TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE T U S A , D C ME, ,9 6T l E M C I A A L A E T I T a "a\/IL A llill.l: hi i nwur orrrArr nl rur V Rhodesia Breaks Treaty; Cavanagh Calls for 'Rebirth of City,' End to Viet War Spending Wilson Requests Pact TermsIr'. 1 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (A')-Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh called yesterday for a national commit- ment "for the rebirth of the Made- Known By Ian Smith yN Control of Armed Forces by Britain Rejected in Salisbury SALISBURY, Rhodesia - Rho- desia's white government yester- day night scorned the British- approved pact for ending the Rho- desian crisis. Revealing for the first time that the pact called for British control of the Rhodesian armed forces, Prime Minister Ian Smith an- nounced the rejection to 1,800 cheering Rhodesians and vowed: "The fight goes on." The decision hit London as Prime Minister Harold Wilson's government was holding talks with Commonwealth high commission- ers on the next step in the dis- pute-requesting the United Na- tions to impose mandatory trade sanctions on Rhodesia. Signed Saturday The conditional agreement on the future of this breakaway white minority colony was signed by Wilson and Smith aboard the British cruiser Tiger off Gibraltar around midnight Saturday. Security Council members said the Council would meet at 10:30 a.m. Thursday to take up the Rhodesian question. Wilson hurried back to London and won Cabinet approval of the pact Sunday, clearly with the idea of putting the onus on Rhodesia for any rejection. Wilson made clear at the time he wanted a prompt yes or no from Salisbury. Smith Impatient The Rhodesian Cabinet met all morning, and at a luncheon break -with the British noon deadline at hand-Smith radioed London there was no agreement. Back from Wilson came word that Smith could have more time but that a decision was awaited with- in an hour of two. But even this dealine passed as the Cabinet, meeting in Smith's office, discussed the pact that Britain hoped would end 13 months o rebellion. Smith de- clared Rhodesia independent one year ago last Nov. 11 rather than bow to British demands for ulti- mate rule by the now-voteless >black majority. Control of Army Smith declared the British pro- posals, "under the heading of a return to legality, are repugnant to the Rhodesian government." He said the British wanted con- trol of the armed forces and police to be turned over to Sir Humphrey Gibbs, the British governor of the colony. Smith refused to recognize Gibbs after the declaration of in- dependence. Furthermore, Smith continued, the governor would be given power ?4 to appoint Cabinet ministers, in- cluding no less than five from out- side the government's Rhodesian front party "and no less than two of whom must be Africans." Parliament Dissolved Another point was that the Rhodesian Parliament would be disloved and the legislative powers would be invested in Gibbs, Smith said. "These proposals involved de- partures of a major nature from the accepted principles of parlia- mentary government which have existed in this country for 43 years," Smith said. "The Rhodesian government is, of course, anxious to remove the differences which have existed over the past year between Rho- desia and Britain with all the con- sequential difficulties caused to both governments. Won't Surrender "Nevertheless, the Rhodesian government cannot be expected to yield such fundamental principles, and in a manner which amounts to surrender and submission of power." The Wilson-Smith understand- ing set out series of actions to be taken-first, to restore British constitutional authority in Rho- desia, then to form a broadbased government with which independ- ence can be negotatiated. -Associated Press "THE FIGHT GOES ON!" So exclaimed Rhodesia's rebel Prime Minister Ian Smith, shown above smiling from the window of the Salisbury Parliamentary building. Yesterday the Rhodesian cabinet turned down the treaty Smith and Britain's Harold Wilson had signed Saturday towards a recon- ciliation of the breakaway colony ruled by white supremacists. TO TAKE SEAT JANUARY: Georgia Block of lan Bond Overturned In Supreme Court O Violent Move Not Banned By Britain UN Security Council Expects Quick Action In Tuesday Session LONDON (R) - Prime Minister Harold Wilson ordered Foreign Secretary George Brown yesterday night to fly to New York Tuesday to invoke compulsory U.N. sanc- tions against rebellious Rhodesia. The British leader, reporting to the House of Commons on his collapsed efforts at compromise with Premier Ian Smith, said Britain's U.N. delegate Lord Cara- don has called for an early meet- ing of the Security Council on the point. In a packed chamber, Wilson said any agreement reached with Smith would have been under- written by a treaty lodged with the United Nations . "Any breach of this treaty would require us to seek from the United Nations mandatory sanctions," he said, "and not necessarily confined to economic sanctions." Wilson said he had warned Smith if a second Unilateral Dec- laration of Independence took place Rhodesia could no longer assume that Britain would rule out the use of force to suppress it. Earlier Commonwealth Secre- tary Herbert Bowden met with high commissioners of 22 common- wealth nations to discuss terms of a British resolution already pre- pared for submission to the U.N. Security Council. The British draft resolution on sanctions is not a strong one. Its 350-word text invokes Article 41 of the U.N. charter in order to set worldwide bans on buying or deal- ing in 12 key Rhodesian exports. At U.N. headquarters in New York, diplomats expected quick action in the U.N. Security Coun- cil on Britain's request for eco- nomic