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August 30, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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Ui rau
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom








iciate Managing Editor
ity President Harlan H.
s retiring from 15 years
sity service in 1967, and
replacement for him is
ut to be a long, difficult
niversity's eight Regents
ed with finding another
head the administration
ie next few months. To
Pm in their crucial task,
appointed three advisory
as-one of faculty, one
ts and one of alumni.
ty in the selection pro-
e a three-cornered pyra-
ach lower corner is one
ivisory committees. They

art due to pass their conclusions
up to the peak, to the Regents, in
some form this fall.
The operation of the selection
process, however, is more like a
ring, with the advisory committees
all doing their own investigating
and passing around their results
and tentative conclusions to one
another and to the Regents.
There are two basic tasks in
which the committees are engag-
ing. They are, to different degrees
and fairly independently of one
another, analyzing the University
in an attempt to better under-
stand what sort of a man its next
President should be. In addition
they are screening candidates' re-
cords to provide the Regents with

a list of recommendations some-
time this fall.
"What you get is a continual
process of adding new names to
the list and taking old names
from it," says the English depart-
ment's Arthur M. Eastman, chair-
man of the faculty advisory com-
mittee. It is this process that will
eventually result in the commit-
tees' lists of their "ideal" candi-
To aid the advisory committee
in their research on candidates'
backgrounds the Regents have set
up a staff office under the direc-
tion of Prof. Howard Peckham,
head of the Clements Library.
There, a secretary and a research
assistant prepare preliminary dos-



siers giving bibliographical and
biographical sketches of anyone in
whom committees are interested.
Peckham's staff also passes in-
formation which one committee
has requested to both other com-
mittees andIto the Regents, thus
ensuring the ring-like approach to
the selection process.
Life for the committees so far
has been full of what Alfred Con-
rad of the Law School, a faculty
advisory committee member, calls
"growing pains." When the Re-
gents set up the committees they
purposely gave them very general
goals and structures to ensure that
they could advise in any way they
But along with freedom came

a batch of what Robert Briggs,
chairman of the Regents' working
committee, calls "five-minute
problems." The relationships of
the advisory committees to one an-
other and to the Regents had to
be worked out pretty much by trial
and error.
To be sure, there are no major
grumblings from anyone. Yet, as
advisory committee members read-
ily admit, no actions of a really
controversial nature have been
taken. What will happen then is
a problem which one faculty mem-
ber says "we haven't really faced
up to yet."
Briggs feels his major function
currently is ironing out such


areas of disagreement which he
says "we may well expect."
What sort of a man do the Re-
gents want to come out of all this?
Briggs emphasizes that any pros-
pective president must be an edu-
cator, preferably with a PhD, who
is good at public relations work.
Many advisory committee mem-
bers are interested in a candi-
date's health and his age-it takes
several years for a president to
learn just what his job entails, and
he has to be in condition to run
the University for many years aft-
er that.
Marriage also enters the pic-
ture. A candidate with a socially
capable wife is clearly preferred to
a bachelor.

There are a number 'of ques-
tions still facing the Regents and
their advisors. Foremost in every-
one's mind is just when the next
president is to be appointed. The
Regents want to name a man
early enough to have him here for
several months before President
Harlan Hatcher retires in Decem-
ber, 1967. They realize that to do
this they must appoint a man
sometime around this coming
spring. In order to do that the
c o m m i t t e e s' recommendations
would have to be completed by
this fall
No decision has yet been made
on what form those recommenda-
See SEEK, Page 10







Hold Tuition 4
Room, Board I

0 0 0


J iVLRSTY'S response to the House Un-American Ac-
s Committee's subpoena demanding membership lists
impus political organizations reflects serious errors of
Despite the legal and political complexities of the situa-
plore the University's compliance with the subpoena.
il not deal here with the merits of the political positions
rities of the three groups whose lists were subpoenaed.
do believe is that they, like all other Americans, are
the right of free speech and inquiry. Thus what does
cern us is the nature of the Un-American Activities
itself, a committee which has a history of dangerous
>r freedom of speech and inquiry. From this follows the
usion that the University-which seeks to foster and
e inquiry-should have resisted the subpoena.
we understand the Administration's case concerning
sues involved, we feel that under ideal circumstances
ity should have filed suit in Federal court seeking to
ibpoena declared void for violating the First Amend-
tedly, the chances of success in such a suit would not
nd it is true that it would be difficult-perhaps im-
> gain majority Regental support for such court action.
ances of success are certainly not negligible, and the
n scarcely be blamed for not acting when they were not

