RHODESIA CLIPS CLOSER TO RACIAL WARFARE (See Editorial Page) L SirrI9ZUX A6F 471 om at MILDER Hlgh-45 Low -35 Cloudy with intermittent rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1966 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES STRIKE CONTINUES: Berkeley Faculty Votes ove To Wih Mi To Back A dministrator BERKELEY, Calif. (W) - The The students are under pressure sought to set up a table alongside Academic Senate of the University of 'final examinations beginning the Navy's, a sit-in and fight en- of California's huge Berkeley cam- Dec. 12. sued and sheriff's deputies were pus last night voted confidence in / No Talk with Non-Students called. They arrested 10 persons, Chancellor Roger W. Heyns em- The faculty vote at the outset of including ix non-students. fl Q osal battled in a dispute over student the session in jam-packed Wheeler Savio Arrested t protests on the strife-torn campus. Auditorium. He has refused to talk Among the arrested was non- The faculty group also proposed a with rebelling student strike lead- student Mario Savio, who, when a F settlement for the dispute. ers with their non-student sup- student, led the 1964 Free Speech O riu a e Heyns said the vote showed uni- porters present in any capaci y Movement demonstrations at Ber- ty between the faculty and the whatever. keley that resulted in more than " " administration and should help Planned weekend talks to restore 0 arrests. Savio is a strike leaderSit him in his important special meet- peace to the huge 27,500-student n 70the st o istie eawhr ing today with the Board of Re- campus were thus stalemated over Heyns has refused to negotiate. gents. a di: ute that began last Wednes- gens adisutetha bean astWedes- The Senate resolution backing Two Students Allow 1he students' strike committee day over a Navy recruiting table Heyns contained five points: was meeting last night to consider at the Student Union. -"Hey oine hive othat TO Make Statement the Academic Senate's proposais. When an anti-military group -"We o ete npcellor, t at To Meet the use of external police force, ex-' At Faculty Meeting _- --- cept in extreme emergency and of mass coercion, is in appropriate By SUSAN ELAN Ito the function of a university." Admittance to a closed meet TL . .- ." . t tit t 2 1A- 1Arrests Justified of the, literary college faculty ated by LSA Grades Faculty [1 red ei ing Was 600 Present At Largest Meeting Ever Pass-Fail Grading, Class Ranking. Topics Of 'Vigorous Debate' By PAT O'DONOHUE The faculty of the literary co- lege yesterday voted 305-115 against a resolution proposing that LSA faculty members be permit- ted to withhold grades while the University continues to compile class ranks. The vote was taken at what Dean William Haber of the liter- ary college, termed the "largest faculty meeting in the history of the college."mApproximately 600 faculty members attended the meeting. The proposal, introduced by Prof. Herbert C. Kelman of the psychology department, a s k e d that: NEuWwS WIRE DEAN WILLIAM HABER of the literary college called a meeting of teaching fellows yesterday. He reportedly asked each department to either choose or elect on representative among the teaching fellows. Haber said he called the meeting in order to informally discuss means of improving copmunications with the teaching fellows. One course indicated that the meeting's agenda was to include an informal discussion of grading as well. The teaching fellows were reportedly angry because there had been no uniform selection of representatives, the meeting was called on very short notice and Haber chaired the meeting and prepared the agenda rather than one of the teaching fellows. One representative said he did not "trust an administration which ignores us" while another stated that "we are the faculty," pointing out that in the psychology department alone 82 per cent of the credit hours are taught by teaching fellows. It was also pointed out that in the English department the teaching fellows voted three to one against class rank, while in the political science department the vote was two to one against class rank and that the majority of students in their classes voted to 'have their grades withheld. The teaching fellows felt that grading should be left up to the individual teacher although the representative from political science said that the entire fac- ulty of the literary college should determine the grading policy of the college. Dean James Robertson reportedly called the Registrar's Of- 4 fice and was told that if no grade is sent in to its office the in- dividual will receive no credit for the course and the individual will merely receive a "Not Reported" on his transcript. The grade will not result in an "E" or failure as was originally presumed. Haber cancelled the meeting of all teaching fellows originally scheduled for today. One teaching fellow said the group wanted to have the meeting but did not want Haber to chair the meeting or prepare the agenda. Haber said that whatever he had planned or done at a meeting today would have been misinterpreted and he therefore felt that it would be better to hold a meeting later when the present tension died down. * * * * AN INFORMATION MEETING for all students interested in working for the government next summer on the Washington Summer Intern Program will be held at 4:00 today in Room 3-R-S of the Union. Undergraduates should note -that Dec. 9 is the application deadline for the