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June 22, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-22

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See Editorial Page

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Fair but cloudy with
chance of showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Debate U.S. Role
In VietNam War
Major Differences Center on Broad
Strategy, Basis of Rebel Strength
McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to the President on national
security affairs, last night kept his second appointment with critics
of his administration's policies in Viet Nam, and the hour's tele-
vised debate that resulted brought at least some clarification of
the major differences between those supporting and those opposing
United States involvement in the conflict in that nation.
The deepest cleavages concerned the nature of the war being
fought between U.S.-Saigon forces and the National Liberation Front

or Continues on Unified Budget Request

The Council of State College Presidents is proceding with work
on a 1966-67 unified budget request-an attempt to jointly deter-
mine the budgets of Michigan's state supported schools and present
them to the governor and the Legislature in one package backed
by all ten institutions.
But while all ten schools have given the council data on antici-
pated financial needs, a number of perplexing problems and pro-
cedural details have not yet been worked out.
In fact, it is not even certain that a 1966-67 unified request
will be submitted. According to Ira Polley, a representative of the
council, the technique for submitting a proposal, if and when it is
developed, has not yet been determined.
Up to this point, the council has accumulated statistics from
the various schools and is in the process of making calculations
which will lead to a recommended budget figure for each school.
"The figures will be tentative figures for each school to con-
sider," Polley explained, adding that procedures for determining
these figures have already been developed.
He said that each school has submitted estimates for the
amount of additional funds needed to pay for larger enrollment,
inevitable pay raises, and inflationary increases in operating costs.
Officials of each school have been meeting for three months

to evaluate and discuss these appraisals, and, hopefully, they will
reach some conclusions from which an over-all budget figure can
be developed.
At the moment, University administrators say, the unified
budget is in the experimental stage.
But while still harboring some reservations about details and
procedures involved, they consider the present effort is a promising
step even if, in the end, it does not produce a workable coordinated
budget proposal for 1966-67.
Michigan educators have been toying with the idea of a
unified budget request for some time. It was approved in principle
by the college presidents a year ago and, while subject to some
controversy, has generally gained increasing support since then.
Underlying the proposal is a general dissatisfaction with the
haggling and confusion that often surround the schools' approp-
riations requests to the Legislature.
Proponents of the plan believe that officials of the ten schools
can get together each year and work out a mutually acceptable
budget figure for each institution.
A total figure for a higher education budget would then be
submitted to the appropriate state organs-probably the governor,
the Legislature, and the new State Board of Education.
The schools hopefully would then combine forces to fight for
their proposal, eliminating the inter-institutional bickering that

has often handicapped the state colleges and universities in getting
desired appropriations from the Legislature.
However, some educators, including a number of University
officials, have foreseen problems that cloud this ideal vision.
For one, they point out the striking differences in the Mich-
igan's ten state schools: side by side with the three giant uni-
versities are several former teachers' colleges still in the process
of adjusting to their new status as universities, as well as smaller
schools such as. Grand Valley State College. Some educators fear
that planning a coordinated budget request for such a varied
group would be a very complex task.
Moreover, there is some question as to the role that should be
played by the state board. While almost all agree that the board,
as the constitutionally designated advisory and coordinating body
for Michigan higher education, should rightfully scrutinize a
unified higher education budget, some educators, including Regent
William Cudlip, have expressed concern over the degree to which
the board may wish to participate in the future.
Indeed, both Cudlip and President Harlan Hatcher expressed
"fundamental reservations" on this matter last April.
Nevertheless, University officials are cooperating with the
presidents' council in its work on the 1966-67 proposal, and
generally express cautious optimism about prospects for the future.

