Sev enty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGID BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENTPUBLICATIONS HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Cities Need Cabinet Representation 0 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mici-r. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URSDAY, JULY 1, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MOORE U.S. Continues ToSupport Reactionary Governments THE RETURN of ex-President and for- mer Trujillo front-man Joaquin Bala- guer to the Dominican Republic yester- day and the announcement -of his candi- dacy for president of the provisional gov- ernment is'merely another example of American intervention in Latin America. After the assassination of Trujillo, Balaguer was strongly supported by the United States (with one of Trujillo's sons) as president of the new government. However, a wave of rioting forced the American government to support the democratic seven-man Council instead. Balaguer lived in exile in the U.S. until his return yesterday. HE RETURN to the Dominican Repub- lic, as reported by The New York Times, was loaded with the heavy drama usually reserved for an episode of "The Man from Uncle." Balaguer boarded a se- cret flight leaving New York, was met at the airport by an official black limousine and driven to his house at speeds that sometimes reached 100 miles per hour. General Imbert of the military junta had given the ex-president 72 hours in the country to visit his dying mother, but Balaguer obviously thought differently., He announced to newsmen that he would stay for a few weeks and then announced his candidacy. He may be there much longer. U.S. support of reactionary govern- ments and revolutions in Latin America has a long history. The present Domini- can junta is one example. The classic case, however, is the American supplied and directed invasion of Guatemala in 1954, better known as the "CIA's banana revolt." "The Invisible Government," the cele- brated work on the .CIA by David Wise JUDITH WARREN .......................... Co-Editor ROBERT HIPPLER...................... Co-Editor EDWAvD HERSTEIN................Sports Editor JUDrrH FIEILDS................. Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS........,...Supplement Manager NIGHT ZVTGSQ: Michael Badamo, John Meredith, Robert Moore, BarbartSeytrie4, Bruce Wasseratein. The Daiy is a member of the Associated Press and Qpleg1ate Press service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ise of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscripton rates: $4 for IA and B ($4.50 by mail); $2 ford IA or B ($2.50 by mail). 1$eol0 clues postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. and Thomas Ross gives a full description of the revolt: With prior approval of President Eisenhower, a coup was orga- nized against the regime of President Ja- cobe Arbenz Guzman, which had in- curred the wrath of the United Fruit Company for its proposals to nationalize and distribute land, and had been labelled "Communist" by the U.S. government. The revolt was led by Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas who had received mili- tary training for two years at Fort Leav- enworth, Kansas. THE INVASION, staged from neighbor- ing Honduras, was to have been a one- day operation. Advance bombing of GuaL temala City was done by CIA P-47's. To the embarrassment of all concerned, Ar- mas' troops settled down six miles over the border from Honduras, and there fol- lowed 12 uncomfortable days of cloak and dagger maneuvering by the CIA and American Ambassador Jack Puerifoy be- fore Arbenz finally capitulated. A new two-man junta of more accept- able character was established, and the CIA, the American government and Unit- ed Fruit were satisfied-at least for a while. The Dominican situation had all the necessary components for another Ameri- can, intervention. Since the exclusion of Cuba from American sugar markets, the cane plantations of the Dominican Re- public had been used to produce the large stockpiles of sugar, necessary to keep prices stable and the politically powerful sugar companies solvent. The 1963 constitution of Juan Bosch's democratic government would have sub- divided these enormous plantations into small farms for the nation's peasants. Also in this case, the popular democratic revolution against the military junta was labelled "Communist" by the U.S. govern- ment. WITH A SAFE precedent in Guatemala, the U.S. felt free again to fight the' strange form of "war of liberation" that we have developed in this hemisphere. Its success has been obvious. Not only is the Dominican situation clouded be- yond recognition, but this confusion has been of tremendous help to the party most willing to take advantage of 'it- the U.S. Now that we have our man down there in Santo Domingo, the U.S. will be pleased for a while and may leave the Dominican Republic alone for another five years. