u r irewatt aily Seventy-Fifth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHOITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PuwCATIoNs YANKEE DOODLE': Entertaining, But Not Top Quality 05. ere Opinions Are F7"o% 420 MAVNARD ST, AwN A&Bor, MICH. "Truth" Wilt Prevail NEWS PHom: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y. JUNE 11, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Computers for Schooling: Interesting-But Be Careful ~II UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS have already implemented the trimester to help solve problems created by the population explosion. However, they have another equally important problem to deal with -the knowledge explosion. The total amount of knowledge avail- able to men in the U.S. is increasing at an unbelievable rate, due primarily to increased research and increased funds for research. Only last year Dean William Haber of the literary college noted that great changes for the University are inescap- able because of this increasing quantity of knowledge. He said that a PhD in mathematics represents about six years of intellectual capital. In physics the period is about eight years and in engi- neering the period is about 10 years. This can give some indication of the growth of knowledge as well as the need for some means to take'care of it. ALREADY ORGANIZATIONS are being formed to help collect and disperse information. The government has been deluged with requests for such a means of national dispersal of information. Probably one of the most predominant dispensers is Intercom, an organization formed a year ago which is only be- ginning to get thoroughly organized. Intercom plans to set up computers all over the nation so that doctors, law- yers, scientists and students who desire information can obtain listings -of where it can be found-or the information it- self-through these computers. The new 360-67 Computer which the University is leasing from the Interna- bional Business Machines Corp. will be a part of this network if plans and fa- cilities are available as is hoped. Because the 360-67 computer will pos- sess the capacity tq handle data from many different projects at the same time as well as to receive information through JUDITH WARREN......................Co-Editor ROBERT -IPPLER..............., .. Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN................Sports Editor JUDITH FIELDS................Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS............Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and conegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us~e of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. Al rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rates: $4 for IIIA and B ($4.50 by mail); $2 for IIA or B ($2.50 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. consoles distances away from the com- puter itself and transport other infor- mation back, it will be ideal for such a project. THE USE OF THE COMPUTER in edu- cation has numerous implications. It will allow the student to ask for informa- tion about a specific subject and receive many articles about which he might not have had previous knowledge. The applications to undergraduate and graduate education are numerous. When using electronic equipment -- not only teaching machines-to teach introduc- tory courses is considered things become interesting. The present introductory courses have never been particularly out- standing as they are taught now-partly because of limited teacher-student con- tact. Yet what if these courses are taught entirely by machines-right down to the grading process? These machines will be able to present material ,ask questions and record the answers, grade performance, repeat in- formation and add additional informa- tion when necessary, and-if needed- speed up or slow down the presentation of material to the student's pace of learn- ing. THERE ARE SOME advantages and some drawbacks to this type of machine. It would free the teacher to spend time with more advanced students or to discuss new advances with students who have, by then, acquired a basic background in the subject rather than spend time laborious- ly repeating the basic principles of the subject. It would also allow studentsto learn at their own pace., However, how valuable are the hours spent with the machines learning this material going to be? How inspiring is a machine going to be when it comes to encouraging students to take other cours- es in the same subject? How stimulating would it be to take a course entirely from a machine? THE UNIVERSITY implemented trimes- ter to make more use of resources al-, ready available at the University and the use of machines for teaching would be for the same reason. Yet you can only stretch the supply of teachers so far. What could develop is. the development of courses taught en- tirely by machines. The point will come when the Univer- sity will definitely have to utilize ma- chines for teaching, yet it will have to do so with care. And even after such a pro- gram is implemented it will have to be watched with care. --BARBARA SEYFRIED At the Cinema Guild MANY OF the movies being pre- sented by Cinema Guild this summer need a disclaimer at- tached to any review-"Yankee Doodle Dandy" is a prime ex- ample. "Yankee Doodle" is the musical comedy about the life and work of George M. Cohan, actor, writer, singer, dancer, producer, etc. Co- han ,produced many, many hit Broadway musicals during a sen- sational 15-year career. James Cagney, as Cohen, dances and sings his way through num- bers like "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Give My Regards to Broadway," "Mary," "You're a Grand Old Flag," and "Over There." In addition to the brief recaps