Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ereopinions AreFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MicH., PHONE NO 2-3241 truth Will Prevail"3 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. POWER AND VICE-PRESIDENTS: Mayorality Race-Important Results 0 JRDAY, JUNE 12, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA SEYFRIED House Committee Decision May Have Disastrous Results Yesterday the House Ways and Means Committee recommended a massive cut in the University's budget. This action is the result of a political football game in which the students of the University are the only losers. I A MAGNIFICENT display of enlight- ened statesmanship, the House Ways id Means Committee slashed the Uni- rsity's general funds budget by $6.27 illion. The action was, according to the Asso- ted Press, an admittedly political ma- uver to gain bargaining power in the rrent House - Senate appropriations ud. [n short, the University's budget has en reduced to political football; the erit of the Regents' appropriations re- est has taken a backseat to personality iflicts and county-courthouse level ggling. The budget, of course, will end up at a gher figure than the $44.08 million rec- imended by the Ways and Means Com- .ttee. Indeed, the purpose of the com- ttee's action is largely to force the Sen- e to restore the Appropriations Com- ttee's cuts in House-passed bills, most tably administrative pay raise bills kill- by the Appropriations Committee this ek. HE REPRESENTATIVES apparently hope that, threatened with such a astic House reduction in the Senate's 1.2 million higher education appropria- ns bill,. the upper chamber will have choice but to support the House meas- es. The amount the University will receive, en, is still up in the air; but it is un- ely that it will equal the Senate's ap- :priation, to say nothing of approach- g the $55 million asked by the Regents. Perhaps the Ways and Means Com- .ttee felt obliged to make the cutback order to protect what it considers vi- 1 measures. Then again, perhaps yester- day's action was merely a demonstration of vindictiveness. In either case, the stu- dents at the University are likely to lose. For one thing, with increasing enroll- ment adding pressure to already over- crowded facilities and a relatively under- staffed academic program, the $55.7 mil- lion requested by the Regents is not above, or at least not very much above, the minimum amount needed to maintain the present standards of the University. Thus, the administration will be forced to turn to other sources of revene. WHEREAS a $51.2 million appropriation would have left a tuition hike a pos- sibility but not a certainty, any figure much less than this will make higher fees almost inevitable. Moreover, it is likely that the fee in- crease would be combined with a cutback in expenditures, since it would probably take considerably more money than a tui- tion hike would bring in to balance a $55 million spending program. What would be cut? The Ways and Means Committee bill explicitly excludes financial provisions for expansion of Flint College this fall'- a direct slap at Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint), chairman of the Appropriations Committee, who has staunchly supported the University's plans to admit a freshman class there in the fall. BUT WITH LANE'S support of Flint, supplemented by the State Board of Education's backing, it is likely that Flint will get its funds and the cut- backs, if and when they come, will be fo- cused on facets of University activity. -JOHN MEREDITH By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN First of Two Articles THE WITHDRAWAL of Robert Wagner from the New York mayoralty sweepstakes will have national repercussions. Tired and weary, the man who has been criticized as being incompetent but honest by people on all sides of the political fence is leaving a power vacuum which will inevit- ably affect the presidential elec- tions of 1968 and 1972. Leading stars of both parties are entangled in New York's poli- tical jungle, and Wagner's with- drawal is going to make the way clear for a head on battle. Because of Wagner's bowout, Senator Robert Kennedy will be in a strong position to take over the state Democratic organization, and there is little doubt that he will use New York as a powerful base to advance his hopes for a national office. AIDD TO the guaranteed sup- port of New York and Massachu- setts delegations to the Democrat- ic convention the Kennedy power, money and charisma, and you've got a fight for the vice-presidency in 1968. On the other hand, the chances of John Lindsay becoming the first Republican mayor of New York since LaGuardia ran on a fusion ticket, have considerably improved. With the withdrawal of Wag- ner, the Liberal party, a third party with 250,000 garment work- ers as constituents, may join Lind- say's ranks, because its debt of al- legiance was to Wagner rather than the Democratic party as a, whole. EVEN THE VAST number of people in the city's bureaucracy, a major asset of any incumbent mayor at election time, may switch to Lindsay's side if the new Demo- cratic candidate is relatively lack- ing. Furthermore, the door is now wide