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December 07, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-07

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British-Rhodesian Crisis Moving into Econom

ic War


LONDON (R)--The British made
plans yesterday to wage economic
wars against defiant Rhodesia
despite the grim knowledge that
the cost could be crippling.
The nation braces for rising
turmoil in Africa, mgore bitter par-
lamentary strife at home and a
harmful effect on its already
shaky finances.
These were some of the accepted
implications of Prime Minister
Harold Wilson's vow to crush
Smith's rebel white settler regime
in Rhodesia no matter how long it
One immediate concern was that

a run on the pound sterling might
develop in stock exchanges react-
ing nervously to the Rhodesian
Cabinet's rejection of the peace
formula Wilson and Smith drew
up last weekend.
The Bank of England was re-
ported to have made $28 million
available to support the pound
against any sudden onslaught by
Warning the Rhodesians that
"certain inevitable consequences
must result from their continued
defiance of Britain, Wilson ordered
full speed ahead on moves to im-
pose a worldwide ban on trade

with the breakaway colony. {
A British draft resolution under
discussion with other Common-
wealth nations list 12 key Rhode-
sian exports which members of
the United Nations would be re-
quired to boycott. These were to-
bacco, sugar, chrome, asbestos,
iron ore, pig iron, meat, meat pro-
ducts, copper, leather, hides and
The draft resolution does not
include a: ban on export of oil to
Rhodesia. The British are expected
to come under heavy pressure on
that commodity when the resolu-
tion is reviewed by the Common-

wealth Sanctions Committee Wed-
The United States and Canada
were believed to agree with Afri-
can and Asian countries who want
oil included in the embargo.
Throughout the year-old rebel-
lionBritain has resisted such de-
mands, believing that a manda-
tory ban on oil to landlocked Rho-
desia would result in a head-on
clash with South Africa.
The South African government
has turned a blind eye to the fleet
of private road tankers that supply
Rhodesia's oil. It is against im-
posing sanctions against Rhodesia

whatever happens.
Wilson warned in the House of
Commons Monday night that Rho-
desia "must not be allowed to
develop into a confrontation,
whether economic or military, in-
volving the whole of Southern
Diplomatic sources reported that
Wilson may have reached an un-
derstanding with South Africa
Prime Minister Balthazar J. Vors-
ter's government. It could provide
for a limited oil embargo, and
South Africa in return would ]imit
its help to the Smith regime, the
sources said.

The provision settlement re-
jected by Rhodesia's white govern-
ment Monday provided for res-
toration of British constitutional
authority in Rhodesia, formation
of a broad-based government with
which independence could be ne-
gotiated and testing of the re-
action of all Rhodesians to the
In their accounts of the collapse
of negotiations, Wilson and Smith
differed on several points.
Wilson said Smith signed the
provisional agreement, but Smith
denied it. Smith claimed his gov-
ernment would have to ourrender

control of Rhodesia's armed forces,
while Wilson explained that one
British official would have sat on
a new defense and security council
of Rhodesians headed by the Brit-
ish governor of Rhodesia for a
four-month transitional period on-
Wilson said Smith had agreed
to steps to restore legal rule in
Rhodesia, even to the point of
heading a new government which
would include two Africans. Smith
said he refused a British demand
to replace five of his Cabinet min-
isters by nominees from outside

his all-white Rhodesian Front
Smith indicated his government
was prepared to accept Wilson's
constitutional proposals - which
call for eventual transfer of power
to the African majority-but re-
jected the mechanics Britain de-
manded for implementing a new
A major debate on Rhodesia was
scheduled in the House of Com-
mons for today and Thursday.
Some conservative legislators pre-
dicted it would generate more heat
in Parliament than anything since
the Suez crisis 10 years ago.