of Cohan's shows, the movie pre- sents a picture of an incredible family life-sweet, loving wife; adoring, understanding parents; and dear close friends. All of, whom never bicker or question. WHICH BRINGS me to the point of my disclaimer. This movie portrays a completely incredible man-Cohan, apparently loved all people. A movie written with this de- gree of realism comes from an- other era than our own. It can- not be exvected to push and prod the moviegoer-it's entertain- ment. "Yankee Doodle Dandy" cannot be compared to a movie produced now. And if you go to see it expecting true life, you're going to be sorry. But it doesn't mean that the movie doesn't have validity. Judge it by its era. Cohan's plays are even more incredible to the modern eye than the movie. He put an immense stress on patriotism. The schmaltz is really quite shocking. The cli- max of "George Washington, Jr." has Cohan's Father and Mother coming on stage dressed as Uncle Sam and the Statue of Lwerty. BUT COHAN is true. His plays were constructed around a formu- la which reflects the American Creed-poor boy makes good, Love of country, and lots of pretty girls in fancy costumes. And be- cause people believed in the creed they loved his plays. "He is all of the United States stuffed into one pair of pants." Cohan says very little to us today-but he shouldn't be dismissed with the sarcasm that Time would dish out if a movie were made today like "The American Idea." THAT'S THE SUM and sub- stance of my footnote for Cinema Guild's summer program. Many' of these movies are fun, histori- cally interesting, or truly enter- taining. But don't put them up against Ingmar Bergmann. -MALINDA BERRY Education EDUCATION will eventually be considered as enterprise re- placing work as a means by which veople will assign meaning to their lives. Education is coming to be an industry which requires many people to produce and many people to consume. In this regard, education will take the place of war, the pro- duction of automobiles, or the settling of the frontier, which, in the past, have kept people busy. -Prof. L. B. MAYHEW, Stanford University A "He Admires All The Roosevelts!" Stanford University JUST A FEW EASY STEES: Be the First in Your Dorm To Start a Revolt By ED SCHWARTZ Collegiate Press Service IT IS DOUBTFUL that there are more than five schools in the country at present whose leaders would contemplate a revolution geared to basic changes within the university. This is understandable. Revolu- tions are justifiable only after everything else has failed--all at- tempts at working through the channels, at petitioning thead- ministration, and at demonstrat- ing for reform. They must rely on a cumulative list of grievances and frustrations,; usually covering a span of many years, which have left the student body no alternative other than a major thrust to eliminate the president, to achieve equal rep- resentation on the board of trus- tees, or to reorganize radically the committee structure to in- crease student influence. Even in such an environment, however, revolutions demand careful plan- ning. IF MOMENTUM is -desirable to reform movements, it is essential to revolutions. In general, the goal is to create a dialectical situ- ation, in which the administration is forced to reject seemingly "reasonable" requests for change in such a manner as to alienate the entire campus. Its initial moves are mild-per- haps more so than those of a re- form group-but its life-span is longer and its termination, violent. It aims at avoiding negotiation, because its implicit goals are non- negotiable; but it seeks to appear receptive at every stage. The image of an impetuous ad- ministrator's thwarting a thought- ful student body must be created. This image is necessary both in gaining campus support andwin maintaining good relations with the press. Indeed, if the situation is such that revolution is essential, the "image" is probably reality. UNLIKE reform committees, the core of a revolutionary planning group should be small, unrepre- sentative, and cognizant of the movement's major objectives. Even on frustrated campuses, students must be weaned gradually into revolutionary fervor. If the base of support for ini- tial goals is too broad, as funda- mental objectives become explicit, campus participation may dwindle. Once that happens, it's all over. The movement should begin as a minority and end as a majority, not vice-versa. This is impossible if the student body is galvanized around a demand for reform, without realizing that it is a pre- text to get the ball rolling. As soon as the first proposal appears negotiable, people will leave. Thus, some issue should be found which the campus would generally favor, but which is cer- tain to be rejected vehemently. The president should become angry, make inflammatory state- ments about the student body. IDEALLY, he should threaten expulsion. When that happens, you are in good shape. Even if your first proposal is not accept- ablt to many students, the ad- ministration's reactions will out- weigh their reservations. A slur on the character of any student group within reasonable bounds of respectability is an indirect slap at the entire campus. That should be made clear. In developing the movement, you must insure either that your requests are impossible to achieve or that indignation against the administration per se renders them inconsequential. Negotia- tions should be out of the ques- tion. Ideally, the administration should take this position; but if you can make the president or regents appear unreasonable, at least you'll have sufficient grounds to argue it yourself. "How can we bargain with someone who has called us . . .? is a respectable position if an astounding epithet can be substituted