LJ ,Ai lana Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS . _ Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. uth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: NEIL SHISTER Ending the Agony Of the Trimester System Popula j By DAVID BERSON THESE DAYS, seems to have one position or another about this generation of rebels. Most of them can be sorted out into three cate- gories, psychoanalytic, riff-raff, and commie, For convenience, I have broken these three down into two sub- categories-liberal , and conserv- ative. I could have picked other tags-intelligent and ignorant- civil and nasty, etc., but these are probably no better than liberal- conservative. THE PSYCHOANALYTIC theo- ry, liberally stated, sees activism as a reaction to the complex social strains of our time and personality disorders. This is a complex world we live, goes this version, and the youngsters are drawn to activism amidst the confusion of modern technology, the breakup of the family, and the Rolling Stones. Activism enables college students to work out their Oedipal and Electra complexes and find a focal point for penis envy and whatever the male counterpart is. The conservative version of the psychoanalytic theory sees the activists as people who have failed to become respectable, upright, and above all, normal junior cit- izens. The convervatives ususally say that there is little worry. The activists will turn out like every- one else in due time. THEN THERE is the riff-raff theory. This really isn't a theory; it is more of an initial reaction. Liberals are sort of bothered by the messy stuff of the activists. They are disgustingly improper, and everyone should turn their backs on them. They sort of get in the way of progress-like mar- tinis which aren't dry enough. The conservatives are a little bit bothered by the trashy activists wit their long hair and beards. The activists are seen as "undesira- bles," beatniks, dope friends, and tennis-shoe wearers. "Eccchhhhh, if my daughter ever came home with one those I'd take away her access to the electric garage door." THE THIRD IS the commie theory. Liberals see these bright young kids as the victims of the Red dupe. It's really not their fault, and liberals remember how they got taken in by the campus commies and phony labor leaders in the 'thirties. Liberals have gone through the whole thing before, and they know what they're talk- ing about. Conservatives aren't quite as sympathetic. These kids are ob- viously Cuban agents and a threat to national security. They've got to be rooted out of American so- ciety so that it will be safe for democracy. If they are not kicked around and properly labeled for what they are they will probably start infiltrating the YMCA and the PTA just like their commie parents have. They can't be ig- nored. As Channel Two newsman Joe Theories of StudentActivism Weaver. an ex-social studies teacher pointed out in a film re- port from the demonstrations here, 'It is important to note that some of the students wore buttons say-- ing 'I AM AN ANARCHIST' and "WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE.'" WHAT ALL OF these theories have in common is that they don't bother to address what the activ- ists are actually saying. They are not dealt with as people, but as maladjusts, pinkos, and regamuf-- fins. In all the press reports and coment on the student power at Michigan, I have only heard one guy who has addressed the stu- dents as to their iedas. He is none' other than Channel Two's Bob McBride, Director of News and Public Affairs. The dynamic Mc- Bride presents WJBK-TV's dyna- mic editorial opinion nightly in dynamic fashion. "STUDENTS telling adminis- trators how to run the University of Michigan is like the patient telling the doctor what to pre- scribe for his ailment," dynamized McBride in his first comment a couple of weeks ago. He followed that one up after the teach-in, the big one in Hill. McBride flashed a couple of shots of students at UCLA kicking in car door sand rushing down the middle of the Santa Monica Freeway be- cause Southern Cal and not UCLA was picked for the Rose Bowl. This is the kind of good al' joey-college, "When I was in college" kind of stuff, scaid McBride. The kind of stuff that students should be doing. But those irresponsible students at the U of M, implied the dyna- mic one, are the height of irre- sponsibility. What business do they have getting together and talking about such a thing as power . . WHAT POWER do the students have talking about business? THE TRIMESTER is short, and it hurts. That is the conclusion of a literary college Calendar Committee after study- ing the effects of the trimester, and it says nothing most of us don't realize every. term around this time. YET THE COMMITTEE added to this basic, conclusion another one admit- ting that the faculty has not aided the student by lightening the workloads to conform to the, trimester. And, while both faculty and students surveyed agreed that students get "significantly less out of taking a course" now than under the semester 'system, both groups would rath-; er stick with the trimester. Having established that ed'ucation is suffering- and the faculty has failed to adapt their courses, the committee ad- vances some very worthwhile half-way measures, which range from ending early, final exams to making