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May 06, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-05-06

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Twelve days ago a revolt broke out in the Dominican Republic,
but according to three University observers, the causes of the revolt
have roots going back several years.
The insurgent forces, a left wing group, started the revolt in
an attempt to bring former President Juan D. Bosch back into
power. Bosch had been overthrown by a miiltary junta in 1963, only
eight months after his election.
Prof. Martin Needler of the political science department ex-
plained recently that Bosch was overthrown by the military junta
for two sets of reasons.
'First, Bosch lacked political skills," Needler said. He was un-
able to conciliate opposing forces and refused to cqmpromise.
In addition, "The people of the Dominican Republic had also
had very limited experience with democracy," he said.
Second Set
The second set of reasons is also an after-effect of the Tru-
jillo regime. Trujillo had allowed members of the military as well
as businessmen whb did business with the government numerous
special privileges. "In other words there had been a great deal of
graft," Needler explained, and the military wanted more than it
was getting under Bosch.
Robert Wells, instructor in political science, commented that
one reason for the coups and countercoups and failure of democracy






in the Dominican Republic has been that Rafael Trujillo, dictator
of the republic for decades, left behind a void after hisassassina-
tion in 1960 and that the recent fast changes from dictatorship to
rudimentary democracy to oligarchy have left the people of the
country for the most part totally uneducated as to the nature of
democratic institutions.
Bosch, from the administrative point of view was an excellent
president, Needler said. "He was honest, effecient, and balanced
the budget. The objectives of his policies were just what was
needed by the republic." However, since he was honest he stopped
the graft. This displeased the military powers.
In addition to the military, many conservative businessmen
were displeased with Bosch's social policies and many politicians
wanted to return themselves to power, he said.
This led to a military coup in 1963 and the end of the re-
public's first democratic government. The power was left in the
hands of the military. As long as the government did not interfere
with the military, Needler explained, military officials were con-
tent to let the government go its own way.
Governing Junta
After the military took power, they established a governing
junta of civilians. Elections were scheduled for September, 1965.
Needler explained that in the face of the coming election
Bosch's party, the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), felt
that if it did not stage some form of a "comeback" through force

it would be through as a political influence. For this reason the
PRD started the revolt.
Prof. Eric Wolf of the anthropology department, on the other
hand, maintained that the revolution is a personal attempt by
Bosch to stage a comeback with the aid of several junior military
Needler went on to speculate on what has happened since
the PRD started the revolt. He hypothesized that "extreme leftists
tried to turn the revolt in an anti-American direction." This
they could do, Needler explained, by turning the revolt against
the U.S. or by forcing the U.S. to intervene.
Provoking U.S.
Needler said' that the extreme leftist elements attempted to
provoke the U.S. by terrorizing U.S. citizens. He emphasized
that it was not done by the PRD and that the provocations'
purpose, if they had a purpose, may have been to bring on U.S.
intervention. And the administration responded to the provocation,
Needler said.
Wolf pointed out that South American history is full of in-
stances of U.S. intervention. While it is the practice of tle U.S.
to send in troops where American lives are threatened, Wolf
explained, cries of anguish are already reverberating across Latin
America. He explained that this has set back North American and
Latin American relations.
Wells said that while many of these nations were very voci-

ferous in their protest that many of them were privately very
content with U.S. action.
'Johnson Justified'
Wells asserted that Johnson was very definitely justified in
his act. He said that Johnson was merely adding a corollary to the
Truman doctrine of containment.
Wells said the revolution shows a need for some multilateral
force representing the Organization of American States for inter-
vention when it is necessary. He said that this was probably not
the last time that an event of this nature would take place.
One condition that Wells did emphasize on the U.S. interven-
tion was that the U.S. should get out as fast as was feasibly pos-
sible. He suggested the possibility of a multilateral force composed
of the member nations of the OAS.
Critical of Johnson
Needler, on the other hand, was extremely critical of John-
son's action. He explained that if the U.S. were to intervene it
should have done so under the "multilateral umbrella" of OAS
On the future of the Dominican Republic, Wolf said that it
would probably lie in the hands of the miiltary. He felt this was
indicated by the fact that the new provisional president, elected by
the rebels, was a military officer. The rebels are fighting a military
junta. Thus whichever side wins, the government will still be
under military control.

