sDs Convention Explores Educational Policies By JEFFREY GOODMAN Second of Two Articles Special to The Daily KEWADIN-The nation's universities are probably much less than the key to social change," but Students for a Democratic Society-the largest representative of the radical "new left" in America-will continue and expand its efforts to organize students around their discontent with education. This was the consensus of opinion after debate on SDS's policies and programs regarding university reform at the organi- zation's national convention last weekend. About 250 students of SDS's more than 2000 members attended the five-day gathering, participating in three days of workshops and a day-and-a-half plenary session. Both the workshops and the plenary session sparked intense debate over SDS's programs and stands on foreign policy, organi- zational efforts among the poor and the middle class, university education and internal structure. Participatory Democracy SDS sees itself as a community of young people of the demo- cratic left. Disaffected with the values and structures of the existing social system, its members work together toward "the establishment of a democracy of individual participation governed by two central aims: that the individual share in those social decisions determining the quality and direction of his life; that society be organized to encourage independence in men and pro- vide the media for their common participation." The organization's dominant concern at present is mobilizing the poor in America into a potent political force. The goal of this movement is enabling the poor to challenge the country's power structure in order to gain both greater control over their des- tinies and the reality of "meaningful human community." Under SDS's Economic Research and Action Project over 250 students are currently living in more than 10 northern slum ghettoes where they try to organize the poor around their social, economic and political grievances. But because its primary resource is college students, and be- cause it views them as a potentially radical agent of social change, SDS is also concerned with making educational experiences more relevant to the individual student's concerns and needs and to the social issues which it raises. The major topics of the con- vention debate were just what kinds of programs could best achieve these aims and how much priority should be given to uni- versity organizing relative to SDS's other concerns. Intense Intellectual Confrontations Generally the convention agreed that campus planning and action should emphasize "counter-university experiences"-intense; meaningful intellectual confrontations between faculty and stu- dents, both through such forms as the recent teach-ins and through student-initiated courses. There would be approximately equal concern with the form of these experiences, with the power and structural relationships of the university and with the content of the experiences. In addition, programming would focus on an analysis of the universities as "captives" of an "elitist-corporate" system of control over the nation's "knowledge industry." Organizing among stu- dents and faculty would attempt to stimulate motion within the universities toward greater separateness from this system. This analysis was opposed to one less generally accepted by the con- vention, that the universities are a major indepedent force for social change. Just how much priority will be given to university initiatives is as yet undetermined, though it was generally agreed that such programs should not divert personnel or funds from organizing among the poor and middle class or from foreign policy. Various SDSers will undertake extensive research about and travel among large universities this summer, making program recommendations in the fall. Foreign Policy Involvement In other plenary sessions the convention turned toward de- bating what the nature of SDS's involvement in foreign policy should be. It was felt that recent actions-centering around oppo- sition to the war in Viet Nam and alleged American complicity in South Africa's apartheid-had been undertaken without a suf- ficiently clear understanding of their relation to the movement. Abandoning the notion that the organization should be "crisis- oriented"-analyzing or acting upon events only when major issues are raised by governmental initiatives-the convention generally agreed that foreign policy programs should be related as much as possible to their domestic consequences and their potential as foci for mobilizing domestic dissent. More specifically, it was agreed that foreign policy would be of concern to SDS as it: -tended to dislocate basic economic priorities on the domestic scene; -reflected and intensified undemocratic processes of deci- sion-making; -reflected and intensified the power of the "military-indus- trial complex" over foreign affairs; -increased the danger to world peace of America's nuclear capacity; -operated in the "third world" to prevent national self-deter- mination and maximum, broad, popular participation by other peoples in deciding the directions of their countries. At the close of its plenary session the convention elected Carl Oglesby, 30, to serve as president for the coming year. Oglesby graduated from the University in 1961 and the same year won a major Hopwood drama award. He is the fifth SDS president in a row-there have been only five-to have studied at the University. --------------- - ---- 'SPACE RACE' MUST BE PUT IN PERSPECTIVE See Editorial Page Yl r e Sr igau Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a it FAIR High-70 Low-46 Cool with little change in temperature M VOL. LXXV, No. 30-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 H ouse Delays 'U' o Fund Restoring Contrary to expectations, the House did not begin debate on the University's operating funds appropriation yesterday, but the item is still on the House general orders calendar and should come up for informal discussion today. University officials remained fairly confident that most or all of the $6.3 million slashed from the budget by the House Ways and Means Committee last Friday will be restored. However, some sources see a possible complication with the appropriation for the University's Flint branch. In a move to have the cutback restored Monday, Rep. Charles Gray (D-Ypsilanti)-the same man who had proposed the reduction