PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1966 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1966 _. E 11 M.°.VX:."^r::::"iriwFY'.ti Ir." ".:' S"r.^.:^3itNi-"Y." V4Y-ra:^.:5^A r" Jr."".Y^^r :,"r ^ :: rrr.'.w."r:; r,::".r" :",gr....,r ".: uw " .::.."."n""" M." ": V.",.:. v: " wt":: i" ", :1 :" V:: ",v:. %r. .vrrtr "y{v :rF..,"M{..':t i."v. :rr. ,.;.r.......}:L. E6..1... ^.r:V:":':"is;:{?ti,}:...".i?:"}:x{ ^....,... r.... e. r. i...,..... fi:{{rr}: :?;{": i'N'i{wri: :" ': ..r. ,. r.. '':.. ~i. . vie:".t {". ,Ff.:{ V:}. ... . ..... r. ......... ....." . ... .. e , .. .MP"ie , ..{ee'Y . . .. "t:r:':}:.,. .,...... :X,""r: "r: r' "::ti'}i:"1 ' :: fr".. '..J,. .,1,.... ...,.. Mk your headquarters for all your textbook and college supplies. SERVING U OF M STUDENTS SINCE 1883 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETII J .... Student Government Council Approval tions; Feb. 14-Initiation banquet; I the fodowig stuclent spns, red March 14 -Open meeting: April -- events becomes effective 24 hours aPtei Election of officers; Evenings-Michi- the pubiaeation of this notice. All gan League or School of Nursing. publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become , l 1 effective. (((fg>fI Aetna Portland Cement Co., Bay City, Mich,-Accountant-some exper., new plant in Milan, age 26-35. Chemist- lead to head of lab., Milan area, will be trained. Backup man for plant mgr. --ME degree Milan, ability for main- tcnanice work. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRI1TEN form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- ~~~mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 General Notices Collegiate Club: University Reformed Church, 9:30 a.m., Sundays, "Scripture Interpretation Seen Through Academic Doctoral Examination for Models." Discussion led by Prof. Ken- erly Coleman, Educatio neth L. Pike. "School-Related Attitudesr iors of Parents of Achiev ............. Order Your Daily Now- Phone 764-0558 Applications for Faculty Research Grants: Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from faculty research funds to support projects should file their applications in Room 1014 Rack- ham Bldg, not later than Mon., Sept. 26, 1966. Instructions and format may be ob- tained in Room 1014, or you may call 764-4405 and we will be glad to mail them to you. Doctoral Examination for Lynn Sal- isbury, Chemistry;, thesis: "A Mechan- istic Study of the Termal Reactions of Some Dibenoz[a, elcyclooctatetraenes," Thurs., Sept. 1, Room 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Stiles. cents, Thurs.. Sept. 1, Roor at 10 a.m. Chairman, S. E. D Doctoral Examination for Huang, Chemical Engineer "Catalytic Activity of CobE Thurs,, Sept. 1, Room 307: gineering, at 3:30 p.m. Cl Parravano. Doctoral Examination Carolyn Garver Killean, thesis: "The Deep Struct Noun Phrase in Modern W bic," Thurs., Sept. 1, Room Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairm Schramm. Approval request forms for -udent Aponsored events are available in Room Alwin Be,.- 1011 of the SAB, n; thesis: W.A.A. Folk Dance Club, Folk Dance and Behav- on the Diag, Aug. 26, 8-10 p.m. ing Adoles- Generation, Selling at registration, mi 3203 UHS, Aug. 29, all day. imond. Tutorial and Cultural Relations Proj- ect, Information table and fund col- Ching-Rong jectin., Aug. 29, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cing-thes: University Activities Center, Sell cal- ing; thesis, endars, Aug, 29, 10 a.n., WAB Union, it Ferrite.- Engine Arch. hai Ean, Film Club Inter national. "Ganga Ja- muna," movie, Aug. 27, 7:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Department of Comparative Litera- for Mary Lure, Production of Genet's play "The Linguistics; Blacks," Sept. 8, 9, 10, 8 p.m., Trueblood ure of the Aud. lritten Ara- Sigma Theta Tau, Sept. 20-Selec- 2031 Angell tions; Oct. 4-Graduate School pro- an, G. M. gram: Oct. 18-Initiation dessert: Nov. 16-Open meeting; Jan. 17, 1967-Selec- t __ I' SANNOUNCEMENT"S:Local Medical instiitute - Research Invitation to All December Grads and Scientists needed at MS PhD levels In Seniors: Any student with a mninimumn Biochem. and Immunology/Genetics. if 12 semester hours at the University Recent grads for research may register at the Bureau of Appoint- Local Housing Development - Man- mients for services in teacher place- ager. Mgmt. academic bkgd., prefer some meit or general placement, including ingmt. exper, Recent grad. btiness, government, industry, and Local Professional Journal - Proof- overseas. You are welcome to- browse reader. Languages especially helpful, through listings of current openings. French. German, and Italian. Math de- employers in all areas of the US., gree unnecessary, gen. lib. arts wanted. schools, goveirnment, and industry. Hours: 8:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:30 Monday Area Manufacturing Firm-Program- through Friday, iners for setting up new program. On Sloan-Kettering Div., Graduate School the job trng. for Inexper. people desir- of Medical Sciences, Cornell University, ing to become programmers starting as N.Y.