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December 07, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-07

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(See Editorial Page)




:43 tii

Cloudy; occasional
snow flurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Cal Regents


To Fire Striking Berkeley Faculty

Action Not
Starts Today
Move After 5-Hour
Meeting; Heyns' Bid
For Leniency Accepted
The University of California's
Regents, meeting in a five-hour
"' emergency session to deal with the
class boycott at the university's
Berkeley campus, voted last night
to fire any faculty member who
participates in a future strike
against the university.
The Regents' action effectively.
granted amnesty to those teaching
assistants who have cancelled their
classes so far this week in support
of the student boycott. The am-
nesty had been requested by Berk-
eley campus Chancellor Roger
Last night, the strike appeared
to be losing intensity after the
Academic Senate, the Student
Senate and the Daily Californian
withdrew their support from the
movement Monday.
The class boycott itself was sus-
pended temorparily yesterday at
noon, after a student rally Mon-
day night voted to follow the lead
4 of the teaching assistants on con-
Regents Statement
The Regents direct the Pres-
ident that prompt measures be
taken for the identification of
all university faculty and staff
members who participate in any
fstrike or otherwise violate their
duties to the university and
that procedings be instituted
for termination of university
employment, denial of re-em-
ployment or the imposition of
other appropriate sanctions if
such conduct continues beyond
this date.

EWh WltigRn E l









Committee Recommends
Easing Student Workloads

Late World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Draft qualification tests will be given next
spring for draft eligible men seeking deferment as college stu-
dents, Selective Service headquarters announced early today.
The tests, at more than 500 centers throughout the nation,
will be given March 11 and 31 and April 8. Applications must be
postmarked not later than Feb. 10.
Prepared and graded by the Educational Testing Service of
Princeton, N.J., they will be similar in design and purpose to a
series given last month to more than 110,000 men. Grades of
those tests will be reported by Dec. 19 to the registrants' local
draft boards, where each man can learn his own grade.
Application forms for the next test series will be available
from the local boards after Jan. 20.
( CINCINNATI-The number of freshmen enrolled in the
nation's colleges declined this fall for the first time in 15 years,
according to a national survey released yesterday.
Dr. Garland G. Parker, dean of admissions at the University
of Cincinnati, reported on the basis of a survey of 1,095 schools
in the U.S. and Puerto Rico a total of 3,558,618 full-time and
4,855,279 part-time students attending classes.
He attributed the decrease of 0.9 per cent of full-time fresh-
men to the war in Viet Nam and the lower birth rate in 1948.
THE FACULTY CMMITTEE on Student Affairs at Michi-
gan State University has completed the final edition of their re--
port on academic freedom. The report will be presented to the
Academic Council of MSU on Jan. 4.
The report offers suggestions for protecting student rights,
insuring the privacy of student records, revising the judicial proc-
ess, defining roles of the student government and providing addi-
tional freedom for the State News and other publications.
Commission of Ann Arbor held a public hearing yesterday to de-
termine if discrimination occurred in the Pacific Finance Com-
pany's refusal to hire Leon C. Jackson.
At the hearing the committee found the company guilty, and
resolved that they reexamine their employment practices in all
branch offices; that the company take effective measures to be-
come an equal opportunities employer, and report back to the
committee on actions taken. The committee also called for Jack-
son to be hired by the firm.
* * * *
PROF. GEORGE GRASSMUCK, acting director for Near
Eastern and North African Studies, will discuss activities abroad
in which the University participates at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 13, at 401
East Liberty Street. The meeting is open'to the public without
Grassmuck and Ann Arbor Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher found-
ed a community chapter of People-to-People here and organized
sister-city affiliation between Ann Arbor and Tuebingen, Ger-
many which Grassmuck and his family visited in August.
* * * *
resolution last night supporting "imediate and meaningful
discussion" on the issue of greater student participation in Uni-
versity affairs which directly affect students.
The resolution further urged that a faculty-,student-admin-
istration committee be established to serve as a forum for dis-
cussion, and that students use "orderly channels," such as Stu-
dent Government Council and Graduate Student Council and the
recently established commissions for discussion.
NEW YORK-The Communist Party of the U.S. has estab-
lished what it calls a "foothold" at the City University of New
York, publicity director Arnold Johnson said recently.
Johnson told 1,000 persons at a communist rally that "you
have now at City College an authorized official organization-the
Communist Party Forum- which is intiated by the Communist
Party Club."
AN ITEM IN THIS COLUMN yesterday incorrectly reported
that teaching fellows in the political science department had voted
two to one against compiling grades and that the majority of
students in their classes had asked to have their grades withheld.
In fact, the department's teaching fellows never voted on grade
compilation. Only the majority of students in one class voted to
have their grades withheld, and then only if the University as a
whole stopped compiling grades.