and what that war means for


U.S. policies with respect to the
alleged Asian designs and stra-
tegies of China.
According to Guy Paulker of
the Rand Corporation, speaking
in support of the administration's
policies, the NFL-the political
arm of the Communist guerrillas
-is only a facade for a long-
standing plan by the Hanoi gov-
ernment to establish a "totali-
tarian regime" in South Viet Nam
by sending carefully indoctrinated
and trained agents into the South
to aggravate local grievances and
thus spawn an anti-Saigon mili-
tary force.
Peasants' Alienation
Countering this position, Prof.
John Donoghue of Michigan State
University-who spent several
years in South Vietnamese vil-
lages-claimed that the Viet
Cong's strength is mainly a func-
tion of southern peasants' aliena-
tion from the Saigon government.
Rightly or wrongly, he said,
these peasants believe the Viet
Cong to be their protectors from
this government; they feedshouse,
clothe and supply the guerrillas.
Prof. Edmund Clubb of Columbia
University painted the essentially
nationalistic character of the
Communists in both parts of Viet
Nam as potentially the strongest
safeguard against Chinese en-
croachment on that state. And
Prof. Hans Morgenthau of the
University of Chicago contended
that the U.S. has to recognize that
Chinese threats in Asia are fun-
damentally political, not military.
Therefore, he said, the U.S. can-
not contain Communism in Asia
with the basically military meas-
ures which it used successfully
against the Soviet Union in
Chinese Line
i mi nmpa iou f am

U.S. May Use Funds
To Halt Campus Bas
The suspension ofP a Stanford University chapter of Sigma Chi
fraternity by its national may become a test case in the courts over
whether the federal government can withdraw funds from schools
which allow affiliates with discriminatory practices.
This possibility was indicated last week in a statement by U.S.
Commissioner of Education Francis Keppel responding to the Sigma






Union 1Might
Seek Added

Wage Boost
With the announcement of the
$50 fee increase for the residence
halls, the University of Michigan
Student Employees Union may ask
the University administration for
an added wage increase, bringing
the minimum wage to $1.40 an
hour, Barry Bluestone, '66, presi-
dent of the UMSEU, announced
last night.
According to Bluestone, the $50
increase wipes out almost half of
the recently granted wage in-
crease. With the fee increase, the
wage increase, effective this fall,
will amount to only 11 or 12 cents
an hour, Bluestone explained.
Bluestone blasted Vice - Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont who charged
that the fee hike resulted from
the wage increase. Bluestone
countered by citing figures, prov-
ing that the wage increase will
cost the dormitory system only
$5.60 for each student working in
the residence halls.
The UMSEU is now planning a
state conference on student eco-
nomic welfare to be held at the
end of September.
"The conference will be run, for
the most part, by students. Cam-
pus leaders will be asked to ad-
dress leaders of the labor unions
and clergy from across the state,"
Bluestone said.
After a series of seminars, rep-
resentatives from the UMSEU will
conduct tours of the University
campus, showing the guests the
conditions in the residence halls,
the classrooms and the libraries.
Hopefully, this conference will
get private organizations and the
labor unions involved in the prob-
lems of student economic welfare,
Bluestone explained.
Other plans include a economic
package to be submitted to the
University administrators. The
package will be based on studies
conducted by the UMSEU, Voice
political party and other organi-
zations on campus.
The statement will begin with
an explanationtof why students
are concerned with the problems of
financial discrimination. They
will attempt to present the pres-
ent University philosophy towards
student economic welfare and the
traditional means of financing the
Also included will be a student
price index, compiled by the UM-
SEU proving that the cost of liv-
ing in Ann Arbor is substantially
hi,4,r t4han, a4-.. hav ,.n11PraC, And


This general view oz a more
desirable U.S. strategy was coun-
tered by Prof. Zbigniew Brezinski
of Columbia University who main-
tained that the Chinese threat is
more than political. But the U.S.
alone has the capacity to im-
prove political, economic and so-
cial conditions in Southeast Asia,
and it can do this only if its can
maintain its presence there in
the face of military aggression.
U.S. military failure, he said,
would simply prove China's line-
that by fomenting revolutionary
movements in the third world it
can change the course of history.
In another part of the debate,
Bundy reaffirmed the administra-
tion's intention to "sustain its
part" but indicated the U.S. would
not object to NLF representatives
being included in a Hanoi dele-
gation to a conference table.
Morgenthau came out support-
ing a "holding action" in Viet
Nam, saying it was impossible for
a great power-which has to guard
its prestige - to suddenly admit
its policy has been mistaken all
along and withdraw from a con-
f lict.
He was, however, extremely pes-
simistic about the "deteroriation"
of the military situation in Viet
Nam. He indicated - t h o u g h
Bundy denied the facts-that gen-
eral desertions froma the Saigon
forces are 30 per cent and as high
as 40 per cent around such cen-
ters of fighting as the U.S.'s Da
Nang air base.

