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June 22, 1965 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-22

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TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1965



Doubts Linger Over
B-52 Bomber Strike
WASHINGTON (P-A Pentagon reconnaissance expert said
yesterday high altitude photographs show that at least 470 bombs
dropped by a fleet of B52's sowed craters across a Viet Cong strong-
hold in South Viet Nam.
"This was a very good strike," he told a news conference.
The expert, who asked that his name not be used, was presented
to reporters in an evident attempt to fortify the government's
position that the B52 strike last Thursday was successful.
Reports from Saigon, however, have indicated the guerrillas
" were dealt something less than a

Viet Nam Korean Precedent



Labor Strike
May Assist
Rebel Cause
unions called a 72-hour nation-
wide strike yesterday as a show Qf
support for the Dominican rebels
but got only a partial response.
At least two of the approxi-
mately 40 factories in Santo
Domingo shut down. Others work-
ed with partial staffs and some
said there had been no employe
Elsewhere in the country, there
were no reports of support for the
strike call.
The rebel leaders said thgeir
regime was playing no part in the
strike.: But a successful walkout
might strengthen the rebels' bar-
gaining position. The rebels have
physical control of about a one
square mile area of downtown
Santo' Domingo, but claim wide
support in the junta-held coun-
The junta and the rebels are
studying an inter-American peace
formula placed before them Fri-
day. The proposal, accepted by
both sides as a basis for nego-,
tiations, calls for a compromise
provisional government now and
elections in six to nine months.
Virgilio Meynardi Reina, rebel
secretary of labor, said "we in-
terpret this strike as a demonstra-
tion of support of the constitu-
The rebels are demanding a re-
turn to the constitution of 1963,
under which Juan D. Bosch served
as president before his overthrow
in September, 1963.
The strike was called by the
Autonomous Confederation of
Christian Unions. It and affiliated
organizations claim to represent
more than 100,000 workers, or
most of the nation's organized

crushing blow.
Among other things, three spe-
cial forces officers who led South
Vietnamese teams into the target
zone said they saw no physical
damage in the 10 per cent of the
two-square-mile area they cover-
Asst. Secretary of Defense
Arthur Sylvester, who was present
during the conference, said he
was unable to state whether the,
estimated four battalions of Viet
Cong supposed to have been con-
centrated in the target area still
are there.
Sylvester declined to go beyond
what official briefers had said in
South Viet Nam as to the real
effect of the bombing.
However, when pressed, he said
the Pentagon is pleased with the
results of the strike-based on
the reconnaissance photographs
and what has been said officially
in Saigon.
The reconnaissance expert lim-
ited himself to discussing before-
and-after, photographs taken by
the reconnaissance planes.
He said he was unable to give
any information on the practical
damage inflicted, other than the
fact the photos showed the cra-
ters, and they measured 20 to 40'
feet in diameter and six to eight
feet deep.
The expert said "very intense
saturation" was accomplished in
the target area, with 470 craters
dug in straight lines across the
In addition, he said high and
low altitude photographs showed
300 craters, 200 to 300,yards south
of the outside of the target zone.
There were still others in another
area about' two-thirds of a' mile
north of the target area.
These areas, too, were suspected
of being infested with guerrillas,
he said. He described the whole
area as a, "complex of intense
Viet Cong activity."
When reporters quoted Saigon
dispatches which said the special
forces officers claimed to have
seen no physical damage, the re-
connaissance expert pointed out
that the field check had encom-
passed only 43 of I the craters-
less than 10 per cent of the hits.
In Saigon, Brig. Gen. Nguyen
Cao Ky yesterday formally took
over the premiership from the re-
tiring civilian government chief,
Phan Huy Quat.
And Chief of State Phan Khac
Suu formally turned over his post
to Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu,
former defense minister.
The return of political powers
to the military followed the resig-
nation of Quat and Suu 10 days
ago in the face of mounting op-
position. The two had stayed on
as caretakers.
Ky outlined a tough austerity
program in announcing Saturday
his acceptance of the premiership.
He has commanded South Viet
Nam's airmfomace.


