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December 09, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-09

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(See Editorial Page)


Bile igau


Cloudy, some rain or
snow likely

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


' We






By ROGER RAPOPORT combat divisions, and Boy Scout ly be speaking to him in 10 sec- able to move up from 68th to 38th all non-college students will ever 60 miles f
Special To The Daily troops surrounding the perimiter onds. "What's the General like?" on the waiting list. serve little conce
WASHINGTON - Unlike most of the room. says his secretary. "He's just as , 'It's pretty awful,' said the He adds that about "40 per cent demonstrat
important buildings here, the na- Observers think that with the plain as an old shoe." father. 'when a boy can't serve the of all college graduates actually protesting
tion's Selective Service Headquar- possible exception of FBI Direc- Leaning back in his imposing country the way he wants to.' serve." ings by Sel
ters does not look like a mauso- tor J. Edgar Hoover, Hershey runs executive chair Hershey scoffs at "But I just told him that this "TheCol
I The General also contends that
leum. Nor is it fronted by a circle the biggest one man show in the notion that he is a draft czari. way his son is getting a chance it'shnonesense to cry that you he al
driveway filled with double parked Washington. He points out that all induction to serve his country a lot sooner, ' . plnoure bcause o thay "Ire
Cadillac limousines. The 73-year-old father of the decisions are made 'by your friends says Hershey. 'cant plan your life because of the says. "I re
It's all business at the draft draft designed, promoted and now and neighbors" at your local draft Since the draft law is up for .y
command post centered in a runs the nation's conscription board. renewal next year, many people you want to." Ann Arbor
dumpy six story brick building just business. A former career soldier, "We've got 15,000 people run- have been firing off salvos at The draft director hasn't been would alwa
down F street from the Moon- Hershey began as executive officer ning our local draft boards," he Gen. Hershey's system. They con- too happy about collegiate pro- pathy fors
light Cafe. of a national Selective Service says, "and if you think all of tend the draft penalizes the poor, tests against his system. low classr
Working out of a top floor of- committee in 1936 and was named them agree with me on anything lets students hide in college and "Ive been pretty strong for the General wa
fice is the world's largest person- draft director in July 1941. you're crazy." disrupt's the lives of young people. college student," says Hershey, class of el
nel director, Lt. Gen. Lewis Blaine Hershey has played the major The general also contends '.hat But Hershey rejects such <cri- "but I think he's only hurting High Schoi
Hershey. He presides over 33 mil- role in boosting the nation's arm- he doesn't change individual draft ticism as he lifts his feet off the himself with all this rebellion. of sue
lion American men registered with ed forces from 200,000 in 1936 to decisions. fluffy lemon colored pile carpet That's not the way to get any- i arbyde
4,088 draft boards across the today's 3 million plus level. "I got a call from a friend the onto his mammoth desk. where. The best way to get change
country. Despite all this he runs an un- other night. His son was set to "We expect that 56 per cent is to work in a quiet manner, not Hersheyj
Hershey's office is furnished in pretentious office. One can call be drafted in two days. The kid of the 1.6 million college students an antagonistic one." ed-whe
contemporary American Legion-- up the draft headquarters, ask for had been trying to enlist in the we are now deferring will even- The General, who grew up on ed when h
with flags from state militias, Gen. Hershey, and more than like- Air Force for months but was only tually serve. Only 40 per cent of a farm near Angola, Ind., about j S

rom Ann Arbor shows
rn though about recent
ions at the University
the use of class rank-
lctive Service.
lege kids in Ann Arbor
ys been playful," he
member when I was a
rcuses wouldn't stop in
. The college students
ys tear the tent down."
did voice some sym-
students worried about
rankings. Although the
as "valedictorian of a
ght at Fremont, Ind.,
ol," he was "not much
nt" at Tri-State College
took two degrees from
but his average suffer-
e was often forced "to
ee HE, Page 7


Motion Asks
Class Rank
Be Abolished
0 LSA Faculty Calls
Special Meeting To
Consider Proposals
The literary college faculty in a
special meeting Monday will con-
sider a series of proposals dealing
with class ranking, a tripartite
review committee and formal con-
demnation of administrative con-
The major resolution to be con-
sidered, upon which many more
militant students are planning
their hopes, is a proposal for spe-
ficic faculty action to be taKen
against the compilation of class
Sponsored by Prof. Daniel Katz
of the , psychology dept, the
statement asks ". . that the fac-
ulty request the i'dean to take
v.hatever eppropriate steps wittin
"The Dean and Executive
Committee of the College of
L.S.&A. wish to make explicit
a fact which was implicit in
their statement on grading
policy appearing in yesterday's
Daily. At its meeting of Dec. 5,
1946, the Governing Faculty of
the College of Literature.
Science, and the Arts consider-
ed and debated a proposal of
five of its members to permit
individual teachers the option1
* of turning in Pass-Fail grades
to undergraduate men, unless
the student specifically request-

