TUESDAY, JUNE l9, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE TUESDAY, JUNE ?9, 1965 TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY PAGE NINK STUDENT-FACULTY SPONSORS: Discount Bookstore To Open A new campus bookstore, offer- ing from 10 to 15 per cent discounts on most textbooks, will open in Ann Arbor this fall, a student - faculty group announced recently. The store will remain open less than three weeks according to present plans-from Aug. 26 to Sept. 14. It will be located at 212 S. State. Prof. Fred C. Schure of the nuclear engineering department, and Vita Shapiro, '68, head the student-faculty group. In past years many student- and faculty-run stores have at- tempted to give students cheaper book prices here. All have thus far failed. The bookstore will offer official textbooks for nearly 55 courses, mostly the large courses. Hopes -Daily-Thomas R. Copi The space travelers drew an admiring glance from the President.. . he As tronauts Came o Town NEW FROM KODAK... -r -tr r K O D A K The brightest, sharpest, most colorful home movies INSTAMATIC you've ever seen! NEWI KODAK Movie Camera Instant loading-electric-eye exposure! The new way to take movies with famous Kodak Instamatic camera convenience. Just drop in a Kodapak movie cartridge and the camera's loaded and ready for action. No settings to make. Electric eye sets exposure automatically. Batteries drive your film, let you shoot a full 50 feet of film with no winding. Fast f/1.8 lens. Automatic Type A filter. w/f/1.8 lens, less than $6950 ,?~Wa~eCAMERA SHOP Ann Arbor's Only Exclusive Camera Shop 1115 S. UNIVERSITY 665-6101 THE SEARCHING STUDENT in the bookstore above can look to a student-faculty run bookstore this fall for a wider choice of places to buy the necessities of academic life in Ann Arbor. Astronauts James McDivitt and tronauts when he added that this Edward White receivedan enthu- is a tribute "to every man and siastic welcome at their visit to woman, every research project, the University on June 16 afterj every governmental agency and their epic Gemini 4 flight. University President Harlan Hatcher, chairman of a convoca- tion honoring the astronauts, told an estimated 35,000 at Michigan Stadium that "we are all thrilled beyond measure to stand tribute to those that launched and re- turned and maintained the Gemi- ni 4 flight for the record four days." Gov. George Romney remarked that the recent flight carried ex- tra meaning for this state "for its crew was our own, one a son of Michigan (McDivitt is from Jackson, Mich.) the other an adopted son." He echoed the re- peated statements of the two as- private industry that lent brain- power and energy to Project Gem- ini ." Dedication Following the convocation the astronauts dedicated a new Space Research Bldg. on North Campus and then were taken to the Mich- igan Union for lunch. But on the Union steps, a teach- in protesting United States policy Republic. The teach-in was ar- ranged because some students and faculty members felt that some- one should point another side to the U.S. actions-the unpleasant side-in the midst of the celebra- tion. This created a stir within the University community. Students If the store succeeds during the on one side were upset about the fall, Schure says, it will reopen question of the propriety of the on a much larger scale for the teach-in, but others were upset second term, adding more facili- over the fact that President ties for advanced courses and per- Hatcher would dismiss classes for haps offering art supplies. the day, because the astronauts With success this fall, Schure were coming, yet a proposed work explains, book publishers would be moratorium for political purposes willing to sell books "on consign- last Fall resulted in censure from ment" - the discount bookstore everyone from Hatcher to the would not have to make a down State Senate. payment on book shipments as it Argument will have to do in the fall. The teach-in took advantage Thus, the books would be paid of the crowd which came to see for only after having been sold, McDivitt and White enter the making payment easier. The pub- Union and was discourteous and lishers would also accept back all disrespectful, some people said. unsold books. At the luncheon, Ann Arbor Freshmen coming to summer Mayor Wendell Hulcher presented orientation will be given the op- the Astronauts with keys to the portunity to leave orders with the city along with smaller keys for bookstore and pick the books up their wives, a replica of the re- when they return in the fall, cently named McDivitt and White Schure explains. Corner at South University and Two Factors East University, and a resolution The faculty - student group's of congratulations from the Ann hopes for success this fall depend Arbor City Council. on two factors. First, the group is Other resolutions of congratu- hoping that quantity sales in a lations were presented from both short time will cut costs. In addi- houses of the State Legislature tion, it hopes that an improved and from Detroit Mayor Jerome method of getting books lists will Cavanaugh. cut costs. New books lists will be made with 20 faculty consultants, who will get their information directly from course teachers. The new book store is a part of a long series of attempts at the University for discount or student and/or faculty owned bookstores. While the stores have failed thus far here, stores of a similar type have been successful at Harvard, Yale, Texas and Stanford, among other universities. Why have such ventures not been successful at the University? The main reason, most observ- ers report, is a 1929 Regents' by- law that says the University is forbidden to aid "co-operative mercantile organizations within University buildings" or allow "circumstances that will give such enterprises advantages in the way of lower rents freedom from tax- ation, or other co-operation on the part of the University." Shure says that if, by a change in the Regents' bylaw, the group could, it would turn over the store to the Student Government Coun- cil. He says that the reason most MMMMMMM'ii other cooperative bookstores with similar intentions had failed was because the students did not care enough to support the ventures. This left Shure with two alter- natives-to agitate for a student- owned store or start a strictly dis- count business. He chose the lat- ter. Shure says previous cooperative bookstores and book exchanges have attempted to operate with- out adequate finances. (One Ann Arbor book merchant estimated that, for inventory alone, it would take $100,000 to open a new textbook store in Ann Arbor.) In addition, they did not have enough trained clerks, a smooth procedure to help customers or the number and selection of books needed to sell quickly and at a discount, he says. A- 71F hooks and Supplies MEDICINE DENTISTRY NURSING PUBLIC HEALTH OVERBECK BOOKSTORE The Medical Book Center Phone N03-9333 1216 South Univery -Daily-Thomas R. Copi . .And listened to Vice-President Norman BEER, Spaghetti, Ravioli, Wine and PIZZA sf4,, b 6s tafiah U !laqe 114 E. Washington HAROLD S. TRICK 711 No. University 902 So. State YOUR HEADQUARTERS for MICHIGAN SWEAT SHIRTS Also T-SHIRTSf SURFER SHIRTS fore JACKETS Children MOE SPORT SHOPS, STUDENT DIRECTORY CHANGES ACCEPTED THIS WEEK at Ann Arbor's Friendly Book Store I All I rrS >a J i f: ti-: ... ..-... .Y .. n..tt..., v. .. n .. . tn..... ...... . ...\t .. GET YOUR NEW CARD FOR '65 * Fill out application below. Bring it to our store and receive your discount card absolutely free, entitling you to 10% DIS- COUNT for the rest of the year. 7 FREE 10% DISCOUNT CARD -------APPLICATION BLANK - ------------ CITY PHONF - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 10% SAVINGS on all new Cough and Cold Remedies-Dental Needs-Cosmetics-Toiletries-H air Preparations-Baby Sup- plies-First Aid Needs-Clocks-Watches-Razors-Vitanins ad manyother items MARSHALL'S DRUG STRE 235 S. 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