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Taylor Returns for
disclosed officially yesterday that
it has set up an active coastal
patrol against the smuggling of
arms and men from North Viet'
Nam into South Viet Nam.
The disclosure by Secretary of
the Navy Paul H. Nitze coincided
with the arrival from Saigon of
U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. Tay-
lor, who came home for another
round of conferences with Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson and other
Nitze, speaking at a meeting of
Navy and Marine Corps officers,
said that in the past three months
the Navy, aided by Coast Guard
vessels, has switched from a pas-
sive to an active role in trying to
block the flow of reinforcements
and arms by sea from the North.
20,000 Vessels
"Since March, South Vietnamese
and our own counter-infiltration
forces in the area have stopped,
boarded and searched over 20,000
vessels," Nitze said.
Reports rProperties
Require Inspection
City Administrator Guy C. Larcom reported to the City Council
last night that from 600 to 700 properties in Ann Arbor need to be
Presenting a housing inspection report, Larcom predicted that,
with the help of two recently hired inspectors, this work can be han-
dled within six months.
"From January 1 to May 1, the housing division made a total of
642 inspections and issued 229 certificates of occupancy," according
to the division's report. From an original list which contained 317
properties in non-compliance, all but 24 have been inspected. How-
Gillespie Hits
Dental Section
Of Medicare
Dr. George Gillespie, instructor
of the public health school, said
yesterday that "the proposed med-
icare plan is incapable of safe-
guarding the dental health of
America's senior citizens."
"It would be better to strike
dental service completely from the
bill, rather than include it as an
optional benefit, as is now plan-
ned," Gillespie, a dental surgeon,
Under the proposed plan, cer-
tain health benefits would be in-
sured, such as hospitalization, fol-
low-up out-patient care and out-
patient diagnostic service. Dental
coverage, however, would not be
Included as an insured benefit. "It
would be offered only on an op-
tional basis under a supplemen-
tary program," Gillespie explain-
Gillespie objects to this option-
al clause in the Kerr-Mills plan,
which is now in effect in about
27 states. "Too much," he said,
"is left up to the discretion of the
individual states; there is no uni-
formity." If the objective of any
medical plan for the aged "is to
provide uniform dental benefits
for the aged in all states, then it
would be better if the decision to
include dental care were not left
to the individual states in the
supplementary program."
The problem with this Kerr-
Mills program and the medicare
plan is, according to Gillespie,
j that specific funds are not al-
located for dentistry, and states
are not now (under Kerr-Mills)
and would not (under medicare)
be required to offer dental serv-
"The trouble," Gillespie contin-
ued, "is that dentistry has never
received a fair share of consid-
eration when dental benefits have
been tied to medical benefits.
Specific Funds
"Unless money is specifically
appropriated for dental care." he
ever, even with these gains, it will
take another 19 months for the
department to finish housing in-
spections, Larcom said.
University Units
Included in the agenda are
housing units at the University
which will be inspected during
the next three months. Council-
man Robert P. Weeks commend-
ed the agency on its rapid gains,
but also suggested that an in-
crease in personnel might hasten
the future improvements.
Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher sum-
marized the activities at last
week's United States Conference
of Mayors. One issue discussed
was population increase and its
effect on towns. According to the
report "aggressive action must 'bq
taken to satisfy the needs and
demands of man, woman, a'nd
child living in the urban areas."
First, there must be an in-
creased emphasis on education,
training and employment for the
city's youth. This need is exem-
plified by Ann Arbor High School's
graduating class-the largest in
school history.
Second, citizens must pay care-
ful attention to the types of taxes
they pay, and for what purposes
these taxes are used. The rela-
tionship between local, state and
federal programs is becoming
more complex yet an awareness
of tax structure clarifies the re-
Third, policemen must be bet-
ter trained to give the citizens
better protection.
Fourth, Ann Arbor must in-
crease the number of parks and
recreation facilities. Also water
reservoirs must be replenished to
meet the demand of an increasing
Finally, "continued progress
must be made to enhance equal
opportunity and the human dig-
nity of each individual." Hulcher
also pointed out that "Ann Ar-
bor is well known throughout the
United States and highly regard-
ed." Other U.S. mayors have men-
tioned the University as the pri-
mary reason for their familiarity
with Ann Arbor.
The Council also considered
Hulcher's recommendations for
appointments to various commit-
tees, including the Human Rela-
tions Commission-an organiza-
tion at the center of a legal con-
troversy over Ann Arbor's Fair
Housing Ordinance.
He said this was done at the
urgent request of the South Viet-
namese government, whose fleet
of more than 500 armed junks
was unable to cope with the prob-
lem. Prior to March, the U.S. Navy
and its aircraft had served only to
spot suspected vessels and alert
the South Vietnamese Navy to
carry out actual interceptions.