No Credit Given Pass


tinuing the strike. Teaching
assistants were still meeting early
this morning, without issuing any
decision on whether to continue
the boycott.
The regents' resoluition is seen!
at Berkeley as freeing the univer-
sity's faculty from punishment for
their endrosement of the boycott
-thus far.
Fifteen regents voted for the
resolution to fire faculty members, a
one voted against the measure and!
two abstained.
The vote sided with Chancellor
Roger W. Heyns, who vigorously
opposed any punishment retroac-
tive to Nov. 30, when a Navy re-
cruiting table at the Student Un-
ion sparked a sit-in, a fight and
arrests-resulting in the call for a
classroom boycott.
Regents Chairman Theodore R
Meyer argued that clear notice
must be given about discipline re-
garding strikes, and that this pre-
viously had not been spelled out.
Regent Edwin Pauley urged pen-
alties for strike support since the!
crisis began. He was backed by:
Regent John I. Canaday, who said
the regents 'had sown the seeds
of compromise and vacillation arid
were now reaping a harvest ofi
Heyns went into the meeting
with overwhelming support voted
by the Academic Senate Monday
The Academic Senate voted
Monday to support Chancellor
Roger Heyns' action, stating:
O "In view of the complexity~
of recent events, we urge the1
chancellor not to institute uni-
versity disciplinary proceedings
against students' or students or-
0 "We call for creation of a
faculty-student commission to
consider new modes of governance
and self-regulation and that the.
concerns and grievances expressed
by so many of our students should
not be given serious consideration
in formation and deliberation of
the commission.
! "The strike should end im-
0 "We join the chancellor in
saying that the use of external
police force, except in extreme
emergency and of mass coercion,
is inappropriate to the function of
a university."
Heyns has said he approved of
the call for police last Wednesday,
although use of such force "runs
nmnt+m. +n anaadpmit i + oa ns"1

Has Effect
Of 'F On
Consequences Should
Be Known by Student;
No New 'U' Policy
A grade of "pass," submitted
instead of formal letter grades by
professors adhering to a pledge not
to compile grades which are sub-
sequently used for class ranking,
will be treated as No Report by
the Registrar's Office and have
the effect 'of an E on astudent s
academic standing.
In a statement issued yesterday
by the administrative officers and
executive committee of the lit-
erary college, it was made clear
that courses carrying an N.R.
mark "carry no degree credit,
-cannot be used to meet distribu-
tion or concentration require-
Sments, and cannot serve as pre-
requisite's for subsequent courses."
It was also noted in the state-
ment that "the loss of degree
credit through N.R. coursesmay
interfere with the normal progress
toward a degree required for d.e-
ferment by the Selective Service'
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college said last month that
there is nothing substantively new
in this statement of grading
policy, but that it is a reiteration
of the Faculty Code published in,
the College Announcement.
"We feel however that students
who choose to have "pass'' grades
submitted by their professors in-
stead of formal letter grades
should be aware of the conse-
quences," said Haber in releasing
the statement.
A proposal made at the literary
college faculty meeting Monday,
which would have given permis-
sion to those members of the fac-
ulty wishing to submit "pass"~ in-
stead of a letter grade in protest
to ranking was defeated by a vote
of 305-115.
The statement on grading issued
yesterday concludes that, by virtue
of the faculty vote, the grading
policy in the college continues un-
changed and "students are en-
titled to receive letter grades
without special request.''
Prof. William Gamson of the
sociology dept., the initiator of the
pledge, said that a meeting of
signers will be held, perhaps to-
night, to consider whether they
' should continue to adhere to it.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
The Speech Department will present two student-authored plays-"And Many Many More" by Rich-
ard Keller Simon, '67, and "George Anderson's Funeral" by Steven Coffman, Grad-at 4 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Arena Theatre of the Frieze Bldg. Pictured above is a scene from Simon's play, which is
directed by Kenneth Chomont, Grad. The players are (left to right) Elizabeth Rankin, Grad; Su-
sanne Zoumbaris, '68, and Mary Bullard, '67.
Civil Rights May Affect
Accelerator Site Choice

