TEACH-IN NEEDED ON AFRICAN CRISES See Editorial Page .:Y1 Sirita 4Eia it1 FAIR AND COOLER High--72 Low-42 Sunny this afternoon, cloudy tonight, windier I Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 22rS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, !HI Y, JUNE, 1965 SEVEN CENT CS FOUR PAGES Legality Debate 4 t n i t Makes Space Walk', Rages in Housing Constitutionality of Local Initiative To Enforce Fair Housing Doubted "I doubt that backers of Ann Arbor's fair housing ordinance will be tupset if only the procedural aspects of the law are ruled uncon- stitutional," Councilman Robert Weeks commented last night. "The crucial point is a favorable ruling on the constitutionality of local governments acting in the area of fair housing independent of the State Civil Rights Commission." Weeks referred to indications given by Circuit Judge James Breakey Wednesday that he will uphold the fair housing ordinance's anti-discrimination provisions but void its enforcement procedures. Final Decision Breakey is expected to announce a final, official decision on the matter June 15. \He is hearirg the city's appeal of a lower court ruling which declared the enti-e law unconstitutional because of its procedural -- provisions. The lower court de- L. . K1J _, L1. X1,., .1 i, Cancel Rendezvous with Rocket cision was based on a statement by Attorney General Frank Kelley which contended that all local fair housing laws are pre-empted by the functions of the State Civil Rights Commission as outlined in the new constitution. However, Breakey said he "was not impressed with claims that the state constitution prohibits a city from enacting such ordi- nances." One Section He pointed out that there is a provision in the Ann Arbor ordi- nance code which permits one sec- tion of a law to be declared un- constitutional without invalidat- ing other sections. Breakey indi- cated he would use this severabil- ity provision to rule against the procedures outlined in the ordi- nance for investigation and en- forcement. At present, these stipulate that the Human Relations Commission investigate all complaints filed un- der the act, referring cases to the MajEdward Wite In Sace20 Minutes Scheduled Rendezvous with Titan Canicelled Because of Fuel Shortage By The Associated Press CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. - Astronaut Edward White walked and whirled in open space yesterday, a first for the American space effort, as the Gemini 4 two-man capsule soared through the sky after a successful launch. Earlier, the two astronauts had been forced to cancel a planned rendezvous with the orbiting second stage of their Titan booster rocket because of a fuel shortage. White's space walk came on the third circuit of flight scheduled for a total of 62. The exit into space had been planned for the second orbit, but the astronauts were too busy then and delayed it. White pushed himself outside the craft at 2:45 p.m. as his partner maneuvered it high above the Pacific off the coast of Mexico. Command Pilot James McDivitt reported directly to the control center at Houston that, "He looks great. He's outside and working." Titan lifts off at Cape Kennedy-and an Astronaut 'Walks' (simulated above) in space DEAN ROBERT WILLIAMS Dean Terms U Control Decentralizedl By RUTH FEUERSTEIN According to Administrative Dean Robert L. Williams of the Office of Academic Affairs, the concept of administration which pervades a quality university is much different from that associat- ed with business or other enter- prises, where there are a few key people on top who dictate direc- tions to those who work for them. At the University, "authority depends on the people who are governed," Williams said recent- ly. He further emphasized this point in his recent book, "The Administration of Academic Af-' fairs in Higher Education." "Ef- fective administration cannot take place without the wholehearted respect and admiration of the faculty - individually and as a group," he said in the book., According to Williams, the Uni- versity is committed to a policy of decentralization in administra- tion. Generally, the best universi- ties found in the U.S. "are more decentralized than the lesser in- stitutions of learning," he said. Recognition This decentralization, he said, is the result of recognition that .Form Plan To Aid Viet Nan Towns Arts Bills Pend in Congress i 4 i 4 t By CAROLYN TOLL the humanities ...are an ab- befoe Cngrss reIsolute imperative for the welfare PendingC and happiness of this nation and two bills which would pave thea of mn kind," Hatcher said.The prosecutor's ofice only when no way for federal aid and assistance humanities and the arts have be- settlement can be reached without By MICHAEL BADAMO to the arts and humanities. Be- come a necessary part of the cul- legal action. cause they have gained the ap- ture and the very fiber of life in Breakey said he feels this func- A program, known as the Vil- proval of many Congressmen-and the America which we have creat- tion properly belongs with the lage Adoption Plan, designed to of many educators, including ed and which our economy can prosecutor's office. provide aid to Vietnamese vil- University President Harlan easily sustain," he added. Could Still Function lages economically and sociolog- Hatcher-the bills stand a good Like NSF "The HRC could still function ically, will be started at the Uni- chance of passage in this session The foundation is conceived unofficially if, as Breakey indi- versity. of Congress. along the lines of the National cated, the enforclement function The bills would establish two Science Foundation. It provides should be taken over by the The program was instituted at autonomous foundations, each funds under the arts endowment courts," Weeks said. "It would Michigan State University last with an endowment of $10 million, which will match amounts put up cores, bermvdastefrtMonday as part of Vice-President one supporting the humanities, the by state arts councils. There is to