Seventy-Sixth Year EnrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ..4 .:.~h r -.".:::.ft ".:.:':: . S:. u .i3.... . . .. .. .a': . c. *.... ... .,.. .. ," A .\N :£ POWER POETR Participation To Please All:* esqibudy >< PETRYby MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH .,."";.:y ..; . ". .: 1 .°:aa..... .w... v . K.x}:a ".4.w:.,. ....., ,1. .. }*.*n Sw : ' -. . . I H A D I S T A I N d.L. " .,, :"ft. {, ...ML : ,.. {}{f~l. r~N Y A.' h. X."h } .. . . a...11 f " ^ .{ ...... 4' e Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. ruth Wil Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This nust be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER i Rhodesia Slips Closer To Racial Warfare THE RHODESIAN CABINET'S rejection yesterday of the tentative agreement reached by British Prime Minister and Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to end the crisis between the two nations is a shattering blow to the Commonwealth and to the British economy. The rejected agreement was a reason- able one with elements of compromise to satisfy both sidesi in the dispute. Since Rhodesia's unilateral (declaration of in- dependence from Britain last year because of British demands for black African equality in the colony, frequent efforts had been made to resolve the conflict without a complete economic break be- tween the two countries, which are to a large extent economically dependent upon each other. UNDER THE TERMS of the compromise reached by Wilson and Smith during their dramatic meeting aboard a cruiser last weekend, constitutional power in Rhodesia would revert from the Smith re- gime to, the British governor, Sir Hum- phrey Gibbs, who would then become re- sponsible for the development of a tran- sitional government. Smith would have remained as prime minister and would have made room for some moderate white Rhodesians in the government, as well as some Africans. Under the plan, the new, government would have negotiated a constitution which would lead to statehood for Rho- desia with guarantees of advancement to- ward majority rule and racial equality for Africans. The Africans would immediate- ly gain more seats in Parliament. As an inducement to accept these pro- posals, Britain would have reopened all trade and financial connections with Rho- desia and would have moved to end the voluntary United Nations sanctions on Rhodesia which are now in effect. YET THERE WERE some sticking points in the compromise, such as Britain's demand for a military presence in Rho- desia to guard against another rebellion. The\main reason for the Rhodesian cab- inet's rejection of the proposals is that the agreement would' have undermined the basis of the white supremacist society which has enriched the 225,000 whites at the expense of the four million blacks. Similar in formation to the South Afri- can social system, Rhodesia's highly pros- perous economy derives a significant pro- portion of its strength from the exploita- tion of the African majority. Any threat to the stability of this system would be naturally viewed as a dangerous portent for the future of Rhodesia's white minor- ity. Thus, Rhodesia's rejection of the terms is not entirely unexpected. Unfortunately, the heat will now be on, since the British Commonwealth nations are now likely to request mandatory UN sanctions against the rebellious colony. THE SAD TRUTH is that the only way to bring Rhodesia in line with the prev- alent political philosophy of our times- self-determination for the majority in any nation-is the use of economic, and perhaps military force. The consequences for the economies of both nations will be serious. Britain's economy is already in desper- ate straits, and will only be further weak- ened by a cutoff in trade with South Africa, an expected consequence of sanc- tions against Rhodesia. The implications for Rhodesia's rela- tions with the rest of independent Africa are also serious. During the past year, African nations have been unable to unite on various proposals to topple the white- supremacist Rhodesian regime by force. Now, in the wake of the failure to achieve a compromise settlement, irre- sistible pressures may well build up in na- tions such as Ghana, Zambia, Guinea, Ni- geria and others for creation of a black' expeditionary force to liberate the sub- jugated black majority in Rhodesia. The consequences of such a move could well be a gruesome racial war which would eventually involve some of the world's major powers. PRESIDENT KENNETH KAUNDA of Zambia had already condemned Brit- ain for its compromise proposals. Britain had promised to seek mandatory sanc- tions against Rhodesia by November 30th if Smith had not capitulated.. The right-wing members of the Rho- desian cabinet have now demonstrated their willingness to risk UN sanctions and a racial war. Hopefully, the war can be averted if the British Commonwealth is firm in its application of all the economic force it can muster against Rhodesia. AT THE SAME TIME, the United Nations has a crucial role to play through the approval of mandatory, worldwide sanc- tions against trade with Rhodesia. The importance of resolving the Rhodesian crisis and granting majority rule for the black Africans there is paramount, if a new, Viet Nam-type of conflict in the