-Offering courses leading to the operator. Recent grads. PhD in Biochem., Biol., Biophys.. Gen- Sinclair Research, Inc., Harvey, 111. etics, Immunology, Microbiol., Pharma- -Technical librarian, ability to assist cology. Fellowships ranging from $2750 Chemists and Engineers with technical to $3250 yr., incl. tuition, plus stipends inquiries. Masters in Lib. Sci. and un- for dependents. Information concerning dergrad degree in Chem. or related admission contact: Associate Director, technical field. Sloan-Fettering Division, Graduate Scott Paper Co., Detroit, Mich. - School of Medical Sciences, Cornell Shift Floor Manager in Consumers Rep- University, 410 East 68th St., New resentative Department. Prepare daily York, New York 10421, quality reports. Degree preferred and some exper. in manufacturing. POSITION OPENINGS: Nearby Home for Emotionally Dis- For further information please call turbed Children, Northville, Mich. - 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of ChildCare workers for all shifts. En- Appointments, 3200 SAB. courage students past jr. standing and ___________________ in good academic standing wishing to work for at least one year in social field connected to their studies. Able ORGANIZATION to swim, transportation needed but car pools from A.A. and Ypsi. areas.NO I E Attractive salaries, no previous exper. NOTICES required. Contact Bureau of Appoint- ments. Detroit Music Co.--Salesman for dis- tributor for musical instruments, main- USE OF THIS CLOUMN FOR AN- ly to schools. Prefer major or minor in NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially music, or ability to play an instrument, recognized and registered student or- No overnight traveling. Male. ganizations only. Organizaations who Local Hotel-Manager wanted, look- are planning to be active for the Fall ing forward to expansion. Male, recent Term must be registered in the Office grad. of Student Organizations by Fri., Sept. 16. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. * * * Baha'i Student Group, Informal in- troductory discussion, Fri.. Slt. 2, f HEADQUARTERS for STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE and FOUNTAIN PENS STUDENT SUPPLIES STATIONERY STUDY LAMPS NOTE BOOKS FOUNTAIN PENS LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Rubber Stamps made to order O- -----R-Y-S-R-V-C-E-A- NOTA RY SERVICE AVAIL.ABL E ~ °-'- WELCOME STUDENTS AND FACULTY LET US SUPPLY YOUR HOME ENTERTAINMENT Select From Our: . Comprehensive stock of LP. Stereo-45 RPM Records. " Portable and Console Phonos, Radios, and Radio-Phonos RCA Victor Portable and Console IV Sets " U of M Records and Song Book A # FOUNTAIN PENS all makes Sales & Service (24 Hrs.) by Factory-trained men. Your Sub ipi p.m., 335 E. Huron, Apt. 5. ** * Physical Therapy Club, Mass meet- ing with tour of Physical Therapy De- partment,- Thurs., Sept. 1, 7:30 p.m., Physical Therapy Conference Room, Third Floor, University Hospital. __ __ .._ i I Since 1908 Dealer for A B Dick Mimeographs and Supplies MORILL'S 314 South State Street OPEN AT 8:00 A.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE "Giving Morrill support for 58 years" Phone NO 5-9141 MUSIC SHOP The University of Michigan School of Music cordially invites the public to attend a lecture by ZOLTAN KODALY World-Renowned Hungarian Composer and Conductor TUESDAY, SEPT. G "FOLK SONG IN HUNGARY AND EVERYWHERE" Rackham Lecture Hall-Sept. 6-8:30 P.M. Admission without charge NO 2-0675 417 East Liberty B omm w a *i Ready to Use, Ready to Paint ... Pondesora Pine, Modern Design ... Smooth Sanded Surface A1 WROUGHT IRON FURNITURE WITH RUBBER-TIPPED FEET I 1 -4 A 61 CHEST...$15.26 BOOKCASE...$13.00 BOOKCASE ... $15.60 4 YOUR CHOICE 4 Days Only 47 Charge It A. Book table. chip or peel. h i g h, 201/2" 91 2' deep. Won't 26 1/2" wide, S. 28" 11" Telephone table. high, 17 1/2" wide, deep. Charge it.. C. Three-tier utility table. 261/2" high and 20" wide. Charge it. I CONTESSA Washable Plastic Coated 5 Drawers Modn. Pattern Paper Chests, wood frame 34x15 %x13" $6.33 construction, wood rein- 5 Drawers Modrn. Pattern forced drawers, wood 34x191 2x13" $7.27 knobs. 4 Drawers Floral BRASS-PLATED BOOKADDY Handsome accent for desk A 01 f I :,,. ..... . ..... :: . .