penalties against Rhodesia. But African nations yesterday were demanding military force to smash its white minority regime. The 15-nation Council is ex- pected to meet Tuesday or Wed- nesday after receiving a formal request from Lord Caradon for the meeting. Wilson claimed Smith had agreed on steps to restore legal rule in the breakaway colony even to the point of heading a new and broader-based government with two Africans in it. American city" and questioned whether guerrilla warfare in Viet Nam was more of a threat to national security than guerrilla warfare in America's city streets. Cavanagh, president of the Na- tional League of Cities, said in a speech prepared for delivery to the opening sessions of the League's 43rd annual Congress of Cities: "It is arbued that our inter- national commitments are vital to Romney Rej1 A t Eastern P LANSING (,P)-Fresh from a 12-day vacation, Gov. Georgel Romney yesterday denied again that he is shooting for the Pres- idency and said he was squelched an attempt to place his name on primary ballots in several Eastern states. Romney, tanned from a Puerto Rico vacation, told a news con- ference that he asked National Committeeman John B. Martin to cancel a planned visit to New Hampshire later this month to discuss placing Romney's name on that state's primary ballot. "I didn't hear about it until late last week and I sent imme- diate word that he forget about it," the Governor said. "It created the impression that I had encouraged him to make the trip and that was not the case," Romney said. Martin, a National Committee- man from Michigan since 1957 Big Three Predict Dec. Auto Cutback DEROIT (P)-All of the nation's big three automakers yesterday announced production cuts which put the December industry pro- duction figure at least 70,000 vehi- cles below that of December 1965. General Motors, the biggest auto maker ,said its decline would be about 14 per cent, or 63,000 vehi- cles, from December 1965. Chrysler Corp. announced it planned to produce 140,000 cars this month as opposed to 146,000 in December of last year. A spokesman for the Ford Motor Co. said it expected to produce fewer cars this December than it did last year, but no figures have been released by the company. Only American Motors an- nounced an increase in planned output, up about 2,000 vehicles over the same month a year ago. our national security-to our safe- important? four times as impor- ty as a nation. tant? 'Racial Rebellions' "Presently, in terms of spend- "But in three months last sum- ing, it is 16 times as important. mer we had to deal with major "Is the guerrilla warfare in the racial rebellions in at least 38 Mekong Delta more important to American cities. To my mind control that the guerilla warfare there is an equal threat to our on our city streets? national security at home." "Is the rehabilitation of a Viet- He added that the Johnson's namese family more important administration's war on poverty than the rehabilitation of an was a major weapon in meeting American slum family?" the domestic threat, and said: Cavanagh said U.S. spending "I ask you to put our two wars abroad has had a clear impa't into prespective. Is the Viet Nam on spending at home, and is one war twice as important as the of two forces slowing the war on war on poverty: Three times as poverty. The other force is that the war on poverty is considered by some ects ter tleaders as more trouble than it is worth, he said. Man on the Moon rimynarv S lots Cavanagh said Congress and the President have committed $70 billion to put a man on the moon and aclose friend of Romney, by 1970. A similar commitment said Friday he would visit New has been made for interstate Hampshire and other Eastern highways. states to sound out GOP leaders "It is now time to make a c)m- about Romney appearing in their mitment for the rebirth of the primaries. American city where 70 per cent The New Hampshire primary is of all Americans live," he said. held in March and is considered Another speaker said cities of important to Presidential hopefuls the future must have t areas ecause it is the first one. of filth and neglect "if for no ecaue itis he frst ne.other reason than to be free of Romney was re-elected to a the monstrosity of a window1ss third term by a large margin school." Nov. 8, and is considered a lead- Dr. Kenneth B. Clare, Now ing prospect for the 1968 GOP York, director of the Social Dy- nomination. namics Research Institute, tol-i of However, Romney reiterated his a school in the center of New position: "What I said before was York City's ghetto which has no that I intended to take a long, windows. He added the architect- hard look at the question. I ural blunder is made all the more haven't. What I've said in effect shocking "by the official expha- is that, it's something I intend nations that it would reduce the to explore. But I have not made cost of replacement of school a decision and I am not a can- windows which are broken by didate." vandals in ghetto areas." THE LEOPARD LOOK WASHINGTON (AP)- The Su- preme Court ruled unanimously yesterday that the Georgia House may not bar Julian Bond because of his statements criticizing the draft and U.S. policy in Viet Nam. "The disqualification of Bond from membership in the Georgia House because of his statements violated Bond's right of free ex- pression under the First Amend- ment," Chief Justice Earl Warren said for the-court. Warren's opinion did not, in so many words, order the Georgia House to seat Bond. But it cleared the way for the thrice-elected Negro civil rights official. State Rep. George L. Smith, who is in line to become speaker of the Georgia House, said "I see no alternative other than seating him." Supported Condemnation The Georgia