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Sir I!MU1
Cloudy with chance
of thundershowers
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' Budget May Be Slashed,
The Legislature produced twc
surprises yesterday, as rumors cir.
culated that the House Ways and
Means Committee may slash the
University's general funds budget
by $1.1 million but the Senate
Appropriations Committee sent
the school aid bill to the flooi
with a controversial $71 millior
increase intact.
"The Ways and Means Com-
mittee is seriously considering
cutting the higher education ap-
propriations bill by $4.9 million-
a reduction that would give the
University the $50 million appro-
priation recommended by the gov-
ernor in February," a reliable
Lansing source reported yesterday.
The committee's chairman, Rep.
Einar Earlandsen (D-Escanaba)
refused to confirm the rumor.
No Time
"We have not yet had time to
discuss the bills in detail," he said.
"I am in no position to speculate
on what may be done in the next
two days."
Plans Set for
Visit to 'U'
HOUSTON (P) - Astronauts
James McDivitt and Edward
White start a week-long, trium-
phant tour today as soon as they
step from the USS Wasp at May-
port, Fla.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration announced
yesterday a whirlwind tour for
the twin spacemen that will end
next Wednesday with hometown
celebrations in Jackson, Mich.,
for McDivitt and San Antonio,
Tex., for White.
Later today the two will start
the debriefings in Dr. Robert R.
Gilruth's office at the Manned
Spacecraft Center.
The debriefings c o n t i n u e
through Friday afternoon, when a
news conference has been sched-
A firm schedule for the visit to
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
ranch hasn't been set. The spokes-
man said it was believed the
White and McDivitt families, in-
cluding parents and children,
would be there Saturday.
On Tuesday, both men are to be
guests of the University. Both re-
ceived aeronautical engineering
degrees here.
They will come by motorcade to
Ann Arbor and travel down Main
4 to Huron and along Huron to
Glen on their way to North Cam-
pus, where they will cut the rib-
bon in dedication ceremonies for
the University's new $1,750,000
Space Research Building at 10:30
A special convocation at which
both astronauts will be honored
by the University will be held at
11:30 a.m. at Hill Auditorium
after their return from North
Campus, University officials said.
It has not yet been determined
whether they will receive honorary
degrees or some other form of
The convocation, open by invi-
tation only, will be followed by a
luncheon at 1 p.m. in the Union
for the two astronauts. Plans for
the remainder of the day are in-
complete but include a party and
a dinner by the engineering col-
lege's department of aeronautical
engineering from which McDivitt
received his bachelor's degree and
White his master's degree, both
in 1959.
Approves Bill
Labor subcommittee approved yes-
terday the administration's bill to
repeal a section of the Taft-Hart-
ley law which permits states to
ban union shop agreements.
The 6-3 vote after a bare one
hour's discussion marked an easy
first step for a bill that is ex-
pectgd to give President Lyndon B.
Johnson one of his toughest con-
Earlandsen added the commit-
tee will begin serious work on the
bill tomorrow afternoon, but prob-
ably will take no action until
Friday, the deadline for sending
bills to the floor.
The committee is considering a
$184.3 million higher education
appropriations bill passed by the
Senate May 18; the bill includes
$51.2 million for the University-
$1.1 million above Gov. George
Romney's recommendation, but
still $4.6 million short of the
amount requested by the Regents.
University President Harlan
Hatcher sharply criticized Rom-
ney's proposal in February, say-
ing that an appropriation of only
$50 million could "have serious
consequences" for the University.
Total Budget
The total budget embodied in
bills now in the Legislature is
substantially higher than expect-
ed, and, according to Sen. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), about $25
million will have to be slashed
from the bills before passage. Last
week, Romney threatened to veto
bills in excess of his recommen-
dations-a move that many feel
has put more pressure on the
Legislature for spending cutbacks.
Many observers had anticipated
that the Senate Appropriations
Committee would reduce the
school aid measure, increased in
the House by almost $40 million
over the governor's recommenda-
The issue of cutting back school
aid had split Senate Democrats,
with some wanting to reduce the
bill by at least $10 million and,
others holding out for the full
$71 million appropriation.
Senate Majority Leader Ray-'
mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) has
expressed confidence in being able
to muster enough votes to pass the
bill as it stands.
Some other senators, however
are not as sure about the bill's
future. Bursley said it may still
be slashed on the Senate floor
and then adjusted in a Senate-
House conference committee; or if
Board Acts
To Effect
Master Plan
The State Board of Education
took initial steps yesterday to-
ward formulation of the long-
awaited master plan for higher
education in Michigan.
