v' rz'u r [ For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-04 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. J57 LITTLE 9-12 p., CLUB TONIGHT, jazz, MUG, GET YOUR MEAL JOB for next semes- m. F27 ter. Phone George, 761-7420. FD BYE BYE, SHEEP-Wish you weren't so black and I so blind. Maryann. F TWO FOR THE WEEKEND - After you slow down and relax after finals -Hillel plays it big with Dr. Mor- ton Siegel speaking Friday evening, January 6 and a provacative program by Leslie A. Fiedler at the January 8 Deli House. F16 FOR SALE-"LUV"-2 tickets, Cheap. Wed., Dec. 14. Call 764-8904. F22 THE ONLY place in Ann Arbor to buy a diamond engagement ring. Check it. Austin Diamond, 1409 S. Univer- sity. 663-7151. , F4 HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY (12/11/66) JOSEPH ALLEN MACHAK HOPE YOURS WILL BE AS BEAUTIFUL AS MINE WAS. F21 PLEASE NOTE The phone number was FRAUDUL- ENT. Call 761-2234 for a ride to NYC leaving Dec. 16. FD FORT LAUDERDALE--Looking for girls to live and share expenses with over winter vacation. Call Francy, 764-7930. FlE REWARD-Brown Spiral notebook Real Estate 481. 761-8005. F19 WIN TWO FREE tickets to the Henry Mancini concert Jan. 14. Be the 1000th person to use the MARKET. Stop in on the second floor of the Michigan Union, 3-5 p.m., or call 665-3303 anytime. F20 Leslie A. Fiedler 16 DYNAMIC and You can't afford to miss him. Remem- ber:. Writer-in-Residence, Jan. 5-25, 0967 FD TO ALICE Blue Gown-^ T..and when I feel, Fair creature of an hour, That I shall never Look upon thee ... Then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone. -ARF FD WANTED-Ticket to Winter Commence- ment. Call Phil, 764-2788 nights. F21 WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F APARTMENT 6 says good-bye to the University for this semester. In case we are here next semester, look for our continued :appearance in The Daily Personal Column, the Ugli, Aud. A, and other ridiculous places on and around scampus and U of M environs. Fl: BASIL RATHBONE will be coming to Rackham Aud. on Jan. 20, 1967. Watch for more details. FD F.B.I. BLACKLIST. DOCUMENTED. "The F.B.I. Security Affair" Bob Marshalls-Overbecks HENRY MANCINI is coming to Hill Aud. on Saturday night, Jan. 14, 1967 for two concerts at 7:00 and 9:30 sponsored by UAC's Creative Arts Fes- tival. Tickets go on sale Monday, Jan. 9. Block ticket orders are due on Saturday, Jan. 7, at 10:30 a.m. FD FOR SALE-1957 BSA 650 cc. Recently rebuilt engine, customized, excellent condition. $550 or best offer. Call 426-4854. FC 3 LOVABLE GIRLS need a fourth! Stunning, modern, 4-woman apart- ment at 316 E. Madison. Call 761-2235, FA YOU enter alive; you leave living at SMITTY'S Friday night. F Leslie A. Fiedler is a CATALYST ... PA Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith pnrtables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery Phone 662-5671 NOW. F SUPER SPECIAL HOLIDAY ADDITION War 2nd Peace Episode 23 "I often think" continued Anna Pav- lovna, drawing nearer to the prince and smiling cordially, to show that political and wordly conversation was over and now intimate talk was to begin; "I often think how unfairly the blessings of life are distributed. Why has fate given you two such splendid children-I don't speak of Anatole, you ryoungest. I don't like him-such charming children? And you really seem to appreciate them less than any one, and so you don't deserve