s, w S -w -. BIZET, MOZART FANTASTIC... .BELLINI, PUCCINI, VE RDI POOR Some Disappointing 1964-65 Opera Recordings loop) By RANIERI DI SORBELLOr For the operaphile 1964-1965 mightt be considered a very good year indeed; however, not everything that has beent issued can be considered artisticallyt superior, for sprinkled among the gemsf have also been a number of items which could be considered mere paste. Strange as it may seem, with the advent of stereo much has been accomplished for operat aurally, though little artistically. Invar- iably it seems that the most satisfying recordings can be found among the mon- aural issues rather than the stereo. t The recordings which will probably re- ceive the widest attention from record, buyers are Bellini's "Norma;" Bizet's "Carmen;" Mozart's "Die Zauberflute;" Puccini's "Tosca" and Verdi's "La Forza del Destino." The Bizet and Mozart works can be considered great achievements for the grammaphone. The Bellini, Puccini, and Verdi works should cause a con- siderable amount of consternation among the devotees of the particular sopranos involved in each venture as well as opera enthusiasts in general. The biggest disappointment will come to those who were looking forward to the new "Tosca" with Maria Callas, for from this artist we expected most, espe- cially after having heard her triumphal return to the Metropolitan in the same role; but, alas, her recorded effort of the stereo "Tosca" is not "for history" as advertised. It would have been much wiser for all concerned to have delayed the recording sessions until a more for- tunate time. December, 1964, certainly was not a "vintage" month for the Callas voice, and her great artistic instincts also seem to have been in abeyance; for- tunately, this was not the case at her Metappearances, which should come as some consolation to Callas admirers. The other artists in the recording are in such fine form that it does seem a shame that their splendid efforts have not been complemented fully by La Divina, for the second time less than divine. Let it be said that Mie. Callas is never less than interesting, but had we not her old "Tosca" with de Sabata for comparison, we would be less harsh. The loss of Wal- ter Legge. former artistic director of EMI- Angel Records, has been felt much sooner than expected. Bellini's "Norma" seems to be afflicted by exactly the opposite malady - too much voice and not enough musical or artistic insight and temperament. The recording makes it apparent how wise was Miss Sutherland's decision not to undertake Norma at the Met. It is un- fortunate that such a potentially out- standing singer has consistently been given such uninspired musical direction. In this case it is all the more to be re- gretted, since wehave had but two great Normeas in the past half century: Pon- selle and Callas. Mss Sutherland's old faults (sic habits) are still with her, and Bonynge is not the man to discipline her; for he evidently does. not think of them as faults. The Sutherland-Bonynge com- bination does not seem to have taken all the history of 19th century bel canto to heart-but only the portraits with which they sprinkle all their albums copiously. Being familiar with old Shakespearean prints does not enable one to pass for a Shakespearean Scholar. Now we have arrived at the final dis- appointing performances: Verdi's "La Forza del Destino." This recording goes the way of all star-studded operatic al- bums on RCA Victor-to the Victrola label-but wait, alas, this one will have to wait a few years before it can arrive, for RCA already has a star-studded "Forza" which only recently joined this illustrious company. Miss Price, Victor's new house diva, has committed to discs another routine performance to rank with her "Tosca," "Butterfly," and "Car- men," though the adjective is not appli- cable to her Verdi "Requiem." This same label of "routine" can be ascribed to the rest of the performers. Richard Tucker, on whom we could always count to out- sob the Italians, does not even do that much. Robert Merrill's name is synono- mous with the label. His voice in this recording has lost most of its beauty which formerly served as an excuse for his participation. I feel that he has mar- red too many performances; however, this is not one of them-here he can be considered a contributor. That Schippers descends to join such colleagues cer- tainly comes as a shock, especially after the brilliant work of conducting he did for London's recording of Verdi's "Mac- beth." Now to more cheerful news; artistic achievements can still prosper in spite of technical progress. Bizet's "Carmen" has received its most interesting and exciting interpretation on discs for the team of Callas, Gedda, and Pretre. The perform- ance is also the most idiomatic without being marred by lack of vocal prowess, which heretofore has afflicted most of the French performances. By this I do not mean to imply that none of the pre- vious recordings had any real merit. I can think of one' which I certainly would not discard, and that is the Victoria de los Angeles ~and Sir Thomas Beecham performance, which