Rates Steady
The University's 1966-67 budget,
$186,570,629, was reached without
a tuition hike, despite lower-than-
hoped-for increases in funds from
the state Legislature.
tThe Regents' acceptance ofthe
total budget in July gave the
University a budget almost $19
million more .than last year's.
Initial acceptance of the budget
was made in June, when the gen-
eral funds portion of the budget
was accepted.
The expendable restricted fund
section of the budget came to
$64,444,000 while the auxiliary
activities fund came to $39,376,.-
The general funds budget came
to $77,783,516, of which $57,994,-'
886 came from the Legislature.
This represented an increase of
$6,739,000 over state funds re-I
ceived last year.
The University had requested an
increase of about $15.600.000. Gov.


Sutbm' iisslon

Of Si
3 Courses
Court Challenges,
Delays, No Contest
Were Alternatives
Executive Editor




the group which considered the problem from the time
subpoena was served on Aug. 4 to the time the lists were
the committee on Aug. 11 made a grave error in not pro-
ourt action to the Regents.
e University had lost such a suit, 'it at least would have
support for civil liberties unmistakably clear and have in-
its stature as one of the great universities of the world. If
iversity had won, it woul'd have established an invaluable
it for this country's intellectual freedom.
e administration, in complying with the subpoena, thus
d on a major responsibility to the University community.
:ication is made more appalling by the complete absence
dent Hatcher from the discussions and final decision and
lent failure of his vice-presidents to attempt to persuade
articipate in them.
e University presidency is pre-eminently a position of moral
ip; President Hatcher was seriously negligent in avoiding
:-rcial decision. "Knowledge, Wisdom and the Courage to
sound somewhat hollow in view of what can only be an
nate abdication of moral responsibility.
>erhaps the most serious error of all was the University's
lre to make public its receipt of the subpoena. Here the
hy that the decision-making process should be open to the
possible number of individuals under the circumstances
It a serious blow. Public discussion would have focused the
n of the entire University community, including the Re-
n the whole range of possible responses to the subpoena-
;hem those the administration now admits it should have
ed but did not.
reover, a public announcement of the receipt of the sub-
oud have enabled the individuals on the membership lists
at to enjoin the University from complying with the sub-
This course-which at least one high administrator now
mould probably have been the best under the circumstances
Lhave avoided the need for the University to risk political
to a suit of its own on allegedly weak legal grounds. But
ame time it would have given the students involved the
judicial scrutiny of the committee's request.
GH they missed their major opportunity, the University's
ninistrators and Regents can still do some long-range good
cause of freedom within the academic community.
t, a clear and sound University policy in this area must be
ed. A joint student-faculty committee should be formed to
ate the present University standards of confidentiality re-
students and faculty; and, in the interim until this com-
sues its recommendations, we believe Student Government
and the Office of Student Affairs should require only the
f officers of student organizations seeking recognition and
lispose of outdated documents. Furthermore, the Regents
ass a resolution re-affirming the rights of University po-
ssenters- to be free from any intimidation.
end, the University should take the initiative in organiz-
inference of the major national universities to agree on a
bicy concerning governmental threats to campus political
As the focus of this nation's intellectual community, the
universities must lead the way in protecting the cause of
[EVER the wisdom of a university taking positions as an
. . . ,..-

