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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
U' Views
Chi Bias Case
The University is closely following the Stanford Sigma Chi
discrimination case, as a possible precedent for local action John
Feldkamp, assistant to the vice-president for student affairs, said
The interest in the case is not, however, a fear of future
federal sanctions at the University if the charges against the Sigma
Chi national fraternity is held true, according to Feldkamp. Sigma
Chi has a chapter at the University.,
Feldkamp believes thgt evidence accumulated in the Stanford
case may be useful in helping to attack discriminatory policies of
Dominican Walkout
Failing in Third Day
SANTO DOMINGO )-A national three-day strike called by
labor leaders supporting Col Francisco Caamano Deno's rebel regime
foundered under a back to work movement yesterday
The strike had faltered from its outset Monday.
Less than a dozen of Santo Domingo's 40 factories shut down
and most of these reopened yesterday. A labor spokesman said he
had reports that three sugarmills in the countryside were closed.
But this could not be confirmed.
The antirebel junta described the strike as a complete failure.
U.S. Planes
North of I
cBillf Passed
By House
The House passed the $2 mil-
lion state scholarship fund bill
yesterday, but another scholarship
measure,, the incentive scholar-
ship program, was referred to
committee by the Senate Monday.
The state scholarship fund, op-
erated under the Higher Educa-
tion Assistance Authority, provid-
ed for freshman tuition scholar-
ships last year on an appropri-
ation of $500,000. The measure
approved yesterday allows for a
continuation of these scholarships
through the sophomore year plus
$1.5 million for new scholarships.
The program was introduced
last year in a bill sponsored by
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar-
Bursley also was instrumental
in ending debate on the incentive
scholarship measure. The bill,
killed and then reconsidered by
the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee 11 days ago, was sent to
the Senate Education Committee
on a motion by Bursley.
Bursley explained the bill was
"very loosely drafted" with no
limit on the number of scholar-
ships to be provided. "In effect, it
appropriates $50,000 for adminis-
tration of an as yet non-existent
program," he said.
The measure, conceived by
House Democrats, has been de-
scribed as an attempt to encour-
age adolescents from deprived
families to continue their educa-
tion. It proposes offering tuition
and room and board scholarships
to high school juniors on the con-
dition that they complete their
secondary schooling and are ac-
cepted at a Michigan college or
Bursley said that the funds for
the scholarships themselves would
not be needed for two more years
anyway and pointed out that the
bill can be brought out of the Edu-
cation Committee in the fall for
fraternities at the University.
Not Continue
And he thinks that local chap-
ters of fraternities would generally
not continue discriminary policies
if they had the choice; rather, he
claimed, it is the national lead-
ership which is adament in main-
taining the' traditional biases.
This is allegedly the case at
Stanford he remarked.
.The assistant to the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs said he
hopes that Student Government
Council and the Interfraternity
Council will look into the issues
raised at Stanford in the fall.
Feldkamp remarked that the
Office of Student Affairs could
take the initiative in an investi-
gation, but it was essential for
the future of SGC that their
membership committee do so.
Although Feldkamp believes
that Commissioner of Education
Francis Keppel has the legal
right to withdraw federal aid
from a university which supported
with federal funds a discrimina-
tory fraternity system, the Uni-
versity would probably not be af-
fected, he remarked.
Keppel indicated last week that
the federal government had the
power under the Civil Rights law
of 1964 and the code of the De-
partment of Health, Education
and Welfare.
Strong as Governments
Feldkamp reasoned that the
University's anti-discriminatory
policies are as strong as the fed-
eral government's, therefore cases
of bias could be handled within
the structure.
Furthermore he pointed out that
no federal money is used at the
University to directly aid fraterni-
ties and therefore the legal status
of Keppel's intervention would be
rather dubious
He estimated that although the
University supports the fraternity
system through $50,000 worth of
annual services through council-
ing and personnel aid, the money
does not come from Washington.
Likely Action
Keppel's most likely action in
this direction, Feldkamp said
would be to withdraw money from
universities where the federal gov-
ernment was aiding to finance
fraternities through housing loans.
Sigma Chi's national office had
suspended the Stanford chapter
in April, the same month that
the local fraternity invited a Ne-
gro student Kenneth Washington,
to pledge.-
The national contends that "the
chapter was suspended for a per-
iod of one year pursant to the
bylaws of the fraternity for but
one reason, a disregard of and an
active opposition to adherence to
However, Stanford chapter of-
ficers feel the reason for the
suspension was strictly the dis-
criminatory policies of the na-
For example, past chapter presi-
dent Frank Olrich of Auburn,
Calif. and Pat Foste:, a chapter
member, said "We have felt in
the past and will always think the
suspension was based on the dis-
crimination question."