heart of Africa is to be avoided. -CLARENCE FANTO Managing Editor THE ADMINISTRATION Bldg. "talks-ins of Friday and yes- terday were both pleasing and touching, and ultimately encour- aging. It is pleasing to note that neith- er occasion produced the coercive sit-in which administrators and some students had glumly prophe- sied. It is saddening to note that on both occasions, the student pres- ent-who acted with considerable decorum and responsibility and who, by and large, were sincerely interested in discussing serious University issues-felt (and it is true that for too long their opin- ions on issues have been ignored and that they are not individuals, but 1/34,000th of the student body. TO SAY that the students were sincere-and anguished-is some- what obvious and a little con- descending. But it must be said- particularly in view of the belief of some Regents that events here are part of a national "pattern" (i.e. conspiracy). If the "conspirators" in the Ad- ministration Bldg. Friday and yes- terday had, indeed, followed the conspiratorial pattern, they would have immediately ensonced them- selves in administrators' offices. They didn't of course. Instead, they proved their ser- Le tters: To the Editor: AS A TEACHING fellow and a graduate student, my hopes and plans for the future have done a lot of fluctuating lately. Until recently I was amazed at how stu- dents would cling to the safe role, the passive and dependent role. I was disappointed that they would look to others (ie, teachers) for decisions about what is reason- able and unreasonable and avoid learning how to make such deci- sions themselves. And thus I became discouraged with the prospects this antiquated system called college held out for the maturation of eigtheen-year- Iolds and for my own self-fulfill- ment as a teacher. I am not really given much of a boost by looking into those widened eyes so depen- dent on me for Truth and Author- ity, so respectful and credulous. These students have spent the better parts of their lives in care- ful intellectual obedience, selling and reselling their minds, pro- ducingthoughthtohorder in return for grades much as sports heroes produce razor blade testimonials in return for monetary favors. I did not want to be an accessory to this. BUT THEN came the draft ref- erendum, and my hopes were raised. At last some students began to realize that they had no con- trol, that they had always felt free to act irresponsibly because their actions counted for naught. There came talk of (good grief!) democratizing the University. In my class the realization by students that they might soon be- come citizens jarred into action parts of their minds that had theretofore lain dormant. Out of their own self-interest -these stu- dents were thinking-producing and testing ideas-learning be- cause for once it was intrinsically important to learn. NOW, HOWEVER, I am uncer- tain. The administration remains unmoved in the face of this effort, dismissng it as irresponsibility. The faculty is hesitant. And then there are the students who are wary of responsiility and willing to return to the safety of their passivity and dependency. These students are the ones who at the outset opposed the SGC split from OSA, who later opposed the first sit-in, and who now ask that their fellow students rest content with an advisory commit- tee that holds no more promise of influencing student decisions than did any of the other advisory com- mittees. These students are the ones who thoughtlessly counsel "responsibility." These are the ones who gibly say, "The purpose of a university is education." It makes my stomach turn the way they cheapen that word. I thought I was interested in edu- cation. Education, not memoriza- tion. Education, not training. I get my rewards from the ways my students change, not from the dif- ferent ways they express homage to my ideas, not from the ways they lean on me as an authority in my field. I HAVE FORTY-FIVE years of productive life ahead of me. My question is whether it is even pos- sible for me to turn those years over to the real task of educating. The outcomes of recent events should help me answer that ques- tion. -James Ledvinka Teaching Fellow in Pshychology ious purpose by (a) getting rather obviously cold feet about the idea of a sit-in and (b) discussing a wide range of University issues. It was touching to see a physical representation of the justifiable anguish some students feel at be- ing mere numbers-at being ig- nored, at being insignificant - then it was encouraging to see a sign that things could change. FOR, WHEN the "talk-in" Fri- day decided to send a delegation to talk with Dean William Haber of the literary school, he was al- ready at the teach-in, standing quietly to one side of th3 room, volunteering to talk with the stul dents present. Haber doesn't suffer from the acute emotional and intellectual arteriosclerosis which infects so many of his administrative col- leagues. He has enough common sense and public relations skill (other rare qualities in the ad- ministration) to perceive sincere concern and then to match it with his own. And he loves to talk about the labor negotiator who, before going to management's bargaining table, would pray, "Oh Lord, make me conciliatory but inflexible." A