is really worthy to be ranked with the Callas "Carmen." Miss de los Angeles is an exciting .Car- men for the sheer elegance and vocal beauty which she contributes. One need only listen to Callas interpret the recitative preceding "Habanera" and in the same act "Chanson et Melodrama" Joant S to realize how tame and commonplace most of the others are. Some of the Car- Mozart' mens can be awardedprizes for benality, a splendid among these I would like to cite Mes.' Otto Ken Price and Stevens. The former's uncalled ret the for interpolationof an high A in the dialogue. "Seguedilla" and her "sprech stimme" that the approach to the Duo in Retz with Don spoken di Jose has to be heard to be believed. Miss lio" woul Stevens' portrayal can be described as Mozart we the hip swinging and bosom heaving tion conce variety. Gottlob F Book Covers INVENTING THE FUTURE: by Den- Gabor "p nis Gabor, Alfred A. Knopf, New merely by York, 1964, $4.95, 238 pages. of overkill the Chine DENNIS GABOR opens his book by The qu saying that our civilization faces ing leisur three great dangers: destruction by nuc- commonwn lear war, overpopulation, and the "Age in which of Leisure." which his I had enthusiastically ordered this book work.g. from Knopf because I heartily believe inp i preopE the urgency for education for the "Age of mlneiuen: Leisure," and would welcome reading a ida und book with new ideas. Unfortunately, tinga t Gabor's book isn't the answer. The word .n)lts I must use to describe the book is-sillyn d.)n At Taking the problems of the world, he Mon man discusses them, one at a time, and writes we contin them off. "In not more than half a cen- their own tury we shall be faced with a material "resign ou shortage which cannot be solved by pres- ridden so ent-day technology." But Gabor is con- old EngMi fident that we'll be able to invent any- they prep thing we need. their labc After a brief digression into the Gabor c.) We interpretation of the dynamics of the manent n cold war, he dismisses that as not a real sides nd problem. He uses the nuclear-missile- feeling of deterrent-second strike- statistics to ents. prove that we're .not going to be done in d.) A by nuclear war. It's interesting that men creationE ike Bertrand Russell and Walter-Millis the fore can prove, with the same available data, of the in a tremendously. more, pessimistic future. e.) We MAGAZ IN E Vol VI No. 7 Wednesday, June 30, 1965 9 m 0 I I M " A N t.,., 5utherland: Disappointing in Recording of "Norma" '"Die Zauberflute" has received d performance at the hands of nperer and associates. I do re- omission of the Schickenader One finds it hard to believe man who refused to omit the alogue from Beethoven's "Fide- td reverse his stand for this rork. Musically, my only objec- ers the two ugly low notes that Frick emits in behalf of Sar- astro-these could have either been re- recorded or totally omitted. Klemperer's tempi do not seem too slow, and the added stateliness he brings only benefits this work, i.e. Pamina, Papgeno duet "Beim Mannern, welche Liebe fuhlen." There are too many celebrated artists participating to be listed here; let it be said that in this recording they have lived up to their reputations-no mean feat at that. ......... .: :t .v i}}::4i : ? :{: ::i : :;::;::j>.;i:,>.tit: i :::I .":} ::.; : v s v q-:"":...'; .:::ii: i World Problems moves" that deterrence works stating the awesome statistics J. (This was also written before se had the Bomb.) estion raised by Gabor-concern- e revolves around "whether the man can be happy in a world his security is assured and in time is spent between mild . and healthy recreation." He a few different means of mak- e happy with their new found esurgence of crafts - occupa- erapy. terns of self-discipline taught e early years so that the com- will not abuse his freedom. 'If ue to permit parents to educate children then we will have to urselves to a crime and alcohol- ciety." He then extols the harsh sh schools and indicates that pared the privileged classes for ors as adults. should also re-instate the per- multi-generation family that re- .er one roof. This would give a continuity and purpose to par- stress on feminine values of and conservation would come to and there would be diminution asculine feelings of sttife. need improvements in educa- tional techniques so that we will be able to make more people more educatable. Education should be expanded to produce amateur scientists who would enjoy the discoveries of the world. These people would be knowers rather than doers and would represent a return in spirit to the medieval student who reveled in having all knowledge in his notebook. Gabor is quite concerned with raising the general knowledge level of the world, He has a fairly low opinion of the "com- mon man," -and thinks the world will be better if common men would enjoy their homecrafts and cease multiplying. He talks a lot about "galloping imbecility." Population explosion is Gabor's most fearsome bete noir. But he has one solution which will in- crease the intelligence level and work to- wards population control: a state