Taylor, returning for his fourth
consultation in less than a year,
told newsmen he has "many mat-
ters to discuss."
An appraisal of the still deli-
cate political situation in Saigon
and the escalation of ground
fighting in South Viet Nam in the
three months since American
bombing attacks began on North
Viet Nam appeared major sub-
jects for review.
State Department officials in-
dicated there would be less deci-
sion making connected with Tay-
lor's current talks than in any of
his previous visits in the 11
months since he stepped down as
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff to take 'over the ambassa-
dorial post in Saigon.
Two of the questions that had
been open before Taylor's return
have been more sharply defined by
administration spokesmen.
The combat role of U.S. forces
was re-defined by state depart-
ment press officer Robert J. M-
Closkey over the weekend and it
included carrying out aggressive
patrols in which guerrillas are
sought out and cleared from the
perimeters of American defense
Main Role
Vietnamese government forces
still carry the main responsibility
for fightinguthe war against the
Viet Cong, but .. defense forces
do not require hostile fire before
attacking in the vicinity of the
installations they are defending.
Another major question that ap-
pears open is the number of U.S.
forces to be sent to South Viet
McCloskey did not confirm or
deny a report a 15,000-man am-
jhibious U.S. force in the Pacific
may be headed for Viet Nam. He
expressed no surprise at the re-
Taylor also will assess the ef-
fect of Soviet jet bombers and
missile sites being prepared in the
Hanoi-Haiphong area.
Viet Nam Action
In action in Viet Nam yesterday,
U.S. Marine jet fighters blasted
two major Viet Cong troop cen-
ters and other American warplanes
were credited with knocking out
a force of guerrillas apparently
poised to ambush a large unit of
American paratroopers.
Marauding U.S. and Vietnamese
fighters and bombers pounded
North Vietnamese military, supply
and communications facilities
againy, concentrating on the oft-
bombed Vinh supply depot, 160
miles south of Hanoi, on the
South China Sea.
Senate Votes
Asian Aid Fund
WASHINGTON (P)-President
Lyndon B. Johnson's request for
$89 million to initiate a massive
economic and social development
program in South Viet Nam, Laos
and Thailand won overwhelming
Senate approval yesterday.
The Senate voted to include the
president's request as an addition
to the pending 2-year, $3.35-
billion-a-year foreign aid bill. The
added money was approved by a
13-4 vote of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee earlier - in the
Plan Bundy
For Today
Presidential Advisor McGeorge
Bundy agreed to meet today with
representatives of the Inter-Uni-
versity Committee for Debate on
Foreign Policy which organized
the National Teach-in May 15 to
discuss arrangements for a pos-
sible televised debate on policy
in Viet Nam, the committee an-
nounced last night.
Bundy missed the National
Teach-in, at which he was sup-
posed to be the main spokesman
for the administration position,
because he was sent on a mission
to the Dominican Rpublic. Bun-
dy gave his support to public
discussion of policy, and subse-
quently indicated his willingness
to work out some means of par-
ticipating in a discussion of policy
with members of the academic
Prof. Richard Mann of the psy-
chology department and Prof. Jon-
athan Mirsky, an expert on mod-
ern China from the University of
Pennsylvania, will confer with
Bundy as representatives of the
Inter-University Committee for a
Public Hearing on Viet Nam.
Broader Basis
In addition to assigning repre-
sentatives to talk with Bundy, the
Inter-University Committee in a
weekend meeting in Ann Arbor de-
cided to organize on a permanent
and broader basis a reconstituted
Inter-University Committee for
Debate on Foreign policy which
will seek and organize discussion
with policy makers on interna-
tional situations in addition to
Viet Nam.
This is envisioned as a contin-
uing function for giving orga-
nized expression to the academic
community's critical concern in
foreign policy.
A spokesman for the reorganiz-
ed Inter-University Committee
explained: "We were encouraged
at the response to the national
teach-in, especially to the pur-
pose of it. Perhaps James Reston
of the New York Times in his
May 15 column expressed our in-
tention when he said, 'the teach-
in has now developed into a forum
of national debate which could be
of fundamental importance to the
Academic Response
A spokesman added that "a
further explanation of our pur-
pose is in the New Republic com-
ment that 'there have been bad
policies by administrations for the
past two decades but never before
has the academic community re-
sponded with such a will. The
teachers are beginning to redis-
cover their place in the society
from which they have been isolat-
Much of the organizational work
for the May 15 teach-in was done
by members of the Inter-Univer-
sity Committee at the University.