See Editorial Page


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warmer in afternoon

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Party Leaders Back
Board Flint Proposal
The State Board of Education received a boost yesterday when
both Gov. Romney and Demorcatic State Chairman Zolton Ferency
supported its recommendation to make the University's Flint Branch
an autonomous institution.
The governor attended yesterday's board meeting for a 30-
minute briefing, and agreed with its position but added that "support
Is needed from, the Flint community for that position."
Then the question was-what did Romney mean? Would the

people of Flint be given a voice
Senator Hits
Left, Image
Special To The Daily
W 4SHINGTON - The liberal
and radical elements on American
campuses were chided last week
when a Wyoming senator said that
all the outcry over U.S. policies
gives a distorted picture of the
true nature of American universi-
Sen. Gale McGee (D-Wyo) ap-
pealed to conservatives to make
themselves heard over the protests
on campus radicals ,and said he
was addressing "the currently si-
lent segment of our campuses who
support the President or who may
agree with the fundamental ten-
ets implicit in a firm posture in
He said that demonstrations
such' as the March on Washing-
ton give the "false impression"
that the students, professors and
intellectuals of the U.S. "are all
automatically pacifists or trouble-
McGee, however, while critical I
of the content of the Viet Nam
protests defended and encouraged
the academic community's right to
comment on government policies.
"Protests should remain a hall-
mark of academia," McGee de-
clared. The only trouble with re-
cent protests, he said, is that the
wrong people have been protest-
ing -liberals and radicals have
been noisy, while conservatives-
who, he asserted, are in the ma-
jority-have remained silent.
McGee said that part of the
reason for "the liberal thinking
found on the part of some aca-
demicians i that they cling to
outmoded facts.

in the Flint controversy before
fthe Legislature's final decision (a
decision that will be binding, since
both the University and the board
have agreed as much)?
Apparently not, according to
Romney's chief education aide
Charles Orlebecke. What Romney
really meant was that the people
of Flint should be "informed" of
all the factors leading to the
board's decision to recommend
autonomy for Flint, Orlebecke said
last night.
No Hearing
When asked if it was possible
that the governor might call for
a public hearing on Flint before
the Legislature's decision, Orle-
beckereplied, "I think not."
Board members reported to
Romney yesterday that they would
seek legislative' approval in the
current session for establishment
of the separate four-year college
at Flint.
Board Chairman Thomas Bren-
nan complained that he had not
as yet received even an acknowl-
edgement from the University to
a telegram stating the board's
Actually, University President
Harlan Hatcher has already re-
plied to the telegram-but during
his testimony before the Senate
Appropriations Committee on
April 28, and not as a direct reply
to the Board of Education.
President Hatcher stated at the
time that the University would be
willing to submit the question of
Flint's autonomy to the Legisla-
The Question
Now the question is who-the
University or the board-can win
the Legislature over to its point
of view.
Orlebecke said a meeting will be
held next Monday before the even-
ing session of the Legislature to
discuss strategy for winning Flint's
autonomy. It will include influen-
tial Democrats in the House, mem-
bers of the board and Ferency.

Senate Bill
Can Give 'U'
The University could benefit by
approximately $1.5 million annu-
ally if the Senate votes approvalI
for an appropriations bill passed1
by the House, Rep. Weston E.
Vivian (D-Mich) said yesterday.
Vivian referred to passage of a
Health, Education and Welfare
'Department bill which lifts the
present 20 per cent limitation on
the extent to which the govern- .
ment can reimburse a university
or other institution for overhead
costs on a research contract.
"In the case of the University,
this means the reimbursement will
be raised from 20 per cent to about,
35 per cent," Vivian said.
No Comment
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont had
no comment last night on the bill's
passage through the House, and
Vice-President for Research Prof. i
A. Geoffrey Norman was unavail-
able for comment.
Actually, the exact amount of
the reimbursement will be deter-
mined by the Bureau of the
Budget, but the bill in its present
form permits reimbursement to
within three to five per cent of
actual costs.
"Although the bill now pertains
only to HEW, I'm sure the move
will be extended to include other
research work, such as for de-
fense," Vivian said.
"I discussed the matter with'
Appropriations Committee mem-
bers before the bill came to the
floor, and I am extremely pleased
that the wording permitting reim-
bursement so close to actual costs
stayed in the bill," Vivian said.
Vivian said he had been advised
that the less said about the move;
to take the lid off the research
overhead cost reimbursement the
Slipped Through
"Apparently it j u s t slipped
through," he said. "I'm sure few
members realized it was in the
The University, which currently
expends about one-third of its an-
nual operating funds for research,
and other large universities have'
been pressing for years to have
the limitation removed.
For a long time, 15 per cent ofl
the total federal grant was the
maximum reimbursement allowed.