World News
MOSCOW OP)-Marshal Georgi
K. Zhukov, the Red Army's com-
mander in World War II, de-
nounced yesterday criticism voic-
ed during the Khrushchev era'
that he had delayed the final
strike against Berlin.
Zhukov, former Soviet defense
minister, defended himself in the
first installment of his wartime
memoirs. ,
Former Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev purged Zhukov in
1957, but the Kremlin's new lead-
ers have encouraged the public
rehabilitation of the World War II
, 3 . * *
TOKYO' ()-Japan and South
Korea are set to formally sign
today a basic treaty and various
agreements that will restore nor-
mal diplomatic relations for the
first time in 60 years.
., *
countries of Europe and North
America started the ball rolling
yesterday for a voluntary fund to
pay off the United Nations' $108
million peacekeeping deficit and
get the General Assembly back to
Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Nor-
way, Sweden and Canada spon-
taneously pledged unconditional
voluntary contributions of $17,-
780,000 to the United Nations for
the stated purpose of resolving the
"financial difficulties."
In concerted moves, Britain
pledged $10 million, Canada $4
million, Sweden $2 million, Den-
mark $1 million, Norway $700,000
and Iceland $80,000. Their chief
UN delegates made the promisees
to Secretary-General U Thant.
The pledges expressed hope that
their pledges would help break the
Assembly's voting deadlock.

Associated Press News Ana'yst
WASTINGTON - Any time the#
United States gets into an unde-
clared war-as it is in Viet Nam-
it faces divided opinion at home
and criticism of the President.
The result is confusion about
what is being done or should be
done. It happened to President
Truman with Korea; it's happen-,
ing now to President Johnson with
Viet Nam.
In both cases the Presidents
sought discussions but the prob-
lem in Korea and in Viet Nam was
and is how to persuade the enemy
to agree to such talks.
Not Enough
Just proposing wasn't and isn't
enough. The task for both men
was how to hit the enemy hard
enough to convince him it's wiser
to talk peace without hitting so
hard that the United States finds
itself in a huge land war in Asia.
Truman fired Gen. Douglas
MacArthur for wanting to extend
the war in Korea and China whose
"volunteers" were the main foe in
Korea. And now there is fear if
the Vietnamese war is broadened
too much China will come in.
Before this country was in the
Korean war six months-Truman
sent the troops in and they be-
came part of a United Nations
operation under American leader-
ship-Sen. Robert A. Taft, Repub-
lican leader from Ohio, was on
Truman's back.
He accused the President of
violating the Constitution by not
getting advance congressional ap-
proval for use of troops and he
suggested the United States pull
out of Europe.
(There is less ground for this
complaint against Johnson for us-
ing troops in South Viet Nam and
bombing North Viet Nam because
Congress last August gave him a
go-ahead to do what he thought
But Taft, who wanted to pull
out of Korea, later backed Mac-
Arthur and wanted to use U.S.
planes a n d warships against
Another Republican leader, Sen.
Styles Bridges of New Hampshire,
called the Truman policy in Korea
an "immoral course of kill, kill,
kill and hope somebody will be
willing to negotiate."
More Than Ever-
But then Truman got drowned
in more criticism than ever for
dismissing MacArthur, whose att.i-
tude was a lot more belligerent
than Truman's. In the end, North.
Korea agreed to an armistice.
In Viet Nam Johnson has sought
to induce the North Vietnamese
to negotiate a settlement. To per-
suade them, he's been bombing
them since February but they
have ignored him and in South

Viet Nam the Viet Cong is fight-
ing harder than ever.
By a twist in politics most of
the congressional criticism of
Johnson comes from inside the
ranks of his own Democrats. The
Republicans so far have been
supporting him although there are
signs this may change.
Harsh Critic
Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon,
one-time Republican who became
a Democrat and friend of John-
son when the latter was Senate
leader, is perhaps the harshest
critic of his Viet Nam policies.
Two other Democratic senators

-Ernest Gruening of Alaska and
A. Willis Robertson of Virginia-
have appealed for this country to
submit the conflict to the United
And a Republican, Sen. Jacob
K. Javits of New York, asked for
a thorough fact-finding inquiry
into the Vietnamese war, such as
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee is going to make into
the U.S. role in the Dominican
In the midst of all this, Sen.
J. W. Fulbright of Arkansas,
chairman of the Foreign Relations


Committee, made a long Senate
speech which didn't pretend to
have solutions but illustrated the
unhappy American condition.
He's against pulling out the
American forces in Viet Nam-he
thinks the consequences would be
disastrous. He hopes for a negoti-
ated settlement, doesn't want to
see the war broadened.
He said he's afraid broadening
it would get the United States into
a long drawn-out jungle war
where the other side would have
the advantages. Fulbright made
his speech after a White House
conference with Johnson.