for the elipses. Here again, if the administra- tion is as tactless as many are, the insults will come. The impor- tant point is that as soon as you reach the conference table, you have no furtherbasis on which to act. Your biggest problem is to strike a balance between respec- tability and intransigence. That's what makes revolution so diffi- cult. THESE ARE the guidelines of the planned revolution: gradual escalation, non-negotiable tactics, administration fury, and campus response. Sometimes a movement for reform can unintentionally produce the same results, but that depends on the savoir-faire of the college president. In concluding, I offer one final word of advice: if you're going to plan a movement, whether it be for reform or for fundamental change, make sure that you are intellectually and morally jus- tified in doing so. Demontrations take time and threaten the repu- tation of the university. * VIETNAMESE WART: Congress Should Do Its Duty "' ( ' I' 7Y ' t I ie. ' 'S.' k . 'FANNY HILL': Mrs. Brown You've Got A Terrible Brothel At the Campus Theatre "W ASN'T THAT THE WORLD'S worst movie?" a pretty girl in S madras groaned to her date as they left "Fanny Hill" last night. No, I felt like interrupting, it wasn't; there was the Viet Cong prop- aganda film shown during the teach-in last March-that was the world's least funny movie. "Fanny" is second. Take "Tom Jones," make it bad-you have "Fanny." Take three men, two women and a St. Bernard in one colonial bed, make it in- communicably stupid-you have "Fanny." Take sex, take it away- you have "Fanny." FANNY HILL is an orphan who stumbles into a brothel in 18th century England and stays there for three weeks without knowing it; Mrs. Brown, the brothel's madam, and three bewigged males plot against her empty purity, but some sort of clumsy, cinematic guardian angel makes beds collapse, and our Fanny's mindless body is saved. NOTHING has happened in Viet Nam in the past 21 months which could not have been anticipated by a dispassion- ate a n d intelligent observer. Nothing has happened which a good many U.S. newspaper cor- respondents did not say at the time was happening. Yet in those 21 months we have gone from official forecasts that we would be out by the end of 1965 to Tuesday's announcement that American soldiers will take combat roles in the fighting. On Oct. 2," 1963, the White House said that "(Defense) Sec- retary McNamara and Gen. (Max- well) Taylor report their judg- ment that the major part of the U.S. military task can be com- pleted by the end of 1965." WHEN President Johnson took office there were 14,000 American troops in Viet Nam, all officially "advisers." In November of last year there were 25,000. Today there are 52,000, and a buildup is underway to raise the total to 70,000. No one has yet denied that we plan to have 100,000 troops in the country before the monsoon is over. The pattern, then, has been one of steady escalation, especially since Johnson became President. It is only a small step from the new policy ofcommitting troops if Viet Nam asks for them to tile "clear and hold" orders of full- scale warfare. THUS, as Washington Bureau Chief Ed Lahey wrote, "we are right in the ball game in the rice paddies of South Viet Nam." We are actively and aggressively fighting a widening war, while the President repeats that we "want no wider war." The direct responsibility goes to President Johnson. of course. 'QUO VADIS': Hollywood Theology- An Outright Insult At the State Theatre WHEN I WAS 10 YEARS OLD, my parents took me to see one of the first "Biblical Spectaculars"-"The Ten Commandments." I remem- ber rather distinctly a feeling of mild revulsion and more-general dis- belief: Jews follow that character across the Red Sea? Hah! I am told early experiences are oftimes reliable. For what, I'm not certain, but in the case of the movie I saw last night, I think I have an idea. "Quo Vadis" is easily the worst flick (I won't elevate it by calling it a movie) I have ever seen in my life. It is absurd to attempt any sort of "critical analysis" of it for the same reason that one does not place a picture by the Keane Co. on the same scale as say, William Blake or Rembrandt. I will, however, list certain specific objections to the type of flick "Quo Vadis" attempts to be. First, it wants to be a money-maker. In America, there can be no higher justification of anything. But this picture does it so subtly! It has noise, pageantry, color, sex, religion, tinges of the Protestant Ethic, and all in the most obnoxious amalgam -like a toad with thousands upon thousands of yellow warts. My real objection is the crude and I might add, blasphemous use of early Chris- tianity as a sales gimmick. I HEARD TEENAGERS chuckling in the audience when the so- called Simon Peter (white beard and all) spoke the Words of Christ. Why not? If I hadn't a certain reverence instilled out of habit, I would have vomited. When the so-called Paul spoke Christ's Words, someone EXCEPT for Senators Morse of Oregon and Grueriing of Alaska, nobody apparently wanted to make the tough decisions that had to be made.f Now, it seems clear, the time for decision can no longer be de- layed. The policies the president has pursued, in fighting the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time, are not working. There is no more stability in Saigon that there was when we decided to bomb North Viet Nam. There is no slackening of North Vietnamese opposition, nor of its clear determination that white men shall not dictate an Asian settlement. THERE is not, as yet, any crisis which would forbid a new con- gressional look at Viet Nam. If that time is not going to come, though, Congress has a duty to stop it. -DETROIT FREE PRESS 4 t' r V ;a Al 1 ~ w-10 0- 7 .;' F