Chrysler Co.
Supplies '
One Million
A gift of $1,250,000 to the Uni-
versity from the Chrysler Corp.
Fund for a center for advanced
short courses and conferences in
engineering was announced yes-
terday by University President
Harlan Hatcher.
To be known as the Chrysler
Center for Continuing Engineer-
ing Education, it is the first
major corporate contribution to
the University's campaign for $55
million in private support. More
than $20r million has been con-
tributed since the drive was an.
nlounced last November.
Expand and Improve
The Chrysler Center will great-
ly expand and improve this pro-
gram, officials of the University's
engineering school said.
It will consist of 40,000 square
feet of floor space on North Cam-
pus, accommodating up to 600
students at a time, plus faculty
and administrators.
Facilities will include seven
classrooms equipped with audio-
visual facilities, including closed
circuit television; three laboratory
demonstration rooms; two con-
ference rooms; a meeting and din-
ing area and a study area.
Air Conditioning
In addition to creating the cen-
ter the fund will contribute $50,-
000 worth of Chrysler Air-temp
air conditioning equipment.
The University's $55 million
program, scheduled for completion
in 1967, is intended to obtain
private funds for such needs as
buildings, scholarships, new pro-
grams of teaching and research
and endowed professorships.
President Hatcher called the
new center "a significant contri-
bution to education "
"Technology is advancing so
rapidly that an engineer's edu-
cation becomes obsolete within 10
years after he graduates," he said.
"For this reason we know that our
enrollments in continuing edu-
cation programs are going to grow
very quickly in coming years."
Miguel Soto, president of the
autonomous Confederation of
Christian Unions which sponsored
the walkout, charged "police and
army repression" caused the fail-
A junta spokesman denied al-
legations that union leaders had
been arrested and workers forced
to return to their jobs.
There was a denial too of a
rumor that troops of the inter-
American peace force surrounding
the rebel-held downtown sector
would launch an attack yesterday.
This rumor cropped up Monday
and reached such proportions that
some Dominican citizens asked the
Organization of American States
to intervene.
Rebel leaders said their regime
played no part in the strike. They
had hoped, however, that a suc-
cessful walkout would strengthen
their bargaining position. The
rebels have physical control of
about one square mile in down-
town Santo Domingo, but claim
wide support in the junta-held
Gen. Hugo Panasco Alvin, Bra-
zilian commander of the inter'
American Force, issued the denial.
The commander of 13,500 United
States and Latin American sol-
diers, Alvim said:
"The troops will be used only
in situations which absolutely re-
quire their use and which tend to
achieve the mission entrusted to
us in this country of finding a
solution to the Dominican con-
Negotiations for a political set-
tlement appeared to be coming to
a head. The three-man OAS me-
diating committee, headed by Ells-
worth Bunker of the U.S., sched-
uled a meeting with Antonio Quz-
man, a rebel negotiator.
Rebel sources reported that the
Caamano regime had prepared its
formal reply to the OAS peace
formula, announced Friday The
formula calls for a compromise
provisional government now and
elections in six to nine months.
The rebels delayed the release
of a U.S. paratrooper captured
Monday. In return for the re-
lease of Pfc. Charlie E. Monday,
22, of Bessemer, Ala., they sought
permission to speak with 30 rebels
held by U.S. troops. An OAS
spokesman said the rebel request
was being studied.
Seek Unity
can group headed by former Cin-
cinnati Mayor Charles P. Taft
has suggested in a newsletter,
"Republicans for Progress," that
the time has come to extend "the
hand of welcome" to party mem-
bers who supported Lyndon John-
son in the presidential election.
". It is timely to ask whether,
as a minimum beginning, respon-
sible party officials might not
now make it clear that the hand
of welcome is being extended-
that a political amnesty is being
offered as at least a preliminary
gesture," the newsletter said.
The Republican p a r t y, the
newsletter said, must be "broad
enough to encompass all shades of
responsible political beliefs." a
In Tokyo 14,000 students held three separate demonstrations protesting reopening of ni
lations between Japan and North Korea, saying this will prevent unification of the South
northern half of the divided country. Signed were a treaty on basic diplomatic relations
South Korea last Feb. 20 and agreements of fisheries.