Dems Oppose U.S.*
Policy in Viet Nam '
The Ann Arbor City Democratic Party adopted a resolution
opposing American policies in Viet Nam at a Tuesday meeting, but
the Washtenaw County Democratic chairman asserted last night that
the proposal passed was not representative of local Democratic feeling.
George W. Salade charged that "the action of the Democratic
group which passed the proposal Tuesday does not represent the
opinions of the majority of Democrats in either Ann Arbor or Wash-
tenaw County."
There were substantial forces at the Tuesday meeting opposing
the resolution against U.S. policy. Neil Staebler, former Michigan
---------_,gubernatorial candidate and a

By The Associated Press
Republic-Shortly after the sign-
ing of an expanded cease-fire
agreement between the two fac-
tions in the Dominican civil war,
new outbreaks of conflict began
yesterday,' wounding four U.S.
And U.S. officials released more
information alleging domination of
rebel troops by Communist or pro-
Castro leaders.
There were unconfirmed reports
that at least four American sol-
diers were captured by the rebels
in clashes after the insurgents
and the rival military junta signed
a document expanding and ratify-
ing the cease-fire they agreed on
last week.
U.S. Casualties
The latest casualties brought tol

56 the number of U.S. battle
wounded. Seven Americans have
died since President Lyndon B.
Johnson ordered U.S. forces into
Santo Domingo a week ago to
protect U.S. lives and prevent a
Communist takeover.
The cease-fire agreement has
the immediate aim of ending hos-
tilities between the rival Domini-
cans until a political settlement
can be reached on the issues that
caused bloody civil war to brea
out 12 days ago.
It does not affect U.S. military
Communist Inclination
A U.S. government official told
a news briefing that Cal. Francisco
Caamano Deno, sworn in Tuesdayj
as provisional president by the
rebel movement, is not himself a
Communist but is "moving closer

Latin Truce Deteriorates;
U.S. Sees Communist Ties

Nurses Get
HEW Funds
The University received four
grants recently totalling $129,410,
three of them from the U.S. De-
partment of Health, Education
and Welfare and one from the
Carnegie Corporation of New
The $24,000 Carnegie grant is
directed toward scholarships for
a University leadership develop-
ment program in vocational edu-
cation now directed by Prof. Ralph
Wenrich of the School of Educa-
Yesterday's Daily incorrectly
reported that the 206 women
staying in residence halls dur-
ing term 1HA will be housed in
Prescott House. East Quad-
rangle. They will in fact be in
West Couzens.
The Carnegie grant will provide
scholarships for approximately 20
participants in an eight-week
summer workshop and subsequent
The three government grants
are intended to aid University
nursing programs.
One, of $86,910, will provide for
a professional nurse traineeship
program leading to a master's
degree. It will be administered by
Dean Rhoda R. Russell of the
School of Nursing.
Two others, of $9,500 and $9,000,
will set up training institutes on
part-time public health nursing
for industry and on nursing serv-
ices in medical care programs.

member of the Democratic na-
tional committee, backed a coun-
ter proposal in favor of the John-
son administration.
Lively Debate
T h e anti - Johnson resolution
passed by a vote of 106 to 46 fol-
lowing a "lively debate," Sallade
Sallade added that . "I support
the Democratic Administration in
its activities in Viet Nam and feel
that it is in tune with the needs of
the times."
The main address in opposition
to present Viet Nam policies was
delivered by Prof. Arnold S. Kauf-
man of the department of philoso-
phy. The pro-Johnson resolution
was supported by Turner Shelton,
special assistant to the assistant
secretary of state for public af-
fairs, who came to Ann Arbor
from Washington expressly to ad-
dress the meeting.
The resolution adopted at the
meeting said that the Democrats,
"in a special meeting called ex-
pressly for considering a resolu-
tion on our policy on Viet Nam"
urged President Lyndon B. John-
son "to order the cessation of
bombing raids on Viet Nam" and
to press for a cease-fire.
Ask Rebels Included
The resolution stipulated that
negotiations should include both
the governments of North Viet
Nam and the National Liberation
Front rebels.
It condemned the use of "in-
human weapons" - such as nap-
alm and gas-in Viet Nam, and
urged the President to cut off any
deliveries of such weapons to
Vietnamese forces.
Outlining its proposal for nego-
tiations, the resolution said that
"in particular any negotiated set-
tlement should contain personal
guarantees of the ,personal safety
of former combatants and offi-

Revolt in Santo Domingo
Greets Surprised Jazzren

It all came as rather a surprise
to the 19-man University of Mich-
igan Jazz Band touring South
America. The tour scheduled an
April 20th appearance for them
in Haiti, but political trouble was
expected there so the group was
detoured to "the more peaceful
Dominican Republic."
Until Saturday all was peace-
ful; then the radio announced
that a coup had taken place.
Jazzmen Jeffrey Joseph, '67, and
Carl Passal, '68, said that the peo-
ple in their hotel rejoiced since
unemployment and poverty reign-
ed in the country.
Gunfire continued throughout
the night. The band was sched-
uled to leave Sunday morning, but
when they woke it was explained.
that the way to the airport was
barred by fighting.
The band's hotel soon ran out
of food and the bandsmen were
transferred to a hotel further out
of town. Members saw planes
bombing the royal palace anA la-
ter destroying an army depot
about a mile from the hotel.
That evening it was announced
that everyone had to be ready to