them." And she smiled her affected smile. "Perhaps I do not have the bump of paternity," said the prince. "Don't joke. I wanted to talk to you seriously. You know I'm not pleased with your yonugest son. Be- tween ourselves people have been talking about him to her majesty and every one feels sorry for you . ." She waited in silence for his answer. Prince Vassily frowned. FD FOR RENT MALE ROOMMATE needed to fill 4-man luxury apt, located across from sta- dium. $60 rent. 761-5174. C35 NEED ONE GIRL to share 2-man apt., roomy, 3 rooms and bath, fireplace. 3 blocks from campus. Call 761-0156. C22 SINGLE ROOM with bath. Fine home and good location. 1503 Cambridge. Call 662-1364. C23 WANTED-One or two girls to share four-man apartment for winter four month lease. 665-2763. C24 2-MAN APT. $100/mo. 533 Elizabeth St. Lease thr Aug. 15. Can be seen 7:30- 8:00 evenings. C38 FOR RENT - 4 man apt. completely remodeled, large living room, kitchen, dining area, utilities included, rea- sonable rate. Call NO 8-7821 Campus ava. C16 FEMALE GRAD. wanted to share mod- ern furnished 2-man. $82.50/mo. in- cluding utilities. Call 662-3044 aster 5. C42 418 E. WASHINGTON, Directly on campus, % block off State St. New and luxurious 1 bedroom, very spacious, suitable for 3 students, available Jan. 1, 1967. Soundproof building. study hall, laundry and storage facilities. Call NO 8-6906 for appointment. C25 FOR RENT - One to share 4 man apartment. Near campus. Sound- proffed. Parking. $62/mo. Call Bob 668-8710. C7 MALE WANTED Third roommate to share 1.3 house. Aid-cond., 2 bedrooms. $50/mo. In- cludes all utilities. Behind Frieze Bldg. Avail. Jan. 1. Call Roy, 662-5323 after 4 p.m. C18 FOR RENT - 1 man to share 4-man apartment. 1 block from campus, new, completely furnished with many extras. $62 50/mo. plus electricity. Call Dwight 668-8328. C6 FOR RENT FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share modern apt. close to campus. Call 665-9425. C37 WANTED for January! 4th girl to share modern apartment with three others. Call 665-0824. C38 WANTED--1 or 2 men to share spacious, modern apt. 1 block from campus, Call 665-6487. C39 NEED ONE MAN to share four-man lux. apartment in four month old build- ing. 1001 S. Forest, Apt. 30. Call 665- 6800. C46 SUBLET STUDIO APARTMENT. Huron Towers. Substantial reduction. 665- 2445. C49 FEMALE WANTED Fourth roommate to share mod., bi- level apt. Carriage House, easy-going, hard-studying girls. $60/month. Avail. Jan. 1. Call 761-7775. C19 MODERN BI-LEVEL, 2 blocks from campus, furnished cne bedroom with study 'area, air-cond., parking. Phone 761-2104, C28 WOULD YOU BELIEVE $45/month? Sublet for winter term. Big apart- ment. Need one man. 663-5792. Cl WANTED - 4th female roomate for winter term. Mod., spacious quiet, studious atmosphere, good cooks, RN and math tutor provided. 761- 7839. C2 WANTED - Fefamle roomate for 4- man newly furnished apt. Campus hospital area $50 mo. Call 663-2067. C10 LARGE ROOM with walk-in closet Excellent location, quiet, perfect for male grad. 328 Thompson 663-9158 late evenings. C12 Graduate and Professional FOREST GLEN APARTMENTS 927 S. Forest Ave. New 2 bedroom furnished units By semester or year December occupancy Owner operated C62-6156. C2C FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for next semester to share 2-man apartment. Own bedroom,' furnished. Close to campus, no lease $75/month. Call Elaine 662-2409. C3 2 FEMALE GRADS NEED 3rd girl to share apt. own room $50/month in- cluding utilities close to campus. No lease. Call 665-6260. C6 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for modern 3-man apartment. 