:: - Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS hre Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MiCH., PHONE NO 2-3241 UNDERSTANDING NEEDED: Soviet Union-Intellectual Ferment Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, JUNE 19, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA SEYFRIED _____ Evaluating Some Proposals For The Residential College [HE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Faculty Planning Committee is discussing new leas with the intensity, dedication and are which most administrators reserve or old ideas. Several of the new ideas being consid- red deserve discussion and comment by ;udents, because, if passed, they will af- ect student lives more than any other lucational move here in the last three ecades. Among the ideas being discussed are: " A THREE YEAR DEGREE PRO- -RAM. Underthis program, students at ie residential college would graduate in aree years by going two and a half erms each year. The idea of a four-year degree program egan. centuries ago when, with little re- ard to educational needs, rich English ristocrats decided that four years would e .a fitting period for a student to get way from his manor and into a gentle- ianly education. Yet nowadays, change to a three-year Ailege program as a general schedule ould hurt the student financially and in very broad sense-educationally. LTHOUGH it can be argued that the $1800 a student earns during three immers is chicken feed compared to the 6000 he may earn his first year in reg- Lar occupation, it happens more often iat students want the independence, or eed the support, of a full summer's arnings for the next school year. The cut from four months' summer ork to two months' would not only halve fe pay, but cut down the student's iances of getting ajob. Yet my most serious objection involves ot figures, but feelings. Most students need the summer ,to wig- e their intellectual toes in wet sand, to ork with mpen who don't accept excuses, get perspective on their plans, to en- y themselves, to read-to be educated. Although these thoughts may seem to e just kicking the dead horse of Trimes- r, there is anessential difference in=this ise: the Residential College could decide plan its programs around the basis the three-year program, instead of fering it as a more-or-less optional Zing as it is now. This would be a mis- ike. " NEW GRADING SYSTEMS. Two al- rnatives are mentioned for grading: no ore present-style grades at all, or "high ass, pass, fail" grades instead of letter- rades., Flexible grading systems like these are Utopian; like most Utopian ideas, they depend to some degree on the existence of Utopian people. Yet there is a little of the Utopian in all of us, and the idea could work; could, in fact, make education individual and satisfying as it ought to be. A DIFFERENT grading system should have instead brief assessments by teachers and by the students themselves, made at various times in the semester and kept on permanent file. But the new grading systems could still become extremely abused, leading to "ace courses," easy courses that lead to a full social calendar but empty pocketbooks. For this reason, the flexibility of grading should be varied for differen't courses, becoming more flexible for later courses or for more interesting courses. There is great promise in the Resi- dential College grading alternatives - a promise of education and independence. O COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS. Students would take exams either at the end of a semester-course, the end of the year, or the end of subject study. The exams would cover total knowledge in a field. Three out of four students-including MOORE ROBERT CHARL-6659793 - at this University get through their classes mostly by last-minute cramming, all- nighters and Study Outlines. Some daily work is involved, but the human mind is capable of remembering things at a kind of secondigear: knowledge after 15 hours, ignorance after 15 days. Comprehensive examinations would foil this practice and salvage the meaningful education that most students want but don't give themselves. "COMPREHENSIVES" are back-breaking and painful-ask any law student. But a flexible grading system would re- move much of the mental pressure; re- ceiving a personal assessment upon your mastery of a whole subject may in fact be fun as opposed to the shallow grief, joy, or resignation of getting a letter grade on your mastery of pp. 145-561 of a grey-covered textbook. The Residential College Faculty Plan- ning Committee is doing some of the most advanced planning in the Univer- sity. The issues it raises deserve public attention and comment, and the mere fact that it is raising those issues deserves. public praise. -ROBERT MOORE By LEONARD PRATT LAST TUESDAY, leading mem- bers of Russia's intellegentsia met at Moscow University's Peda- gogical Institute to criticize Ev- genia I' Popova's new book, "The U.S. and the Washington System." Their reaction to the book pro- vides an excellent indicator of im- portant changes in the Soviet in- tellectual climate. For their reaction was all but unanimously favorable to ideas which, not long ago at all, would have been damned as ideological heresies. Miss Popova's "heresies"= reportedly centered on three here- tofore unquestionable Communist tenets. HER FIRST attack on Russia's "conventional wisdom" centered on what she termed the "too sche- matic and oversimplified" con- cept of Wall Street's relation to the United States government. "The view that the American gov- ernment is thq servant of Wall Street monopolists in many re- spects hampers an understanding of the important role of public opinion in the United States," she said. There have certainly been many signs that this view of the United States government has