FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAflW #Vn IM FRIDY, JNE , 195 TH MI vIEvN IaII *-,a raLit THHEIS 5 Sight Sov et-built 'U'TV Center-Largest in Country World News Roundup Jets 1n T T* IqL T YJ TTI 1PT' YiL- V By The Assoc WASHINGTON-About a half bombers have been sighted in North informed sources said yesterday. Th IL-28's, which have range enough to Whether they are being piloted informants said. In Moscow, meanwhile, Prem received Dang Quang Minh, repres ~ IAcross Campus FRIDAY, JUNE 4 9 a.m., 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. - "The Conference on the Khrushchev ' Era and After" will begin with morning addresses by Prof. Mar- shall Shulman of the Fletcher' Scho'l of Law and Diplomacy at' Tufts University and Richard7 Lowenthal of the Research Insti-! tute on Communist Affairs at Co- lumbia University.l At the afternoon session, Prof. John Hazard of Columbia' University will deliver an address3 on 'Are Post-Stalin Russians Be- coming 'Rights Oriented'?" and Prof. Alec Nove of the Universitya of rGlasgow will discuss "Economic Causes and Consequences of Khrushchev's Fall." An address by Patricia Blake of the Russian In- stitute, at Columbia will highlight the evening program.I 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guildj will present Harold Lloyd in "Nev- er Weaken," Laurel and Hardy in "Battle of the Century" and Har- ry Langdon in "Lucky Star" in the Architecture Aud. UNIVERSITY PLAYER sy dJULIE PUFrER le i a EI The University of Michigan Television Center-now the larg- est at any university in the coun- :iated Press try-had its small beginning only dozen Soviet-built medium jet fifteen years ago. Viet Nam in the past week or so, In 1950, Dr. James W. Rae Jr., te craft were identified as twin-jet Chyima nMedicne,Depaortment f bomb most of South Viet Nam. the first television series ever pre- d by Russians is not known, these sented by a university; in 1965, the Television Center programs are ier Alexei N. Kosygin yesterday carried by approximately 70 state entative in Moscow of the South and nation-wide television sta- Vietnamese Viet Cong rebels, the tions. news agency Tass reported. Dang The main purpose of the center thanked Kosygin for Soviet aid to is to provide University education- the Vietnamese people, Tass said. al opportunities to the state of Michigan without cost, and to There was no immediate com- outside cities for a nominal fee. ment from administration officials Inconspicuous concerning the possible signlfi- 310 Maynard St. is an incon- cance of the new development. But Secretary of State Dean spicuous building, housing two Rusk had said last week that So- modernly-equipped studios, stor- viet involvement was "deepening," age room, graphics department and he said "the other side" and offices, with a staff of highly should not underrate the Ameri- skilled technicians, writers and can commitment in Viet Nam. artists. "It would be a great mistake if Most of the employes are Uni- the other side should think that versity professors and graduate that means they can have a larger students. Associate Director and that meantheuy and e a rTV consultant Hazen J. Schu- war with immunity, and that a macher states. "Our people are larger war on their side would re- interested in any subject and they move us from Southeast Asia," he help the professors make it in- said. nteresting to the public." In London, British Foreign Sec- Schumacher listed four other retary Michael Stewart yesterday functions of the center: It films urged that South Viet Nam be archives of University commence- neutralized and all foreign troops ment, athletic and other 'student withdrawn in a final peace settle- events, award presentations and ment. In an accompanying white in the past two years has filmed paper the British government blamed the Soviet Union for stall- " ii'i ....... .::..;<<:s :>:::.......:?::......:: ing international action to under-igi write the neutrality of Cambodia. Both declarations emphasizedC Western readiness to start talking peace any time without precondi- tions. In Viet Nam meanwhile, 70 The Daily Official Bulletin is an South Vietnamese and two Amer- oilicial publication of The Univer- Sout Vienamee antwoAme- - siti of Michigan, for which The icans were killed in action. Michigan Daily assumesno ditor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TV Ph W lITTkN farm to RS (Dept of Speech) Roonm 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fo 2(Dept.tof Speech ter of Research on Learning and Teaching are closely connected By The Associated Press with the Television Center. From BOGALUSA, La.