307 Pack- ard. Call Lois 761-3648. C7 SUBLET SERVICE WE' RENT your apartment for you. 1217 S. University. 761-3688. C27 MODERN BI-LEVEL, 2-man. Available December. $165. Call 662-7086. C13 3-4 MAN APARTMENT available Jan. 3. Large, 2 bedroom. Close to campus. Furnished, utilities included. $175 a month. Call NO 5-8503. C45 HELP WANTED ENGINEERING STUDENTS Applied dynamics as excellent part time work for engineering students in drafting and documentation on state-of-the-art computers. Why not join us and work with other UM students earning good wages while supplementing their formal training with practical design experience? Ap- ply in person to Applied Dynamics, 2275 Platt Rd., Ann Arbor and ask for Mr. Alan Guest. H29 DROPPING OUT NEXT SEMESTER? Want an interesting job? Famous pup- pet show playing school of several states need dependable young man until June 15. Phone 429-9058. H30 WANTED-Interviewers to survey young drivers in Washtenaw County Chris- mas Holidays plus after. Car required. $1.80/hr. and 8c/mile. Call 764-8354, Mrs. Smith. H28 FLIGHT TO EUROPE For Sale-One way ticket. Detroit-London, June 27. For information call Julie, 665-0452. G5 NEED RIDE to Atlanta, Ga., 20th or FOR SALE FOR SALE - Encyclopedia Brittanica. Complete with case. 1959 Series with Annuals to date. LIKE $300. Ph. 429- 7608. B34 SPECIAL XMAS pottery sale by young grad student. Hand crafted stone- ware pots. Sun., oc, 11, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and afternoons following week. 1370 Superior Rd., Just off Huron River Rd., Ypsi. Phone 482-5152. B31 IBM STAN.DARD electric typewriter. One year old. Three weeks use. Exc. condition. $350. 665-0341. B32 SKIS FOR SALE. 2 pairs of head com- petitions, both G-S model, 1 pair 200 cm, 1 pair 205 cm. Both with Nevada toes and marker turntables. $100/pair. Call Ed, 761-8998. B33 1962 MERCEDES Benz 190 Sedan. Excel- lent condition. Best offer over $1495. Call Russ between 7-10 p.m., 662-1364. B2 GUILD Classical Guitar for sale. Ex- cellent condition. Royal Oak redidence. Call 549-7229. B28 1965 SUNBEAM TIGER V-8--All equip. British racing green - good cond. Best offer. Call Detroit 8 to 9 a.m. or 5-6 p.m, 549-6669. B27 ONE TICKET for MSU-Notre Dame, highest bidder. 764-5620. B12 SONY 50A taperecorder with accessor- ies. Call 668-6037 after 4:00 p.m. B10 FOR SALE-'64 Honda Rawk. Ex. cond. Extras. 764-0066. B7 ELECTROLUX tank type vacuum clean- er, all attachments in good cond. Will sell for $35. 663-917. B2, BUSINESS SERVICES MOVING AND DELIVERY 24-Hour Service Call 663-6629 ANYONE interested in having fr bagels delivered to their door on S day mornings call 761-2484. We del to dorms, fraternities, sorori apartments, and homes. HONDA SERVICE Free pick-up. NO 2-3979. MOTORCYCLE STORAGE. NO 2-37$ ALTERATIONS and TAILORING me and ladies' clothing in excellent wq manship. 225 E Liberty St. 665-8 I ( 21st. Rick, 665-3576. G6 PAID PSYCHOLOGICAL subjects want- 2IDERic,6B37.G ed at Mental Health Research Insti- o Bomington, points en tute. Call Pam Liggett, NO 8-7516, route. Leave 18th, return 22nd. One Mon.