According to a statement released
by the committee last night, the
weekend meeting in Ann Arbor of
some 100 persons from 40 dif-
ferent institutions, in addition to
giving permanency and breadth
to the Inter-University Commit-
tee, was for the purpose of spread-
ing responsibilities for future ac-
tivity. An ad hoc group will re-
cruit a steering or executive com-
mittee to include both faculty and
students from a broad represen-
tation of institutions.
National Level
However, the Inter-University
Committee for Debate on Foreign
Policy will not have chapters or
units. It will organize examination
of foreign policy at the national
level, and encourage public discus-
sion among local groups.
THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER WASP (above) was the recovery ship for the splashdown of the Gemini
4 yesterday afternoon. The two astronauts were given medical examinations on board.
Gemini Marks Major Advance
HOUSTON (P)-With the flight1
of Gemini 4 the United States
took a great stride forward in
the quickening man-to-the-moon
race with the Soviet Union.
The medical data must still be
analyzed on America's longest
manned space flight yet, but oth-
erwise officials said that they see1
no barrier moving ahead the Ge-
mini program to a seven-day
flight in August.
Astronauts James McDivitt andI
Edward White spent nearly 98
hours in space, tripling the to-
tal time logged by all eight pre-
vious U.S. astronauts..
McDivitt and White were pro-
nounced in good physical shape
on initial examination, but ad-
verse effects normally don't show
up until after a flight and several
weeks may be required to com-
pletely analyze the medical data.
)It will provide the U.S. with
the first handle on how man's
physical and mental condition is
affected by extended periods in
the weightless space environment.
Gemini officials learned a lot
from the McDivitt-White flight.
Outstanding findings were that
man can operate for at least short
periods outside the orbiting cap-
sule; that radar and other aids
are required for rendezvous in
space; that man can function ef-
fectively while in the space en-
vironment for at least four days,
and that most spacecraft systems
have a high degree of reliability
for the long haul.
Second Phase
The man-in-space programs of
both the U.S. and Russia are now
in the second phase of the moon
race-a critical time when opera-
tional capabilities and techniques
are being developed.
The nation which develops the
procedures first and then applies
them to the third and final phase
will be the winner in the lunar
Last March 18, U.S. officials
acknowledged that the Russians
had a clear lead of perhaps two
years. That was the day cosmo-
naut Alexei Leonov became his-
'ntl ia im"f ~~nf
tion Voskhod spacecraft - one
with a crew of three, the other
with two.
The U.S. had flown only its
first-generation Mercury capsule.
Since March 18, the Soviets
have had no manned launchings
and the U.S. has flown two of its
two-man Gemini spacecraft.
Th achievements of Gemini 3
and 4 certainly have narrowed the
gap. The Russians still have a
lead, however, because of a more
powerful rocket they have been
using for several years.
No Rendezvous
The Russians evidently have not
conducted a rendezvous or hook
up maneuver, nor have they shift-
ed the orbit of a manned space-
ship as Grissom and Young did.
However, the Soviets are be-j
lieved to have the capability of
doing both and are expected to
do so soon-perhaps even in more
spectacular fashion than the pres-
ent U.S. plans.
The present pace indicates both
contending nations are almost
even in the four major areas
which must be perfected before
man can venture to the moon:
long-duration, emergency of man
into space, maneuverability and
Once a nation has developed'l'e-
liability on all four, it can pro-
ceed to the third phase of the
race and aim for the moon.
For the U.S., this is project
The present U.S. schedule calls
for a manned lunai; landing in
1969, but program director Joseph
Shea says that continued success
in the Gemini program and early
success in the Apollo project could
advance the date to 1968.
To Last Over
Three Days
White's Heart Faster
Because of Excitement
Of Flight, Space Walk
HOUSTON ()-Gemini astro-
nauts James McDivitt and Edward
White plummeted home from
space yesterday to a red carpet
welcome and presidential congrat-
ulations-safe after a 4-day orbi-
tal marathon and a 20-minute
walk in space.
Before they were on earth
four hours, they had accepted an
invitation from President Lyndon
B. Johnson to visit him at the
Johnson ranch in Texas Friday
or Saturday.
The two astronauts splashed
down in the Atlantic at 12:13 p.m.
Within the hour, they were
faced with a wild welcome on the
aircraft carrier Wasp-the prime
recovery ship-walking a red car-
pet and going below decks to the
sick bay for physical examina-
No Problems
As the physical examinations
continued on the ship, Dr. How-
ard Minners said after two hours
of tests that he han encountered
"no problems."
New York City sent the astro-
nautA an invitation to ride in the
traditional hero's ticker tape pa-
rade in Manhattan.