Theboard approved a proposal
submitted by Dr. Leon Fill, board
vice-president, asking each of
Michigan's ten state-supported
colleges and universities to define
its concept of its special role in
the state's higher education pro-
However, the ten schools will
probably not be directly approach-
ed with this proposal until the
board discusses the matter again,
board member Donald M. D. Thur-
ber explained.
The board also took official ac-
tion on a proposal discussed last
week concerning medical educa-
tion in Michigan. It gave final
approval to a letter to be sent to
the presidents of the University,
Michigan State Universit7 and
the Senate passes it intact, Rom- Wayne State Uiversity akn
ney may veto some of its specific Wayne State University asking
provisions. othem to submit nominations for a
prvss committee to review medical in-
"An item veto would be diffi- struction in Michigan in regard
cult to override in some areas to eventual development of a long-
covered by the bill," he remarked. range plan in this area.
Bursley and other Republican The letter further requests that
leaders met with Romney yester- representatives of the three uni-
day to discuss appropriations, but versities' medical programs meet
nothing definite came out of the to update a 1963 report on the
meeting. A luncheon with the gov- advisibility of a third medical
ernor is scheduled for today. school in Michigan.
Views U.S. Society
Writer-editor petite Thu Van, a visitor to Ann Arbor from Viet
N m, commented on her experiences in the United States before
leaving for Iowa City last Sunday.
She has been in the United States for six months on a United
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization grant to
study American writers and culture. In Iowa City she will visit the
noted author and critic Paul H. Engle in pursuance of her studies.
Gains Force,
Generals To Mediate
Saigon Political Split
SAIGON (P)-Premier Phan Huy
Quat accused his chief of state
yesterday of balking attempts to
settle the political crisis in South
Viet Nam.
He said his government was un-
able to find a solution and called
in a number of top army generals
to mediate.
Quat's government, in office
only four months, appears in dan-
ger of collapse. This could bring
in another military junta to rule
the turbulent country.
Quat and chief of state Phan
Khac Suu have been locked for
three weeks in a dispute over cab-
inet changes. Suu has refused to
approve Quat's recommendations.
Taking advantage of the situa-
tion, the Roman Catholics stag-
ed a number of anti-government
deminstrations. They charge Quat,
a Buddhist, with discriminating
against Catholics. He denies this.
Suu is a member of the Cao Dai
Sect, which also has been crying
for Quat's removal.
"Up to this point," Quat told
a news conference, "the good will
of the government has been un-
able to keep the problem from de-
generating into a critical situa-
tion. This situation has harmed
the war against the Communists,
which should have top priority.
Quat announced he had asked
all the general officers in the
country to serve on a new media-
tion board and they agreed.
Quiet Groups
Presumably they will attempt to
settle the Quat-Suu dispute and
try to quiet the opposition of re-
ligious groups.
The premier said he was assur-
ed the generals supported a strong
civilian government, and that this
would not mean a return to mili-
tary rule.
Meanwhile, Quat's national po-
lice chief, Lt. Col. Pham Van
Lieu, charged that current anti-
government leaders are tied close-
ly with the Viet Cong, although
he did not include the Catholics
in this category.
Attempted Coup
Lieu said that leaders of the at-
tempted coup May 20 were either
Communists or former Commu-
He said the top coup leader,
Col. Pham Ngo Thao who still is
at large, once headed Viet Cong
intelligence. Thao did head intel-
ligence under Ho Chi Minh, the
president of North Viet Nam, in
the war against the French.
After the war, Thao declared
himself an anti-Communist and
joined the government of the late
President Ngo Dinh Diem.
Lieu said that the government
arrested 41 persons in connection
with the May coup attempt, in-
luding 17 military men, but the
leading plotters were still at large.
Catholics have charged that
most of those arrested were Cath-
As Quat spoke, a Catholic mob
was reported to have burned a
government car in the suburbs.
A U.S. PARATROOPER surveys a river in South Vi
evidence of guerrillas. The U.S. may use troops more
in the near future.
1ST Head Descri
Willow trRun Chai
Willow Run Laboratories, located near Ypsilanti,
constituted as a single administrative entity within th
of the Institute of Science and Technology.
According to James T. Wilson, director of IST, th
have always exhibited characteristics which make thi
a single entity. They are bound together by interrela
goals and to a limited extent geographical location, h
explained that the laboratories tend to have a larg
"mission-oriented" programs. This is opposed to ther
oriented research conducted --
Southeast Asia Clings
To A Glorious History
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles on Southeast Asia.
Tie second will appear tomorrow,
Southeast Asia is the land of Viet Nam, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Thailand, Burma, Malaya and Laos. These countries share some
problems together, but inherit-and spawn-others which are uniquely
their own.