-Th. 7-10 pam. H24 way okay. Call 662-4265. G7 RIDERS NEEDED to Los Angeles and GRADUATE STUDY IN MATERIALS return (must be 21). To leave Dec. SCIENCE-Graduate research assist- 17th p.m. or 18th. Jim McKinney, antships available for physicists, 662-3219 or 662-3210. J8 chemists, engineers in outstanding re- search group. Stipend-$2640 for 12 CO-ED NEEDS RIDE to Chicago on months (half time) plus dependency Dec. 20, after 10 a.m, Please call allowances and remisison of all tui- Merle, at 761-6872. GD GIRL TO SUBLET new modern apt. on Vaughn. For details call Jane Sayre, 482-2734. C42 YOUR OWN LARGE BEDROOM 3rd girl needed to share spacious house near campus. $73 a month. Call 761- 3990 evenings and weekends. C32 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Modern apartment. Interntaional atmosphere. $57/mo. Call Anne, 761-8847. C43 NEED 3RD MAN to share 3-bedroom house for winter semester. Call 662- 0779. C47 ROOMATE WANTED - Female grad or working girl, share mod. 4-man apt. on E. Ann. $57.50 mo. Call 662= 6105 after 5. X13 ONE OR TWO GIRLS wanted for win- ter term, Dec.-April in large modern, 4-man apt. 326 E. Madison (close to campus). Private parking, good land- lord, all for only $60/mo. Call Betsy or Gwen, 761-0175. C28 2 MN NEED 1 roommate. Have own room, next sem. for $238 complete. Quiet, roomy, on campus. Call 665- 0856. C30 TWO OR THREE man apt., close to campus, kitchen, available Jan. $180. Call 665-4685 after 6:30 p.m. C27 MAN NEEDED for 4-man modern apt. next term. $50/mo. Call 665-3862, C17 ONE MALE roommate for Charter House apartment, $55/mo. for winter term. Call 761-9027. C43 THIRD MAN needed for apt. winter term. Call 663-2635. C32 APARTMENTS ALL TYPES AVAILABLE. Ann Arbor Apartment Agency, 1217 S. Univer- sity. 761-3688. C26 WANTED - 4th male grad. student to share large modernly furnished house with 3 other grad students. Beginning Jan. 1967. Call 662-7067. C's tion and fees. Post doctoral positions, fellowships (NDEA, Industrial, and traineeships NSF, NASA) also avail- able. For information and applica- tions write to: Professors Rustum Roy, Director Materials Research Lab- oratory, The Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. 1-112 University Park, Ja. 16802. H27 FULL TIME SECRETARIAL position for person with interest in Orient. Typing, general office abilities re- quired. Call center for Japaneses Studies, 764-6307. H26 BUS DRIVERS for Ann Arbor Public Schools. -Approximate hours 7-9 and 3-5. Must be 21 years of age. Call 665-7711 for information or appoint- ment. H22 WANTED - During vacation and bookrush, full lnd part time - workers for student book service. H23 MARRIED COUPLE (STUDENT) TO MANAGE SEVERAL SMALL CAMPUS INCOME PROPERTIES. NO EXPERIIENCE REQUIRED BUT BE PERSONABLE-INDUSTRIOUS. (CHILD NO BAR). MUST BE AVAILABLE THROUGH AUG. 1968. $200 per Month Plus Write MR. ROME, 1224 Blake, Lansing His PROGRAMMERS WANTED - Urgent and continual need for computer programmers, full or part time, ex- cellent wages, unlimited vocational and educational opportunities, flexi- ble hours. Information, Control Sys- tems. 761-1600. H18 PART-TIME animal care taker to work weekdays and weekends. Opportunity for research assisting with primates, starting this month. Call Dr. Butter 764-0438, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. H17 PLEASE HELP - I need a ride to New York city or New Jersey Mon. Dec. 12 - will share expenses. 