During the blazing fireball
plunge to earth, the astronauts
had taken over for a broken com-
puter and they flew by hand and
clock to a, near perfect landing-
just 46 miles and one minute short
of target. In space, they saw two
other flying, man-made objects-
but they have not been definitely
The Wasp recovered the space-
craft from the Atlantic at 2:26
p.m.-two hours and 13 minutes
after splashdown.
Residual Effects
In Houston, at a post-flight
news conference, doctors report-
ed they were checking for any
residual effects of the flight.
White-who cavorted in space
alone on Thursday-had an ele-
vated heart rate and blood pres-
sure, part of it due to excite-
His normal pre-flight heart rate
was 50 beats per minute-but it
was 96 lying down on the examin-
ing table on the carrier. When the
table was tilted so that White
was upright, his heart went to al-
most 150 beats per minute. Doc-
tors checked his blood pressure to
see if the relative vacation of
weightless flight had affected his
heart's ability to pump blood.
During his walk in space, his
heart rate shot up to 178 beats a
The concern is that the heart
might become weaker after long
terms in space-and fail to pump
efficiently enough against the pull
of gravity to service the body
with blood.
Medical Data
.. t l:c
THE KEY STEPS IN RETURNING to earth were performed with
enough precision yesterday afternoon to bring the Gemini down
within five miles of waiting helicopters.
OAS Mediators Exploring
N'ews Dominican Solution
SANTO DOMINGO (A)-The three-nation mediating team of the
Organization of American States met with Dominican leaders yester-
day in a continuing effort to solve the six-week-old Dominican
"U'-Sheffield Exchange Promo
The University education school's exchange program with Shef-
field University in Sheffield, England, has been highly successful
in promoting understanding between British and American educators,
according to Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen, of the education school and
the program's initiator.
It was conceived in 1959, growing from Eggertsen's friendship
with a member of the faculty of Sheffield's education department.
Both had completed exchange teaching assignments at each other's
schools and thought the knowledge gained was extremely valuable,
Eggertsen explained.
The exchange is open both to students enrolled in the education
schnn1 and thn enrnld in other sehools. working for a teaching
tory s birstn uman to step out- I ---
side an orbiting spacecraft. The mediators are Ambassadors Ellsworth Bunker of the United Some astronauts have felt faint
Stats, lmarPena Mrinh ofBrail ad RmonBe Cairontor weak on stepping out of their
At that time the Soviets had States, Ilmar Penna Marinho of Brazil and Ramon Be Clairmont spacecraft. Evaluation of the pre-
flown two of their second-genera- Duenas of El Salvador. That they were meeting with leaders not cise medical effects of a prolonged
readily identified with either of space mission was one of the chief
the two contending factions has purposes of Gemini 4's voyage. The
led to speculation the team was astronauts will undergo three days
exploring possible development of of painstaking medical examina-
a new "third force" formula. tions aboard the Wasp.
tes fin d ersta n d tnThe OAS mediators have cen- Flight officials hailed the 4-
tered their efforts around setting day ordeal of McDivitt and White
up a provisional coalition gov- as a tremendous achievement -
in the role of education in British society. For this tour the students ernment, including members not and a major step toward develop-
received four hours of credit. linked with either the rebels or ing the experience and equipmentInadtototebefsofheor lsruueacsehepoigjna.htwlledtoalgttoh.
received four hours of credit. teopsn ut htwl edt lgtt h
In addition to the benefits of the formal structure, a close thmpoinout.thtwlo ea oafigtt h
relationship between the faculty and students was established in a With the withdrawal of all U.S. The astronauts splashed down
series of discussions at faculty homes. This valuable informality was Marine forces Sunday, Brazilian just 17 minutes after they fired
preserved during the tour, and Eggertsen pointed out that he had units took over control of most their breaking rockets some 90
come to know many of the students quite well. checkpoints leading to and from miles over New Mexico.
com t kowmay f hestdetsqutewel.the downtown rebel zone. The two astronauts had kept
The British students of education also have received many The 1,200-man Brazilian con-tu h
beneitsfro th exhang. Bcaue teireductio dereeproram Thne ,2is-mat BrtheIintern- their spirits high during the bi ulya fitniesuya h rdut eei ol otn or feprmnsong
benefits from the exchange. Because their education degree program tingent is part of the Inter- routine hours of experiments on
is a full year of itensive study at the graduate level, it would American peacekeeping force board the Gemini spacecraft and
be difficult for them to attend an American school for one semester authorized by the OAS. Backbone in the last critical hours when
within this program, Eggertsen explained. of the force, also participated in they got the bad news of the brok-
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