According to L. A. Peter Gosling, director of the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies and professor of geography, "memories
of a golden age" in some countries in Southeast Asia "could pose
problems today." History of "past
and kingdoms in Viet Nam, Cam-
bodia, Indonesia, Thailand and
Burma are responsible for "a con-
siderable amount of pride." This
could make the people "more dif-
ficult for Americans to deal with,"
in their aid-educational programs.
The solution to this problem
lies in sending well-rounded,
knowledgeable Americans into the
field, according to Prof. John E.
Bardach of the natural resources,
school. Bardach spent nearly two
years in Cambodia updating the
fishery system.
Cambodian technology is still in
a critically low state, and this
cannot be erased in one swoop of
American equipment and money,
he said.
Cambodia's history of French
domination-notably the Jesuit
missionaries and Napoleon III -
has left the indelible stamp of
European culture on the ruling
"Their salaries are very low and
they all aspire to a Western stan-
dard of living which is more ex-
pensive in Cambodia than in the
West," Bardach said. "This is why
bribes work so well."
Although the cultures and heri-
tages of the Southeast Asian
countries are varied, their dif-
ferences are not that significant,
Bardach said. He compared the
situation to the Europe of the
Middle Ages with its hundreds of
tiny kingdoms and dukedoms.
Each one claimed to be a separate
entity, he said, but there were
many inter-marriages and much
travelling. The cultural differences
soon disappeared. This same thing
imperialism," of powerful empiresI
Thu Van, 39, before visiting the
U.S. was editor of Van Dan, a
weekly literary review published
in Saigon. She has written a num-
ber of esays, collection of poems,
a book of short stories and a novel.
Popularly known by her pen
name, Thu Van's real name is
Mrs. Le Thi Anh. She fought
underground for liberation of Viet
Nam from French colonial rule
while she was still in her teens.
She worked in the villages to
awaken nationalist feelings of her
She was uncertain about her
career after the death of her
husband, who himself was actively
involved in the freedom movement
of the country. As in many Asian
countries, it is not usual for a
married woman to pursue a .;areer
in Viet Nam, she said.
The position of the woman is
subordinate to that of the man
in her country. Men and women
are not equal partners as in the
West, she related.
On her first arrival in New
York; Thu Van found a different
pattern of society here, which in
her opinion was departing from
the "true man"-a man equally
concerned with spiritualism and
She is particularly concerned
with the way new-born babies are
being brought up in public nur-
series. "They lack the indispens-
able love of a mother" she said.
"Juvenile delinquency was the ex-
pression of rebellion by the
youngsters; their reaction for de-
fense against this society," she
through the various departments
on campus.,
Mission Oriented
He explained that research at
Willow Run is almost always
oriented toward solving a specific
problem or "mission."
GeorgraPhical location is a per-
tinent factor regarding Willow
Run as an entity, Wilson said, but
it is fast decreasing in influence.
Several of the laboratories at Wil-
low Run now have facilities on
North Campus now, he added.
The change in administrative
structure will allow IST to ad-
minister the laboratories as a
single block with specific prob-
lems rather than as several lab-
Willow Run Laboratories are
financed by approximately 25 per
cent of the money received from
the federal government for re-
search at the University.
The University receives over
$42 million for research from
the federal government, a total
that has been climbing steadily
for the past fifteen years.
Project Michigan
The major project conducted
there is Project Michigan. This
project costs the government ap-
proximately $4 million a year to
maintain and deals with battle-
field surveillance.
Since Project Michigan began
12 years ago a number of other
programs dealing with the appli-
cation of the physical sciences to
remote sensing of the environ-
ment, such as through radar, have
developed from it.
Xsk Aid;
1 21
e .. Further U.S.
Gives Cause
Troops Now Number
Near 54,000 and
Expected To Rise
TOKYO (AP) - The Viet Cong
threatened yesterday to call for
international help if American
troops fight alongside government
£;,t forces in the Viet Nam war.
"If the United States govern-
ment gives itself the right to or-
der U.S. troops to take part in
« x fighting in South Viet Nam, the
a 4 South Viet Nam National Front
for Liberation (Viet Cong) also
ssociated Press gives itself the right to call when
iet Nam for necessary for volunteers from the
armies of North Viet Nam and of
extensively friendly countries to go south to
oppose U.S. aggression," it said in
-- a statement carried by Hanoi ra
* dio.
The statement commented on a
U.S. State Department declara-
tion Tuesday that the U.S. mill-
tary command in South Viet Nam
g Q has been authorized to send Amer-
ag es ican troops into combat alongside
Vietnamese if requested.