Office and Science Assistant Test to be given Jan. 7. Seniors and graduate students should apply to take the Federal Service Entrance Exam. The deadline for these tests is Dec. 21 for the Jan. 21 exam. . Students are encouraged to take the tests on the earliest pos- sible date in view of the early end of the spring semester. THE OFFICE OF REGISTRATION AND RECORDS has an- nounced a ch1ange in registration dates for next semester. Registration will take place Tuesday, January 3rd through Thursday, January 5th. The first day of classes will be Friday, January 6th, one day later than originally scheduled. The reason for the schedule change is that Monday, January 2nd, the original opening day for registration, is a legal holiday since New Year's Day falls on a Sunday this year. AT UNIV E RSITY OF CHIC AGO: Heyns has said the arrests granted yesterday to Peter Stein- duiing the Navy recruiting table ; berg, Grad, and Barry Bluestone, incident were justifiedr Grad, both of Voice political party, -"In view of the complexity of to allow them to read a statement recent events we urge the chan- representing the sentiments of cellor not to institute university those students sitting-in at the disciplinary proceedings against Administration Bldg. students of student organizations The statement explained ther from last Wednesday through the purpose of yesterday's sit-in, present." which began at noon, as an at- ___ t~~~~mmn~ t f n h niht nk i -"We call for creation of a tempt, do r 'a)ine pa~ LU IaJ . 9 r faculty-student commission con- the ranking referendum bindig Sider new modes of governance and "to define the structure and -Daily-Roert Sheffield and self-regulation" and that "the process of the University commun- DISSENT, DISCUSSION AND CURIOSITY drew up to 250 people to the third scheduled sit-in at concerns and grievances expressed ity we would like to create;" and byorn mandof orstuens xs d asktye fculty to joinite s the Administration Bldg. within the past week. Abut 40 faculty members joined the sit-in after the be geny srous osder s deliberations at the Adminitra- i LSA faculty meeting to answer questions. The sit-in began at noon and broke up about 8:30 p.m. be giveon and deliberation of the tion Bldg. at the completion of commission."ft their meeting. AT SPECIAL MEETIN(,: -"The strike should end imme- While Steinberger and Blue-_ diately," and the fifth point of- stone read the statement and an-I fered unstinting support "in the swered the questions of the fac- i chancellor's leadership." ulty, about 50 students crowdedI No Amnesty around the doors of the meeting No Amesty room hoping to gain admittance Heyns has said he would not ask to the meeting or to be allowed "J courtroom amnesty for the four to listen to it in another audi- EQ OlC ml er's OO students arrested at the beginning torium. The faculty did not agree of tlhe crisis. The Alameda County to either of these requests. district attorney's office indicated Faculty Join Sit-in By DEBORAH REAVEN sity community and that all such an opportunity to sample opin- they would be prosecuted. meetings have constituents' time." ions from their respective seg- -At the conclusion of their meet-i Student Government Council last SCas eomne htamnso h omnt, There has been no administra- ing, more than 40 faculty mem- night moved to implement the SGC also recommended that a ments of the community , E tion action on the offer earlier bers joined the students in the student - faculty - administration e rtain number of the meetmgs yesterday by another strike com- Administration Bldg. Most of them commission on student participa- be held as open hearings where Robinson, '67, president of SGC mittee leader, Bettina Aptheke remained for over an hour an- tion established last week by Uni te niorties may present said, "Students on the committee I student and an avowed Commun- swering questions about the fac- versity President Harlan Hatcher. should have time to think about I ist, o negotate wit Heyshould- havefytimeidtot Hthink aboutr ist, to negotiate with heynslwth-Iulty meeting and discussing stu- The resolution recommended that Responsives to Students what they're doing, ample oppor- out Savio present. She told tha dent tactics and goals. The sit-in the commission consider "the tunity to reach other organiza- to a Sproul Plaza rally. ended at 8:30 without the students whole governmental process of the In the motion, SGC expressed tions, and to take suggestions By leaflet, Heyns appealed to ever being asked to leave. University and make proposals for its expectation that "the student from student discussions and the school's 27,500 students to re- In spite of the defeat of the necessary changes." members of this commission be re- forums." ject the classroom boycott asked proposal by Prof. Herbert C. Kel- sponsive to the wishes of the , by the Student Strike Committee. man of the psychology depart- Council also moved to selectStu- larger student community, and Sit-in Committee Prioityto tudis mntthat th faultyof he it-dent members for Hatcher's com-. therefore plans to institutionalize Priority to Studies ment, that. the faculty of the lit- missions on sit-ins and the draft. ctee eno es l Jay Zulauf, '67, president of "Reflect upon your real reasonI erary college withhold grades as msin nstisadtedat contact between the commission'JyZlu,'7,peieto orbeingt Caandr gve rslongeas thee Univrsity o ins In amending the original pro- and the student body in a