in the Ways and Means Commit- 200 Seized as Protests Continue in Mississippi JACKSON, Miss. (IP) - Over 200 demonstrators were arrested yesterday by helmeted police as three more waves of civil rights pro- tests rocked the capital. The marchers, including a national civil rights leader, were arrested for parading without a permit as they moved on the domed state capitol. Then a group of 20 youthful Negroes reached the capitol grounds and was arrested for refusing to disperse. Federal marshals later physically tossed from the steps of the federal court building and post office a group of 20 Negroes and three {fwhites. They were protesting the PRESIDENT JOHNSON 1V Noted Artists View Absence Of Objectors WASHINGTON (IP) - Author John Hersey spoke at the White House festival on the arts yester- day "on behalf of the great num- ber of citizens who have become alarmed in recent weeks by the sight of fire begetting fire." He voiced some of the under- currents of disapproval of Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson's foreign policy that have come from some artists and writers invited to this unique day-long salute to the arits, Urging that his words serve as a reminder, Hersey, who wrote the book "Hiroshima" about the first nuclear bombing of a city de- clared: Small Steps "The step from one degree of violence to the next is impercepti- bly taken, and cannot easily be taken back. And the end point of these little steps is horror and oblivion. We cannot for a moment forget the truly terminal dangers, in these times, of miscalculation, of arrogance, of accident, of re- liance not on moral strength but on mere military power. Wars have a way of getting out of hand." A number of participants in the festival expressed concern and pricks of conscience at coming to the White House when they may disagree to some extent with ad- ministration foreign policies. Introduction Van Doren, in his introduction, said he felt compelled to mention the absence of New England Poet * Robert Lowell, who was to have tee - pointedly omitted language refering to admittance of fresh- men at Flint this fall. The Flint appropriation was the only item eliminated in the Gray's restora- tion proposal. While deletion of the Flint appropriation cannot prevent the University from diverting other funds to finance its Flint venture, it does express legislative intent which puts pressure on the Uni- versity not todo so. Gray explained that the com- mittee had made its point with the initial cutback, and that the omission of \ Flint funds would still give House Democrats "the bargaining point that we wanted with the Senate." Senate Bill Senate Appropriations Commit- tee Chairman Garland Lane (D- Flint), a leading supporter of the University's Flint expansion plans, had included $285,000 in the Senate version of the higher edu- cation bill with an expression of legislative intent that it be used for Flint expansion. Observers agree that Lane, who has helped to kill or slash' House- passed spending bills, was the ob- ject of the Ways and Means Com- mittee's budget cutback. By slashing the University's budget, many House Democrats had hoped to force restoration of these Senate cuts. However, while Lane's committee passed two House spending bills Friday after the Ways and Means Committee action, Gray's primary concern, the administrative pay-raise bill which the committee killed earlier last week, was not reconsidered. Observers say Gray's Monday proposal for restoration, which be- came bogged down in debate Mon- day, should come up for discus- sion again today, although the House is not expected to take final action before Friday. arrests of other demonstrators. Orders Chief Marshal Jack Stuart told the demonstrators to get off fed- eral property. When they refused, marshals routed them from the steps. Several returned to the steps and were tossed to the side- walk. Police ordered them to get off the sidewalk. Nineteen refused and were arrested. During the in- With the arrest tally standing at 675 in two days of protests, civil rights forces pledged to con- tinue demonstrations. Arrests Among those arrested were John Lewis, executive director of the Student Non-violent Coordi- nating Committee (SNCC) and Charles Evers, Mississippi field secretary for the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People.-9 In New Orleans,. the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned down a request by civil rights forces spearheading the demon- strations to halt Mississippi of fi- cials from interfering. During the first day of protest- ing Monday, Martin Luther King, the leader of the protest plans here for the past several weeks, was arrested with several hundred others. The civil rights leaders contend the special session of the legisla- ture is designed to sidestep federal voting requirements. Gov. Paul Johnson asked the lawmakers to bring state laws into harmony with the voter registration bill' pending in Congress. MARTIN LUTHER KING Arrest Pickets In Chicago CHICAGO WP) - Police made more mass arrests yesterday when pickets for integrationist groups broke ranks at the busy intersec- tion of State and Madison Streets during a march on City Hall and lay down in the streets. Between 300 and 400 demonstra- tors, mostly Negroes but including several white clergymen, were un- der police instructions to remain on the sidewalks during the march from Buckingham fountain in Grant Park to the city hall. The demonstration was the fourth in six days protesting al- leged de facto segregation in Chi- cago's schools. Among those in the march was the Rev. John Morris of Atlanta, national chairman of the Episco- pal Society for Cultural and Ra- cial Equality. "This is the only way we can show that we care down there what happens here," he told news- men. By PETER R. SARASOHN Groups of school children wav- ing flags, farmers waving from their tractors, factory workers waving from the Ford plant, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts waving from side streets and just ordinary citizens waving from their cars- all shouted their congratulations as the astronauts' motorcade passed by yesterday. This was the mood of Ann Ar- bor as spacemen JamesA. McDiv- itt and Edward H. White arrived here to celebrate the activities planned by the University in their honor. The astronauts landed at Wil- low Run Airport in a red, white and blue National Aeronautical and