leave the country the next day.
One piece of baggage was allotted
per person-for the musicians this
meant only their musical instru-
ments as the State Department
Cultural Presentation Program
was yet incomplete.
All rose the next morning at
4:30 a.m. At about 9 a.m. a dozen
rebel troops shouldered their way
through the hundreds of Ameri-
cans standing on the front lawn,
firing at the upper floors of the
hotel. Chaos ensued as everyone
ran for cover. After the shooting
stopped, troops motioned the
crowd inside, where there was
again a short exchange of fire.
No one was hurt.
Later, a caravan of trucks and
buses mover the Americans to a
nearby naval port where several
American ships were waiting.
"We never felt so patriotic as
when he saw the American flag
flying from the decks of those
ships and the word 'Marines' sten-
ciled on the sides of the heli-
copters," Joseph and Passal
They then took a ship to San
Juan and from there a plane to
Jamaica where they gave their
next performance.

to the Communists."
The official said the "evaluatior
as of today is that the rebel
movement is Communist con-
He added that the U.S. govern-
ment has evidence that Caamano
met Tuesday with members of
three Communist organizations.
58 Listed
Other U.S. government sources
released a list of 58 important
figures in the rebellion who had
Communist connections.
The list of 58 included 18 per-
sons said to be known or reliably
reported to have been trained in
subversive and guerrilla tactics by
the Cuban intelligence service or
other similar Cuban organizations.
The other 40 were named as
persons reliably identified over the
past few years as Communists
and Castroite subversives.
Some were said to have been
in Russia, Czechoslavakia or Com-
munist China during their careers.
Communist Leader
One Dominican Communist
leader was said to have played a
key role in the tactical direction of
the rebel forces following the out-
break of the revolution April 24.
And in other U.S.-Dominican
developments today:
-The Defense Department an-
nounced there are now 19,363 U.S.
troops in the Dominican Republic,
12,439 Army men and 6,924 Ma-
rines. The total is 5,363 more than
the last officially announced fig-
-A State Department spokes-
man, commenting on the reported
installation of Deno as President
of the Dominican Republic, said
the United States still believes
"there is no effective government
at the present time."
Late developments last night in-
dicate that a more effective set-
tlement might be reached soon.
A compromise plan for an inter-
American military force in the
Dominican Republic was agreed
on yesterday and appeared likely
of adoption by a special inter-
American conference meeting last
One of the major changes spe-
cifies the force would not repre-
sent one country nor a group of
countries but the Organization of
American States.

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The University will be entertained this spring by an established
tradition, the 72nd annual May Festival, lasting from Thursday, May
6 through Sunday, May 9.
Leontyne Price, famed Metropolitan Opera soprano and Sviato-
slav Richter, internationally recognized pianist, will highlight the
Festavil under the leadership of Eugene Ormandy and the Philadel-
phia Symphony Orchestra.
For the last 20 years Ormandy has led the famed Philadelphia
ensemble. Under his direction it has moved along an upward road
to a position of preeminence. Newsweek magazine has hailed him as
"the top man of the top orchestra."I
Through his direction of the Orchestra on its many tours, the
dynamic Ormandy has demonstrated to a world-wide audience the

Maureen Forrester, and Murray Diokie. On Friday Anshel Brusilov
and Joseph de Pasquale will perform violin and viola solos.
The choral union, composed of students, faculty and townspeople
is led by Lester McCoy. It is one of the oldest choral organizations
in the United States.
The Youth Chorus consists of 50 fifth and sixth graders from
Ann Arbor public schools.
Jancie Harsanyi, who performed at the World's Fair, is chairman
of the voice department at Westminster Choir College. Murray Dickie,
leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera and the Vienna State Opera
has sung roles and recitals with practically every major opera
company in the world. Maureen Forrester, a lieder singer, has toured
much of Canada and the United States.
The third concert on Saturday afternoon features Leonard Rose

Head Series
Siepi received his musical training at Milan, Italy. During the
war, he fled to Switzerland. In 1946 he returned to Milan to appear
in La Scala. In 1951 he appeared in Verdi's "Requiem" for Toscanini.
Siepi sang King Philip in "Don Carlo" in 1950.
Siepi, who usually sings brooding, tragic roles, is also noted for
his acting ability. Thus, despite his 30 years, he can give the illusion
of age and dignity.
The final concert on Sunday night features Soviet pianist,
Sviatoslav Richter, who will perform a concerto by Greig. Eugene
Ormandy will appear for the third time in this May Festival and
conduct the Philadelphia Orchestra in several selections.
Only recently has Richter performed in the West. He has
appeared previously in America in New Yorks Carneigie Hall, in
1960. He is making his debut in Ann Arbor. After much self-teaching,
1, nfctvndPod the Mcew ni nsgv,toaf~vnd1 studiid with Neuhaus.~

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