665- 7945. Please call. G2 RIDE WANTED to Syracuse, New York, for Christmas. Can leave anytime af- ter noon Dec. 19. Return ride also needed. Call Sue at 761-3928. G48 RIDE NEEDED desperately to Grand HONDA SUPER HAWK, has new pis- Rapids Dec. 10. Call 764-6989. GD tons and rings. $450. 665-6601. 33 80 CC SUZUKI K-10, 1965, black, good condition, 6000 milesil best offer. Call Skip, 761-7407 or 663-6610. ZD HONDA S-90 '65. Exc. cond. Name your price. Scott Paris, 662-3256. Z12 '64 HONDA 250 Scrambler. Must sell by Dec. 20. Call 761-4612. Best offer. Z10 '63 HONDA Scrambler, 305 cc. Engine just overhauled and winterized. $300 or best offer by 15th. Call Weed, 761-2920 or 668-6719 after 11 p.m. Zil HONDA SERVICE Free pick-up. NO 2-3979. Z5 MOTORCYCLE STORAGE. NO 2-3979. Z6 FREE With any repair order your motor- cycle will be stored free during Christmas holidays at UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211 E. Ann. NO 2-3979. Z7 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Low rates, excellent company, con- venient ,location, 400 S. Division - Liability from $24 yearly. Z8 1966 HONDA 305 Scrambler, four months old, excellent condition, best offer, must sell 761-1303. ZE 1964 HONDA Super Sport. Good cond., must sell. 663-1173. Zll BLACK Suzuki X-6 HUSTLER. Only 950 miles. Only $598. 662-4100. ZA GUITARS, DRUMS, BANJOS,UKEI Drastic Discount up to 70 per off. All instruments, all makes., gest stock in Michigan. Mae Music, DI 28880, 15314 W. Se Mile E. Greenfield. Wonderl Music LU 4-8112, 13519 Michigan Schaefer, Detroit. Open from 1 daily, Sunday 12-6. SPINET PIANO BARGAIN Wanted: Responsible party to take c low monthly payments on a spi piano. Can be seen locally. W Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, She) ville, Indiana. A-1. New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGO. PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR r'119 W. Washington resh un- iver ties, J29 J27 79. J28 en's ork - 3195. J18 ATE and Rcal, ces; tho- on. LES, cent Big- stro ven land at 0-10 X13 over Lnet rite by- xl II USED CARS 1959 CORVETTE, 2 tops, excellent con- dition. Call 663-5702 after 6 p.m. Nl PORSCHE 1600N 1956 just overhauled Must sell. $485. Contact Ken at 665-2230. N48 1965 V.W. IN GREAT Shape-just over- hauled. Call 761-3716 after 5:30. N ROMNEY Special 1961 Rambler Ameri- can. Radio, heater, 4 near new tires, complete with Romney sticker. Best' offer over $100. Call 761-2795. N41 G.T.O. 1965, 2-door 'hardtop, tri-power 4-speed, new 4-ply tires. Call 663-9878 after 5 p.m. N I i 1 HONDA SERVICE Free pick-up. NO 2-3979 F5 MOTORCYCLE STORAGE. NO 2-3979. F6 BARGAIN CORNER ROOM AND BOARD SPACIOUS 2-man 1-bedroom sublet, Forest near S. Univ. 662-0588. C21 WANTED-A 4th girl for 2nd semester for Apt. 9, 1335 Geddes. 662-0416. L16 WANTED - Grad or professional wo- man to share expenses Jan. or Feb. in Apt. furn Rent $67.50/mo. Laun- dry facil., near North Campus and hospital. 1506 Plymouth Rd., Apt. 51. 663-5337 after 5:00 P. M. L14 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Pair of black glasses near The Hill. Please Help the Blind. 764-4711. A29 LOST Friday, Dec. 2-Omega sliderule, brown leather case. Need for finals. Reward. Call 761-0377. A27 i 1 RD. SLIM-FITS-$5 MODERN 3-ROOM furnished to sub- lease. Couple preferred $125 mo. Call 665-8190. C37 I, WANTED-2 female roommates. Immed- iate occupancy. No lease. Call 662- 8789 between 6-8 p.m. C36 r li - ail) d I U II II-rm r ir~ctrr Ii\ I III Former Director. U.S Y 11 0