the mid-term break a full week long., To this. they .add the hopeful recom- mendation that -teachers will adjust their courses to relieve some of the pressure on students and ease the educational process.' T HE RECOMMENDATIONS should be adopted by the literary college fac- ulty: they are good beginning adjust- ments. More important, faculty concern- ed with pressures on students -should impress upon their colleagues the need to adjust courses and the best means to do so. Yet professors will never be made aware of the pressures on students unless the students speak out. Any professor can be in ignorance of the pressures he causes; it is up to the students to make their needs known and inform their peers about those professors who refuse to respond. Also, the entire calendar should go under review. The committee's survey re- vealed strong support for at least minor changes in the calendar, but division as to the best alternatives. LASTLY, there should be a permanent study committee on the trimester and its consequences. And it should press for the adoption of the Calendar Committee recommendations as soon as possible. -MICHAEL HEFFNER Letters: Econ. Faculty Opposes Ranking The AEC: Now or Never THE ATOMIC Energy Commission has continually made assurances that it will announce the. final site for its pro-. posed $375 million accelerator by the end of the year. The end of the year fast approaches, yet the AEC has kept amazingly silent about its: decision. There .are ominous signs that this means 'there never will be a decision. REPUTABLE SOURCE reported re- cently 'that the entire project-will be scrapped because of increasing defense costs. This was linked to announcement of appropriation hikes for the war to be included on the next budget. If this is the case, the AEC need only remain silent because they have been warned that if they fail to make a final decision before the new year the ac- celerator will not receive appropriations on the next fiscal budget. In case such a "pocket veto" is invoked, there would be a few apologies and perhaps a prom- ise that the proposal will be renewed when the war costs decline. This is fine, but in the meantime, America's progress in physics research will be drastically hampered. In the mean- time, a new accelerator which the Rus- sians are building in cooperation with the French near Moscow will be com- pleted. SEVERAL OTHER NATIONS are making plans for such nuclear research fa- cilities as well. America's largest accel- erator, the 33 billion electron volt Brook- haven complex could be left far behind by the time another proposal is made.' Besides that, even if the proposal is rejuvenated at the conclusion of in- volvement in Viet Nam, the process of selecting a site and making engineering studies will have to be organized all over again. New sites will probably present their case for consideration and investi- gations will begin again. Most of the work which has been done in the two years since the present selection process began will have been wasted. In addition, the costs of construction are rising constantly and the costs will probably spiral in the time so that it may prove prohibitive at the conclusion of the war. BUT THIS ALL assumes that the AEC will have to abandon the program, which it may be able to salvage if it gets its request for funds in for consideration ahead of other projects. This hinges on their final selection of a site, and all the factors for consideration have been avail- able for several months. Several sources report that the committee has decided upon the most advantageous site infor- mally. The committee has three weeks in which to try to save the accelerator, hope- fully they will make as strong an effort as its many proponents have been mak- ing to influence the site selection. HOW ABOUT IT AEC? The accelerator would make a fine Christmas present. -WALLACE IMMEN To the Editor: W EhTHE UNDERSIGNED 45 members of the Department of Economics, are united in our opposition to compiling class ranks for the use of the Selective Service System. Despite our varied opin- ions about the war in Viet Nam, about draft deferments for college students, and about student par- ticipation in University decision- making, we agree that class rank- ing for this purpose is undesirable as an educational practice and in- appropriate as a basis for draft de- ferment. Ranking intensifies the pressure on students to make educational decisions for reasons inimical to educational objectives. Moreover, the failure of ranking to reflect differences in courses, depart- ments, and universities makes it an ineffective method of identify- ing the students who should be deferred by any reasonable draft criteria. WE URGE the Univresity to ex- ercise leadership by itself ceasing the compilation of class rank for the use of Selective Service and by encouraging other universities to follow. Since students will have ample opportunity to gain defer- ment by taking the "College Qual- ification Tests" early in 1967, we urge that these steps be taken as soon as possible. -Kenneth Boulding -Alexander Eckstein -Daniel Fusfeld -Harold Levinson -James Morgan -William B. Palmer -Shorey Peterson -Warren L. Smith --Robert M. Stern -Daniel Suits -and 3 other members of the economics department Hesitation To the Editor (ON A BROADER perspective, I see the December 