Chi case,.
The Stanford chapter was sus
the same month it invited a Ne
* 1
City Council
Notes Death
Of Burns
City Council resolved last night
to honor the "character, political
interest and scholarship" of the
lately deceased Prof. Charles
Burns of the environmental health
Burns, who drowned this week-
end in a storm while he was sail-
boa ting, was regarded as an
authority in radiological health,
and was the husband of Eunice
Burns, the unscusseful Democratic
candidate for mayor of Ann Arbor
in the last election.
A graduate of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Burns re-
ceived his master's and doctorate
from the University of Wisconsin.
Prof. Clarence J. Velz, chairman
of the environmental health de-
partment, called Burns "one of
the nation's foremost authorities"
in the field of radiation biology
and added that he was "without
a doubt one of the finest teachers
of public health we have ever
Velz said Burns was "just at
the point of some very important
breakthroughs" in his studies in
the effects of radiation on living
things. He had developed a means
of using luminous bacteria to ob-
serve and measure the effects of
radiation Velz said.
He was a member of the Ameri-
can Chemical Society, American
Society for the Advancement of
Science, Radiation Protection So-
ciety and Sigma Xi honorary so-
Burns had worxect with MIT's
Food Technology Laboratory, the
research section of the French
food Mission in Washington D. C.
and with the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Na-
The Council meeting was ad-
journed in honor of Burns after
the passage of the resolution.

spended for one year on April 12,
gro student, Kenneth M. Wash-
ington, to become a pledge.
National Case
The national fraternity has in-
sisted that the Negro pledge had
nothing to do with the suspen-
sion, but several present and past
members of the local have in-
sisted that racial discrimination
is the reason.
The national contends that "the
(Stanford) chapter was suspended
for a period of one year pursuant
to the bylaws of the fraternity
for but one reason, a disregard of
and an active opposition to ad-
herence to rituals."
Past chapter president Frank
Olrich of Auburn, Calif., and Pat
Forster a member of the suspend-
ed chapter issued a statement of
their own immediately after the
national fraternity announced the
suspension would continue.
"We have felt in the past and
always will feel that, in our opin-
ion, the suspension was based on
the discrimination question," 01-
rich and Foster said.
They added that they felt steps
were being taken to eliminate ra-
cial barriers in the organization,
and the the problem could be re-
solved within the fraternity.
Keppel indicated that the fed-
erai government can in fact sus-
pend funds for racial discrimina-
tion under the provisions of the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare's code concerning dis-
The code states in part: "An in-
stitution of higher education
which applies for any federal fi-
nancial assistance of any kind
must agree that it will make no
distinction on the ground of race,
color, or national origin in the
admission practices or any other
practices of the institution re-
lating to the treatment of stu-
dents ...
"Other practices ... include the
affording to students of oppor-
tunity to participate in any edu-
cational, research, cultural, ath-
letic, recreational, social or other
program or activity . . .
It is not clear where or when
the case will be decided in the
courts, but Keppel's prediction may
be the start in allowing the federal
government to intervene in dis-
crimination questions on college


' May Ask Fair Housing


An ordinance banning discrim-
ination in any form of Ann Arbor
housing will be introduced to the
city council in the near future,
council member Leroy Cappeart
(D) revealed last night.
Observing that Circuit Judge
James Breakey's upholding of the
constitutionality of Ann Arbor's
Fair Housing Ordinance establish-
es a precedent for local municipal
involvement in preventing dis-
crimination, Cappeart said he
hopes for bipartisan support for
his proposals.
The Fair Housing Ordinance as
it now stands only covers a frac-
tion of Ann Arbor apartments,
applies only to owners who own
five or more buildings. Cappeart
says that he wants "total cover-
The Democratic councilman in-
dicated that he did not bring up
his proposal sooner because of the
controversy surrounding Ann Ar-
bor's original Fair Housing Ordi-
Attorney General Frank Kelley
had ruled initially that the law
overstepped constitutional limits.
Believing that "the state has

complete power to enforce civil
rights in housing," Kelley main-
tained that "there is no authority
for a city to adopt an ordinance
exercising this power."
Thus, according to Cappeart,
city council members were reluc-
tant to get involved in passing
stronger laws against discrimina-
tion in housing if the constitu-
tionality of a milder version was
in question.
Last week, however, Breakey
overruled Kelley's decision.

that "the mere f
has made some
not prohibit mu
enacting additio
Kelley hasr
whether he will
The debate ov
ing Ordinance s
ago with the H
lawsuit, whichi
was brought abo
crimination byt
Parkhurst - Arbo