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial is reprinted, in part, from "The Saturday Review," By HUBERT H. HUMPHREY ROBERT HERRICK said in the seventeenth century that great cities seldom rest; if there be none to invade from afar, they will find worse foes at home. We know those foes today They are slums, crime, a lack of playgrounds and parks, overbur- dened schools, inadequate trans- portation crowding, lack of clean air and inequality of opportunity. It was only 45 years ago that people in American cities first began to outnumber people on our farms. By 1960 only 11 states had more rural than urban popula- tion. BUT MOST of these states will not remain that way very long. The urban population of North Dakota, our "most rural" state in 1960, jumped 35 per cent in the 1950's. Alaska's urban population increased 150 per cent, and three other states-Arizona, Florida and Nevada-more than doubled their urban population. By 1970 we can expect that three-fourths of our people will be living in towns, cities and suburbs, compared to 70 per cent in 1960. Most of our people will be con- centrated in metropolitan areas. At the end of 1964, two-thirds of our population lived in 219 such areas, an increase from 59 per cent in 1950. By 1980 that pro- portion will increase to three- fourths and by the year 2000 to four-fifths. THERE HAVE BEEN several patterns of metropolitan growth. One has been mass migration from farm to city. One has been mass migration of Negroes out of the South-virtually all of it to central cities. Another has been mass migra- tion of middle- and upper-income people from the core city to the suburb. And great growth has come from a higher birthrate and from longer life expectancy. This growth has imposed new and unprecedented burdens on local government for schools, housing, streets and highways, commercial expansion, transit and welfare programs. IN THE past ten years, state and local debt has more than doubled, while the federal debt has risen only 15 per cent. Along with sharp rises in costs of public services and facilities, the growth of these urban areas has also created explosive racial and economic pressures The picture is clear: There has been a shift of middle and higher income groups into the suburbs, out of the taxing jurisdiction of the inner city, while, too many of the poor and disadvantaged have remained behind or moved in from the poorer rural areas. ALTHOUGH the suburbs have provided cheaper laypd and lower- cost housing for many middle- income families, as well as for the more prosperous, they have been populated largely by those able to afford better housing. Those at or near the poverty level have remained concentrated in the slums and poorer sections of the central city. Faced with deterioration and decay, thein- ner city has found itself with greater tasks to undertake and with fewer ready sources of money. At the same time, the suburban- ites have had their hands full creating public facilities and serv- ices in communities that were open grass fields a few years ago. BEHIND the statistics and pop- ulation patterns have been thou- sands of personal -and community tragedies, many of them created by those of good intention. There are the impersonal hous- ing projects that in many cases have displaced families and de- stroyed the traditional fabric of neighborhood life. There are the freeways that have torn through people's homes and businesses, cut through park- land, and done no more than add to the noise in our streets and poison our air. There are the shortsighted zon-, ing decisions that have blighted neighborhoods and reduced prop- erty values. BECAUSE of these discouraging experiences, it would be easy to say that many of our metropoli- tan problems stem from apathetic or inept local government. In a few places this is true. But in most it is not. One of the major difficulties is that no one federal department or agency has had either authority or responsibility to work with mayors and county officials in areas where they need most help. IN 1963 the advisory Commis- sion on Intergovernmental Rela- tions identified over 40 seperate programs of aid for urban de- velopment, administered by some 13 federal departments and agen- cies. Small wonder that the commit- tee reported that "the effect of inconsistencies is felt most keenly in urban areas where programs of all kinds at all levels of govern- ment most frequently come to- gether." It cited particularly inconsis- tency and conflict between poli- cies, or lack of them, in relocating people displaced by public activi- ties. WHILE a community plans for the