LSA Faculty Group
Asks Work Reductioi
For Shorter Terms
A literary college faculty com-
mittee studying the trimester sys-
tem has recommended that, while
he present academic calendar
should be retained, professors
should reduce the amount of work
required of students.
The report of the Calendar
Committee, htaded by Prof.
George Hay, chairman of the math
department, also' found students
and faculty agreed that students
get "significantly less out of tak-
ing a course" now than under the
old semester calendar. Yet all
groups seemed to favor the tri-
mester system.
The committee called the adop-
tion of its recommendations "an
urgent matter . . . essential to the
health of our academic program."
It urged that:
-"The practice of giving early
final examinations (given before
the regular exam period) be elimi-
-"The study period be increased
from its present four days (in-
cluding Sunday) to five days, and
"The mid-term break in the
winter be extended to one full
The last two recommendations
envision cutting the vacation per-
iod between the summer and fall
The committee was created by
the college's executive committee
at the request of the faculty ear-
lier this year to review "the rela-
tive merits of the present and al-
ternative academic calendars." The
committee' sent its report to the
executive committee last week.
The executive committee will
probably refer the report to the
faculty early next year. Any ma-
jor calendar changes the faculty
votes will have to be approved by
the Regents.
At the committee's request the
Survey Research Center conducted
a survey of the University's grad-
uate students and literary college
faculty and undergraduates.
The survey included a section
on preferences between the pres-
ent calendar and seven other ar-
rangements. There was no clear
indication of preference, but the
present system of three trimes-
ters gained the most support,
ahead of a suggested year of two
full semesters and a quarter.
However, the preference re-
sponses (from most preferred to
worst) led to some confusing re-
sults, as the present calendar was
"strongly preferred" yet also "sec-
and only to the quarter system in
The committee suggested that
the faculty give further study to
alternative calendars, after the
effect of implementation of its
recommendations can be meas-
The committee's recommenda-
tions were based on several com-
plaints revealed in the survey,
most notably that of lack of time
to cover an unreduced amount of
The committee ' concluded' that'
"a substantial part of the staff
has made little or no attempt to
reduce the amount of work re-
quired of their students" since the
change to a shorter term.
"Whether this action is through
inertia or a desire to' 'maintain
standards,' it does imply a rais-
ing of standards, for it requires
a higher level of performance for
students who under the semester

system were presumeably being
tested to capacity," the report

Civil rights seems likely to be
an important factor in the chances
of a site near Ann Arbor being
selected for the Atomic Energy
Commission's $375 million atomic
particle accelerator.
"If Ann Arbor will not guar-
antee that it will live up to fed-

eral civil rights requirements,"
said Albert Wheeler, state direc-
tor of the NAACP yesterday, "it is
unworthy of receiving the large.
sums of federal money which the
accelerator would bring to the
"This is the first time civil
rights has played a role in de-