State Art Counc To Be Set
One of the nation's most unique
state arts councils is presently
being developed in Michigan.
The founders have not sought
publicity, Karl Haas, chairman of
the Governor's State Council on
the Arts, said yesterday, since
the project is still in the forma-
tive stages. But there is a pom-
plete program waiting for funds,
and some action is expected by
The major goals of the arts
council, as Haas envisions it, are:
-To morally and financially
encourage local artistic organiza-
tions which have proved their
-To establish new organiza-
tions, and
-To provide facilities for small-
er communities to bring in travel-
ling theatrical groups and sym-
phony orchestras.
For example, the State Arts
Council might provide professional
leadership to help a small com-
munity to establish its own pro-
fessional theater. Or the council
might make travelling exhibits
available to museums in small
Arrange Seminars
Another project of special in-
terest would be to send symphony
orchestras to smaller state cam-
puses-but not merely to give per-
formances. It would be an essen-
tial part of the program to ar-
range seminars with the musicians
and the students.
The emphasis of the whole pro-
gram, according to Haas, is per-
sonal involvement in the arts.
"The arts are not a synthetic
commodity for which you buy
tickets, but an organic need. We
want people to be unhappy if they
don't hear a concert once a
month," he explained.
This unique approach to the
cultural development of the state
is carried over into the council's
attitude toward its fund raising.
The government is called upon
more for its support and encour-
agement than for the actual funds
it will supply the council.
"There should be a combina-
tion of public and private funds,"
Haas said. "We don't want 'gov-
ernment subsidy' of the arts, but
public involvement." -
Financial Goal
.-The council is~shooting now for
a goal of $200,000, only a fraction
of which is expected to be ap-
propriated by our state legislature,
according to Haas
"Sometimes a legislature needs
to be shown the worth of a proj-
ect. We will go on in any case, if
it has to be with private funds,"
Haas commented.
However, Haas expects that
within three years the council will
be able to carry out more projects
with less money. Since the whole
focus of the council's work is that
of stimulating local involvement,
he anticipates that various proj-
ects will be locally supported as
they become established.
The arts council is composed of
nine committees, Haas explained.
There are two business commit-
tees, and seven others, each cover-
ing a major discipline in the arts
-architecture and architectural
landscaping, theater arts, music,
graphic arts, literature, dance and
Each committee is headed by a
professional man w
standing in his fiel
sists of 10 other pe
field, Haas said.
Academic Pe(
Although there ar
of university people f
the state involved wit
cil, Haas pointed out
not good to associatei
exclusively with unive
is an innate appr
'adult education' per;
ica," he said. "The
Last Iss
With this issue
ceases publication u
often effective when
"Culture is not a m
Haas added, "but we
be a mass concern. A
is make things availa
one in an attractive u
phasized the importa
ing standards of exc
project of this kind.
develop public taste
sary that people be
art of high quality.
Haas is Directorc
for Detroit radio s
He has also been Fin
sultant to the Ford7
Tr gets
i Line'
Cong Rebel
For Bombing
Guerrilla Leaders
Threaten Reprisals
For Saigon Actions
SAIGON W) - United States
fighter-bombers made their deep-
est penetration of North Viet
Nam yesterday and for the first
time poured bombs and rockets
into targets north of the "Hanoi.
A U.S. spokesman said one raid
was against army barracks at Son
La, 110 miles west northwest of
Hanoi and only 80 miles from the
Chinese border. It also was 55
mociated Press miles from Dien Bien Phu, where
the French army went down to
7 final defeat in Indochina.
Another group of eight Thun-
formal re- derchiefs with the same 20 es-
h with the corts attacked the Van Nuoc
i wit the Chien ammunition depot 70 miles
in Seoul, west northwest of Hanoi, the
spokesman said.
Fire Light
No enemy aircraft were sighted
and antiaircraft fire was light to
U moderate, the spokesman said.
The previous northern most
penetration of North Viet Nam
ho is out- was a U.S. Navy strike against
d, and con- Hon Gay, 75 miles east of Hanoi.
ople in the This was during the August 1964,
Gulf of Tonkin crisis.
ople In Saigon, a member of the
e a number Viet Cong shouted "down with
rom all over the Americans" as he died before
h the coun- a firing squad for trying to blow
t that "it is up an American billet in a Saigon
programs too suburb.
rsities. There , Executed
ehension of The Viet Cong member, 25-
se, in Amer- year-old Tran Van Dang, was ex-
refore it is ecuited at dawn in Saigon's cen-
tral market square while newsmen
and photographers watched.