5th liberal arts faculty vote not to support the pass-fail grading advocated by a few of them as a classical example of the process of the evolution of any doctrinal canon of this democratic ideal: when the issue first arises, it is rejected be- cause of the grave dangers of mis- use that the new concept is sub- ject to; then it is raised again in a different context and, after some clearer discussion, it is adopted and a precedent is set. Professor Eckstein's argument (Daily, Thursday, Dec. 8th), for instance, strikes me as being rath- er typical of the dissenting opin- ions in the precedent-setting deci- sions of the Supreme Court, in which the dissenting judge rejects the concept because it "can be abused and used for ends 'which would undermine . . . freedom." I DO NOT MEAN to disparage Professor Eckstein's argument - far from it. It is indeed true that pass-fail grading on grounds of conscience can be abused. It is also true that many of the concepts on the basis of which American so- ciety functions could be subject to gross misuse. But I do not believe that the fear or likelihood of misuse should guide decision-making on the evo- lution of a new concept. Rather, the body endowed with effective "command" on the situation-the faculty in this instance-should assume the responsibility for de- finingthe new concept (which is an urgent necessity in this case), for subsequently clarifying and in- terpreting it, and fo evolving in- stitutionalized procedures for the imposition of appropriate sanc- tions for its misuse. GIVEN THIS perspective, there- fore, I cannot fully share Profes- sor Blood's disappointment (Daily, Thursday, Dec. 8) with the De- cember 5th faculty vote because I believe that with time and occa- sion the faculty will come to re- National Service To the Editor: BRAVO FOR Charlotte Wolter's editorial on the draft! I can only hipethat thosedwho advo- cate universal "national service" can plead temporary insanity when their idea finally receives the ridicule and contempt that it so richly merits. Three justifications have been advanced for this universal na- tional service. Each of them is ab- surd. SOME SAY (like Margret Mead) that universal service would be good for bad little boys and girls -getting them away from home would solve their social and socio- logical programs. Maybe it would, but taking everyone to help the few is one hell o fa price to pay. Neither liberals with their concern for civil liberties, nor conserva- tives with their concern for the sanctity of the individual could countenance such a plan. God help the "moderates." Some say (like Teddy Kennedy) that the present system of selec- tion is unfair. Presumably be- cause it take sthose who should not be taken. It doesn't take a PhD. to note that it is rather silly to end up by taking those who should and those who should not be taken. Universal service is just a midget-minded method of evading the selection problem THERE ARE a few who say that any conscription at all Is bad. Most of these have the in- telligence to realize that the prop- er answer to this problem is the establishment of a volunteer armed forces through the use of greater inducements. There is a limentable residium of those who oppose drafting on general prin- ciples, and who think that draft- ing everyone might be the answer. They have problems. Of course there just may be one reason that hasn't been advanced. but is uppermost in the minds of many national service advocates: votes and popularity. Teddy Ken- nedy and Robert MacNamara can read Harris and Gallup polls as well as anyone else. They could see some profit to be turned on the lives of millions of young peo- ple. (Let's have universal service for someone else.) ONE OF THE best 'fnational services" I can think of at the mo- ment would b ea speedy death to the suggestions of Mead, Kennedy, MacNamara and friends. -James A (rthur) Martin Law '69 18-Year-Old Draft To the Editor: _N RESPONSE to Col. Samuel H. Hayes' suggestion that the draft call be limitedto 18-year- olds. I would like to say I agree completely with his suggestion. If all 18-year-olds were drafted, this would give the student a break between high school and college or-high school and finding a job. The two years he would spend in the army would give him a chance to really mature and decide what he would like to do for the rest of his life. Being drafted at 18 would as- sure a student that when he start- ed his education he could concen- trate o nlearning and not just on a mark so he can get a defer- ment. He would also know that he was spending his time and money for his future and not to die in a war later on- -Robert Koepke 70 Submit or Fail To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to commend the University for the mature way in which it handled .the recent pass-fail crisis. The University is giving students a democratic choice--submit or fail. The fact that a partial pass-fail system Rocking the Boat To the Editor: AS STUDENTS in the Graduate School of Business Adminis- tration we want it to be known that there are some of us who do not "Support fully" the Adminis- tration's and President Hatcher's position on the Sit-in ban and the ranking issue. However we recognize that most of our colleagues (either because of their conservativehnature or their preparation for future roles in