open for Lindsay to have a leading Democrat on his fusion ticket since there will obviously be some prominent "hopefuls" who are not going to get the nom- ination for office and will have some bitter bones of contention with the nominee. The issue ofWagner's succes- sor as the Democratic candidate is of the utmost significance since his selection will probably deter- mine both the chances of Lindsay being the next Republican presi- dential nominee and the amount of control Kennedy will have over the New York state Democratic party. IN ORDER to make sure that he fills the power vacuum left by Wagner, Kennedy must make sure that the candidate for mayor is either a "Kennedy man" or a neu- tral. On the other hand, although Wagner is not running for mayor it is a good bet that he wishes to retain enough control within the party to pick the next Democratic candidate himself. Among the names mentioned are City Council President Paul R. Screvane, Controller Abraham D. Beame, Queens District Attorney Frank D. O'Connor, Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan, City Councilman-at-Large Paul O'Dwyer and Franklin D. Roose- velt, Jr. IT WOULD BE interesting if the Democratic nominee would be a product of the city streets and schools rather than a member of the city's plutocracy for although Wagner used to refer to Lindsay as the "Park Avenue candidate," Wagner as a Taft-Yale - Yale Law - and Harvard - Business School man was not exactly of the people either. THE PRIZE-BUT JUST A STEPPING STONE The odds are now on Screvane getting the nod. Perhaps this is a good thing since Screvane at least is a man who you could play "The Sidewalks of New York" as a theme song, being a former sani- tation commissioner and all. Yet Screvane is rather flat compared to the charismatic Lindsay. Actually it looks like the can- didate who says the least will win the election. Following the Wag- ter school of politics, one realizes that whatever one says will in- evitably' antagonize someone. THEREFORE the way to win is to say and do nothing to alienate your constituents. Of course this policy will surely be attacked by the more activist members of the netropolitan community such as the civil rights leaders. But on the other hand, there is no one who will deny Wagner's essential honesty, and many peo- ple will vote for a candidate who, although a bit lethargic, is a "good" man. Lindsay has already made a mis- take by coming out in favor of a civilian review board for police action which of course brought on the angry retorts of New York's finest and affiliated bureaucracy who wish to remain independent of citizen control. Learning his lesson, however, he now talks only in vague generalities. IF SCREVANE is the Demo- cratic candidate it is assured the- ld pro will manage to say noth- ing of importance throughout the whole campaign. TODAY AND TOMORROW: How Europeans See U.S. Foreign ,Policy Israel-Nasser's Rationalization IN THE TEMPLE of Pan-Arab shibbol- eths, none occupies a more revered and respected place than Gamel Abdel Nas- ser's cry for the "liberation of Palestine." On the level of rhetoric at least, the task is all but accomplished: it is but a matter of time, we are told, before the divine forces of "Nasserism" will sweep that patch of "sacred earth" clean of the "invader." Of course, much like "God's heaven," Israel is a place Nasser does more "talkin' 'bout" than "walkin' 'bout" and there is evidence that even the Arab's "common- ly-held" goal of genocide-or what some might euphemistically refer to as the "final solution of the Israeli problem"- seems unable to bring 'about a fusion of the diverse and divergent interests of the various members of the Arab League. A recent Syrian proposal to unseat Tu- nisia's delegates to the Arab League-be- cause of President Habib Bourguiba's sug- gestion of negotiations with the Israeli government-met with little enthusiasm. APPARENTLY, some 17 years after the proclamation of the State of Israel, it is beginning to dawn upon the self- proclaimed leaders of "the Arab people" that Israel is an accomplished fact. The issue of "Palestine," of course, has always smacked of the unreal. In Jordan, in Egypt and in Syria, it has functioned, more often than not, as a device for con- trolling and frustrating the forces oppos- ing whatever government may have been in power in these countries at one time or another. Thus, what has grown up in the Arab world as a result of the various power rivalries within the bloc is a situation JUDITH WARREN C....... ......... o-Editor ROBERT HiPPLER...................... Co-Editor r vi pn T7 i.P.