la- bor economist and labor arbitrator himself, Baber shows a rare de- gree of understanding and flexi- bility, at.d it came to good use Friday afternoon. HE COULDN'T answer some of the stiideits' questions to their sat- isfaction the was appalled by the administration's compliance with the August House Un-American Activities Committee subpoena, but could scarcely undercut his administrative colleagues in pub- lic by saying so publicly). But he was there to talk with the students, and most of them were fairly impressed. How many other administrators would want to do that? How many would bother? How many could do it as well? While Friday's gathering was un- conventional, the University needs more unconventional things of this nature The University should nev- er be so vast that students can't talk informally with the dean of their college. The University ad- n:inistiation could use a few more Habers and a lot less inhibition. * * * THE UNIVERSITY could use something else: the Sesquibuddy system. Among such unconventional (and rather mundane) Sesquicen- tennial activities as a TG with bands on all floors of the UGLI and a "Mad Hatcher" tea party, the Sesquibuddy system is anoth- er unconventional idea which may be somewhat less trivial. Br~cfly, the Sesquibuddy system would humanize the multiversity students and faculty often find themselves surrounded by. It would end some of the grinding anonym- ity of a huge institution, make it far more personal, acquaint stu- dents, Iaculty and administrators with each others' problems on a continuing and highly personal basis. AND IT IS almost ridiculously sinpie. There are approximately 35,000 total students enrolled at the University; there are approxi- mate y 3500 faculty, administra- tors and Regents. Dividing into 35,000 gives a ra- tio of about 10 students per aca- demic employe. Hence a computer could randomly-assign 10 students to a faculty member, administra- tor or Regent-to form an 11-man Sesquicell. What would this little group of 11 do? Whatever it wanted. It would get together at least once to introduce all its members to each other; it would then decide what to do from then on. In general, such groups could discuss common , problems. How many students know what it's like to oe (for exanple) a counseling secretary in the zoology depart- ment? How many counseling sec- retaries know what it's like to be a studcnt? How many budget of- ficers ever met a graduate student in Russian (and vice-versa)? THE MOST intriguing effect of the Sesquibuddy system, however, is its snowball potential: Students, faculty or administrators with friends in another Sesquicell which is having stimulating dis- cussions could get together with that second group. The combina- tions and permutations are, of course, endless. Hence theSesquibuddy system is an oddball but highly function- al way of personalizing the im- personal, making the abstract quite concrete and introducing people to other people. The cost involved is minimal; the gains are incalculable. All it requires is the coopera- tion of Student Government Coun- cil, the Office of Registration and Records, the Personnel Office, and the Offices of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. They should start meetings now to work out Sesquibuddy assignments by next semester. HOW ABOUT IT, gentlemen? 4, Education and' Student Power always been given the freedom to express their personal convictions. However, a basic ingredient of less of our personal objections to the point of view expressed, would make this University something less than the great institution it is. From the "Michigan Alumnus Sesquicentenual Issue -John Nemo.'70 (engin) We .Apathetics' To the Editor: . DOUBT THAT this letter will be published, considering how the Daily has handled the present situation thus far, but for my own satisfaction and as a voice for the thousands of others who feel this way I must try. WE "APATHETIC" students who don't attend these teach-in and sit-ins, who don't spend all day standing on the diag shoving repetitious yet puzzling petitions at the mobs who go by, are-be- lieve it or not-thinking constantly about the developments of the past two weeks. Thinking and wondering. Won- dering who instigated this plan of action, who is the driving force behind it and what the real pur- pose is; wondering if there's any significance in the fact that the Daily has run front page articles day after day concerning the sit- ins at Berkeley; wondering if the people participating know what's really going on or are just aroused by the excitement and sense of "demanding their rights." WONDERING exactly what hap- pened to warrant the present course of action and wondering why others aren't wondering; wondering if U. of M. students want to have a "Berkeley" repu- tation; wondering if two or three thousand are going to give this reputation to thirty thousand; wondering what the hell is going on.... -Linda Loving, '70 Science Students To the Editor: AS IN ALL student movements which have affected the Uni- versity, the present "student pow- er" movement has met with al- most universal disinterest among students of science and engineer- ing. I'm a student of science my- self, and in general I share the apathy characteristically hdisplay- ed by my future