Romney had i;ecommended an in- What were the University's pos-1
crease of about $5.5 million. sible responses to the House
which the Legislature raised. Committee on Un-American Ac-
A major cut in the budget was tivities' subpoena of membership
the elimination of funds for ex- lists of three campus organiza-
pansion of the Center for Re- tions?
search on Learning and Teaching
Las yartheReens dcied During a series of meetings
that cus sin thebudget neciesia starting after the subpoena was
tha cus i th bugetneesit served Aug.4, administrators, in-
ed raising tuition and room anid eluding Vice-Presidents Allan F.
board rates. That year the Un-~ Smith, Richard L. Cutler, Michael VICE-PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Richard L. Cutler meets with disgruntled students
versity had requested an increase Radock, Wilbur K. Pierpont, Mar- Wednesday, Aug. 17, after the campus became aware that the University had complied with the
in state funds of $13,250,000 but yin L. Niehuss and Radock's as- House Un-American Activities Committee's subpoena. The meeting, which also included Vice-
received only $7,160,000 more. sistant, Jack Hamilton, met with President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith, ran on for four loud hot hours.
This year the Regents have de- Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the law
cided to cut $7,733,535 from plan- school and other unidentified legal
ned expenses.
In making their cuts the ad- counsel. NOV.4 BALLOTING:
ministration decided to give first The original subpoena ordered
priority to wage and salary im- Duncan Sells, director of student
provements, so the supplies and organizations, to bring member-
eqpmentportion of the budget ship lists to the HUAC hearings.
equipment L
once again received the greatest Later, however, the University re-
proprtio of he cts.ceived a letter from HUAC saying
Tn sg that Sells would only be required
ally budgeted an 8.14 per cent in- to send the membership lists.
crease in salary levels. However, Three Approachese
they could not accomplish this They decided there were three
with the amount they received possible approaches to the sub- By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE of the problems of higher educa- ministration must project Uni-
from the Legislature. poena: court action to challenge Regent Irene Murpiy and John tion to the people and get the versity goals in relation with the
J. Collins, Democrats, and Repub- voters thinking about education." goals of the other institutions."
5.7 per cent of present salary ahd postpone compliance or trans- Titan ,.eorgesHuebnerJr. He added that the "University Both Mrs. Huebner and Brown
usage funds for merit increases, mission of the lists without con- and Robert Brown have received must work harder on its relations said the University should coordi-
plus an additional one per cent test. their parties' nominations for two with the other institutions of nate its policies with those of the
for improvement in staff benefits. According to an informed source seats on the University's Board of higher education throughout the other institutions of higher educa-
Merit increases are those re- the administrators decided not to Regents. state. The Regents and the ad-, tion in the state.
suiting from promotion and sen- seek an injunction to restrain the Mrs. Murphy, an incumbent
iority. There were no across the University from complying with had no trouble receiving re-nomi-
board increases. the subpoena because there were nation at the Democratic conven-'
crae}o rirt otnesIrncaceoaea ucesi uh~ tahe Democratc conetd - a s]ai " in J IL
The policy of giving salariy i- no past cases to suggest much tion held in Grand Rapids August
creases top priority continues f rog chance of legal success in such 19-20. Thr e Democrats contested
last year. At that time the admin- actions. for the post of Regent Carl Brab-
istration said the relative drop in The group also considered seek- lee who announced early in the In response to a University an- a chance to express their opinion
faculty pay compared to other uni- ing a declaratory judgment, whose summer he would not seek re- nouncement that it is compiling of the University's decision to
See REGENTS, Page 6 See 'U,' Page 6 nomination to the Board. Collins and sending the class ranks of all comply with the Selective Service
m - _. -. .-a stucie ._nts ,. +L.to.tneir .++ara h i ll Ithpv