-,-r Y .C' N ;O_ Rn s.. R ea+. in which hatred of Israel has become the touchstone of political belief. Any opposition to Nasser's hegemony in the area is accompanied by a charge of "softness" on the Israeli question. Every counter-charge is couched in the same language. WHAT LIES BENEATH the underbrush of the rhetoric that has grown up about' the "issue" since 1948, of course, are the real and substantive questions of land tenure and popular democracy that are coming to the fore in the Arab world in spite of the manufactured hate and pstudo-nationalism which has been di- rected against Israel. These issues-directly or indirectly- underlie much of the conflict between the Arabs themselves and between the Arabs and Israel. Nasser's "Arab socialism" is, as a so- cial system and mode of government, as incompatible with the life-styles of his feudal and even more modern (Ben Bella, Bourguiba) brethren-as it is with that of Israel. , In some sense then, anti-Israelism is a throwback--albeit a convenient one-to the political style of Nasser's predeces- sors. DING FAROUK began the attack upon the newly formed nation of Israel for the most part, because he saw an oppor- tunity in the situation to seize part of the country for himself. More importantly, . however, the very existence of a popular democracy in lands bordering upon his own posed a threat to the systems of land tenure which gave support to his regime. Nasser continues to, oppose Israel for reasons which, whilernot identical, are in a political sense, very much the same. Nasser has not been conspicuously suc- cessful in raising the standard of living of n .n.'nmnn m a n hiePm'. "4+... 'N +,-l By WALTER LIPPMANN IT IS FASHIONABLE in certain circles, I realize, to dismiss so.ornfully a serious concern about what foreign nations think of us. This is a reaction to the naive and often silly American wish to be loved by everybody. But the reaction has gone much too far, for it is not true that in the real world of affairs a great power, even the strongest, can afford to ignore the opinions of others. It cannot overawe them all. It must have friends who trust it and believe in it and have con- fidence that its power will be used wisely. I MAKE no apology, therefore, for reporting that in Europe to- day there is a swelling tide of dissent and doubt and anxiety about the wisdom and competence with which United States foreign policy is being conducted. I do not think it can be denied that our foreign policy as now conducted does not have the con- fidence of our European Allies. THE OPINION is wide and gen- eral that since the death of Presi- dent Kennedy there has been some kind of radical change in the spirit of the U.S. government. When I argued that this was to idealize Mr. Kennedy and to forget his mistakes, that he and not Mr. Johnson had begun the increased U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia and that he, too, intervened in the Caribbean, the reply would be: "Yes, but the spirit of American foreign policy has changed dangerously since his death." COMPARING WHAT I heard with what I heard last November shortly after Mr. Johnson's elec- tion, it is plain to me that the loss of confidence of Europeans has been caused by actions taken by the President since his inaugura- tion. The Europeans had, of course, been unanimous in their fear of and opposition to Barry Gold- water, and they have been stupi- fied to see President Johnson, with the applause of the Gold- water Republicans, doing in Viet Nam what Goldwater recommend- ed and Mr. Johnson denounced during the campaign. They'do not pause to ask wheth- er President Johnson has acted with greater deliberation and fi- nesse than Sen. Goldwater would have done. What the Europeans did not expect was that the Goldwater recommendations about expanding the war, which were rejected over- whelmingly by the voters, would in such,great measure be adoptedi by the victor. THERE ARE afloat many at- tempts to explain this happening. The fantastic explanations need not concern us. What does matter is that this sudden and dramatic reversal of policy has bred cynicism about the President's speeches and has struck at the basis of confidence in his administration. The unfolding events since Feb- ruary have had a cumulative im- pact upon confidence abroad. MOST PARTICULARLY the cumulative effect has been caused by the Dominican intervention on top of the expanded Vietnamese war. It would not have been impos- sible to make a case that in Viet Nam the President had no alter- native to sticking it out since Hanoi and Peking were rejecting negotiations. In fact, this view has been well accepted by our Allies, even by the French, who now expect a long and indecisive land war. NOR WOULD IT have been wholly impossible to make a case that in the Dominican Republic the U.S. has a vital interest with- in its own sphere of influence. What is almost impossible is to make a case for two interventions in two different continents at the same time. When I say that it would not have been impossible to make a Phoenetics: The AnswCe ITEM: Staggering rate of high school drop-outs attributed to poor reading abilities, reflected generally in students' lack of in- terest in studies and difficulty in mastering their subjects. Item: Phonetic methods of teaching children to read held far superior, on the basis of 25-year research, to "look-say" or "sight- word" techniques. Item: United States Department of Education official deplores present-day fads, fashions and fancies in schooling trends. The correlation of these three items seems obvious. BACK IN the days of the Little Red Schoolhouse and McGuffey Readers, youngsters learned the sounds of letters and the structure of syllables-in short, they learn- ed how to read. And then after they learned, they were required to