colleagues. After all, we're not going to be writers or politicians or historians. What does all this stuff have to do with us? In general, not much; but this time I think things are a little different. In fact, I'd say that science and engineering students have a special interest in the present student power struggle which affects them more than any other group in the University. SINCE WORLD WAR II our country has seen a vast increase in federal spending for scientific research, both basic and applied. In many ways this research mon- ey has been very beneficial to sci- ence at the University and to the University as a whole. Outside money not tied to Uni- versity departments has given many science professors the fi- nancial independence they need to avoid petty departmental; dis- rutes centered around the alloca- tion, of funds. It has also freed University funds formerly ear- marked for science departments so that they can be used by non- science departments. But all this nice money hasn t been without its bad effect. Sci- entists who formerly built their. reputations by personal contacts among their University colleagues and by their teaching abilities on the camnus must now pay homage to the great paper giant in Wash- ington. AND WHAT DOES this giant re- quire to feed its insatiable maw? More paper. A fat list of publi- cations. Any science professor who's on to the system knows that the road to success is paved with publications and not well- taught students. The publishing industry and the ever-proliferating administration' are well-served by these new loy- alties, bat the student is left in the lurch. He is lectured to and discussed at but not taught. He never sees the professor outside the classroom, and sometimes he needs opera glasses to see the pro.. fessor in t"e classroom. IN GENERAL I don't advocate the somewhat unsavory means of protest which are being usedI il the present movement, but what else ; can we do when all other avenues of communication are e- ther c c .ed or bogged down by infinities of red tape? The administration is usurping the teaching function of the Uni- versity from the faculty and ketso- ing the faculty happy with lots o~f research money. Nobody objects to this power exchange because nc- body loses. Nobody except the sru- dents; science and engineering students in particular. Student power, ridiculous as the whole idea may sound, seems to be one of the few means by which this dangerous trend can be artic- 'ulated and arrested. -Bill Moore, '67 lass of '12 To the Editor: Honorable Harlan Hatcher President University of Michigan Administration Building Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Dr. Hatcher: 1 HAVE NOT written you since n the Michigan students "sit-in" in the Ann Arbor draft board, which brought bad publicity, nbt only to themselves, but to the University. Last week when I saw an Asso- ciated Press dispatch stating that some 3000 students had served no- tice on the University of Michi- gan that it must lift its ban on "sit-ins" at administration offices or possibly face mass defiance of the order, I could not believe such a thing could happen, but it did happen according to a recent AP dispatch, and it has also happen- ed at Berkeley. AS 'A 1912 law graduate, very proud of my university, I deplore the situation. My views are more fully expressed in my letter today to the Hon. Max Rafferty, super- intendent of public instruction of California. To summarize more briefly to you, I think that strong disciplin- ary action should be taken with all of those who violate the order against sit-ins in the administra- tive offices of the University and that they should be expelled. I am sure that Michigan, like Cali- fornia, has a big waiting list of dedicated and earnest students who would gladly fill their places. We cannot turn over to mass student movements the control of university affairs. The Michigan constitution set up the Board of Regents as a separate and inde- pendent body, and all state uni- versities, including California, have emulated Michigan in this re- gard. THE BOARD of Regents and the administrative officers of the Uni- versity are the ones who are re- sponsible for policy, and you must take a firm stand in this regard. Wishing you continued success, I am Scincerely yours, -Rollin L. McNitt, '12 Splinters To the Editor: RE THE YOUNG Democratic Club's letter to the Daily Dec. 4: Their opposition to "splinter group activity" as running counter to the principle of "let the stu- dents decide" confuses the form of democracy (majority vote) with its content. This form begins to have meaningful content only when we have discussions based on knowledge and understanding, born of testing ideas in practice. But we have little practice in making ourselves a force the ad- ministration must reckon with. Thus the only way we can gain the understanding necessary to make democratic decisions is by making hypotheses and testing them now in action. By insisting on majority rule in the absence of practice we are insured of an uninformed electorate which falls pray to railroading and demagogy. In order for the movement to remain viable different forms of action must be taken by those who advocate them, and they must be continually re-evaluated by the movement as a whole. AT THURSDAY'S mass meeting wen talkedrfr ive hours11 about1th 1) Our fears of confrontation are exaggerated. 