Bu dget
Bill Provides
Record High
..~College Aid
Appropriation still
$4.5 Million Short
Of Regents' Request
By a vote of 92-5, the House
approved a $5.2 million appro-
priation for the University's gen-
eral funds budget yesterday as
part of a record $188 million
higher education bill.
Except for an unsuccessful at-
E~iiKUWASKItempt to insert an amendment
EPH KOWALSKI concerning planned expansion of
the University's Flint College
branch, no efforts were made to
change the University budget
approved by the Senate a month
Although alterations in appro-
priations for other state schools
will send the bill to a House-Sen-
fact that the state ate conference committee later
regulations does this week, the University's appro-
unicipalities from priation should not come up for
nal requirements. debate.
not decided yet While the $51.2 million appro-
appeal Breakey's priation is $1.1 million above Gov.
George Romney's recommenda-
er the Fair Hous- tion, it is still $4.5 million short
tarted over a year of the amount requested by the
Hubble case. This Regents last October.
is still undecided,
ut by alleged dis- The amendment on Flint, pro-
the owner of the posed and'later withdrawn by Rep.
rdale Apartments George Montgomery Jr. (D-De-
University gradu- troit) was the only hint yesterday
of the combination of political
maneuvering and opposition to
A l r s the University that led to the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee's $6.27 million cut in the Uni-
versity's budget-an amount re-
ncrease stored informally by the House
Thursday and officially yesterday.
baned llpublic The Montgomery amendment
banned allulr would have inserted language into
n maximum alert the bill expressing legislative in-
uster of President tent for permanent expansion of
the University's Flint branch, at
took to the streets present a two-year junior-senior
ed strongman in institution. Montgomery contend-
ed that, by appropriating funds
for a freshman class at Flint in
, white and green the fall, the Legislature was in
re down on them fact if not in expressed intent
scattered, another sanctioning development of a full
to gather in the four-year branch college.
Sen. Garland Lane CD3-Flit),
rations were a re- chairman of the Senate Appropri-
sturbances Sunday ation Committee which formulat-
attered a group of ed the higher education bill, is a
;tudents but there- vocal supporter of such an ,in-
sh of similar out- stitution.
athetic bystanders However, the State Board of
capital. Education recommended last April
rmed sources said that the branch be replaced by
al Nasser had of- an independent four-year state
en Bella asylum in school and agreed to a freshman
rces said that Al- class at Flint College this year
ers insisted, how- only because its members felt that
ousted president it was too late for the University
The new regime to hold up its 1965-66 plans.
r his friend and The most substantial change
uld not be execut- made in the higher education bill
,nts added. vesterdac1v was an mend~menai...

The circuit court judge said I against a Negro
New Algerian Chief
Forces as Tensions I
ALGIERS (M-)-Algeria's new military regime
demonstrations and ordered its security forces o
yesterday in the face of growing unrest over the o
Ahmed Ben Bella.
For the second time in 24 hours, angry youths
of Algiers shouting their support of the depos
defiance of Algeria's new revolutionary council.
The demonstrators, many waving Algeria's red
flag, scattered as police and helmeted troops bo:
in jeeps. But each time one knot of demonstrators
group seemed
next street.
The demonsti
enactment of di.
S k i night. Police sci
S kills pro-Ben Bella s
by set off a ra!
bursts by symp
r student per day, of which about throughout the
d, housing and lost wages. Other In Cairo, info
niversity professors and various President Gama
fered to grant B
.rn.s . p Egypt. The sou
government admiistration pro- geria's new lead
le " ever, that the
often found that the University must face trial
hensible details of administration informed Nasse
ase sometimes the University has political ally wo
nieniptirn_ ed. the informal

Summer Institute Stresses Professional

When you think of a government contract. you generally think
in terms of missiles, huge dams or nonfarming farmers.
But the University has a different type of government contract,
a $45,000 contract for a Summer Institute for Secondary School
English Teachers.
The product? "Professional competence," explained Prof. Arthur
J. Carr of the English department, the head of the Institute.

Costs amount to about $30 pe
$11 goes for stipends to cover foo
costs include three full-time U
consultants and lecturers.
Carr said that working with
cedure was "frustrating, but bearab
"In fact," Carr added, "I've
has more complex and incompreb
than does the government" becau
lace. w.,,ta Afinra nni, ofa mm

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