legal step in the investigation pro-t Hubert Humphrey's policy speech other supporting the creative and be provision for grants for those cedures." there on Viet Nam. performing arts. Both endowments states without such councils to, Although civil rights commis- Arthur Collingsworth, a former would be under a single control conduct surveys on the need for sions have such quasi-judicial University student, presently em- within the executive branch, and etsablishment of councils. functions in a number of other ployed by the State Department, each would have its own national The "arts" are described in the cities, Weeks explained, some peo- outlined plans for the program. advisory council. bill as including, but not limited ple question the advisability of The coordinating agency for the to, "music (instrumental and vo- giving official power to an orga- He said that various universi- two endowments would include, cal), dance, drama, folk art, nization which doesn't have the ties would be asked to provide besides the chairmen of the two creative writing, architecture and built-in legal protections offered funds for the assistance of one endowments, the U.S. Commis- allied fields, painting, sculpture,: defendants by the courts. Vietnamese village each. The mon- sioner of Education, the Secretary photography, graphic and craft ey collected would be used ac- of the Smithsonian Institute, the arts, industrial design, costume. cording to the needs of the in- Librarian of Congress, a member and fashion design, motion pic-' P oee dividual village. In some cases, designated by the Secretary of tures, television, radio, tape and{ oet R ejects medical facilities would be needed: State, and the Director of the sound recording, and the arts In others, schools would be para- National Science Foundation. related to the presentation, per- mount concern. Awaits Hearing formance, execution and exhibi-I At present the bill in the Sen- tion of such major art forms." :Spj eech I, 3 Collingsworth said he thought ate is ready to come before the Teedwetfrhmnte .he could start a Village Adoptionlaei ed t1cm rha The endowment for humanities,] hrogram at the University "with- floor, but is stiil waiting a hear- would provide grants and loans arga tteUnvriy"ih ing in the House Special Sub- for research, award fellowships In P rotest out too much difficulty." He add- committeeeonHLabor, and will not n ants to nsitutions or in- ad that the help of such orga- come up before June 10 at the dividuals for training and support Lzations as Student Government very earliest, according to Michael the publication of scholarly works. NEW YORK council, Inter-Quadrangle Coun- Berla, administrative assistant to prize-winning poet and dramatist, cil, Inter-Fraternity Council and Rep. Wes Vivian (D-Mich). Al- revealed yesterday he rejected Panhellenic Society would be es- though this committee is involved B an invitation to appear at a White sential to the success of ,any with much labor legislation, House arts festival June 14 be- program at the University- Chairman Adam Clayton Powell ' casehediages it US.fo- The Village Adoption Plan is a (D-NY) is "not especially fond, - ego policy. direct outgrowth of the Confer- of this bill" and cannot be expect- Two . oher to ie, John ence on Viet Nam Steering Com- ed to speed its being handled, HLa n.n r l . l d h whichwasdrganzedtit The b41 defines "humanities" asI including "the study of languages, literature, history, jurisprudence and philosophy; archaeology; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; the creative and per- forming arts; and those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods." The bill would also authorize payments by the Office of Educa- tion to state educational agencies for equipment and minor remodel- ing related to the arts. ... .; Long Walk He remained outside the con- fines of gravity and his Gemini spacecraft for 20 minutes, almost double the planned time for the "walk." "I'm not coming in," he laugh- ingly ieplied to insistent pleas from fellow astronaut McDivitt. McDivitt had to order White in several times before he re-entered the ship. Last March 27, Russian Cosmo- naut Aleksy Leonov, the world's first man to "walk" in space, told a Moscow television audience he enjoyed his stroll so much he re, fused to return to his ship when ordered. t Refusal "I'm very gladnow that I did so, and did not obey the com- mander," he said. Earlier, McDivitt had failed in an attempt to approach close enough to the orbiting Titan stage for a rendezvous maneuver. With half the fuel for this job used up, he admitted, "we just can't close in on it." The tumbling rocket stage then was three to four miles away and launch control ordered McDivitt to "scrub" that mission. White's feat was the highlight of the flight which started with a blastoff from Cape Kennedy at 10:16 a.m. Scratchy White's voice was piped direct- ly into communication channels around the world. It sounded scratchy and was hard to under- stand. McDivitt reported that he was "quite exuberant" at the sight he was seeing in front of the cap- sule. White was floating on the end of a golden, 25-foot tether. McDivitt said White was oper- I REP. ADAM CLAYTON POWELL the department heads often know T y ting his propulsion unit, the I v stg l OR space gun to help him maneuver. It was the first time such a de- " vice had been used by man. The command pilot said: "One thing about it, when Ed t nutther. it makes the snace- more about requirements within their departments than adminis- trators. The Office of Academic Affairs, seeing this, tries to "help the fac- ulty get what they want," stated Williams. However, this is on many occasions a complicated and time-consuming process, he said. The Office of Academic Affairs has general responsibilities in con- nection with educational programs and the administrative subdivi- sions by which they are conduct-' ed. i ASTRONAUT WHITE Orbit Feat Lauded by Observers By The Associated Press LONDON-The Gemini 