2) Sit-ins need not be purely disruptive. 3) The discussion, itself, being about how to achieve power rather than about structure of student government, dispelled the hope- lessness, apathy, and unreality of Thursday's meeting. 4)h Perhaps most importantly, the exchange with< Dean Haber taught us that administrators are not free to act as individuals apart frm the administration. IT IS ON the personal level that all previous attempts at persuasion through advisory committees and student consultation have taken place, and hence have failed. While we may have feelings for Dean Haber as an individual, as students we owe our fellow stu- dents a greater obligation. In our fight for student power we must have no more concern for the problems of the individuals who administrate than escapees from a concentration camp have for the problems that their guards will have in explaining the escape to their superiors. -Karen Sacks, Grad. -William M. Sacks, Research Associate -Daniel Moerman, Grad. Freedom? To the Editor: FREEDOM is a situation where everyone may have and express his own opinions without fear of consequences. But freedom is de- stroyed when a person with some authority forces his minority views on the majority. When Sander Kelman, earlier this year, asked his students in one Econ 201 class whether or not they would like to receive grades, a large majority voted in favor of having grades. Still, oblivious to the fact that their hasty and ludicrous decision can only have harmful effects on their" students, .Kelman, Zweg and several other instructors have de- cided to refuse to issue gradesto their students this semester. A STUDENT comes to the Uni- versity expecting to receive a let- letr - grade evaluation of his achievement in each course. That Zweig and about 40 other instruc- tos are depriving their students of this righthis much more Im- moral than the war, the draft, or the class-ranking that they so dili- gently and loudly protest. The University should not tol- erate such blatant abuse of its rules. Allowing such instructors to remain at the University can only have detrimental effects on the reputation of this fine university. Zweig and others who refuse to issue grades to their students, par- ticularly when they are requested by the "ONES WHO ARE MOST AFFECTED BY THEIR DECI- CION" (to quote a familiar phrase), should be released from the University payroll until such time as they decide to conduct their protest in a mature. Intelli- gent and moral manner. -David P. Troup,'69 Dishonesty To the Editor: WHAT Neil Hollenshead tried to put over on the students at the November 22 SGC meeting was thoroughly despicable. Wheth- er or not he was pleased with ,the results of the meeting at Hill Auditorium, he hadn't the moral right to try to advert the stu- dents' decision by making the mo- 4 * * Thank You Mr. Secretary WASHINGTON-About two weeks ago South Viet Nam's Premier Ky an- nounced that he is withdrawing his en- tire 275,000 man regular army from com- bat duty to take up rural pacification tasks in 1967. The combat job will be left to the American forces. Several days later published reports indicateed that the U.S. will be adding another 100,000 men to our Viet Nam force next year to bring total troop com- mitment to about 475,000. In view of the fact that President John- son said back in September of 1964 that "We are not about to send American boys half way around the world to do a job Asian boys should be doing for them- selves," this represents a sharp shift in foreign policy. j AM HAPPY to report that I had a chance to ask our Secretary of State Dean Rusk about this matter at a press conference held for newsmen and editors in Washington last week; "Mr. Secretary," I asked, "I'm from the University of Michigan where as you know there has been a good deal of con- cern at the war in Viet Nam - particular- ly about a scheduled 100,000 increase in Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS........Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH.............. Advertising Manager American troop commitment there next year. How do you reconcile this troop in- crease with the fact that South Viet Nam is withdrawing its entire 275,000 man regular army from combat duty for pac- ification duties." A LMOST INSTANTLY the Secretary re- sponded "Yes, I'm sure there are a lot of University of Michigan students in Viet Nam asking the same question." -ROGER RAPOPORT A Logical Contradiction IT WAS CLEAR at Thursday's teach-in that a majority of the students were opposed to a sit-in Friday. The sit-in was held anyway because, according to the leaders of the sit-in, it was a matter of individual choice upon which the will of the majority was not binding. One of the specific goals of the stu- dent movement on this campus has been to make the ranking referendum binding. In spite of the fact that some 5000-odd students voted that the University con- tinue to send ranks to Selective Service boards, the people who staged the sit-in maintain that the will of the majority of the students as reflected in the ref- erendum should be binding on the minor- ity. According to them, ranking is not a r 4~ 190~$ 1 I I