regu- lation of the number of children per family. Most families should be permit- ted two children, except "where both par- ents can prove high qualifications in tal- ents, health, beauty,, and heredity who may be allowed three or more. He al- lows that this may be difficult to insti- tute, but he thinks it can be done if the whole matter is "kept away from the plane of moral passions, where it does not belong, and must be dealt with on the economic level." Gabor has some equally helpful sug- gestions for the "uncommon man." For instance, indoctrination with the belief that history has "come to an end." He feels we also can reorient man's loyalties. "The loyalty of post-historic man must be for his family - and for the whole of humanity, with nothing between these two extremes but harmless voluntary af- filiations, professional groups, brother- hoods, and, at' most, political parties." Gabor suffers from the affliction of all "Children of Light" - a belief that he can change the nature of men. Criti- cism may also be offered from a less lofty plane - I believe the man has trouble with simple logic. He wants re- institution of the multi-generation ex- tended family, but he also thinks it's necessary that parents be denied any in- fluence on their children's education. I'm also unisure who is going to inhabit this extended family, since people will be limited to an absolute maximum of two children. -Malinda Berry THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE book4:::I and record} review THE WORM RE-TURNS, edited by James V. McConnell. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1965 182 pp., $3.95. APPROPRIATELY RELEASED on April Fool's Day and just in time for the lazy summer months ahead comes this compendium of material from the Worm Runner's Digest, which should be well known to most Michigan students by now. As Prof. James V. McConnell of the psy- chology department, who 'is the chief person to blame, says, "If you haven't heard of this notorious, semi-scientific journal, it's your own fault": in only five years, this mixture of satire and serious scientific treatises has become one of the most widely read scientific publication. Part of this notoriety may be directly traced to the publicity Prof. McConnell's efforts have gotten from the press. By now the Worm Runner's Digest has been mentioned in just about every magazine of note except Playboy, although a center foldout of a planarian might be a novel twist; and many late-show viewers must have watched Prof. McConnell present a speechless Steve Allen with a Worm Run- ners sweatshirt. But if the Digest con- tinues to hold its own admist the ple- thora of far more dignified scientific journals available, it is because it serves the necessary function of making the too-serious researcher pause and enjoy a chuckle at his own expense once in awhile. Some of the needles wielded by con- tributors to the Digest are sharper than others, but each has its point; and this book provides the neophyte with a good cross-section of the sort of thing that McConnell and his associates have been publishing for the past five years. "The Worm Re-Turns" contains cartoons (all centered around the worm runners' fa- vorite subject, Dugesia tigrina, a cross- eyed platyhelminth of no small aesthetic interest), poetry, quasi-serious experi- ments (such as The Effect of a Pre- Frontal Lobotomy on the Mounting Be- havior of the Congolese Red-Eyed, Thy- roidectomized Tsetse Fly, or The Effect of Background Noise on the Detection of Cork-Popping), 'and other buffoonery, most of it very entertaining. The content of the book is diversified, and the quality of the contributions is variable, "Body Ritual Among the Na- cirema," by Horace Miner, is splendid satire, already familiar to those who've had Anthropology 453 (Primitive Re- ligion); while diehard Freudians may get some new insights from reading "At Last: The Foodian Psycholysis," by W. S. Tay- lor, and "Some Comments on an Addi- tion to the Theory of Psychosexual De- velopment, by Myron Braunstei: study of the often-neglected nasal of development). Fortunately, for every article that flat there are two that make it Twente's discussion of hydroanalysi New Tool," gets bogged down in its puns by the end of the first parag but Jane Clapperton's wonderful "I Worms" (a prediction of what may the unwary worm runner) and "Ot Nature of Mathematical Proofs," b3 E. Cohen (containing the definitive of the theorem that "Alexander the { did not ' exist, and he had an in number of limbs"), are there to sax day. This book belongs on the shelf of scientist who might otherwise take self too seriously, but I feel I must the newcomer that the "Compulsory face" and "Introduction" should be first, especially to understand the h of the cartoons (as well as an explar of the title of the "Worm Runner gest"). I could explain it all here, won't; it's worth $3.95 of anyone's n to find out for himself why this r zine has succeeded, where many scientific journals have not, in the important goal: that of being reading. --STEVEN HALL Can technology solve every.problem? Page Eight