No Decision
McNamara Reveals
New ICBM Model
Production in Future
AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) -President
Johnson announced yesterday a
"reasonable accurate estimate"
that Viet Nam costs between now
and June 30 will top earlier pro-
jections by $9 billion to $10 billion.
He said he would ask Congress
for the extra money next month.
The new figures were perhaps
somewhat less than many had ex-
pected. Johnson himself had said
earlier the request for supple-
mental appropriations might run
anywhere from $5 billion to $15
Avoids Tax Talk PRESID
He declined to say whether the million:
new projection made a tax in- Secretai
crease less likely. He said he had produeti
made no decision on that.
Johnson held a news conference
in his Austin office. With him was IGS
Secretary Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara, who had a surprise an-
nouncement of his own.
The Pentagon chief said the u s
United States would build and de-
ploy the Minuteman III inter-
continental ballistic missile, the
most advanced ICBM on U.S.
drawing boards.
Claiming this decision had been
reached some time ago, McNamara WASHI
coupled his announcement with States wil
an admission that appeared the further a
Soviet Union would deploy ICBMs North Vie
faster than American intelligence ously con
experts had predicted. their base
Error yesterday.
It was the defense chief's con- "We ca
tention that Pentagon planners general sa
had allowed in advance for a pos- ers werec
sible error in intelligence estimates a row by
by decidingto build the new Min- ceptors.
uteman, by ordering new "pene-
tration aids" designed to get U.S.
missiles past defensive systems,
and by deciding-as he announced1
last month-to replace the sub-
marine-launched Polaris missiles
with the bigger, more effective By
Poseidon missiles. UNITED
McNamara said he wanted to GUNEA
emphasize that the "United States, General A
without taking any actions be- to all nati
yond those already planned, will pons tests
continue to have a substantial and unde:
superiority over the Soviet Union Althoug
in ICBMs." tioned by
Soviet Build-up was aime
He said the Soviet missile build- China an
up, according to revised estimates, tries now
would take place by mid-1968. atmosphe
ti Johnson, too, had another ma- U.S. offi
jor announcement: The Federal expect Re
Home Loan Bank Board will fur- fifth nucl
nish $500 million additional to ture.
Savings & Loan Associations and
some other mortgage lenders. The MOSCO
big home-building industry has -
been in a tailspin because of high
interest rates and a shortage of
mortgage money.
The Home Loan Bank Board
said in Washington the $500 mil-
lion would become available with-
out borrowing any new money.
Because of improved savings

flows to Savings & Loan Associa-
tions; loan repayments, and a less-
ened demand for money the
agency expects to have $500 mil-
lion more than it anticipated over
the next few months, a spokesman
This money will be made avail-
able to Savings & Loan Banks for
Looking relaxed and rested as
ne stood beside McNamara in his
wood-paneled office overlooking
the Texas Capitol, Johnson let it
be known, too, that he might re-
turn to the White House soon,
perhaps later this week or early



U OStI For Sanction Military Push To .End War
-!On Rhodesia
16 7 Minister Flies to UN, Favored By House Elects
Can Accept Limited




Oil Ban Resolution
LONDON (P)-Foreign Secretary'
George Brown flew to New York
last night seeking sterner United
Nations sanctions against Rhode-
sia's rebel government. He is em-
powered, if pressed, to accept a
limited oil ban.
Brown also carried strict in-
structions from Prime Minister
Harold Wilson's cabinet to avoid
any action that could bring Brit-
ain into a head-on trade war-or
worse-with its fourth best cus-
tomer, South Africa.
With this in mind, a soft Brit-
ish resolution has been drafted
for presentation Thursday to the
Security Council.I
Stronger Measure
Inside and outside the 25-nation

section check by 'The Associated
Press showed yesterday that sen-
timent runs strongly among newly
elected members of the House of
Representatives for greater mili-
tary efforts in Viet Nam if present
policies fail to improve the war
The newcomers-mostly Repub-
licans-also favor cuts in spending
and see no need for new civil
rights legislation now.
End War With Power
The poll of 35 first-term House
members elected Nov. 8 shows that,
Lodge: 'War

