Apoves Urban
* Cabinet' Position
WASHINGTON (P)-The House voted yesterday to create a new
federal department to give the nation's cities a voice in the President's
The Senate is expected to go along, probably within a month, and
President Lyndon B. Johnson is certain to sign the bill, creating the
new department of housing and urban development. Like President
John F. Kennedy before him, Johnson has said the cities must have a
place in the front rank of government.
The Democrats needed their better than 2-1 edge to get the bill
through the House by a 217-184 vote. There were 66 Democratic defec-
Britain's Wilson: Coming Disaster?
Protest Note
Sent by U.S.
BERLIN (P) - In one of the
angriest notes ever sent to the
Soviet Union, the United States
yesterday denounced the "sense-
less, cold-blooded brutality" of
East German guards who shot a
West Berlin couple Tuesday.,
U.S. Ambassador George C. Mc-
u Ghee, in a note to Pyotr Abrasi-
mov, Soviet ambassador to East
Germany, warned that the U.S.
will take all necessary measures
to protect life and property in
the T.S. sector of West Berlin.
"We will hold the Soviet au-
thorities responsible for, whatever
consequences may ensue from the
actions of the East German au-
thorities which give rise to such
measures" McGhee said.
Elke Martens was shot in the
head and seriously wounded and.
her fiance, Hermann Doebler, was
killed while boating on a border
The .official East German news
agency ADN said the Soviet Em-
bassy refused to accept McGhee's
protest. The agency said an Amer-
ican representative who tried tc
deliver the letter was told that
"such questions come under the
SJurisdiction of the authorities of
the (East) German Democratic
ADN said the boat cruise was
designed to create "political prov-
ocation," that the couple intended
to test alertness of East Germar
border guards, and that Doebler
-had been paid by masterminds.
Denying this, McGhee said thai
the East German regime was
"anxious as always to cover up ts
-tors-most of them from the South
-and only nine Republicans aban-
doned their leaders to support the
White House.
Still, House approval was con-
sidered a legislative victory fbr
Johnson. Twice in 1962, the House
refused to support the project
whenKennedy submitted it.
In two days of easy going de-
bate, Republicans attacked the bill
as an effort to bypass the states.
Instead, led by Rep. Florence
P. Dwyer (R-NJ), they asked that
a new office be established with-
in the President's office to co-
ordinate activities that bear on the
This proposal, offered -as an
amendment by Mrs. Dwyer, was
defeated on a standing vote of 91
to 65. Then, when Republicans
moved to send the bill back to
committee, substituting the Dwyer
plan for the administration one,
they were defeated on a roll call
vote of 259 to 141.
The bill would combine the ac-
tivities of the Federal Housing
Administration and the Federal
National Mortgage Administration
and other activities of the Hous-.
ing and Home Finance Agency.
e F
Associated Press Staff Writer]
LONDON-Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson seems in danger ofE
sliding to electoral disaster.
Only the most biased of his
Conservative opponents would
dare to write Wilson's political
obituary yet. But the impression
is spreading at home and abroad
that his eight-month-old Labor,
government is, fighting for its life{
and will be forced into a national
election by the fall.
Recent Developments
Among the most recent develop-
ments contributing to this impres-
Britain's international trade
took a sharp turn for the worse
during May, The nation for the
fifth successive month spent more
abroad than it earned.
-The already wobbly pound
sterling weakened again on world
money markets. This pointed to a
new financial crisis by October,
when seasonal pressures on the
pound are greatest.
-Laborites claim they have
brought Britain's trade deficit
down this year to half the 1964
average, when the Conservatives
were ruling. But they also confess
the national performance still is
not nearly good enough. With con-
sumer price inflation, a falling
production index and the pound
on the slide, a tough new eco-
nomic squeeze action is in the
cards. This is unlikely to improve
Wilson's standing with the public.
Conservative Lead
-A Gallup poll published last
week gave the Conservatives a
4.5 per cent lead over the Labor-
ites-enough to put them bask
into power if an election were
held now. In the previous poll
Labor led the Conservatives by
1.8 points.
-A bookmaker specializing in
election betting shortened the odds
on a Conservative victory in the
next election to 4 to 6 and offered
11 to 10 against a Labor victory.
What has gone wrong for Wil-
To begin with, he scraped into
office last October with a margin
of only three votes in the 630-
member House of Commons.
Fiscal Crisis
He inherited a massive fiscal
crisis that compelled him to raise
a series of multi-billion-dollar
loans to sustain the pound against
Ever, since, his administration
has looked as if it were trying to
do the splits between short-term
emergency measures and long-
term measures promised in its
election program.
One result: Labor has failed to
fulfill the excessive expectations
aroused during the campaign.