-A white papermill worker, Ernest McElveen, these come many personnel as 41, was jailed yesterday and charged with the nightrider murder of well as much of the program ma- this area's first Negro police officer. terial. I The murder took place late Wednesday night; FBI officials sug- Schumacher, who is connected gest more than one person was involved. The Negro- deputy's patrol with both, said that often a pro- car was riddled with bullets. fessor who has an interesting and worthwhile topic will wish to pre- sent it to the public via television. NEW DELHI, India-Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri told He then works personally with India's already hungry people Wednesday to tighten their belts be- people in the various center de- cause a new food shortage may be developing. partments to evolve a suitable pro- Shastri said some areas of Mysore and Bihar states already have duction, run out of food. He said that his government may have to reduce its Frequently national experts on monthly shipment of 600,000 tons of grain to the states to 450,000 tons the topic at hand are asked to participate in the programs. The WARSAW, Poland-The Polish Communist Party emerged from center attempts to "do everything Sunday's one-list election with an official 55.4 per cent majority, or possible to shield all from the 2 medium," by arranging the tech- 255 seats in the 460-member Polish Parliament. nical details and allowing them as The Polish Press Agency announced Wednesday that the Com- much creative freedom as pos- munists won one less seat than in the last parliament; this had no sible. significance since all candidates were picked by the party-controlled Center productions have re- unity front. ceived - numerous highly-coveted e * * e awards, including twice the Amer- WASHINGTON-The Senate, in passing a $115 million Peace ican Bar Association Silver Gavel Corps authorization, affixed an amendment yesterday which would for Education by Radio and make Director Sargent Shriver choose between his dual roles as head award more often than any other of the Peace Corps and head of the War on Poverty. university, and the Freedom Foun- The Senate also formally ratified two amendments to the United dation Gold Medal Award. Writer- Nations Charter designed to pave the way for greater representation producer Lee M. Woodruff was of Afro-Asian nations on two key councils. The vote was 71 to 0. the recipient of the American Psychological Association's writing award. TTTrT) C' ( T TH n a I c THE TELEVISION CENTER stages series of programs, such as one'(above) on Antarctica.- newsreels of campus life for var- mote-control TV in the Adjunct ious departments. Court Room of the Washtenaw Color Films County Circuit Court. Courtroom t f r It has also produced color mo- tion picture films for University departments and other groups who distribute them individually. In- structive TV, in which center em- ployes act as advisors and con- sultants for departmental TV pro- grams is another area wherein great progress has been made. The center recently installed closed circuit color TV in the Medical School as well as a re- activity can be viewed via a single receiver in the Law School by law students only-an idea originated by Charles W. Joiner, associate dean of the Law School. Technically, the Television Cen- ter services TV equipment for the English , Language Institute, School of . Education, Zoology Dept., Speech Dept., and Law School. The Speech Dept. and the Cen- '. ~....' Medical School Class Day--Hill Aud., Mich.--1. Office Supervisory Trainee. 8 p.m. Grads any field, age 23-28, no exper. necessary. '1-2 yr. trng, program. 2. Center for Programmed Learning for Underwriter Trainee, marriedgrad, age Business Applied Learning Theory 24-28 with mgmt. potential. 6-12 mos. Seminar: "The Application of Learning trng. in casualty underwriting. Theory to On-the-Job Problems of A i . -t~.4,- n.i-.. Plans Future plans for the center, according to Schumacher, involve two-way expansion. In the area of public service, it hopes to ob- tain privileges on Ann Arbor's UHF channel. "We take the University and we get it to the public by means of television. We try to use the medium as a good teacher, with the -purpose of reinforcing the context-not just to use devices." SPRING SALE Sunday, June 6 201 Hill Street 10 a~m.-3 P.m. r NEXT WEEK TRIPLE HEAT An Evening of One-Act Plays Cocteau: ANTIGONE O'Casey: BEDTIME STORY Ionesco: BALD SOPRANO 8:00 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Fri.