20 Republicans and 5 Democrats
favor additional use of U.S. mili-
tary might to bring the Viet Nam
war to an end if present tactics
Four freshmen oppose expansion
of the war and six take no public
While many of those questioned
said they would vote for a tax in-
crease if needed because of war
costs, all but three said they want
first to try cutting spendmng.
Enough Civil Rights
Twenty-four first-termers, in-
cluding five Democrats, said they
To Fade Out';

don't belive new civil rights 'egis-
lation is needed at this time. Five
called for further congressional
action and six declined specific
There has been much specula-
tion on the impact of the election
in which Republicans gained 47
House seats.
The influx of new members
seems likely to change the course
of legislation in the controversial
fields of "Great Society" pro-
grams, taxes and budget cutting.
No Formal Voice
While they can have no formal
voice in determining President
Johnson's course in Viet Nam, the
sharp increase in "hawks" among
House members might increase
difficulties of the President in
keeping the conflict limited in
The "Great Society" programs
apparently have lost what may be
marginal support with the sub-
stantial increase in those who say
they are determined to reduce fed-
eral spending.
On the basis of the canvass, a
civil rights bill which included an
antihousing discrimination clause
not only would face a probable
Senate filibuster but would have
extremely difficult going in the
The 32-vote margin by which'
the House voted against striking a
housing provision out of this year's
[bill seems to have been submerged
in te flood of ballots last month.

Commonwealth pressures built up SF
for stronge measures against theCupters Save Downed Fiers
white regime of Prime Ministerl
Ian Smith, which rejected a vsettle- SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)- cy declared another jet also was
ment Monday that could have Three U.S. helicopters teamed up shot down near that scene of
liond over North Viet Nam yesterday France's 1954 defeat in the Indo-

-Associated Press
DENT JOHNSON announced today from the Texas White House that he would request $9
in additional funds from the Congress to pay for fighting in Viet Nam through next June 30.
y of Defense Robert McNamara announced that the United States would increase missile
S. HasNo Plans To Attack.
rth Vietnamese Air Bases

NGTON (RP)-The United
l reluctantly put up with
ir confrontations with
tnamese jets before seri-
nsidering knocking out
s, Pentagon sources said
n live with this," one
id after American fight-
challenged four days in
Communist MIG inter-

No American planes were lost in
the encounters, while one-possi-
bly two-MIGS were shot down
within sight of Hanoi. On Sun-
day as- many as 16 MIGs were
sighted in the skies as U.S. planes
conducted bombing raids.
With this flurry of increased
enemy air activity, American Air
Force leaders in Saigon were re-
ported likely to press anew for
knocking out Hanoi's jet fields.

ord News Roundup

But there was no indication
from Pentagon officials that the
military commands standing re-
quest to strike the bases is getting
closer attention from civilian de-
cision-makers than in the past.
The decision on what is bombed
in Viet Nam ultimately rests with
President Johnson and Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara,
who consider the views of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Many officers in the Pentagon
would like to blast the bases be-
cause, from a military standpoint,
they are legitimate targets. Never-
theless, Pentagon officers are in-
clined to agree with civilian de-
cision-makers that at present the
North Vietnamese air force is
mainly a nuisance.
To date the United States has
shot down at least 26 enemy fight-
ers, possibly two more, while losing
only five in dogfights.
The overriding factor behind the
refusal to bomb Hanoi's jet strips
is the possibility China might be-
come involved in the war.

A big majority of ambassadors
at a special meeting of the Com-
monwealth Sanctions Committee
;ressed Commonwealth Secretary
Herbert Borvden for stern steps.
They argued for an oil embargo,
complete with provisions for en-
At U.N. headquarters delegates
of militant African states went
even further. Ambassador Marof
Achkar of Guinea urged that Brit-
ish bombers destroy rail and road
links between South Africa and
Rhodesia along which oil supplies
reach Smith's regime.
Plan Rejected
Qualified British authorities said
the Wilson government already
has considered but rejected such
a plan. They reported Royal Air
Force chief some time ago carried
out feasibility study of the project
and concluded it could be carried
out with a minimum loss of life.
But British political leaders did
not accept that conclusion. They
took the view that bombing raids,
mounted from an aircraft carrier
off the East African coast, would
require the prior destruction of
Rhodesia's air force and this was
politically unacceptable, inform-
ants reported.
The collapsed Wilson-Smith
peace attempts brought swift de-
velopments in Salisbury.
Smith told Rhodesians in a
radio broadcast acceptance of the
pact worked out aboard the Brit-
ish cruiser Tiger Saturday night
would have meant "the abject sur-
render" of his regime to Britain.
He accused Wilson of "ob-
duracy" and "ignorance" of Rho-
desian realities. Earlier his regime
denounced the projected deal be-
cause it would have meant setting
up "a quisling government" on
Britain's behalf.