Space Administration plane. They greeted a crowd which was estimated at 700 by calling it "wonderful" to be back in Michi- gan. They both graduated from the University in 1959. Convocation Arriving at Michigan Stadium for the convocation honoring them, they were greeted by a standing ovation from 25-30,000 people. Signs saying "Welcome NIcDivitt and W h i t e" and "Thumbs Up Jim and Ed" were scattered through the audience. University President H a r la n Hatcher commented as chairman of the convocation proceedings that "we are all thrilled beyond measure to stand tribute to those that launched and returned and maintained the successful Gemini 4 flight for the record four days." Gov. George Romney remarked that the recent flight carried "ex- tra meaning for this state for its crew was our own, one a son of lany Uses New Space Center: A By BARBARA SEYFRIED Astronauts James A. McDivitt and Edward H. White yesterday cut the ribbon indicating that the University Space Research Center building was officially open, but the building won't be ready for Banners Were a Boom Business.. 'U' Greets Spacemen with Honors occupancy until July 1. Floyd L. Thompson, director of the Langley Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Hamp- ton, Va., explained NASA's de- pendence upon educational insti- tutions in his dedication speech. Thompson presented the building to the University on behalf of NASA. The Space Research Center will house a major portion of the 46 projects currently being conducted at the University under NASA sponsorship. Uses The building will be used main- ly by the High Altitude Engineer- ing Laboratory from the Aeronau- tical and Astronautical engineer- ing department. the Space Physics Laboratory, and the Radio As- tronomy Observatory, which is connected with the electrical en- gineering and astronomy depart- ments. 35 research personnel from the Radio Astronomy Observatory will work on the data sent back by the first two Orbiting Geophysi- rno 1 fhcpaantn-rio.hh l arnl Milky Way while the fifth will "look at" the sun and Jupiter and cosmic background radio noise over a wide range of frequencies. The studies concentrate mainly on radiation waves which are so long that they do not penetrate the earth's atmosphere. The Space Physics Laboratory will continue work on its studies of the supper atmosphere. Last March the laboratory launched a rocket with a thermostatic probe designed to measure the tempera- ture, charge and pressure of par- ticles in the ionosphere. These launches will continue. Also being conducted are experiments using a pediostatic probe which records the density of the atmosphere at high altitudes. NASA Sponsors All these projects will be carried out under NASA sponsorship. The space agency granted the Univer- sity the $1.75 million to build the Space Research Center building and supports a $6.2 million space research program at the Univer- sity. Eventually the Space Research Michigan (McDivitt is from Jack- son, Mich.), the other an adopted son." He echoed the repeated statements of the two astronauts when he added that this is a tribute "to every man and woman, every research project, every gov- ernmental agency and private in- dustry that lent brainpower and energy to Project Gemini." Advance He pointed out that their ex- ploits have proven that "tech- nological advance is not sufficient by itself; that man and machine are inseparable." Romney present- ed the astronauts with atmospher- ic clocks "as constant remainders of the time that our hearts were with you in space." President Hatcher added that "integrity and excellence are the bulwark of mankind." The* excel- lence of a university "lies in the careers of its graduates," he said. The astronauts were presented with honorary degrees of Doctor of Astronautical Science. Speak- ing to the crowd, McDivitt said the space program will "move forward as our schools move for- ward. Good people come from good schools-like my school, the Uni- versity of Michigan." Hail His space twin, White, then added "hail to the victors means % great deal to me." He felt that "America was the victor," as a result of a demonstration of team- work by industry, NASA, the arm- ed forces and the many other or- ganizations contributing to the success of the Gemini 4 flight. The astronauts then proceeded to North Campus for the ribbon- cutting ceremonies for the dedi- cation of the new NASA' Space Research Building. A. Geoffrey Norman, vice-president for re- search, said in his opening re- marks that the University has played a large part in space re- search through its graduates and the many related projects con- ducted here. President Hatcher added that "man's only key to his future is represented by space." He accept- ed the building on behalf of the Regnts. ian (D-Ann Arbor) who con- gratulated the astronauts and re- lated a telegram sent by President, Lyndon B. Johnson. It said "special thanks should go to the University of Michigan for preparing the astronauts for their historic flight." It contin- ued, "our objective continues to be peaceful exploration of space for the benefit of all mankind. The success of the Gemini 4 flight was an important stride in that direction," Keys to City Mayor Wendell Hulcher of Ann Arbor presented' the astronauts with the keys to the city, smaller keys in the shape of a Phi Beta Kappa key for their wives, a replica of the McDivitt-White Corner (a lampost that lights up with a sign saying McDivitt- White), a resolution of congratu- lations from the Ann Arbor City Council and a book of sketches of the University campus. Other resolutions of congratu- lations were presented from the both houses of the Legislature and from Mayor Jerome Cavanagh of Detroit. Treach-In Gets Mixed Support A New York poet and Univer- sity alumnus declared on the Un- ion steps yesterday afternoon 'we cannot really care about our space exploits until we have learned to let all our earth brothers live, until we stop bombing and burn- ing our brothers and their vil- lages, their forests and their crops." Jerry Badanes, along with oth- er well-known University profes- sors and political and civil rights leaders adopted a teach-in plan to voice disapproval of American policies involved in many ways with Gemini and the military pro- gram. Prof. William Livant of the Mental Health Research Institute, one of the speakers, said, "the space race is one step away from ':..:~'~ X