large corporation structures) are unable or unwilling to chal- lengtthelegitimacy of any type of existing power structure. The prevailing attitude in our school may well be stated as: "Don't 'rock the boat-it may be a black mark on your record." -Daniel Redstone, '67 --Paul Rubenfeld, '66 Chi Phi To the Editor: I WISH TO comment on the de- fense of the Chi Phi pledging system printed in your December 7th edition. I was only mildly ap- palled by the description of pledg- ing practices in that fraternity; if a bunc hof idiots wish to sub- ject themselves to systematic deg- radation and humiliation that causes one to shudder for the pbght of human dignity, that is. alas, their own business.'' What really disturbed me about this letter was the subtle bigotry (subtle? Hardly!) that pervaded Mr. Miller's panegyric. It is not enough that he urges us to believe that his fraternity's practices somehow lead to a sense of broth- erhood; this is a blatant misuse of that word. Brotherhood implies a universality of principle, a willing- ness to accept everyone as an equal. MR. MILLER offers us a brand of exclusivism that is reminiscent of the' fascist principles extolling the virtues of racial dominance and submission to irrationality. It is one thing, as I said, for a bunch of kooks to beat the hell out of each other: but when their ac- tivities lead to the eulogizing of out and out bigotry, and the pro- motion of such aryan garbage as a virtue, it is time for enlightened men to cry out in protest. For Mr. Miller'! intent is all to clear by the last paragraph of his letter when he resurrects the spectre of the Rosenberg's (surely not because they were Jews, Mr. Miller?) in the name of honor and integrity, THE EXCLUSIVIST, "we" - "they" principles extolled in Mil- ler's letter is abhorrent to the fun- damental principles of a truly open and democratic society. Such principles, while they must be tol- erated by us (otherwise we our- selves become intolerant), ought not to have the official sanction of a public institution such as the University of Michigan. In view of what has come to light in recent days, Iscall upon the Inter-Fraternity Council to launch a thorough investigation into this matter, and to suspend Chi Phi Fraternity until such in- vestigation is completed. -Joseph L. Falkson, Grad. and Teaching Fellow in Political Science IFC To the Editor: THE OFFICERS of the Univer- sity of Michigan Interfraternity ouncil last week took a trip to New Orleans for the National In-' terfraternity Council Convention. We are certainly glad that they were able to find such a pleasant means of spending the compulsory dues received from the member fraternities. THE Interfraternity Council points with pride to the growing number of fraternities on' this campus. Plans for the future in- clude the addition of five or six more. The prospect of additional mediocrity should overjoy every- one. Addition of more houses also brightens the outlook for a pleas- ant decrease in total rush for each house. When a rushee only has time to see approximately six houses in rush, why add more to the list that he cannot possibly see? The need is to consolidate existing fraternities and to in- crease their size, rather than to sacrifice quality for quantity. WE MUST ASK of what real use the IFC is to its members which would justify the excessive amounts of time and money they are forced to give to it. The only answer is NONE. The 'IFC is sup- posedly a buffer between the Uni- versity and its members, yet is IFC interference in individual house affairs less harassing than University control would be by itself? We think not. Membership in the IFC spon- sored Fraternity Buyers Associa- tion has been found to be of little real value. The only real or ap- parent advantage of belonging to IFC is inclusion in the rush book- let issued to rushees, and even this is often overrated. It would appear that to this sole justification of the existence of IFC a second essential purpose has been added: that of sending its functionaries on expensive va- cation trips. -David K. Eastlick, Jr., '69 --Edward Keeton, '68 --E. Sedley Bres, I, '67 - -John W. Lambert, '67 -Paul J. Kuzdrall, '66E Reviews To the Editor: SUCH A GOOD review for Gil- Betand Sullivan, and you didn't even tell who wrote it? How come? Are the Daily reviewers ashamed to sign their names when they can't dump all over a show the way they usually do? --Harold Huracha, Grad. Of f Key To the Editor: NS A SOLID believer in the ob- jective aspects of the student movement, I was unhappily- sur- prised at the sing-in in the Union MUG Monday night. For it justified the unlooking, unseeing view of student power- student participation, student ir- responsibility. It either took for granted administration arrogance and unapproachabilty or wanted to assert itself with absolute pride into the stead of a humiliated ad- ministration. I speak of motives and this is dangerous ground but I feel quali- fied because the symptoms were so glaring.,So freedom of speech was musused and cheapened and people either got cheap joy out of misusing it, or hearing it mis- used, orallowed it to be misused at this crucial moment. So people stood on tables and danced on tables and when a glass was broken some people cheered. This is the baggage not of strength and good purpose but of sick personal