No Reply
In Washington there was no re-
was formally ply offered to charges by New
he framework York Republican Sen. Jacob K,
Javits in the Senate yesterday that
.e laboratories therUnited States is moving to-
iem in effect ward a "massive bogdown and
,e pnograms, struggle in Asia without the spe-
ted programs, cific consent of Congress." He said
said. Wilson before President Lyndon B. John-
e number of son commits U.S. troops to a
more subject- large-scale ground .war he should
ask Congress to pass a resolution
approving such action.
1' p Javits asked whether the build-
eto es up in U.S. troop strength would
lead to crossing of the 17th paral-
plan lel into North Viet Nam by ground
Sen. Ernest Gruening (D-Alas-
ka) said Congress gave the Presi-
a-The Senate dent all the authority he needs to
day pnation use troops anywhere in South-
a any behin east Asia when it adopted a reso-
a Nations dues lution last August backing such a
Present Mood
ruening (D- Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt),
fort to make an outspoken opponent of esca-
63 to 26. And lating the Vietnamese fighting,
R-Iowa) went said he believes Congress, in its
he United Na- present mood, would vote a new
declaration if asked to.
for his plan, In South Viet Nam about 2500
d Nations is U.S. combat engineers landed yes-
illion in debt terday at a bay northeast of Sai-
rupt. He said gon to build a base capable of
and why na- handling any massive American
$1.8 billion in commitment to the Vietnamese
t year should war.
delinquent in The landings at Cam Ranh Bay,
ts. 190 miles northeast of Saigon,
ting the two- came a day after the State De-
ted a victory partment declared U.S. troops
right (D-Ark) would enter combat against the
eign Relations Viet Cong when requested.
long advocated Bloody Fighting
ations. There was bloody fighting as
horization this the engineers came ashore. Two
a committee U.S. advisers were killed at Gia
Wayne Morse Ray, 50 miles northeast of Sai-
ls for ending gon when guerrillas overran a
ogram in its training center. And 158 Vietna-
expiration of mese troops were killed or miss-
eriod. ing here and in fighting north of
provides or a Saigon
committee to Air Force and Marine jets ham-
ons for a new mered at Viet Cong concentra-
tions in Quang Ngai province, ap-
parently in an attempt to head
off a major new Viet Cong offen-
sive in the monsoon season.
U.S. military spokesmen an-
nounced government forces suf-
[ered their heaviest casualties of
a t ' the war in the week ended Sat-
urday-530 killed, '710 wounded
and 635 missing or captured. In
the same week 10 Americans were
killed, 35 were wounded and six
are missing. Viet Cong casualties
in the same period were estimated
as 1,221 killed, 84 captured.
Air War
In the air war, U.S. planes for
the fifth straight day pounded the
North Vietnamese port of Vinh,
a city of more than one million
160 miles south of Hanoi. Pilots
reported light to moderate dam-
New Aid
turned down yester
halt foreign aid t
that is more than
in paying its United
and assessments.
Sen. Ernest G
Alaska) lost his ef
it a one-year bill 6
Sen. Jack Miller (I
down 59 to 27 on th
tions proposal.
Miller, fighting
claimed the Unite
more than $300 m
and virtually bank
he couldn't underst
tions that received;
U.S. foreign aid las
be $36.5 millionc
their UN assessmen
The vote support
year plan represen
for Sen. J. W. Fulb
chairman of the For
Committee. He has 1
multi-year authorize
The two-year auth
time is linked with
amendment by Sen.
(D-Ore) which call
the foreign aid pr
present form at the
the authorization p
The amendment
12-member planning
draft recommendati
foreign aid format.
Pollock Terms Civil Service Bill 'Thre
By RUTH FEUERSTEIN hind the bill are to "weaken the
civil service system." Concerning
The controversial Jacobetti bill the position which Gov. George
which recently passed in the Romney would take if the bill
House has inspired James K. Pol- passes the Senate, Pollock believes
lock of the politicaltscience de- "he would veto it if it had not
partment to term it "a direct been previously declared unconsti-
threat to the meritsystem." tutional by the Supreme Court."
The bill constitutes a threat be- The Blue Ribbon Commission
cause a primary purpose of the in which Pollock took an active
merit system is to exclude poli- part and which was concerned
tics from civil service participa- with civil service had unanimous-
tion, he said. "How can you have 1 t civi+ se+,,rvice had n~+1-4
-Standing for candidacy for a
partisan or non-partisan office
other than membership on a
school board, municipal charter
commission, or local election
boards with permission from the
-Soliciting or paying political
Activities Permitted
All of these activities. would be
permitted if the Jacobetti bill is
sY1F~F / f: :.ii.