-Sat., June 11-12 All Seats: 50c BOX OFFICE OPEN STARTING WED., 12:30-5:00 otezp.M. of the day preceding Maintenance of Behavior, Supervision j 21Aveisin g Agency-Traffic publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday and Training," June 2-4, 8:30 a.m., Dept. Trainee, handle internal coordi- for Saturday and Sunday. General Michigan Union. nation of projects. BA any field, mktg. Notices may be published a maxi- bkgd. helpful. Exper. not req. mum of two'times on request; Day Doctoral Examination for Mohamad Calendar items appear once only. Mounir Kamal, Engineering Mechan- Photo Marketing, Jackson, Mich. - Student organization notices are not ics; thesis: "Steady Flow Between Ec- Associate Editor. Man or woman, Journ. accepted for publication, centric Cylinders," Fri., June 4, 222 W.r or Engl. grad to write news, copy, fea- Engrg. Bldg., 10 a.m. tures, lay-up, etc. Exper. not necessary. FRIDAY, JUNE 4____ Start July. Doctoral Exanlination for Walter Detroit Firm-Programming Director. Frank Westfall, Education; thesis: "The dopen g e ad,eua Day ale daj" Useof Q-Sort Methodology in Obtain- ied.penaing.forecmaegradiesin- ing the Perceptions of Selected Pupil Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- Personnel Workers Regarding the Role rogram. l sonnel Techniques Seminar - George of School Counselors,", Fri., June 4, Ma aub Jhn&AaIc, S. Odiorne, Bureau of Industrial Re- 432 US, 1 p.m.Bsosierl, MacManus, John & Adams, Inc. lations, "Human Problems of Quality Bloomfield Hills, Mich.-Library Ass't. Control" Michigan Union, 8 a.m. {Trainee). Woman, M.A.L.S., knowledge 1 6ige 2 of book classification & reference work. Michigan Fire College-Registration, 'Expel. not req. 2. Proof Reader. woman Civil Defense and Disaster Training POSITION OPENINGS: grad, pref. Engl. major. Age 23-26, Some Center, $ a.m. Allstate Insurance Co., Southfield, exper. helpful. Will train for produc- _ _._ ___.__tion dept. with ads. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- M EN ONLY p ointments, 3200 SAB. I I: Ecunienical, Camnpus Staff p r e s e ii t S FRIDAY, JUNE 4-DINNER and FILM-Cost $1.00 "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" at Presbyterian Campus Center, 1432 Washtenaw Phone NO 2-3580 for dinner reservations SATURDAY, JUNE 5-1:30 p.m.-PICNIC Leave from parking lot of First Methodist Church, State and Huron Streets Return to campus at 6:30 p.m. Supper 50c SUNDAY, JUNE 6-PROTESTANT DIALOGUE-7:00 p.m. at Lutheran Student Center, Hill and Forest Streets "CHURCH-SAVING OR SERVING AGENT" MONDAY, JUNE 7-OPEN HOUSE-8:00-1L:00 p.m. at Stoneburners' residence, 536 Elm Above programs are sponsored by the following groups: Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Disciples, and E.U.B. A Combined Open House and Computer Demorstration will be held on Sunday afternoon, the Sixth of June from two o'clock to half past five o'clock at the office of INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED 3853 Research Park Drive ORGANIZATION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 BAB. Folk Dance Club, Folk dance with in- struction, Fri., June 4, 8-11 p.m., Wom- en's Athletic Bldg. * * * Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and/or swimming, June 6, 1:30 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. entrance. 11 I- .G.J H4AVE A DATE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT You'll finally be able to afford to, if you get a Honda. Trade in your gas-eater for a thrifty Honda 50. Up to 200 miles per gallon, and at least that many laughs. Maybe more. Hondas are just the ticket for campus traffic and campus parking, and you'll notice a big difference in your pocketbook, too, It'll bulge for a change. And so will your date book. /i YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 336 S. State St. COMEDY CLASSICS WEEKEND at CINEMA GUILD ON THE PROGRAM: NEVER WEA THER with Harold Lloyd BATT LE OF T HE CE NT URY and the academy award winning T HE MUSIC BOX both with Laurel & Hardy finally wacky and wild Harry Langdon I ..,CINEMA GUILtV TADI DIAL 8-6416 YXJ 4WVTNAV6t1o 4 TECKNICOLOR* STARRINGY~~clR UE OMMEI? (the beautiful baby from, "The Prize") COMING- MAJOR BARBARA" DIAL 2-6264 THE PLACE: NORMANDY THE TIME: D-DAY PLUS ONE I. yet, . STARTING TODA From raga Moll. And got ahead with the k time. You cars or yo in the lap with Moll the derrini cap era. THeR P A RB8 Y DIAL 5-6290 muffin to honey bun to toast of the town. That's our this is the rich, ribald and rollicking story of how she the only way a poor girri can get ahead in any century: indly cooperation of men. Moll's was an all-or-nothing were stone broke or diamond rich. You rode in chair u carried them. You owned the lap of luxury or you sat s of those who did. C'mon along and climb the ladder . Meet the highwaymen, the bankers, the Counts. Join g-do, the tavernr brawls; the sudden twists of that mad ANGELA IAI($UURY 'vEoY~cK- y, GEURGESNDERSV ALIhJII JARTER { ti )WEAMOROUS * tIDVENTURES'OF TECHNICOLOR PANA VISIONĀ°' { 4.., E I ; , ; o t g i may; - s ' \V-..-,*., ~ e -,., i. I it