 million people, the District of
Columbia, has no self-government
of its own.
The city's bus system is so ter-
rible that its director has been
waging a campaign for "free-en-
hideous new Rayburn Building,
the Honorable Adam Clayton Pow-
ell, member of Congress from
Harlem, chairman of the House
Committee on 'ducation and La-
bor, and minister of the Abyssin-
ian Baptist Church, paused, smiled
benignly at the astonished group
of visiting Girl Scouts beside
him in the car, and said:
"You're smart to visit Washing-
ton. The New York World's Fair
is terrible."
A MAJOR exhibition of the
city's persoalities occurs every
year around this time at the con-
gressional campaign dinners of
each party, where the faithful
spend $100 for a plate of bad
food and an evening of worse
At the Democrats' function re-
cently, congressional luminaries
such as J. W. Fulbright and Rep.
William Dawson (D-Chicago), the
THIS ANCIENT GUN near the White House hails from days when Washington was not the miasma of personality, power, bureaucracy and
confusion it is today. Although everything has not gone as planned-especially as planned by the original Washington architect-the capi-
tal remains a "friendly city, indeed a humble one."
Washingon- Colorful, Unique.
Negro captain in Mayor Richard
J. Daley's political machine, gath-
ered with lobbyists and others to
hear the President praise his Con-
gress for its consummate wisdom
in passing so many of his pro-
posals recently.
In what was undeniably the
height of the evening, a fight
broke out at the bar after dinner,
but it was quickly quelled. After
that, the police concluded, the
evening was going td be so dull
there wasn't much point in hav-
ing them around, so they left.
THEN THERE IS the bureacra-
cy. For example, the director (and
his two assistants) of the Bureau
of Locomotive Inspection in the
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
The only GS-15's who must be
appointed by the President and
confirmed by the Senate, the di-
rector and his assistants oversee
the inspection of the less than
100 remaining steam boilers in the
The contest between personali-
ties can sometimes be tantalizing.
Last Monday the Senate listened
to Paul Douglas (D-Ill), the high-
ly-esteemed liberal, satirize Sen-
ators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass)
and Leverett Saltonstall (R-Mass)
who want to keep an obsolete rifle
armory in theirhome state. Pre-
siding over the Senate at the
time, in the absence of the Vice-
President, was the junior senator
from New York, Robert F. Kenne-
Yet in the last analysis, Wash-
ington, is a friendly city, indeed, a
humble one. A visitor shopping
for shampoo recently in the Peo-
ple's Drug Store off 15th Street
here turned around to find him-
self face-to-face (or eyeball-to-
eyeball) with McGeorge Bundy.
P olitics:
Idealism, Needs
Yield Instability
Second in a Series
THE STRIKING of a medium
between ivy towerism and poli-
tical animalism is not easy for a
state university.
On the one hand University
administrators have a traditional
loyalty to the ideal codes of aca-
demia - freedom of thought,
speech, and political persuasion-
and an aloofness from the bicker-
ing.of the everyday governmental
On the other hand there is the
practical realityhthat the state
Legislature is where a good pro-
portion of the University's bread
is buttered, and in order to make
sure that the bread is buttered
well, school officials become in-
creasingly immersed in political
AUGMENTING the problem is a
difference in attitudes about the
proper balance in the University
community. Administrators wary
of costs and constantly in contact
with budget requests and appro-
priations are extremely conscious
of this state university as an ap-
pendage to the political system.
One can point out that the Re-
gents themselves, being publicly
elected, are deeply involved in
the political process.
In addition, such men as Exec-
utive Vice-President Marvin Nie-
huss and Bob Cross, the Univer-
sity's lobbyist, who spend most of
their time in haggling with Lans-
ing legislators, are naturally aware
of the necessity of the University
fulfilling the role of the political
ON THE OTHER hand,. faculty
members and students advocate
an intellectual isolationism from
the "petty" in fighting of state
Backing a modified Paul Good-
man "community of scholars"
concept of higher education, these
people long for the status of a
twentieth century University of
Although politically active on
such issues as civil rights and
foreign policy these faculty mem-
bers wish to personally sidestep
the conflicts of the University on
the legislative battleground.