NEW ALGERIAN STRONGMAN Houari B'ouinedienne, left, who overthrew President Ahmed Ben
Bella, may initiate more revolutionary policies than his predecessor as Algerian leader, He has a
Marxist background and is a veteran of the Algerian revolution.
NewUD Algerian Boss Leans Left

Associated Press Staff Writer
NEW YORK - Houari Boume-
dienne, secretive and taciturn
Algerian army chief, waited near-
ly three years to strike at Ahmed
Ben Bella.
He and his army: backed Ben
Bella's quest for power in the tur-
bulent days that followed Algeria's
hard-won independence in the
summer of 1962.
They supported Ben Bella dur-
ing his tough, uncompromising
efforts to consolidate power over
12 million Algerians.
Precarious Alliance
It was a tense and precarious
alliance and seasoned observers
of the Algerian scene predicted
that one day it would disintegrate.
pn - 1dim nAd

giers. It was Ben Bella who set
the stage for the meeting as a
self-styled champion of the "third
world's revolutionary movements.
Emerging as the new head of
Algeria-a much shaken country,
strategically located in the Medi-
terranean and still groping in a
maze of economic and political
problems-Boumedienne is a vir-
tually unknown figure.
Rose Swiftly
His real name is Mohamed
Boukharouba. He rose swiftly in
the ranks of Algerian guerrillas
fighting for independence from
France, emerging a -much-feared
and followed commander.
In 1961 a report of the French
m i1i t a r y intelligence described
Boumedienne as a rising star and
a man to watch.

training was said

to have been in

Signifncantly, Bfoumemenne anu-
his military followers struck vir- The report described Boume-
tually on the eve of the much- dienne as having a strong Moslem
publicized summit conference of background, but leaning toward
the Asian-African nations in Al- Marxism. Part of Bouedienne's

The colonel showed his face to
the world for the first time in
April 1962 in an Algerian army
camp near Le Kef in Western
Ironically, he was there to in-
troduce Ben Bella to the ranks
of Algeria's elite battalion.
It was Boumedienne who back-
ed Ben Bella in a subsequent quar-
rel pitting him against the Alger-
ian government in exile. Without
Boumedienne's 45,'000-man army,
Ben. Bella's rise to power would
have been thwarted.
Boumedienne's view has been'
that the army should have an
active role in forging Algerian
socialism. He envisaged some sort
of popular militia' which would
hold a rifle in one hand and
workers' tools in the other.
lie has often been described as
an idealist, a pure revolutionary
to whom even Ben Bella's social-
ism was too moderate.
Too Early
It is much too early to say
whether the takeover will graph-
ically change Algeria's internal
situation or its role among the
world's undeveloped nations.
The country's problems, rafter
the departure of most of one mil-
lion European settlers, are over-
whelming. No single coup d'etat
or change in government would
be able to solve them.
Nevertheless, Algeria is regard-
ed as a barometer of the trends
and tensions gripping the third
The course which the Boume-
dienne regime will adopt may eas-
ily cause reperfussions in much of
restive Africa where Algeria has
been active as a strong revolu-
tionary force.


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which Tlhe
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
tal responsibility. Notices should be l
sent in TVPE'Ii'IT'l'IN form to
Room 3564 Administration UBdg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the Pay preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday 9
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be nublished a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day 7
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organiration notices are nots
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar j
American Guild of Organists Regional
Convention-Hill Aud., 8:15 a.mn.
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Training systems Institute-,
Geary A. Rummier, director, "Using
the Systems Approach to Direct Train-
ing and Manpower Activities": Mich-
igan Union, 8:30 a.m.]
American Guild of Organists Conven-
tion Recital-Jerald Hamilton, Univer-
sity of Illinois: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.'
Doctoral Examination for Charles,
Martin Wy n n, Chemistry; thesis:
"Stereochemistry of Pyrrolidine Addi-
tion to Cicyclo 1:2.2 cot-n-ene-2-car-
bonitrile," Tues., June 22, 3400 Chem
istry Bldg., 2 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Ernest;
John Travis, Education & Psychology;i
thesis: "An Investigation of the Ra-
tional Decision Making, Cooperation,