Senator Kennedy Says
Draft Is Inequitable

termining appropriations for the
f e d e r a I government," Wheeler
claimed. He has asked the AEC to
gain assurrances of the commun-
ity it selects that it will assure
equal rights in housing, job oppor-
9unities, and community services.
Guy Larcom, city administrator,
said yesterday in answer to these
charges that "this community has
done as much or more than any
of the other cities under consid-
"We don't feel we are perfect,"
Larcom continued, "but if you
compare records, Ann Arbor, has
done more to comply with the civil
rights statutes than any of the
other five cities."
Announcement of the AEC's
final decision is expected before
the end of this month, and the
civil rights records of all six cities
under consideration were reviewed
recently by Clarence Mitchell,
NAACP representative in Wash-
ington. He said his organization
is recommending either the site
near Denver, Colorado or the site
in northern California as they
were the only ones to receive
favorable reports from local chap-

The following is
concerning grading
literary college, issi
by the Dean an
Committee of the c
In view of the
concern and discus
ing grading policie
lege, the Dean ar
Committee have p
factual statement
formation and guid
teachers and stude
Under grading p
lished by the Goc
ulty of the ColIe
ature, Science, and
forth in its Facul
published in the
nouncement, each'
.,-y..te .r cyh

Grading Policy
a statement special permission has been
policy in the granted by the Administrative
ued yesterday Board for an extension of time.
id Executive At its meeting of December
college: 5, 1966, the Governing Faculty
widespread of the College of Literature,
ssion regard- Science, and the Arts consider-
s in the Col- ed and debated a proposal of
nd Executive five of its members to permit
prepared this individual teachers the option
for the in- of turning in Pass-Fail grades
lance of both to undergraduate men so long
ents. as the University continues to
olicies estab- rank its male students for pur-
verning Fac- poses of deferment under the
ge of Liter- Selective Service system. This
the Arts, set proposal was rejected by a vote
ty Code and of 305 to 1156 with 35 absten-
College An- tions. By virtue of this action
teacher is re- of the Faculty, the present sys-
., _m - f - tan o on dnm i a alp.rp ,

official transcript for the course
in question.
Although "NR" marks are
disregarded in the computation
of class ranks, students should
note that the loss of degree
credit may interfere with the
normal progress toward a de-
gree required for deferment by
the Selective Service System.
Courses carrying an "NR"
mark do have serious effects on
a student's overall academic
standing: no degree credit is
given for the course elected and
the course cannot be used to
meet distribution or concentra-
tion requirements nor can it
serve as a prerequisite for a
subsequent course. In short, an
"NR" hasthe effet of an "E"

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy last night described the
present draft laws as a mass of
inequities and predicted that Con-
gress will act next year to revise
these laws.
"This is one of the most impor-
tant and significant issues Con-
gres will address itself to in the
next few months," Kennedy told
a news conference at the Univer-
sity of Chicago, where he will at-
tend the closing sessions of a four-
.day national draft conference to-
The Massachusetts Democrat ap-
peared shortly after the confer-
ence delegates concluded a busy
all-day session in which they
heard anthropologist Margaret
Mead call for a compulsory univer-
sal service program for all-in-
cluding women.
"Universal national service,"
she told the conference, "in addi-
tion to solving the problem of
fairness for those who are asked
to serve in the military in contrast
to those who are not, is above all
a new institution for creating re-
sponsible citizens alert to the

Women should be included in
any national service program, she
said, because:V
" They form half the age group
i The identification and cor-
rection of physical handicaps
among the nation's youth-a ben-
efit of the proposed national serv-
ice program-are as significant
for women as men.
* The latent talent and skills of
women would be fully discovered
and utilized.

Van Cliburn To Perform
In May Festival Concert

Pianist Van Cliburn, cellist
Mstislav Rostropovich and sopra-
-nos Galina Vishnevskaya and Ver-
onica Tyler are among the artists
scheduled to join the Philadelphia
Orchestra in next spring's 74th
Ann Arbor May Festival.
The five-concert festival has

University Choral Union on April
23 in two contrasting works--
Vivaldi's "Magnificat" and Ross
Lee Finey's "The Martyr's Elegy."
Miss Tyler, second award winner
in this year's Tchaikowsky Com-
petition in Moscow, and American
mezz-soprano Mildred Miller will
inos olo narts in the "Magni-

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