House twice barred Bond from. taking his seat be- cause he supported a statement by the Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee that de- scribed U.S. policy in Viet Nam as aggression. Bond, a committee official, has been critical also of the draft system and said he admired the courage of those who burned their. draft cards although he would not burn his own. He was elected a third time last month from an Atlanta district. "I'm happy, proud, pleased, sur- prised and looking forward to' taking my seat Jan. 9," Bond said in Indianapolis, Ind., where he had again voiced his opposition to the Viet Nam war.' Warren said: "Legislators have an obligation to take positions on controversial political questions so that their constituents can be; fully informed by them and be{ better able to assess their quali- fications for office; also so they may be represented in govern- mental debates by the person they have elected to represent them." Bond, in Indianapolis to make a speech, said of the court's rul- ing: "I'm happy, proud, pleased, surprised and looking forward to taking my seat Jan. 9." Reversed Atlanta Court The court's action reverses a 2-1 ruling by a special three- judge federal court in Atlanta, that held the Georgia House had power under state law to dis- qualif Bond based on its conclu- sion that he could not sincerely take the oath of office. Warren's opinion in the Bond case swept aside Georgia's argu- ment that the state legislature did not believe Bond could honestly take the required oath to support the constitution because of the statements. The oath requirement, the chief justice said, "does not authorize a majority of state legislators to test the sincerity with which an- other duly elected legislator can swear to uphold the constitution." "Certainly there can be no question that the First Amend- ment protects expressions in op- position to national foreign policy in Viet Nam and to the Selective Service System." Warren said a state may re- quire an oath to support the con- stitution from its legislators which it does not require from its pri- vate citizens. But, he said, free debate over governmental opera- tions is open to legislators as well as to "the citizen-critic." Returning to the bench after a two-week layoff, the Supreme Court also: -Agreed to review a decision by the California Supreme Court that bars racial discrimination in rental or sale of privately owned real estate in the state. -Took on for consideration three cases - from New York, Michigan and Alabama - involv- infi efforts to extend the Supreme Court's one-man, one-vote rule to the selection and makeup of county governing and school boards. -Agreed to pass on the consti- tutionally of a New York law per- mitting electronic eavesdropping authorized by a court. Georgia Governorship In a legal battle royal, Supreme Court justices argued among themselves and with attorneys yesterday about how to select Georgia's next governor. At issue is a 142-year-old pro- viso in the state's constitution saying that when no candidate for governor gets a majority, the legislature shall choose between the highest two. On Nov. 8, two segregationists, Republican Howard H. Bo Calla- way and Democrat Lester G. Maddox ran almost a dead heat. The election appeared headed for the state legislature but a three-judge federal court in At- lanta said no. It objected that in a legislative election the candi- dat getting the lesser popular vote Maddox might win. Justice William O. Douglas said that maybe the nub of the ques- tion is whether the Nov. 8 'elec- tion and the proposed legislative election are all part of one pro- cess. He didn't say so, but if they are on process the Supreme Court's one-man, one-vote decrees in reapportionment cases could conceivably outlaw the selection of a governor by the state legis- lature, which is not yet appor- tioned evenly by population. SELECT THESE OUTSTANDING HANDBAG ACCESSORIES SINGLY OR IN COMBINATIONS. Eyeglass Case.. $4.50 Wallet .$7.50 French Purse ,..$8050 otion j i LRouitc 312 S. State Strcet MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:00-8:30 TUES., WED., THURS., SAT. 9:00-5:30 Il I This Is Your world News Roundup LAST CHANCE By The Associated Press TOKYO-Peking radio charged today that U.S. planes bombed and sank six Communist Chinese fishing boats in the Gulf of Ton- kin, killing 17 Chinese fishermen and injuring 29 others. In a Chinese language broadcast monitored here by Radio Press, a Japanese monitoring agency, it said the alleged bombing took place Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 on high seas on the western part of the gulf. * * * WASHINGTON - Former Pres-. dent Dwight D. Eisenhower will enter the hospital Thursday for his second major surgical operation and fifth serious illness in 11 years -this time for the removal of his gall bladder. He will now go under the knife for a gall bladder operation most likely due to the presence of one or more gallstones. The exact date of the operation has not yet been announced. SAIGON-U.S. airmen knocked down one Communist MIG17 and possibly another in a swirling air battle Sunday within sight of Hanoi while American jet bomb- ers tore up a major railroad freight yard six miles northeast of the North iVetnamese capital and heavily damaged an oil depot 14 miles north of it, the U.S. Command reported yesterday. Despite heavy flak and chal- lenges from MIG17s and modern swept - wing MIG12s, no U.S. planes were lost, the command said. . 0 Michiganensian for $5.00- (up until Dec. 20, 1966), I I U I STUDENTS ONCE AGAIN... LET US HELP YOU I Enclosed please find $5.00 (check payable to the I MICHIGANENSIAN) for one 1966 MICHIGAN- ENSIAN: receipt to be sent when order received. I ! f I I 1111 i .,