relocation of people displaced from a renewal area, not infre- quently still another public proj- ect, undertaken with federal help, displaces additional numbers with no rehousing plan-and may even eliminate some of the housing urgently needed to meet the prob- lem. Jetairports may be announced in residential growth areas, driv- 0I 4 -Associated Press WITH BOOMING URBAN POPULATIONS, problems, of equal economic opportunity, fair housing, slum clearance and crime arise to plague citizens. Often the frustrations of urban inhabitants find out- lets in pickets and riots, as shown a ing down values of homes financed with federal mortgage insurance guarantees. A right-of-way for a federally aided highway may be purchased, cutting through an area that an- other agency is seeking to acquire and preserve as public parkland. One test.of democratic govern- ment is its ability to respond rapidly to changing conditions. In 1953 the Department of Health, Education and Welfare was created to provide top-level federal policy and direction in meeting the human and social needs of our citizens. HEW TREATS, to a large de- gree, the symptoms of urban dis- ease. But until recently there has been no similar recognition of the need for a top-level federal de- partment to help meet the physi- cal and environmental problems of the metropolis-in many cases the causes of urban disease. The needs of our urban areas have not diminished; they have become more pressing President Johnson's proposal for a Depart- ment of Housing and Urban De- velopment must be considered. THE PRESIDENT seeks from Congress the authority to bring good management to federal re- sponsibilities in our metropolitan areas. He asks for coordinated direc- tion for these activities by a single government department. And he asked for a place at the Cabinet table for the head of that de- partment. The bill itself says in part that the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall under- take "maximum coordination of the various federal activities which have a major effect upon urban, suburban or metropolitan develop- ment," and "the solution of prob- lems of housing ,and urban de- velopment through state, county, town village or other local and private action, including promo- tion of interstate, regional and metropolitan cooperation." ARE OUR metropolitan areas important enough to merit top- level consideration in the federal government? The answer is certainly yes. We have long since given Cab- inet status to our national con- cern for our natural resources, our agriculture, our trade and com- merce, our labor force and the social health and educational needs of our citizens. SURELY our cities and metro- politan areas-where three-q1ar- ters of us live-are worthy of the same attention. TODAY AND TOMORROW: UN Can't Keep Peace--wIt Never Existed By WALTER LIPPMANN IT IS DEPRESSING enough to be reminded today of the high hopes of f945 when the United Nations was founded. It is even more depressing to listen to the self-righteousness of the great powers, to hear their. representatives talking as if they alone were innocent and that the whole blame for the failure should be Put upon their rivals and ad- versaries. Nothing discloses so sharply the root of the trouble as does this display ofself-righteousdnation- alism. Pgblihed dally Tiea4ay th'uugh PatUrday morning. -CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER WYorA of"Lou 'Ia .1r 14 ~WAY O~RIIL 'OPERA': Three Cents Worth Of Entertainment At Lydia Menfelssohn Theatre BERTOLD BRECHT and Kurt Weill intended "The Threepenny Opera" to be a travesty on middle class ethics, professional and economic. Wednesday evening's performance of the "Opera" by the University Players was a travesty on middle class theatrics, especially in the areas of staging and acting. Brecht preferred to remind his audience that they were in a theatre. In his non-musical endeavors he accomplished this "aliena- tion" effect with flat characterizations, moralizing monologues, and obvious theatrics. But plays with singing, dancing, overtures and entra'acts need none of these effects to awaken their viewers from' a "deep involvement" in the reality of a playwright's fantasy. The musical's fantasy is acceptable and admitted. Although some of the "alienation" effects contained in the orig- inal version of the opera were, thankfully, missing last night, some annoying attempts at obvious, alienation were retained. Their only effect was to alienate the audience. Clumsy blocking caused craning of necks; scenery, combining theworst of half a dozen styles, wearied the eyes and cause embarrassment when twelve actors were caught on a staircase, lined up, one behind the other in a clumsy entrance. THE AMATEUR ACTING was weakly led by Roger Wertenberger as Mack