________ Alters


% lIr Atiiau Baty Policy On
NEWS WIRE Admission


A WHITE SERVICE station operator was aquited last night
in Opelika, Ala., in the slaying of a 21-year-old civil rights
worker last January. A jury of 12 white men deliberated for
one hour and ten minutes before returning the innocent verdict
on the trial of 69-year-old Marvin Segrest. Killed in the incident
at Segrest's service station in Tuskegee, Ala., last Jan. 3 was
Samuel Younge, Jr. Segrest testified yesterday that he fired
two shots when Young advanced on him. He said he fired the
shotsto bluff Younge, who he said was yelling, cursing, and
raising a fuss. The shooting occurred after Younge refused to
use what he termed a 'segregated' washroom.
LANSING-MICHIGAN Gov. George Romney said yester-
day he has written the chairman of the National Advisory Com-
mission on Selective Service, urging a congressional review of
the national draft system. In a letter to the commission chair-
man, Burke Marshall, the Republican governor proposed a joint
House-Senate study. Romney added that Thomas B. Curtis (R-
Mo) and several other House Republicans have called for a
similar study. The governor said he is "hopeful that such efforts
can help bring about a meaningful national discussion of the
Selective Service Act before it comes up for renewal six months
from now."
* * * *
PROF. ALEXANDER ECKSTEIN of the economics dept. has
been appointed to a panel of advisers on China by the Depart-
ment of State. The first meeting of this State Dept. panel will be
held on Feb. 1 in Washington.
* * * ,
DOUG MARSHALL, assistant to the director of student or-
ganizations, yesterday announced a plan to improve the intellec-
tual atmosphere of fraternities at the University by having gradu-
ate students "communicate academic enthusiasms" to fraternity
Marshall said he desired to better the intellectual climate per-
vading some of the fraternity houses on campus. He feels that it

Reinstates Advance
Rating Td Compete
With Harvard System
Harvard's preadmission classifi-
cation system has forced Yale to
reinstate a similar program. In
the latest Yale Alumni Magazine,
president Kingman Brewster Jr.
said that the Harvard policy "has
worked to our disadvantage," thus
necessitating a change in Yale
Applicants from selected schools
now receive advance rating from

Harvard. Students who are vir-
tually assured admisison often no
longer consider entering Yale or
Princeton, although they may later
be accepted by two or even all
three of the schools.
Both Yale and Princeton drop-
ped their early classification pro-
grams two years ago. Sincethe
system applied only to certain!
secondary schools, it was discon-
tinued as "unfair' and "ineffi-
cient," according to Brewster.
'Friends at Harvard'
"We wish our friends at Har-
vard had felt likewise," Brewster
wrote. Harvard refused to elimi-
nate advance rating and used the
Practice to gain an advantage over
the other schools.
According to Yale officials, the
system "grew up over the years"]
and was used principally by Har-
vard, Princeton and Yale.
Three ratings were sent out far
in advance of regular April ad-f
missions notices to. students in
certain schools. An "A" was a
near - guarantee of acceptance,I
while a "B" indicated some possi-I
bility. A "C" meant almost definite
Harvard has continued this sys-j

-Associated Press
BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY George Brown yesterday asked the United Nations to enact
economic sanctions against rebellious Rhodesia.
1114 Trying To Find Role,
Powver in Campus Politics

Britain Asks
UN Penalty
For Rhodesia
Economic Sanctiois,
Limited Oil Emibargo
Hopeful Solutions
proposed yesterday that the UN
Security Council invoke manda-
tory economic penalties and an
arms embargo against Rhodesia
to bring down the 13-month-old
white minority regime.
In a speech to the 15-nation
council, British Foreign Secretary
George Brown offered also to ac-
cept a limited oil embargo --
one that would not involve South
Africa. He made clear that as far
as Britain was concerned, Rho-
desia should, be the sole target of
council action.
Brown expressed confidence that
the council would approve the res-
Solution, but he added that failure
rto act quickly now woulid "bring
uncalculable consequences that
would not only threaten the peace
but bring measureless misery and
ruin to the whole of Southern
African Reply
In reply to some African na-
tions which have been calling, for
Britain to use force instead of
sanctions, he said:
"I know there are those - who
say this is insufficient and urge
the use of force. My aavernment
has frequently made plain their
position on this.
"I should only like to add that
we all know from experience that
it is easy to start to use force but
often very difficult to control or
stop it. In the mind of everyone
here, there are not only past ex-
amples but very pertinent present
ones to remind us of the truth of
Only Rhodesia
He stressed that Britain was
striking only at present against
Rhodesia .and not at Portugal or
South Africa, white-ruling bowers
in Africa.
"The first step is to lay down
effectivesanctions," he said. '
"If-and it is at the moment
entirely hypothetical-any country
were to decide that it could not
conform with the council's deci-
sion, this would of course create
a new situation which in due
course would no doubt be raised.
We are proposing selective sanc-
tions against Rhodesia only."
As Brown spoke the House of'
Commons in London supported the
Labor government's appeal to.the
United Nations. At a rowdy ses-
sion, the House voted 353 to 244
against conservatives and some La.
bor defectors to back the appeal.