4 space flight brought a new thrill to Eu- rope's TV screens yesterday and the comment from Britain's top space expert that the Americans and the Russians are neck and neck in the race to the moon. Throughout Western Europe programs were interrupted to flash the news that astronaut Ed White was taking his'space walk. Even Moscow's radio home serv- ice came in with the news within three hours of the event - which is fast work for the Russians. Earlier the blastoff was brought direct to European television screens via the American Early Bird satellite - the first time a prolonged telecast of this kind has been attempted. Closely Watched Prof. Sir Bernard Lovell, di- rector of Jodrell Bank Observatory and Britain's best space tracker, said "the American achievement, coming quickly after the Russians, demonstrates how closely matched they are for a manned lunar land- ing. Both America and Russia are relentlessly moving toward the time when both Americans and Russians will be on the moon." Early Soviet reports 'of the shot, like the early edition of the Com- munist "London Daily Worker," concentrated on the flight's snags -the delay in launching and the decision to abandon a rendezvous with the capsule's trailing rocket. Later Moscow came through with this newscast: Moscow Report "A report has just been received that the American cosmonaut Ed- ward White has become the sec- ond man on earth after Aleksey Leonov to have completed an ex- cursion into outer space. "He carried out a 20-minute cosmic walk during the third cir- nii offa fh o f ha -nail: nezsy an oau neuw, am yile nittee which was organized at the will go, even though they also University in reaction to the "one- disagree with U.S. policy. sided" teach-in movement, Col-{ Lowell, 48, released the text of lingsworth explained. a letter he wrote President Lyn- don B. Johnson. He said that the Village Adop- "Although I am very enthusiast- tion Plan would be a more "co- ic about most of your domestic operative and constructive effort legislation and intentions, I nev- to help Viet Nam than some oth-, ertheless can only follow our pres- ent foreign policy with the great- er efforts," referring to the teach- est dismay and distrust," he wrote. In movement. Beria indiOc LM. -ge e However, according to a spokes- Michigan State University's controversial proposal for a two-year craft bounce like a ball." man for Rep. John Moorehead (D- medical program is currently being scrutinized by the State Board After White climbed out, Gem- Pa), a pioneer of this type of bill, of Education. However, MSU officials have not agreed to abide by mi 4 swooped across Mexico and "we are relatively confident that the board's recommendation on the advisability of the program. then over the Southwest United the bill should become law by ISaepsigaoeAioa e September," when Congress ad- Initiating its investigation, the board took steps this week to States, passing above Arizona, New revise a 1963 report that condemned the MSU program in its Mexico and Texas. j ournsThen it swept over the Gulf JoPresident Hatcher urged estab- present form. At the suggestion of board Vice-President Leon Fill, of Mexico and Miami, Fla, before lishment of the foundation in the presidents of the University, MSU and Wayne State University crossing the Atlantic Coast, Congressional committee hearings have been asked to nominate people to study the report, if necessary I Close Check last February. "We realize that revising its recommendations to make them in line with current Back on earth, Dr. Charles A. ----- medical needs. At a meeting with Berry, medical chief of the Man- Fill, and board members Donald ned Space Center at Houston, and Thurber and Dr. Edwin Novak, other medics viutrally kept a representatives of the three stethoscope on White's chest as he y chools indicated that the report emerged from the protection of S n eeded to be updated and its con- the well-equipped Gemini capsule. ypj1 eS U fl #'il .I //i c conclusions re-evaluated. Every breath he took and every beat of his heart was flashed back The original report advocated to earth along electronic lines The second type of juvenile institution attempts to foster both an 18-month, nonclinical medical.j leading in through his "umbilical l ti program for MSU, but opposed a cord." COMPARATIVE STUDIES: Juvenile Institutions By BARBARA SEYFRIED ' The best way to help juvenile delinquents in institutions is to emphasize positive incentives instead of punishment so there will be a motivation toward internal change, Dean Robert Vinter of the social work school said. Vinter, in a recent speech, said that the stereotyped image of delinquents as united against institutional authority is erroneous and that "when an institution relies primarily upon formal domination, the inmates are alienated and resistant to the objective of change to { obedience and personal development thr ough less severe penai es, But, he added, in this kind of institution, the oppositional atti- tude may flourish more in the open; where only obedience is re- quired, resentment may be internalized. The third type, explained Vinter, is based upon re-education. It focuses upon changing inmates' attitudes and behavior patterns.E Obedience is stressed, but it is mainly obedience to hard work, aca- demic improvement, and "middle class" morality. Vinter said this type is apncer nl mare effctive. since inmatea mv he more annreciative, full two-year program as inevit- ably committing the state to es- tablishing a medical center at East Lansing - a costly move which many feel is not needed. The recommendations of Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon' Citizens Committee for Higher Education last March tended to University Graduates Both astronauts are graduates of the University, receiving degrees from the University's Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering in 1959. McDivitt compiled a straight-A record and graduated first among 606 engi- neering seniors; White, who re-