gained widespread acceptance in many governmental circles, especially since Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev's visit to this country. But for a scholar-especially a mem- ber of the Communist party, which Miss Popova is-to publicly con- tradict Russia's favorite party line and be openly praised for her work is a departure from custom of the first rank. Miss Popova also attacked a second Soviet concept which she felt untrue-"the concept of life in the United States." "I feel it is not accurate to break American society into two groups-the great mass of workers and the monopo-, lists." She pictured rather "a great middle stratum" including profes- sional people as well as skilled. laborers. "WITHOUT an understanding of this middle grouping and its influence of public opinion one meets difficulties in any attempts at understanding American poli- tical realities." she commented. It is clear that in the search for a political understanding of America, Miss Popova has found a fairly accurate picture of Amer- ica today the easiest to believe of the several alternatives available to her. But ideas do not spring uncul- tivated from hostile ground; they must first have adequate accep- tance and preparation, and this fact coupled with Miss Popova's conclusions confirms earlier opin- ions about the great changes that were supposed to be taking place in Russian intellectual circles. MISS POPOVA'S sources were a third source of surprise. Not only had she read from standard Soviet scholarly sources, but she had also read deeply in foreign newspapers from the time con- cerning her book as well as dip- lomatic correspondence from Es- tonia. later taken over by Russia. The opening of these scholarly sources to Russian intellectuals can be regarded as little less than the Russian government's willing- ness to concede much greater de- grees of intellectual freedom than it has in the past. These changes are certainly not simply a part of the changes wrought by the post-Khrushchev government.They reach much deeper than that. THAT THIS is so is illustrated by recent events in Russia's re- luctant satellite, Yugoslavia. Mi- hailo Mihajlov, a young professor, recently attracted a great deal of attention when a Belgrade mag- azine published his conclusions following a journey in Russia last summer. Basically, Mihajlov concluded that "a third revolution' is being created in Russia, a revolution based on a more democratic intel- lectual approach to all aspects of social life. "The Soviet Union," Mihajlov asserts, "is on the threshold of grandiose changes." Mihajlov is not the only recent "Y ou've Bethi Deeidiii Who's All Right And Who bn't" k .. 44 -r <>4 I "'MwifE~rr P ft- Y h. i tc p s10 t M sir', perity brings with it rising in- tellectual horizons. REMOVE a group of men a generation or two from hard labor and they will begin to react crea- tively to their society. The maxim is just as true of Communist na- tions as it is of Western countries. MORE And second, the outbursts are more than just reports to the West on how the changes are coming along. They are in fact the. changes themselves taking place. Popova, Mihajlov and Dji- las are more than products of their society and commentators on it; they are the creators of their society. What they foretell will take place because they see themselves preparing for it. Indeed, the very fact that they are allowed the expression of their beliefs is suf- ficient testimony to the truth of the changes that they report. INTELLECTUAL changes are very often the harbinger of social and political changes to come. In this case, the changes, in their preliminary forms, are already up- on us. There are too many people and governments whose opinion of the Soviet bloc is governed by atti- tudes which do not obtain given the changes illustrated above. President Lyndon B. Johnson's policies of the beginnings of an understanding with Russia are thus commendable from both a personal and a diplomatic stand- point; they should be extended. But even more than the con- tacts of governments, what is needed is the contact of intel- lectuals of the two countries. To- day we have the beginnings of what may be at the least an area of concensus between the world's two great rival powers. IT IS DOUBTFUL if anything could promote such an under- standing faster than meaningful contact between the intelligencia of the two nations. All should realize its importance, and as many as possible should partici- pate in it. Yugoslav rebel. Milovan Djilas, formerly a high government of- ficial, also caused quite a stir with his attempts to foment political reform along more democratic lines. He lashed out at what he termed the "new class" of Yugo- slav bureaucrats, those living off the system. IN A SENSE, Mihajlov and Djilas are rather poor examples: both are curently in prison for embarrassing Yugoslav President Tito., But it must be realized that their imprisonment was more an act of political expediency than of social repression. Tito is cur- rently attempting to expand his previously cool relations with Rus- sia, and he simply does not want anyone rocking the boat. More- over, Mihajlov's sentence was nine months; this token punish- ment is certainly not the act of a society that wishes to significantly comment on the offender's act. These outbursts of intellectual restiveness in what was previously an intellectual desert are impor- tant comments on several trends. In the first place they illustrate that, as in the West, rising pros- t LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Debate Continues over Uni on Teach-In Thoughts on The Fee Hike ONE DOWN and one more to go. In addition to the ' dorm fees which were hiked by $50 yesterday, there are strong indications that there will also be a tuition increase. This is