WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Republicans Approve Bliss Plan For Negro, Urban, Youth Support) EDWARD KENNEDY RAY BLISS ROBERT KENNEDY Pope To Open New Doors? By EUGENE LEVIN Associated Press Staff Writer VATICAN CITY-This week Pope Paul VI' entered the third year of his reign. Many at the Vatican think he will set a vig- orous course for his pontificate during the year, possibly embark- ing on broad new policies. Since the Roman Catholic car- dinals elected Giovanni Battista Montini as their Church's 262nd Pope on June 21, 1963, he has been largely occupied with the completion of projects ini ated by his predecessor, John XXIII. The major unfinished business, the Vatican Ecumenical Council, is expected to be cpmpleted by Christmas. The council's fourth and final session starts Sept. 14. No Secret It is no secret at the Vatican that the continuing council has been a restraint on Pope Paul. Informants say he has hesitated to act in many fields to avoid giving the impression of trying to influence the. council. But there is no doubt he has put his own stamp on Roman Catholic policy, still in the ferment of the renewal - or aggiornamento - launched by Pope John. Pope Paul has widened the Christian unity contacts started by John. In February, Paul gave a new dimension of international- ity to the College of Cardinals, giving it more than 100 members for the first time in history. Traveler Travel has become an integral part of Pope Paul's policy, taking him outside Rome to other Italian cities and to the holy land and far-off India Prelates say he is not traveling= simply because he likes it, but because he feels it is his duty to show that he is not just an Italian Pope, but the spiritual leader of all the world's half billion Roman Catholics. Acro s Cam us WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 8 p.m.--The University Players will present Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weil's "The Threepenny Op- era" In Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre., Many at the Vatican say he would travel even more if it were not for the Council. He had wanted to go to the Philippines in April, but he turned down theI invitation largely because of his work in preparating for the Coun- cil's final session One of his first acts was to call for a reform of the Vatican curia, the centuries-old central' church administration. But the reform has never been carried out, and the word has gone out that he is waiting for the Council to end. Unfinished Unfinished documents before the council deal with the priest- hood and the duties of bishops.' Clearly the Pope is withholding action on the Curia reform in line with his expressed desire to give' the bishops the greatest measure of freedom of choice. council ends. So far he has been tied down to finishing another's pontificate. Once the council is over, he will be another man-a free man." Changes What changes are likely in his activities? There probably will be more travel, perhaps two or three major trips a year. His contacts with non-Catholics are likely to increase. Pope John's Secretariat of Christian Unity and Paul's two new secretariats, one for non-Christian religions and the other for atheists, may assume new importance and prom- inence. Diplomatic Activity There may be greater diplo- matic activity. Pope Paul already has offered to mediate in world disputes. He has acted, in one way or another, in the crisis in Viet Nam, Cyprus and Santo Do- mingo. Such diplomatic activity, with the Roman Catholic Church appearing more open and inter- national, could result in a major development in U.S.-Vatican re- lations. Envoy Some say Washington might eventually assign a special envoy, or Presidential representative, to the Vatican. Reportedly some con- tacts already have been made, pos- sibly at Henry Cabot Lodge's top secret meeting with the Pope in May, when Lodge was on his way back to Washington from a ,Viet Nam mission for President John- son. But the renewal is not without opposition, and even without the Vatican Council Pope Paul might be forced to go slow. In many countries Roman Catholic groups have been hesi- tant in accepting such reforms as modern language in the mass. They say Latin was more suitable for the liturgy and complain that some changes have been made simply for the sake of reform. Concern Other Catholic groups have ex- pressed concern that the renewal is compromising the Church's battle against Communism. In this climate, the year ahead may well be the most crucial of Pope Paul's reign. He may find himself alone in crossfire between the Church's progressives and conservatives, with no council to draw their fire. Not 'Cocky,' GOP National Chief Claims Hopes for Comebacka But No Bounceback WASHINGTON (P)-Far from cocky about their chances for a 1966 comeback, Republicans ap- proved yesterday a long-range plan to win back the big city, Negro and young people's vote they lost in 1964. Qhairnan Ray C. Bliss