and rescued the two crewmen of
a downed RF4C jet, plus two
medics who went to their aid.
This broke a spell in which the
UnitedStates had lost 15 fliers
since Friday.
Mass defection of 63 Viet Cong
guerrillas in the south coincided
with a suggestion of U.S. Ambas-
sador Henry Cabot Lodge that
the war "just might fade out," like
Communist uprisings in the Phi-
lippines and Malaysia, with no
formal end.
Arc of Firings
U.S. B-52 jets from Guam hit
at three Viet Cong base camps on
a 300-mile arc. A spokesman said
Vietnamese irregulars who fol-
lowed up one of three saturation
bombings-near the Cambodian
frontier in Tay Ninh Province-
seized 30,000 Communist uniforms.
Scattered ground skirmishes
flared in each of South Viet Nam's
four corps areas. A U.S. spokes-
man said, however, all were re-
ported to be of a minor nature.
Marines said they killed 14 of the,
enemy Monday in patrol actionsl
near Da Nang. Vietnamese troops
reported they killed 14 others in
three scattered engagements.
Ground to Air
The RF4C, a Phantom specially'
designed for photo reconnaissance
work, was felled by ground fire in
the area of Dien Bien Phu, near
the Laotian border 180 miles west
of Hanoi.
Peking's New Chiia News Agen-

china war. There was no confir-
mation from American authorities
in Saigon.
800 Planes Downed
The war's toll in American air-
craft passed the 800 mark. In ad-
dition to the 438 planes, four hell-
copters have been lost north of
the border. Enemy gunners in the
south are reported to have ac-
counted, for 133 planes and 227
' The successful rescue operationI
took four hours.

LYON, France (RP) - Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin of the Soviet
Union said Tuesday night "we
want a relaxation of tension, we
want an understanding with the
United States."
He told the Associated Press re-
lations would certainly improve
if the war in Viet Nam were ended.
Kosygin was interviewed at an
official reception in the Lyon City
Hall. He was asked if he believed
there is a community of interest
between the United States and the
Soviet Union.
"There is a community of in-
terest," he said. "We must seek
peace. But at this time the United

States is bombing the peaceful
population of Viet Nam?"
"And if there were no Avar in
Viet Nam?"
"If the war were ended rela-
tions would certainly improve. But
there is no sign that the United
States is ready to end the war. If
it were'ended, then we would see.
We wantj a detente. We want
peace. We want a better under-
standing with the United States."
Asked about the new govern-
ment in West Germany and the
stated intention of the new chan-
cellor, Kurt Georg Kiesinger,' to
improve relations with Moscow,
the preimer said, "It is up to Mr.
Kiesinger to take the first step."

Kosygin Says War Impedes
Better U.S.-Soviet Affairs

The Associated Press
ssembly appealed today
ons to halt nuclear wea-
both in the atmosphere
h no nations were men-
name, the resolution
d particularly at Red
d France, the only coun-
testing weapons in the
Icials said last week they
d China to conduct its
ear test in the near fu-
W-Red Chinese diplo-

mats walked out of a Kremlin
meeting today to protest Soviet
remarks critical of Mao Tse-tung,
Chinese Communist leader.
The Chinese walkout was the
third such from an official func-
tion here in the last month.
* * *
NEW YORK-The Johnson ad-
ministration is considereing a pro-
posal that money for a nuclear
merchant marine program be in-
cluded in the 1968 budget, the
Wall Street Journal said yester-
But all parties remained silent
on the extent of the budget re-
quests and on the possibility of
their being granted.



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