read-clas- sics, biographies, books that stay with you. Nowadays, some of the educa- tors are saying that little Johnny really could be introduced to cal- culus and economics in the first grade and physics in the second, but they're still trying to teach him to read by showing him pic- tures. YET, the fact remains that no matter how many "look-say" pic- tures he sees, he still doesn't de- velop the reading skills his father and grandfather did under the old, old-fashioned system. And not being able to read well, he has little desire to read. Usually there's little motivation for him to reach for the classics, for at many schools "required" reading (if any) too often means almost anything that happens to be in the local public library or on the corner drug store paperback rack. case for the one or the other, I am compelled to say at once that I am talking only of the justifica- tion for the original and initial decision. FOR EUROPEANS have been deeply shocked by the manner and the style in which these two operations, especially the Domi- can, have been conducted. Even more deeply, they have been shocked by the unlimited globalism and the rough unilater- alism to which the President has resorted in explaining his deci- sions. They see that in both ventures the President consulted none of his Allies, even though he may have kept them informed fairly well about what he had decided to do. I AM SURE that I am not exaggerating when I say that the. spectacle of the most powerful nation on earth using its great military power without consulta- tion, without the consent or sanc- tion of its Allies, is regarded as ominous. When I argued that Lyndon Johnson is a progressive and a man of peace, the reply was that there is nothing more dangerous than unlimited power exercised personally and unilaterally. There is, I regret to say, more to this dismal story. FOR THERE IS a strong opin- ion that in the personal and uni- lateral exercise of unlimited power the performance has been that of amateurs inexperienced in the use of power. Those Europeans who are wise in the ways of power politics are astonished to see an American government capable of believing that it could by bombing North Viet Nam a little, but not too much, gain its political objectives in Indo-China. Having themselves been through, the experience of being bombed, they do not think it competent to adopt the strategy of wounding your enemy just enough to make him thoroughly angry. AND SO, the side effect iri Europe of the administration's conduct of affairs since February has been to undermine confidence in the wisdom.and competence of American leadership. The : most farseeing ,of our friends abroad look upon our ac- tions since February as a passing phase in American history. They believe that the American people are locked in a struggle between their old traditions and a new and recently acquired pride of power-a pride of power which so often in the newly powerful become impregnated with the Mes- sianic illusion that single-handedly they can impose their kind of peace upon the rest of the world and expand their kind of freedom to all mankind. This internal struggle in the American conscience is a fateful one. WHEN I Al* feeling cheerful and full of hope, I tell myself that what has happened since February has been Lyndon Johnson's Bay of Pigs and that, like his predeces- sor, he will learn wisdom from his failures. (c)1965, The Washington Post Co. ~.1 44 'MIRAGE' For Behold Unto, Us 'TRIPLE THREAT': wo Plays Make It Out of Batter's Box At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre "TRIPLE THREAT" is batting .666 Two of the three one-act plays being produced this weekend by University Players make it out of the batter's box. "Antigone", adapted from Sophocles by Jean Cocteau and filtered through Director Stephen Wyman, is the strike-out. Even though the lighting and staging are very bright and creative, the acting remains in the minors. There is too much strong emotion and ethical questioning in Anti- gone's story to boil it down to a one-act. BEST OF THE THREE is "Bedtime Story" by Sean O'Casey. This hilarious interlude deals with the "virtuous" young girl and the Church- ana' mnn an a In. a c. Tt- im nwhen. . , nnint c hp.mfin , a t A Movie Is Born . " @ At the Michigan Theatre PERHAPS a year, maybe more, before "Mirage" went into production, two middle-aged,grey flanneled (or is it Dacron, now?) men faced each other at an over-sized conference table in an indiscreetly-panelled cor- ner of a sterile building situated on a palm-infested street in' Holly- wood, California. Both men are high-cost members of an honorable profession: ac- counting. Mr. Accountant C.R. is, with an attempt to be esoteric, a cost accountant. Mr. Accountant D.R. is, also with notable accuracy, a marketing accountant. They've gathered together to give the "Life Force" to an American movie: a financial evaluation. Accountant C.R.: (Opening a neatly packed, slimline briefcase) I have the data here, Sweetheart, on murders. Accountant D.R.: (Same gesture, same briefcase) Can we afford eight murders? ACCOUNTANT C.R.: Are you kiddin' baby, with an expensive special effect for the defenestration we gotta cut the murders. . 00