told a news conference after the closing session of a two-day meeting of the GOP National Committee that he rejects the idea that there will be an "automatic bounce- back" from the disastrous defeat the party suffered last year. He said members of the party's governing body are "not cocky" about Republican prospects in congressional and state elections next year. "I don't think there will be any automatic bounce-back from 1964," he said, "but if we get good can- didates and campaign vigorously for congress, state. and county of- fices we can make some gains." In a closed session often punc- tuated by applause, the national committee;: -Approved Bliss' pla~n aimed at reversing the Democratic trend in cities and suburbs where the chairman said 56 per cent of the nation's voters now reside. Bliss pledged, among other things, that he would "enlarge and broaden existing programs to build sup- port among Negro voters." -Heard that its research de- partment is compiling a "complete dossier" on the doings and sayings of President Lyndon B Johnson to confront him with in 1968but is not neglecting to log other po- tential candidates. Listed in this category were Vice-President Hu- bert H. Humphrey and Sens. Rob- ert F. Kennedy (D-NY) and Ed- ward M. Kennedy (D-Mass). -Approved the appointment of. a committee to recommend meas- ures for "reforming and moderniz- ing" its presidential nominating conventions which Bliss said have been dull and former President Dwight D. Eisenhower described as so chaotic they "horrified" television viewers. -Gave rousing approval of a resolution praising the Senate- House leadership for, among other things, having "warned that the present administration was now moving toward a negotiated settle- ment in Viet Nam . . . and that such settlements are equivalent to surrender to the Communists." After the national committee had adjourned Bliss met with state chairmen to resolve a con- troversy over filling his old job as chairman of the state chair- men's organization. World News Roundup OTTAWA-Prime Minister Les- ter B. Pearson announced last night he had accepted the resig- nation of his justice minister, Guy Favreau, as the result of a gov- ernment inquiry report on a bri- bery scandal. The 47-year-old Montreal law- yer had been considered a top contender for the leadership of Pearson's Liberal Party. * * * WASHINGTON - The Senate turned down yesterday by a de- cisive 61-31 vote President John- son's request to cut to $50 the amount of duty-free purchases an American tourist can bring back from abroad DIAL 662-6264 FEATURE STARTS AT 1:00-2:50-4:55-6:55 & 9:05 "A SOLID EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT" -Hugh Holland Michigan Daily Pick Negro As Head Of Baptists MIAMI BEACH, Fla (P)-The 25-million member World Baptist Alliance, an organization packed with Americans, chose a Liberian Negro as its new president yester- day. Some 20,000 convention dele- gates roared their aproval as the Rev. Dr. William R. Tolbert Jr , 52, Liberia's vice-president, was swept into office by acclamation. Dr. Tolbert becomes the first Negro to head the 121-nation al- liance, and church leaders hailed his election as "a breakthrough ... something revolutionary." The alliance has no jurisdiction over church affairs. Most Americans All but about three million of the organization's members live in the United States, and about three-quarters of the convention delegates were Americans. "I speak here as a foreigner," the Rev. Joao Soren of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, retiring alliance president, told the delegates. "You could have voted for anyone you wanted and you elected this man for the Christian and the Baptist that he is. "Your (racial' problems here (in the United States) have been played up out of proportion else- where in the world, but you would not be pressured into bigotry. Breakthrough "This is a breakthrough sometning revolutionary." The Rev. Dr. Porter Ruth, exe- cutive director of the Southern Baptist Convention, also hailed the election as "tangible evidence of what we have long said-that people should be judged solely by their individual merits." Dr. Tolbert was outwardly un- moved by the significance of his election. "I haven't given it much thought," he said. "You see, we are not really racially conscious in Liberia . . . I will work very hard to do the best job possible." Tolbert, for 14 years the No. 2 man in his country's government, has served as Vice-President of the church alliance for the past five years. The racial question has been a prime topic at the Alliance's 11th World Baptist Congress which ends today. The congress number-) ed among its delegates-but not its speakers-the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King's absence from the speaker's rostrum earlier had been termed an indictment of the alli- ance by the Rev. William A. Law- son, a Houston pastor. -Assocated Pre A COMMITTEE REPORTING to the Alabama legislature claimed that .civil rights movements whit sponsored demonstrations such as the march on Montgomery pictured above were Communist in filitrated. Civil rights leaders denied the charges yesterday. Claims Rights Move Communn MONTGOMERY, Ala. (P) - A special legislative committee charged yesterday that two civil rights organizations are Com- munist-inspired and that Dr. Mar- tin Luther King is "actively en- gaged in promoting the Commun- ist line " King and another spokesman, reached for comment, called the accusations "witchhunting and typical Southern reaction." The five-member Commission to Preserve the Peace made the al- legations in a 39-page report to the Alabama legislature-the body which created it two years ago after Birmingham's bloody racial demonstrations. Accusations King, his Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). the Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE), and the Student Non- violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), were _accmsed of pro- moting the Communistdcause and being a threat to state and na- tional sovereignty. SNCC, the commission charged, is the most dangerous and is in- volved in a tug-of-war with King for control of the civil rights movement. "Currently the trend seems to be that King is in control of the older groups who have the money, but SNCC is getting the campus support and trying to force King to either get out or to lean fur- ther to the left," the report said. SNCC It charged that SNCC is "ex- tensively Communist dominated" and ultimately "must be ;smashed by legal action or we will court a major disaster." SNCC, the commission charged, is "an extremely dangerous,, ir- responsible group which tends to promote acts of violence" to gain support for its aown goals. The -commission cited paid SNCC performers as stating .the organization "wanted violence- preferably to get :some of its demonstrators killed. in Alabama," Sources The commission, headed by Rep. John Hawk'ins, said it obtained its information from staff mem- bers, part-time investigators, vol- untary witnesses and police. Alabama's legislature establish- ed the commission, to investigate individuals and groups "who may be engaged in activities "of an un- lawful nature against the sover- eignty of the state . ." King said the charges are "an- other attempt to evade the fact that democracy does not exist in Alabama If these men were as concerned with the fulfillment of the U.S. constitution as they are with witchhunting and name call- ing, we would not even need a civil rights movement." Lewis The chairman of SNCC, John, Ni: { DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN' u: .....,«............................. «...: ... ... :::::":.".:"::: :;":.x^.^:-,,-,-%o: -,::i .-:-,-hr-.,"-. . . .:".. .,,,. ""...,.; 7 hvn":{ath.r,.4.. . POPE PAUL VI Birth control, and the possible approval of contraceptive pills, is another field in which the Pope may be waiting for the council to end. A secret commission is study- ing the matter for him. A council schema on modern world problems also takes up birth control in a general way. Some prelates feel he would have acted more vigorously and more rapidly in all these fields had there been no council. In Vatican corridors there is an often repeated comment along these lines: "Watch the Pope when the y L:.}yLVrtrg. . "rrcg" .e" r ;.vvwvr.;LL ;, r1" """' ,rLLw{.,v{{."."r vvv d b:::$ :oL:.? :J+::"::: ":tie'" :o":":LtiL4i.':i' :v:"L :S:L'C:ti9L :1Y r? < i :s1:S:'::L ':L :":L1::'L.":'C":":"S:"'y{:, . The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYP'EWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the eay preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday. for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 Day Calendar Engineering summer Conferences - George L. west, chairman, "Nuclear Ships-Engineering Principles, Econom- ics, and Current Developments": 126 W. Engineering, 8 a.m. Center for Programmed Learning for Business Training Systems Institute - Geary A. Rummier,. director, "Using the Systems Approach to Direct Train- ing and Manpower Activities": Michi- gan Union, 8:30 a.m. Institute on College and University Administration-"Administrative Rela- tionships: Two-way Communication": Michigan Union, 9 a.m. General Notices Final Payment of Summer Half Term Fees and spring Summer Full Term Fees are due and payable on or before July 6. Non payment, payment of less than the required amount or late payment will result in the assessment of a de- linquent penalty of $5 for the Half- Term and $10 for the Full-Term stu- dents. In addition, a Hold Credit will ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Tutorial and Cultural Relations Proj- ect, Meeting, July 1, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union, Room 3-D. People interested in tutoring culturally separated children are invited to attend. be placed against your grades if your account remains delinquent. Payments may be made in- person or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015 Admin. Bldg. before 4:30 p.m., Tues- day, July 6. Mail Early. Mail payments postmarked after due date, July 6, are. late and subject to penalty. Identify mail payments as tuition and show student number and name. Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree or profes- sional degree in August must file a Diploma Application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by Fri., July 2. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the office of the Grad- uate School by that date. Doctoral Examination for Prafullchan- dra Raojibhai Patel, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Studies on Acid De- mineralization Kinetics of Enamel," Wed., June 30, 3002 Pharm. Res. Bldg. at 10 a.m. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: St. Mary's Hospital, LaSalle,, Ill. - Physical Therapist. Man pref. for new Phys. Ther. department in small gen- eral hospital. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Southfield, Mich.-Attn.: Recent grads. Agency trainee. 2 yrs. trng. leads to mgmt. position. Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital, Detroit - Dietitian, . recent woman grad. ADA registered. Exper. not req. Assist in 536 bed general hospital'kitchen. Kordite Corp., Macedon, N.Y.-Data Processing Operations Supv. Degree in Bus. Ad. or acctg. pref. plus 3 yrs. exper. & knowledge of 1401. International Atomic Energy Agency -1. Experimental Nuclear physicist. 1 yr. duty in Taiwan, China for qualified reactor & neutron physicist to advise and initiate research. Begin Sept. 2. Expert to set up basic radioisotope lab for fertilizer uptake studies. 6 mos. duty in Saigon. Begin Dec. or Jan. Rohm & Haas Co., Phila., Pa.-Vart,- ous openings including 1. Publicity Writer for advtg. dept., BS/MS Chem. plus 2-5 yrs. exper. 2. Dev. Chemist for Plant Lab., 0-3 yrs. exper. 3. R. & D. on processes for synthetic flbel's. BS/MS Ch. Engrg. 0-4 yrs. exper. 4. Employe Relations Trainee. 1-2 yrs. trng. bor rel., plant personnel, etc. Mgmt. Consultants, Los Angeles, Calif. -Research Ass't. Engr. to conduct res. in transformer field for elect, equip. mfr. Tech. degree plus some exper. in transformer theory & des. For further information, please call 764-7460, Gereral Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. TEACHER PLACEMENT:.a Sylvania, Ohio-Will interview Wed., July 7. Three positions in Language Arts. Engl./Speech or straight Engl.; pref. The following schools have vacancies for September: Ypsilanti, Mich ~(St. John's H.S.) Math/Earth or Phys. Sci .or Soc. Stud., Soc. Stud. (world or Am. hist./econ.) with Engl. minor. Men pref. - Milford, Mich. (Huron Valley Schools) -J.H. Span./Engl., J.H. Blol., H.S. Math, 2nd grade, 3rd grade. * * * To make appointments call 764-7462, Bureau of Appointments, Educ. Div. Ad- ditional information available at 3209 SAB. MARTIN LUTHER:KING- Lewis, called the report "ano t attempt to discredit not only 1 Studenit -Nonviolent Coordinati Committee but the :whole thri of the, civil rights movement." The organization and the NeI people of Alabama, he 'said in statement issued in Washingto "do not need a Communist or I Communist Party to tell us th segregation is wrong and ti Alabama is a police state Whe the Negro suffers many injustice Julian Bond, public informati director of SNCC, said "It is typical ,response from a typi Southern legislature that knoc if the ,Negroes in Alabama c Segister to vote freely, tlien ti the legislators) wouldn't be s tisg in their seats today." Farmer James Farmer, national direc of CORE, said ins Durham, N where CORE is holding its n tional convention:; "The charges made tpday by;1 special legislative committee of 1 Alabama legislature would be ludicrous to answer if they w not so serious. 'The charge th CORE or its leadership is nowpr Communist or is heading in ti direction is false, completely a entirely false. "CORE is now, has been, a will be dedicated to a society f of racial discrimination, in wh each individual is able to p ticipate effectively in, the decisio affecting his life." The commission, in addition its- five members, has two fi time employes, a staff director a secretary. Edwin- Strickland, Birmingham newsman, is st director. TODAY Is, "MUFN° Michigan Union Fun ti 4 Solid Four Gives You More! "THE SEASON'S MOST ARGUED ABOUT FILM!" -Life Magazine MN0 EXPLORE THE UNION Ann Arbor Bank pays 4% interest on all savings accounts compounded and pold quarterly. All Ann Arbor Bank Savings accounts are insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Put your savings in action todayl Ann Arbor Bank's Solid Four gives you more-so add to your savings account or start an automatic savings plan at any one of Ann Arbor Bank's seven 4? < ,,;, . _, : ; "A THRILLER, more than tingling ... as fascinating as it is dazzlingly I lw s ENDING THURSDAY GE Shows at 1:00-3:30-6:15-8:50 Feature 20 Minutes Later offices at your earliest opportunity. w S r. ( II, --uJ~uuui--