Me Dang began shouting slogans
as he was hauled from the van.
the Daily A Catholic priest stood near him
until Tues- for a moment, but the terrorist
paid no attention.
Capture American
applied sub- The Viet Cong has threatened
to execute a captive American
ass project," aid official, Gustave C. Hertz, if
hope it will Saigon authorities carry out the
11 we can do death sentence against Nguyen
ble to every- Van Thai, a Viet Cong' guerrilla
vay." He em- condemned for taking part in the
nce of hav- bombing of the U.S. embassy
ellence in a March 30. Hertz was seized by
In order to the Viet Cong last February.
it is neces- Brig. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi,
exposed to commander of the Vietnamese
army in the northern part of the
of Fine Arts country, said in an interview yes-
tation WJR. terday that 20 Viet Cong bat-
ne Arts Con- talions-perhaps as many as 8,000
FenArtCon- men-are now operating in South
Foundation. Viet Nam's five northernmost
# "I want to see the U.S. Marines
go into action," he said. "We need
them to win this war
Severe Measures
icials South Viet Nam's new premier,
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky, warn-
ed in a speech that severe meas-
Ln revolution-ures will be taken against anyone
n rvoutin-caught misusing foreign aid.
ss announce- "Drastic measures w ill be
meted out against misuse of
it they came assistance forthe benefit ofa
of events in (limited) number of people be-
en given this cause these cases are betrayal,"
military aid. Ky declared.
as arranged In London, British Common-
revolutionary wealth leaders struggled to keep
yen Bella,Col. their Viet Nam peace mission
from foundering after hearing it
denounced by China and North
t said Mo- Viet . .am a sa U.S.-British fraud.
arrived Mon- The government chiefs of Bri-
of Boume- tai, Nigeria, Ghana, Trinidad and
y council. He Tobago are prepared to set out on
rezhnev, first the peace mission, but delegates
munist party, at the Commonwealth conference
gin and For- doubt it will amount to anything
A. Gromyko. if the tour is confined to Saigon,
agency said Washington and possibly Moscow.
y, Page 3
Johnson Plans
s concerning
iscusseddur- r Address
o off icial in- d
Soviet gov- SAN FRANCISCO (P)-The San
recognize the Francisco Chronicle said last
e its relations ,c , h p T: rinR_
Algerian Diplomat Coi
With High Soviet Off
MOSCOW j)-A special representative of the Algeria
ary council conferred yesterday with Soviet leaders, a Ta
ment said
It gave no indication of the nature of the talks, bu
amid signs of possible Soviet misgivings over the turn
Algeria. The ouster president, Ahmed Ben Bella, had be(
country's highest honors and extensive economic and
i The military aid w
Freedom Singers To Perform in Ann. Arbor
The Freedom Singers in Con-
cert will be featured at Trueblood
Auditorium Friday night at 8:30.
The evening's program will "de-
pend on audience response" said
Cordell Reagan, one of the group.
Their material comes from the
country churches, the stockades,
the prisons, the farmer's shacks
and the dusty roads of the South.
It is none of the contemporary
folk circuit.
After the Ann Arbor perform-
ance the Freedom Singers plan
to return to Jackson, Miss. to aid
their organization's efforts in the
South. From there they will make
a 10-nation swing through Africa
and finish the overseas tour in
the Soviet Union.
All the members of the folk
group are field secretaries for
SNCC. While in the South, they
sing to bolster spirits in any place
of protest and help in voter regis-
tration. This past year they spent
which was with Pete Seeger, popu-
lar folk singer. The money their
concert tours and records earn
goes toward paying lawyers, pro-
viding transportation to registra-
tion !centers, operating Freedom
Schools and to provide sustenance
for communication systems and
for field workers.
This past week, the Freedom
Singers participated in a mem-
orial program in Ann Arbor for
last summer's civil rights slay-
with the head of ther
council that ousted B
Houari Boumedienne.
The announcemen
hammed Ben Yahiaa
day on instructions
dienne's revolutionary
met with Leonid I. Br
secretary of the Comn
Premier Alexei Kosyg
eign Minister Andrei
The official news
See Related Story
only that "question
both countries were d
ing the ensuing talk
There has been n
dication whether the
ernment intends tor
new regime and leav
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