Instead of the brave new society
in which inefficiency, frustration
and selfishness was to vanish,
Britain has seemed to stumble and'
bumble along from one crisis to
Instead of creating a revitalized
Britain, the government, playing
for time, has had to make do with
policies that have a secondhand
Instead of sounding Britain's
voice loud and clear in world
councils as Wilson pledged to do,
Labor has seemed in its defense
and foreign polidies to be even
more conservative than the Con-
Wilson has had to retreat on
several fronts. A bill to outlaw
racial discrimination has been
watered down. The nationalization
of steel has been indefinitely
shelved, as have plans for the
state to take over urban building
land. New housing has lagged.
Imports have reached record levels
and exports remain sluggish.
Prices go on rising.
Agreement Reached
To Cut Excise Taxes
WASHINGTON VP) - Senate-House conferees late yesterday
agreed on a $4.6 billion tax cut bill wiping out most of the excises dat-
ing from wartime and the depression years of the 1930's.
Congressional leaders said they hope to rush the bill to President
Lyndon B. Johnson by tonight, with the House acting as soon as it con-
venes today and the Senate following.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La), Senate manager for ,the bill, said the
President might sign it tomorrow.
If that is the case, the first stage cuts, affecting a whole series
of major consumer items, would go into effect Saturday. The Senate
voted to make this first stage ef- r
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SWorld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - An engineers strike against 184 United States
merchant ships poses a long-range threat to the American-flag trans-
Atlantic passenger trade, but its immediate public impact was slight.
The 10,000-member AFL-CIO Marine Engineers Beneficial Asso-
ciation called out 1300 engineers from nine American shipping firms,
in a deadlock over arbitration machinery, pensions and the manning
of ships. Engineers continued to work 439 other vessels, whose owners
reached contract agreements with the MEBA.
WASHINGTON-The Senate Finance Committee yesterday voted
an important financing change in the social security-health care bill
which would boost taxes some-
#what for higher income families.
But, under the amendment, fam-
ilies with incomes below the level
JLLETIN of about $5600 a year would pay
:.....:.:.....::..:: The amendment would increase
sonnel, Contract Admin., Financial, the wage base on which social se-
Public Info., Tech, Writing, Mgmt. Ops. curity taxes are paid to $6000
Commonwealth of Penn., Harrisburg next year instead of the present
-Many openings for caseworkers, in- $4800.
dust. therapy workers, children's activi-
ties workers, etc. Aslo 1. Counselor, While under the House-passed
major in soc. sciences or educ. 2. Ther- bill, the base would go to $6000
apeutic Activities worker (Recreation-
al), major in recreation, phys. educ., next year and then be increased
etc. Seniors receiving degree by Dec. 31 to $6600 in 1971, the Senate ver-
may apply now. sion would reduce the new tax
Michigan Bell' Telephone Co., Detroit 'rates somewhat below the level of
-Staff Writer. Woman grad, 1-2 yrs.
exper. for immed. opening. Write for the House bill so as to bring in
company magazine, about the same amount of reve-
Psycho-Dynamics Research & Assoc., nue next year as the House fi-
Dearborn-Attn.: Recent Grads. Sales
Repres. Male grad, exper. pref. Sell con- nancing plan would provide.
suitation services to Bus. & Indust. * *
Please contact Bureau if interested in CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.-Titan
'American Home Foods, Grand Blanc, 30, the most powerful rocket ever
Mich.-Salesman. Immed. opening, eassembled, goes to the firing; line
cent grad. Will consider 2 yrs. college. for the first time today in a test
Call on grocery stores in Detroit area that could advance e United
No exper. req.thtCUdavnehe nid
fective the day after the Presi-
dent signs the bill. The House
conferees accepted this provision:
the House bill had a July 1 effec-
tive date.
In the other big item in con-
troversy, affecting the 10 per cent
auto tax, a compromise was reach-
ed which retains one percentage
point of this levy.
However, the conferees junked
a Senate provision sponsored by
Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-
Conn) under which the repeal of
four percentage points of this tax
would have been made conditional
on agreement by the manufactur-
ers to install a series of safety
devices on their cars.
As the Senate passed the meas-
ure, one percentage point of the
car tax would have been retained,
but earmarked for use in disposing
of auto junkyards.
The conferees eliminated the
earmarking feature, which was
sponsored by Sen. Paul H. Doug-
las (D-Ill). They decided, instead,
to allow the $190 million of reve-
nue produced by the one per cent
tax to stay in the Treasury gen-
eral revenue.
However, House managers said
they would suggest that Congress
later might decide to put this rev-
enue in the highway trust fund.
The auto tax would be cut in
annual stages starting with a
three per cent slash retroactive to
May 15 and wiping out all but the
one per cent by 1969.
Aides to Ribicoff and Douglas
told reporters that the two sena-
tors might attempt to oppose the
compromise measure, since their
amendments were dropped. But
pressure for fast action on the
bill was expected to win the need-
ed Senate votes. I
The final version of the legis-
lation went beyond Johnson's rec-
ommendations. He had proposed a'
$3.9 billion excise reduction re-
taining half, or five percentage
points, of the auto tax.