because despite the probable record high Lansing appropriation of $51.2 million to the University this year, vari- ous deans and department heads are wondering about how tight they can run their ships and still remain academically afloat. These people feel that in order for the University to keep up with the brisk pace of rising faculty salaries and new equip- ment more money is needed than the Legislature is giving. Thus a tuition hike is in the offing. Nevertheless the financial burden of the students is becoming increasingly cum- bersome. Dorm fees have risen by 10 per cent in the last two years and a tui- tion hike may break many a camel's back. * * * THE OBVIOUS EFFECT of the dorm fee hike is that 7000 students will be paying $50 a year more to attend the Uni- versity. What is ironic is that even though they will be paying more the dorm residents will be living in quarters even more cramped than last year's. Memories of sleeping in the top floor study of South Quadrangle and with an- other roommate in a converted small sin- year for a long time. The earliest hints were given last win- ter when John Eadie, Interquadrangle Council president, announced that stu- dents should watch out for a hike. When confronted with questions relat- ing to dorm fees from that point on, ad- ministrators would bat their eyelashes and tell students that they had no com- ment but they would not rule out the possibility. Then at the April Regents meeting, an announcement was made that student wages would be raised to a minimum $1.25, per hour. Guess from where the money was intended to come? ONE ALWAYS GETS the feeling when learning about the financing of the dorms that they are somehow misman- aged. For what the student gets, he is being overcharged. Assuming that the men involved in running the show are competent, the pos- sibilities of losing a few house mothers and advisors here and there, and cutting down on such extravagances as served food in various girl's dorms come into mind as ways to cut costs. The question of tuition hikes is another matter entirely than the question of dorm hikes. The amount of money which the University must charge its students is determined in large measure by the Leg- islature's budget, To the Editor: THE BEST WAY to demonstrate how unforgivable, disgusting, diabolical, despicable andtdown- right nasty the actions of the Viet Nam crowd were last Tuesday is to compare them with those of the Astronaut crowd. In the first place, the Astronaut crowd was celebrating a remark- able and unusual event-a non- violent and peaceful mission by two members of the United States Armed Forces. The Viet Nammers, on the other hand, were talking war-talk, and the end of one at that. ALSO, the Viet Nam butt-in most assuredly was done because those people thought that they could use the situation for their own political schemings. One might say the Astronaut Welcome had political overtones to it due to the presence of President Hatcher and Governor Romney. One must remember, however, that these men had to be there- after all, they planned it. It took an indeterminate amount or rudeness on the part of the Viet Nammers, in the midst of celebration for one of America's greatest achievements, to bring up the Viet Nam problem. It isn't that often that the people of Ann Arbor and of Mich- igantruly have something to be proud of for someone to go and spoil it. AND WHY did they have to do it on Tuesday, anyway? The war's not going to disappear. It'll be here next week, next month, next year. They can talk about it then! -Steve Doehrman, '65 Badanes Replies To the Editor: MANY CRITICS of the recent teach-in seem especially un- happy over one point: Why Tues- day-the day that Ann Arbor was honoring its two space men? We did it precisely because what is happening in Viet Nam, because what is happening in the Domini- can Republic, because the possi- bility of a land war in Asia, of war with China, of nuclear war, is connected to our exploits in space, to maybe what Col. McDiv- itt and Col. White saw up in space, and, moreso, to the celebra- tion held here Tuesday. shaky, small planet below them. IN FACT, let's take Col. McDiv- itt's and Col. White's word for it, that it was a pure and a beauti- ful experience. How was it Col. McDivitt and Col. White when you passed over Russia, when you passed over China. Did it seem like enemy territory down there, did it look different, did it seem possibly like places we should destroy? And when you passed over Ala- bama, over Mississippi, did you' ponder for a moment why there is such ignorance, such bigotry, such hatred, on our planet? And when you passed over the Dominican Republic, over Viet Nam, did you think of what we are doing there? DID YOU remember that in Viet Nam less powerful and lower flying spacecraft than your own are dropping napalm jelly on your fellow humans, less powerful and lower flying spacecraft than your own are dropping bombs on vil- lages? And did you pause to think that what the Viet Cong fighters are doing is similar to what you are doing-questing for space, space in which to grow, space in which to be free, space in which to live a life? Did you Col. McDivitt and Col. White feel these things up there in your spaceship, did you feel the absurdity and the horror of what men do to each other on this planet? TRAVELLING a r o u n d this planet, up above us, did you feel connected to us all, did you feel connected to everyone alive, in- cluding Chinese and Russians, Vietnamese and Dominicans, black and white and yellow? If you didn't feel these things then your journey was a waste, then we are all failures, and the celebration Tuesday was empty and phony. If you did, however, feel these things then isn't your job now to tell us so, shouldn't you tell us how your lives have been