Greed, Punishment, and Withdrawal
Manifested by Schizophrenics in Sev-
eral Experimental Conflict Situations,"
Tues., June 22, 2006 Mental Health
Research Inst.
Any persons interested in ushering
for the Summer Series of 4 concerts
in Rackham Aud, in July may sign up
for Lhese concerts and pick up their
Usher Tickets at the Box Office at
Hill Aud. on Wednesday, June 23, 7
p.m. See Mr. Warner. This will prob-
ably be your only opportunity to sign
so please be prompt.
Doctoral Examination for David
Bruce Lellinger, Botany; theisis: "A
Quantitative Study of Generic Delimi-
tation in the Adiantoid Ferns," Tues.,
June 22, 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 2 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Norman Silvernale, Jr., Microbiology;
thesis: "Mode of Antibacterial Action
of Texachlorophene," Tues., June 22,
1570 E. Medical Bldg., 10 a.m.
NSF Advanced Science Education
Program Instructions for applying to
NSF for support of Advanced Science
Seminars, Graduate Development Pro-
jects, and Public Understanding of
Science Projects are contained in a
booklet which, may be consulted in the
Office of Associate Dean Freeman D.
Miller, Room 118 Rackham Bldg.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
programmed through the International
Center who will, be on campus this
week on the dates indicated. Program
arrangements are being made by Mrs.

Clifford R. Miller, International Center,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Jayachandra June
21-23 - Deputy Director, Production
Management, Small Industries Exten-
sion Training Institute. Hyderabad,
Mrs. Irma Alicia Gigena de Rankin:
June, 22-27-Director of Courses, Eng-
lish Teaching Program, Aricana, Bina-
tional Center, Mendoza, Argentina.
Miss Olga Penaranda: June 22-27 -
Registrar, Binational Center, La Paz,
Mrs. Susana Paternain Carozzo: June
22-27 - English Teacher, Binational
Center, Montevideo, Uruguay. i
Mrs. Elena Watt Barroso: June 22-27
-Head Librarian, Binational Center,
Santiago. Chile.
Miss Maria Evangelina Arca Bielich:
June 22-27-Assistant to the Director.
Callao Branch, Binational Center, Lima,
Miss Lucia Valencia Arango: June 22-
27 - Administrative Secretary, Centro
Colombo-Americano, El Palo No. 53-30,
Medellin, Colombia.
Mr. O.M.A. Kheiri: June 22-Aug. 18-
Lecturer in English, Higher Teacher
Training Institute, Omdurman, Sudan.
Mr. Maurice Calvet: June 23-Aug. 18
-Director, Laboratory of Experimental
Phonetics, Centre de Linguistique
Applique, University of Dakar, Dakar-
Fann, Senegal.

tions Trainee. Immed opening for re-
cent grad. Bus. or econ. helpful. No
exper. req. Trng. in merchandising,
leases, etc. Career opportunity.
Local Firm - Sales Repres. Immed.
oening for business machines sales.
Dgree or some college. Exper. helpful,
will train. Age 22-30.
Wilson and Co., Inc., Chicago-Var-
ious openings including 1. Mkts. Mer-
chandising Manager, recent grad. in
mktg. or advtg. 6 mos. trng. 2. Jr.
Accountant, acctg. major, exper. desir-
able for corp. tax dept. 3. Chemist,
B.S. plus a few years exper. in analyt
chem. desirable.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.


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Ohio Agric. Experiment Station,
Wooster - Asst. Electron Microscopy
Trainee. B.S. or M.S. in Biol. Sci.,
Bichem. or Chem. or equiv exper. In-
terest in bioi ultrastructure related to
International Labor Office -Spanish
and French translators. Degree or equiv.
Perfect command of Engl. and French
plus Spanish, German or Russian. Age
23-45. Translate mat'1. on labor related
subjects. Applic. deadline Aug. 31.
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