Urges Against
Viet Bombings
LONDON (P) - Prime Minister
Harold Wilson sought yesterday
to rally statesmen of the British
Commonwealth behind an appeal
for general cease-fire in Viet Nam,
government informants reported.
But on the eve of a 21-nation
Commonwealth summit meeting
there appeared to be no great ex-
pectations that, such a call will
lure Communist North Viet Nam
and China into peace talks.
Aides said Wilson is shaping up
a plan of action along these lines
A call on President Lyndon B.
Johnson to order a second and
longer suspension of United States
bombing attacks on North Viet
Nam. Wilson would like the bomb-
pause to precede, and perhaps ex-
tend over, the summit conference
of Asian and African leaders be,
ginning June 29 in Algiers.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TY PEW I'TEN form to
Rowip 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the eay preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be oublished a maxi-
mum of two times on requ~est; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organi-ation notices are not
accepted for publication.
mm ma m=.. m mw - immmm=mmmmmmmmmm mmmm..=- .m.m m mm m '4
j I
wI U
This is another
on the program:
BUSY BODIES - Laurel and Hardy ;
THE SODA JERK - Buster Keaton
A DOG-GONE MIXUP -Harry Langdon
' and Boris Karloff
* I
i w w w a ww*wwr w w w w wrw w wIww w s
Dray Calendar -
Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-
sonnelaTechniques Seminar-Lee E.
Danielson, professor of industrial rela-
tions, "How To Use Psychological Testsf
in Selection": Michigan Union, 8 a.m.t
Workshop on Community Action to
Promote the Oral Health of the Chron-
ically 111, Handicapped and the Aged-f
School of Public Health, 9 a.m.
Doctoral Examination for Gene Al-1
vin Qeisert, Education; thesis: "The1
Relationship of the Junior High School
Teacher's Knowledge of Pupils to Vari-
ous Attitude, and Selected School-Com-
munity, Pupil, and Teacher Character-
istics," Thurs., June 17, 3206 UHS, 3:301
p.m. Chairman, H. S. Bretsch.
General Notices
Movie on the Analogue Computer and
.ts application to differential equa-
tions. Shown Thurs., June 17, 4:15 p.m.
and 5:15 p.m., Room, 2235 Angell Hail.
All students attending Math 403, 404
and 405 urged to attend.
French and German Screening Exami-
nations: The screening examinations in;
French and German for Doctoral candi-
dates will be administered on Sat., June
26 from 9-11 a.m. in Aud. B, Angel,
Hall. Doctoral candidates must pass the
screening examination before taking the
written test in French or German, un-
less they have received B or better in
French 111 or German 111. Those who
fail the examination may take it again
when- the test is administered in July.
Candidates are asked to bring their
own No. 2 pencils.
NASA, Wash., D.C.-Various openings
in aerospace technology for degrees in
engrg. phys. sci., life science or math.
Higher rating for prof. exper., grad
study, or BS in upper % of class.
Also positions in R. & D. Admin., Per-
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
Christian Science Organization, Reg-
ular testimony meeting, Thurs., June
17, 7:30 p.m., Room 3545 SAB.
Folk Dance Club ,Folk dance with in-
struction, Fri., June- 18, 8-11 p.m.,
omen's Athletic Bldg.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB_
Manpower, Inc.-Interviews Thurs.,
June 17, 10-12 & 1:30-5 for jobs avail-
able in Ann Arbor, Lansing, Saginaw,
Flint, Pontiac & Detroit, for girls with
office exper. Men interested in work
in Ann Arbor apply at 111 Miller for
general labor and other temp. sum-
mer work.
Ann Arbor Coop., Tamarack Recrea-
tion Area-Life guard at $2.06/hr.
Pinckney Hamburg Recreation Area
--Counselor, male or female for 6-8
weeks with children 5-15. Must be 19
or older. $600 for summer.
Project "Head Start," Milan, Mich.-
Men & women. Help underprivileged
children in pre-school atmosphere.
$ Start June 28.
Wayne Public Schools, Mich.-Give
intelligence tests. Course in guidance or
intelligence testing req. $
Details available at Summer Place-
ment, 212 SAB.
States a long way toward a mili-
tary space capibility.
The Air Force scheduled the lift-
off of the mammoth booster for
10 a.m. (EST), but wet, cloudy
skies which have plagued the Cape
all week would be a factor. The
shot will be televised.
The Titan 30, if successful, will
orbit a 21,000-pound lead dummy
satellite which could be the fore-
runner of manned and unmanned
military space vehicles.
*:. * *
ATLANTA - Georgia ended a
political era of rural dominance
yesterday in an election for re-
apportioned House seats allotted
on a population basis and stirring
the first real signs of a two-
party system.
Republicans were gunning for 47
seats, nearly one-fourth the House
membership of 205.
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