ed a regalar letter grade, so would be to the advantage of those fra
long as the University continues members to have a graduate student who
to rank its students for pur- with his academic discipline to live and i
poses of deferment under the residents.
Selective Service Sy-tem. This
proposal was rejected by the * * *
Faculty. Therefore, the Dean THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,
and Executive Committee wish' of the Engineering Council, has approved;
to reiterate the existing policy recognition to superior graduating engine
that all students enrolled in
courses are cntitled to receive A student graduating with at least 65
letter grades without special I have been completed while enrolled in this
request ." mended for a degree with recognition on h
fies according to the followng.
his power to insure that the regis- .Point Average DIS
trar not compile separate class 3.20.....3.49. cum
ranks . . for the purposes of the 3:50 .......3.74 magn
Solective :ervice System, and that 3.75.....4.00 summ
this policy take effect for the aea - The new policy will become effective fo
demic year 'of 1967-68, beginning
in August, 1967. -------- -
Administration Censure CONCEPT
A resolution sponsored by Prof. C _ __ON__EP_TEASIBLE':
Arnold S. Kaufman of the philoso-
phy dept., takes an open slap at!
the administration, charging that
in its handling of the pres- 1. w es ern
ent situation and other problems
that have arisen since the Uni-0
versity was presented with a sub-
poena from the House Committee
on Un-American Activities in late
July, the administration has con-
ducted its affairs with less matur- By WALLACE INMEN in recent
ity, less responsibility -and less fi-j Responses from the administra- stitutiona
delity to the principles of demo- tion and faculty of the University and retri
cratic process than Student Gov- and a number of other midwestern in techno
ernment Council. . ." universities have been reported sities can
Applauds Hatcher favorable toward the connection ficient in
Appau s H tc er f 1"-,-..,.,+"+a,....:.. - -4- & AN fia

aternities and of their
was deeply concerned
nteract with fraternity
upon recommendation
a new policy of giving
ering students.
hours of credit which
S college will be recom-
his diploma if he quali-
na cum laude
na cum laude
r April, 1967 graduates.

Daily News Analysis
Inter-House Assembly, form
last February by the merger
Inter Quadrangle Council a
Women's Assembly Associati
was meant to give new unity a
efficiency to the residence ha
University housing director Jo
Feldkamp calls IHA the "m
representative organization of st
dents living in residence hall
But it is still having growing pa
as it ends it first year. Theo
ganization has yet to fulfill t
expectations and hopes of the p
ple who formed it.
At the time of the merger,a
cording to one o f f i c i a 1, X
was an ineffectual, irrelevanto
ganization lacking good represen
ation. It did not utilize the effo
of capable men available in t
dorms nor did the elected offici
fully represent the residence.
Assembly was working fai
well, but was hindered by red ta


redundancy, and repetition of its ganization to the rest of the stu-
work by IQC. dents and to bring the students'
Needed Spark ideas back to IHA.
With the two organizations Presidents Not Representative
overlapping in many areas and the In some cases, the presidents are
growth of co-ed dormitories caus- not representative of the houses.
ing confusion in representation, it When officers are elected in the
was hoped a union would give the spring, they are chosen by stu-
needed spark for improvement and dents who will likely not be in
new interest. the house the following year. When
Lobbying Group the make-up of a house undergoes
IHA as present operates for the f a complete change, it is often true