utterly changed, so that our lives may be changed, so that we may all see the absurdity of bigotry and the horror of what w ara doing in Viet Nam and in the Dominican Republic. SHOULDN'T your message to us really be that instead of spend- ing so much of our mloney and energy leaping for the moon just now, we should first use our villages, their forests, their crops. If Col. McDivitt and Col. White have seen what they say they have seen, have felt whatwe hope they have felt, then they should have been telling us that the space race is immoral and that celebra- tions of such feats are callous and mean so long as there is still starvation and bigotry and murder and even one bridge to be rebuilt down here on our planet. -Jerome Badanes, '63 -William Livant Mental Health Research Institute A Defense To the Editor: HAVING READ three letters to the editor (June 17), I feel compelled to submit a defense of the teach-in held Tuesday June 15, in front of the Union. The main criticism held in each of the letters concerned the tim- ing of the teach-in. The timing was, indeed, a crucial factor in the teach-in, but I do not feel that the submitter of any one of the three letters wholly under- stood why this particular time and place was chosen for the teach-in. Granted, it was an intrusion on those who came specifically to see the astronauts, but I must add, the steps of the Union were clear- ed so that those who came to see Mr. McDivitt and Mr. White were able to get another look at them as they left the Union. Not to mention other numerous oppor- tunities during the day. AGAIN, the timing was a cru- cial factor in the teach-in. Those who participated were deplored at the use of vast amounts of money to further our exploration and conquest of space when the lives of so many on this planet know nothing but the scars of economic deprivation. Those of us who agreed with the timing of the teach-in only want- ed to have others stop and think of their "space heroes" and re- evaluate the space flight in re- lation to the total perspective of the world events as they are ,to- day. In what other way could these people be reached? It is just too bad that the majority of them were so pre- occupied with missing one out of several chances to see the astro- nauts that they were unwilling to listen objectively to what was be- ing said. IN RPLV t. t. h ,pt.Aam.,t in to attempt to drown out those of the speakers rather than submit any constructive arguments or ask any rational questions. And certainly, if Mr. McDivitt and Mr. White are indeed con- scientious= American citizens, they, too, must be concerned about present events on this planet and understand the concern of those who felt that day that too much attention was given to our feats in space while the events on the planet they circled were being ignored by so many. OF THE STATEMENT made by Ken Morris: "Whether preventing a little child from seeing or re- seeing his beloved astronaut ..." and of giving the child an "un- pleasant first impression of the peace movement," I must make two comments. First, granted, a child needs others older than him- self to look to, but not as beloved heroes. Rather, he should be taught to understand that they are other human beings who have performed a courageous task-not demi-gods. And no child who is old enough to realize what it was he came to see on Tuesday, is too young to realize, in some sense, that in this world around which the as- tronauts have flown that there is fighting, hatred ... Second, it was those who ve- hemently and rudely objected who were responsible for instilling "un- pleasant first impressions of the peace movement," rather than those who initiated the teach-in. IT STRIKES ME as a great ex- perience for a child to be able to observe a situation where people are able to, voice their opinions in an orderly fashion, but the tragedy of this situation was that . too many adults who disagreed with the on-going teach-in could not wait their turn to speak and even tried to prevent others from hear- ing by shouting out their com- ments when someone was speak- ing. Thus, I propose that those who objected to the teach-in re- examine the achievements 'of the astronauts in' perspective of all contemporary issues today and de- cide who really was responsible for the unpleasantries of the situ- ation-those who came to hear and learn or those who insisted on interrupting to voice their dis- content. And all who stayed were still able to get one more look at Mr. Mc- Divitt and Mr. White as they left the Union. IT IS just too bad that more people were not able to listen, think and learn while they waited. -Mary Conger, '64 *'. 4I 4 I 'YELLOW ROLLS-ROYCE': Yugos lay Partisans G et A L ittle T iringtteMcia har At the Michigan Theatre STUDENTS: REJOICE! Hollywood has finally sanctioned love in the back seat. Now you can see Shirley MacLame and Alain Delon, or Ingrid Bergman and Omar Sharif, if you prefer, pull down the window blinds of "The Yellow Rolls-Royce." Unfortunately, this new boost of the mobile bedroom is the only innovation of the film. Textbook plots and Technicolor backdrops make up the rest of the evening's entertainment. Connecting three tenuous plots and locales with one theme song and an attractive car just doesn't get two hour's mileage. IT'S A SHAME, because the actors are fine. Rex Harrison and Jeanne Moreau are admirably matched in the first sequence, and al- most make the tired script stand up. But who can believe the grief of an elegant and handsome British minister of state when his wife takes up with His Lordship's secretary? Especially at Ascot (a scene which must make Rex Harrison somewhat weary after a decade of "My Fair Lady"), when his horse wins the race? Shirley MacLaine acts surprisingly well as the gun moll of George 4 41 ! _I