dispair, not for and of freedom, but for and of control. THE S T U D E N T movement should not allow itself to drop its manner of acute self-conscious- ness. Gauged by the configuration its spontaneous self took Monday night, if it does allow this to hap- pen, the entire movement might deteriorate into a meaningless drive for petty and meaningless things. -Leon Linderman '64 Awe of Authority To the Editor: IN LAST.NIGHT'S issue of the Ann Arbor News (Dec. 6, 1966 Prof. A, Kaufman is quoted to have said that the members of the faculty voting against the Kel- man resolution had "an awe of au- thority. They backed down against their better instincts." Without arrogating to myself the right of interpreting the mo- tivations behind the voting of my 304 colleagues I wish to state that my opposition to the resolution was not caused by any awe of authority. I also hope that my voting will always be based on ra- tional arguments and not on any instincts. I may .add however, that the aims and tactics preached and practiced by some activist mem- bers of our academic community remind me of the Brown Shirts tactics in the early years of the Nazi Germany. -Andrew S.1 Ehrenkreutz, Assoc. Prof. of Near Eastern History LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. 4 4 'I l! Thailand: The Next To Go THE STATE DEPARTMENT acknowl- edged Wednesday that United States helicopters are flying Thai troops to zones near operations. against the Communist- led guerrillas of the Thai Patriotic Front in northeast Thailand. The announce- ment deserves far more attention than it received. The U.S. began getting involved in Thailand largely because of the Viet Nam, conflict-we are planning some $200 bil- lion in military construction in Thailand, most of it to support our effort in Viet Nam. BUT OUR INVOLVEMENT in Thailand is quickly acquiring a- logic and a basis of its own. We are preparing to funnel $40 million into the country to support civic action programs and non-military aid projects, and-as Wednesday's admis- sion indicates-we are getting increasing- ly involved in the guerrilla problem, the. most serious domestic problem Field Mar- shal Thanon Kittikachorn's regime must face. And there is a possibility that our in- volvement in the guerrilla conflict may become more direct. We are about to start giving the Thai army some heli- copters and weapons; our ambassador in Bangkok, Graham Martin, has been press- ing Washington to send American pilots and troops to operate this hardware un- til the Thais can be trained to do so. S FAR Defense Secretary McNamara has frustrated Martin's efforts. "As long as this court sit," one top McNa- mara aide has insisted, "our troops will not go to Thailand." McNamara him- self, according to highly reliable sourc- es, is "not only opposed to Martin's idea -he's stone-walling it. He may have to manage the war in Viet Nam, mut he'll be damned if he'll start another one." If McNamara's efforts to block Mar- tin's request continue to be successful, the U.S. will-perhaps-channel its ef- forts in Thailand towards improving Mar- sha T ittiknhorn's regime, which has lost Paris Burns in 'Many.Ways Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS.........Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH ............. Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIN...............Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK. ........... Finance Manager JUNIOR MANAGERS-Gene Farber Erica Keeps, Bill Krauss, Sam. Often, Carol Netmnera, Diane Smaller, Michael Stecklis, Jeanne Rosinski, Steve Wechsler.- Editorial Staff *Rart .. rTT:TMAWA'.q'"Tsr31x By ALICE BLOCH Special to the Daily IS PARIS burning? An emphatic "yes" is the sure answer of any American college student let loose in Paris for his junior year abroad. Paris is burn- ing with life, excitement and gai- ety. ON A RARE day of sunshine, Paris burns with a sparkle. The newly-cleaned monuments and buildings gleam and show off their sculptures. The parks flame with trees in autumn colors and buzz with office workers picnicking on white benches and mothers push- ing bably carriages. THE MUSEUMS and exhibition kind of warmth. The Louvre is halls give off a more intellectual stuffed with schoolchildren on ex- cursions, art students, and bus- loads of tourists asking excitedly, "Which way is the Mona Lisa" or "Me? In the Louvre? Is it possi- ble?" Crowds line up in front of the Orangerie, where the Vermeer exhibit is finishing its stay, or the Grand Petit Palais, where a gigan- tic Picasso exhibit just opened. At night; Paris burns with il- luminated monuments and foun- tains, auto headlights reflected in the Seine, brightly lighted thea- ters and concert halls,aand the frenziedmactivity of "caves" and theme song of the film from the first platform of the Eiffel Tower. Paris also burns in a less friend- ly way. It smolde's with resent- ment in such forms as signs in the subway smeared with "U.S.A.- Nazis" or anti-American brochures handed out by students at class- room exits in the Sorbonne. It fumes in the form of nasty big- city salesladies and discontented concierges who take out their anger at not getting a large enough tip by refusing to distri- bute mail to the tenants of their apartment building. It sometimes seems to sizzle with prejudices against anythingthat is non-French or non-Catholic. jI