The autonomy of the Univer-
sity strongly supported by such
individuals, is, unfortunately, a
Despite the constitutional pro-
visions of the new Michigan con-
stitution supporting the inde-
pendence of the University, the
practical necessity of kowtowing to
the Legislature, as perceived by
administrators, when appropria-
tion time comes around makes this
clause about as valuable func-
tionally as the paper on which it
is written.
FOR EXAMPLE, one of the
cherished privileges of the consti-
tutionally autonomous state insti-
tution is the ability to budget its
appropriations internally as it sees
Thus although the state Legis-
lature may recommend to allocate
the lump sum of the school's ap-
propriation in a given manner,
the school is under no legal ob-
ligation to do so.
But as one state legislator put
it, "Sure they (University officials)
are able to divide the money any
way they want legally, but when
they come back the next year for
more money, they had better have
complied generally with the wishes
of the Legislature.'
ACTUALLY the influence of the
state Legislature is out of propor-
tion to its share of the University
financing. For example, the fed-
eral government contributes about
as much money to the University's
budget as the state Legislature.
But the overriding political issue
at present is the relationship with
Lansing and not Washington.
Yet, it is forseeable that in the
not too distant future national
politics will weigh heavier in the
considerations of University ad-
ministrators than state politics.
Already there are indications
of this trend. For example, Rep.
Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor), the
University's man in Washington,
recently complained that federal
grants and research projects con-
centrated around Cambridge and
Berkeley and bypassed the mid-
SUCH A TREND, if continued,
could have major deleterious rep-
ercussions on the University com-
munity since it is becoming in-
creasingly clear that federal mon-
ey is what is going to make or
break the modern American uni-
eyeball) with McGeorge Bundy.
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TWO HUDSONVILLE, Mich., doctors, Norman Unema (left) and Robert Plekker, arranged recently for
three million copies of an anti-medicare article to be available to the nation's junior chambers of com-
merce on request. However, rumors from a Medicare lobbyist in Washington indicate that the Presi-
dent has included Moneycare in the bill-making everybody happy.
Moneycare and the Good Life
Medical Association convention
in New York, president Dr. James
Z. Appel told doctors he believed
they should "actively participate
in implementing medicare," the
government's controversial plan
for health care for the aged, ex-
pected to pass Congress this year.
This surprised many people be-
cause in the past the AMA has
been outspoken in its opposition to
medicare. The AMA has spent
millions of dollars for lobbying
and publicity campaigns designed
to defeat medicare over the years
Most people do not realize why
the doctors are now rejoicing over
the current medicare bill and sup-
port it wholeheartedly. The fact
is that the doctors have just won
drew up their own supplementary
plan to medicare-called "money-
care." Moneycare stands for fed-
eral financial aid to doctors.
Each year the lobbyists for the
AMA approached congressmen and
tried to get moneycare adopted
as part of medicare.
"It is a crime that the richest,
most powerful nation on earth
must have doctors who don't even
have a 65 foot yawl, Rolls-Royce,
or twin-engined Beechcraft to call
their own," the AMA lobbyists
would argue to sponsors of the
medicare bill.
THE FRUGAL congressmen were
"Theaverage American physi-
cian only earns about $22,500 a
the country held a secret strate-
gy meeting at the Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minn. A radically new
plan for getting moneycare was
adopted. The plan, known only by
a few insiders, was called "Opera-
tion Coronary Thrombosis."
It was relatively simple. Dur-
ing the height of the 1964 presi-
dential campaign, the AMA had
the President's personal physician
pay a house call on his patient.
The President was told that un-
less he promised the AMA money-
care in 1965, a physical report
would be issued the next day
showing the President had high
blood pressure and a serious heart
The President quietly agreed.
AND TODAY, if you look at the
current medicare bill, you will see
that monevycre ha hn incnr-