Back Major
Policy Areas'
Yet Some Admit
To Misgivings; ction
Unpopular with Public
Despite mounting protests from
some student groups and faculty
members, the University has re-
emphasized the justification for
its Aug. 11 decision to send mem-
bership lists of three campus p0-
litical organizations to the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
The decision was reached after
several days of consultation among
University vice-presidents follow-
ing the receipt of a subpoena from
the House Committee, which was
about to hold a series of hearings
For the text of a statement issued
by Vice-Presidents Allen F. Smith
and Richard L. Cutler on the Uni-
versity's decision, see page two.
on proposed legislation to halt
left-wing interference with troops
and equipment shipments bound
for Viet Nam.
The re-emphasis came last Fri-
day as University President Har-
lan Hatcher stressed that the Uni-
versity's position is that as given
by Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Allan F. Smith and Vice-
President for Strident Affairs
Richard Cutler on Aug. 17.
At that time Cutler said the
University had reached its deci-
sion after "balancing" the fate of
the individuals involved with the
good of the University.
The decision to send the names,
announced Aug. 15, was made on
See 'U," Page 2
decision to comply with Selective
Service last June, after learning
that boards expected to receive
class ranks for a classification re-
view in late July.

Name Feldkarmp To
Top U' Housing Post

In line with a suggestion made
by the President's Blue-Ribbon
Commission on Housing last No-
vember, the position of Director of
Housing was created by the Re-
gents this past summer.
John C. Feldkamp, former as-
sistant to Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs, Richard L. Cutler,
was appointed to the post, at Cut-
ler's suggestion,
But, while the commission had
called for a director under whom
all housing operations would be
coordinated, Feldkamp in his new
post will not have jurisdiction over

But last fall, Cutler established
a student housing advisory com-
mittee to work with his office and
with Vice-President for Business
and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont.
After initial complaints of a
"lack of communication" between
itself and administrators, the
committee was able to influence
married student housing plans..
Administrators have credited stu-
dents with doing the major plan-
ning for the 400 new "townhouse",
style units that will be built on
North Campus by the spring of
With married student housing
nP~lcP~nr+fito P lif ientl

and Dean Douthat were nominat-
ed at the convention but in the1
subsequent roll call vote Collins
received about 80% of the votes.
Brown, treasurer for the State
Republican Party, was unopposed
in his nomination. Mrs. Huebner
defeated George 0. Hackett, a
Ford Motor Company executive,
for the other nomination on the
second ballot with a 222 vote
plurality out of 1500.
Both parties anticipate a "tough,
competitive race" prior to the
Nov. 4 elections when the two
candidates with the largest plur-
alities will join the other siv Re-
Mrs. Murphy said she did not
anticipate an easy victory al-
though she added that as an in-
cumbent she does have an estab-
lished identity in the voter's mind
as a University Regent.
Collins, president of Wayne Na-
tional Life Insurance company
and former chairman of the Dem-
n-a. m Sae enta Cmmitee is

male students to their draft
b o a r d s, Student Government
Council is sponsoring an all-cam-
pus referendum on the policy.
In this vote students will have



All undergraduate male stu-
dents wishing the University
to forward their enrollment
status and/or their class rank
to the local draft boards should
complete a selective service
card, available outside Water-
man Gym during registration.
Current Selective Service
policy permits II-S deferments
for full-time undergraduates
who either have a satisfactory
class rank or have scored a 70
per cent or above on the Se-
lective Service Qualification
The University send out en-

counselor, indicating that he
will carry a total of 30 hours
or more during some other
combination of terms during a
given enrollment year.
Some modification of the 30
hour limitation for a' given
year may be possible in cases
where the student has com-
pleted more than 30 hours in
one or more previous years. In
no case, however, will an un-
dyergraduate be certified as
full-time who does not com-
plete at least 12 hours in each
of two terms during a given
enrollment year.
Although there will be no II-

system, but the result oz tne voce
will not effect University policy,
according to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith.
The University announced its


At that time, Smith said, "We
must do this to protect the Utu-
dent." He added that students had
two weeks to request the Univer-
sity not to send class ranks if they
so wished.
Reacting to protest from stu-
dents and educators all over the
nation has resulted in these ac-
tions at some of the nation's oth-
er schools:
* Wayne State University Pre-
sident William Keast announced
his school would compile class
rank this year, but not next.
0 The Cornell University facul-
ty of arts and sciences voted in
a move "to defeat -the use of class
rank for draft deferments" not
to compute an all-male class rank
list as required by Selective Ser-
vice officials. The college regis-
trar then followed the instructions
of the motion and compiled the
usual list of men and women.





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