the Knife. Instead of walking with the stealth of a cat burgler, Wertenberger slid about as if he had ball-bearings on the bottom of his feet and was not quite in control of their direction. It was impos- sible to believe for three minutes that this innocuous Mack could be a full-time Don Juan and part-time arsonist, rapist, second-story man and murderer. THE UNITED NATIONS can- not be blamed for the disorder which the great powers have fail- ed to prevent, which indeed the great powers by their unilateral action have provoked. What happened 20 years ago was like a big wedding celebra- tion in which solemn vows were exchanged and everyone felt that the bride and groom would live happily ever after. Now, 20 years later, while they have not murdered each other or evengbeen divorced, they are not living happily together. Is that the fault of the institution of marriage, or is it the fault of the man and the fault of the woman?, SO IT IS with the institution of the United Nations which is a covenant of the nations that they will turn over a new leaf and be- have better than they are accus- tomed to behave. The old Adam has prevailed. They have not turned over a new leaf in Budapest and Suez, in Korea and Kahsmir, in Viet Nam and Santo Domingo. In such places as these' the world order has been shaken, as U Thant put it in his noble ad- dress last Saturday, by "power politics, whether as the instru- ment of nationalism or of ideo- logical extremism." THE SPECIFIC failure of the United Nations has been in those conflicts where the great powers, particularly the great nuclear powers, have opposed each other. This would not have surprised the authors of thehcharter, par- ticularly those among them who have learned the lessons of the old League of Nations. They did not want to burden the new organization with the making of the peace, and they wrote into the charter(Article 106) the reservation that prob- lems arising from the second world war were outside the juris- diction of the United Nations and were reserved for the four allied victors. THE REASON why the United tain, the Netherlands and France. THERE HAS been until recent- ly significant progress in building the foundations of a settled order in Europe. During the last year of John Kennedy's life there began a "precarious detente," as U Thant said, "between East and West." This detente is threatened by the war in Viet Nam and the threat of a still larger and more savage war in which the belliger- ents are no longer able to measure and limit their violence. THE UNITED NATIONS has a powerful interest in bringing the Vietnamese war to an end. But it cannot act decisively. cannot act decisively. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Qo. CLIFFHANGER: For the issue of that war lies between China, which is excluded from the United Nations, and the United States, which has worked undefatigably and successfully to exclude China. The paramount task of the United Nations is to survive the conflict which it could not pre- vent and cannot settle. Somehow and in some way, which none of us can now foresee, the Vietnamese war will stop short of its becoming the third world war. AND WHEN that happens, the United Nations will be needed to bind up the wounds of the nations. (c)1965, The Washington.Post Co Beauty, Suspense Brighten Double Bill At the Campus Theatre "PURPLE NOON" IS as exciting and exasperating a mystery as it is a well-done film. This Rene Clement thriller belongs generically to the Alfred Hitch- cock brand of cliffhanger which just about destroys the audience. You know the type I mean-the perfectly executed crime early in the film, the incredible complications and many narrow escapes from detection. ALAIN DELON with his wonderfully sensitive, expressive face carries the bulk of the acting in the film. He's a versatile performer (and I simply must interject an irrelevant, non-critic type opinion- he's probably the most attractive man ever seen in the movies) According to The Daily ad for the second feature on this double bill it is "the season's most argued about film." "Mondo Cane" is def- initely this. I've been arguing about it since it first came to Ann Arbor over a year ago. IT IS ONE of the worse movies I've ever seen. It shows blood, vio- lence, hate, ugliness, and man's inhumanity to man and beast. And these things are on screen for no purpose. Freedom of expression for movie makers is justified on the premise that art needs liberty in order to make its point. But, as always liberty does not mean license. Trashy sex films are prohibited because they exploit people's sexual drives for the purpose of making money. But, the academic community, intellectuals, and serious moviegoers wxill aAlla,, fto..a ha.innaAPC n fih. fr1 .fr.Ptn cnary.+i w an'n rw * { * I