Loss of Top Students
To prevent the loss of top stu-
dents to Harvard, Yale will in-
itiate a new classification policy.
According to Yale officials, ad-
vance admisison will be assured
to any "truly outstanding" appli-
cant from any preparatory school.
Princeton and Harvard officials
have not commented on the itua-


or- r
eo- t
nt- t
I '

cools Respond Favorabl1y
ialCommnication~s System

most part as an interest group
advising the Administration. With
no clear focal point for responsi-
bility the organization is still
trying to determine the role it
should play. In question are its
ultimate goals, the extent of its
campus political involvement, and
how much the organization should
take over from the dormitory gov-
ernments themselves and the ad-
President Sherry Meyer, '69,
would like to see IHA setting polc-
iy and enforcing the rules govern-
ing the students in the dorms.
An attempt is now being made
at revision of the judiciary struc-
ture, women's hours, and staff
Among IHA's major problems
is the lack of upperclassmen in the
dorms. Since apartment permis-
sions were granted, there has been
a reorientation of IHA in the di-
rection of more thinking and pol-
icy-making than activities.
The organization has had its
problems in getting and keeping
leaders, a setback to the continutiy
of its plans.
As a new organization with a
great turnover (five new board
members were added to fill vacan-
cies at the beginning of this year)
IHA has been inefficient and slow
in getting started on many of its
-Plans for an SGC candidates
forum, initiated by a motion pass-
ed several weeks before were com-
pletely forgotten until the meeting
Nov. 7.
-The judiciary review was de-
layed by other business.
-The staff evaluation is being
'handled with extra care."

that the new residents may not
develop rapport or communication
with their council.
IHA is in an ideal position to
advise and work with the admin-
istration, but it has no actual.
legislative power and no way to
ensure its advice will be heeded.
In fact, it is repsonsible to SGC
as well as the Office of Residence
Halls in. those areas in which they
have power.
. The structure itself is thus limit-
ing. IHA can work with and sup-
port individual dormitory govern-
ments in a fashion that will make
them effective contributions to the
educational environment.
Inter-House Assemblyis still ex-
periencing growing pains. This
second year will be important in
determining the direction it will
go and how effective it will be in
the University community as it
atteimpts to define its role and its


A second proposal, however,
condones administrative action in
the recent crisis, recommending
that the literary college faculty:
-"welcome the proposals of
President Hatcher as enunciated
before the Faculty Senate at its
Nov. 29 meeting;
-"impress upon the students
our conviction that efforts to coerce
the administration didn't possibly
achieve the objectives sought by

of their institutions in a midwest#
communications network.I
The results of evaluaions of
proposals sponsored by the federal
Office of Education and the Na-
tional Association of Educational
Broadcasters have been released'
along with results of similar stud-
ies being made in Oregon and Phe
Atlantic coast states.
Athough there were many cri-
tical responses, the weight of the
data shows that administrators
and faculty members at all of the

iew Tei
created n
tion, and
been env:
to meet
The EC
initiate im
ferent ty.
The first
making te

years that increased in- teletype system would also be in- staff to handle the business of
l needs for data storage stalled which could make printed production and presentation.
eval and new advances information available from one Four Phases
ology mean that univer- school to ether schools on request. The report indicated that a
no longer be self-suf- The third program would con- radio network would be attempted
their operations. sist of fac .itating scheduled radio first to provide "experience in net-
lds of specialization have and eves tually television trans- work opei ation, looking forward
ew problems of instruc- missions. This could include -co- to the time when it may becume
the ECS network has operatwe educational programs on feasible to inaugurate television
isioned as a sharing of an FM wide-band radio network. networks." This, it was noted is
ical aids flexible enough Each of the schools would make because radio poses fewer tech-
the needs of these large program contributions to the net- nical problems and is much less
es as they grow. work, exteA-ding present schedules expensive than television.
S proposals were made to which some of the schools already With the release of the report,'
nprovements in three dif- maintain the last of four phases 'oward in-
pes of communications. The xey to the operations of the itiation of the ECS network has
program is aimed at ECS would be a campus director begun. Phase four will entail ask-
elephone communications at each institution who would ing for program production funds
schools more efficient from each of the schools interested
the us nf autom I 1 to begin a pilot operation of the

Program Offered in

Teaching fellows in co
ministration are offereds
learning experience, co
academics with practical
knowledge. The program,
in 1958 under the auspice
Center for the Study of
Education, is financed)
Carnegie and Kellogg Fo
grants and offers a
"The program has demo
that there are aspects of
istration that can be to

.EL trips and class observation the 80
Ilege ad- students in the program learn
a unique the theory, history, and philosophy
ombining of administration, as Well a. prac-
business tical aspects. This year's course
created includt.s programs for 10 students
es of the on the master's level, 60 on the
f Higher doctoral level, and 8 on the post-
by both doctral 'level.
undation Dr. Miller commented that stu-
one-year dents usually decide on the field
anstratedof administration after having
atdmin- taught or administeired.for several
aught in years; Upon graduation, most stu-




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