num- University Activities Centel' moved priorities to your studies," Heyns to compile class ranks, some of posal on the student participation ber of ways." These include regu- that "SGC reaffirm its decision to urged. His statement was distri- 'the faculty members still seemed commission, Dick Wingfield, '67, lar reports to Council and various select students for the sit-in com- buted yesterday, the first day of optimistic about the future. edmoved and Council passed that all kinds of public forums. Council mittee." -Selection shall be done by the week before final exams when "This is not the first defeat business meetings of the commis- also urged that the committee not appointment by Council by Jan. virtually no classes meet. and it will not be the last," said sion be open to "attendance by in- begin formal meetings until Feb. 19 Although few classes were meet- Prof. Arnold S. Kaufman of the I terested members of the Univer- 1 "so that the members may have Zulauf also moved that Council ing, protest leaders still marched philosophy department. "The con- .eparticipate on the draft commit- just outside the campus boomingi sequences of today, willbebone. Mdb A ctive e merso this committee through a bullhorn, "Do not go to 'more step in Pjuilding a better Students G.iven A c iviole as eslce hog p classes. Support the strike." University and a better society." pointment, the deadline being Jan. The Strike. Committee handed Student Pledge . . 12. Council recommeded that the out leaflets countering Chancellor As future plans of action the In Selecti g A dm ni strators comssion consider the issue of Hayens' message. students voted to carry out a pro- canh isundbthraein Opposed to Strike posal by Prof. Thomas F. Mayer for students to apply for the draft "I am opposed to the strike," of the sociology department fora By LYNNE KILLIN j Minnesota's regents had sug- frstunt pply ... . ...A 1- n,,, . +~r~nn~c n+ +117f% w~a~nr ,,,,; TI ested that those students serving test next spring. -Professors who disagree with the University's policy of aiding the Selective Service by compiling class rank be allowed to grade their students on a pass-fail basis if they so desire; -Professors who do so will give a one paragraph evaluation of stu- dents to whom they do not 'give grades; and -Professors who do this will be required to submit the grades of students who request them. Faculty Pledge These proposals are presently embodied in a pledge which has been signed by approximately 35 professors. Those who signed in- dicated that they will withhold grades regardless of the faculty vote yesterday. At the beginning of the meeting Prof. Robert Sklar of the history department proposed a rule pro- hibiting non-faculty m e m b e r s from attending the meeting be waived but this was defeated. The faculty subsequently voted to al- low two student representatives, Peter Steinberger, Grad. and Barry Bluestone, Grad., to akea state- ment before the faculty and an- swer any questions the ficulty might have. The two students then left the meeting. 'Vigorous Debate' After Kelman introduced his prorposal, Haber said "the most vigorous debate I've seen in my experience as Dean" followed. Haberaddedsthat the discussion was, at times, "emotion-laden," Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the eoconomics department opposed Kelman's motion on several grounds. He said that although he was against class ranking he could not withhold grades on the basis of this opposition because "grades were not instituted because of class ranking and should not be abolished on the basis ofnclass ranking. Class ranking should be attacked directly. Grades should only be abolished on educational grounds." Reasons of Consoience Kelman, in a statement Intro- ducing his proposal, argued that "for reasons of conscience" he, and others who have pledged to withhold grades, will not "assign letter grades to their male under- graduates as long as these grades are used to compute class rank for submission to the Selective Service commission." He said that the-group feit that the action withholding grades "is the only way available to us at the moment to express our conscien- tious concern about the role of the University in the Selective Service process." Eckstein argued that allowing each individual conscience to dic- tate the procedures of the Uni- versity "sets up a dangerous pro- cedure." He added that it "opens the way for a practice detrimental to the University." Further Discussion Eckstein said, he is not against the principle of conscientious ob- Heyns said in his statement. Pro- pledge written and signed by stu- test is legitimate; sometimes it is dents requesting that professors imperative." not turn in grades until the Uni- But he argued that disruptive jversity compiles with the ranking tactics were incompatible with |referendum. resolving *conflicts in.an academic Also passed was a proposal by community. Michael Zweig, chairman of Voice, He said the strike "negates .the setting up a steering committee of 'very idea of the university, which four people who will organize I is the search for truth." speaker programs in all the living "The real tragedy here is that units on campus next semester. 'students who are intent upon that All of the proposals to come out , search are the primary, if not the of these meetings will be brought 'only, victims of this strike.' up at a mass meeting the third "That tragedy, is unnecessary." week of next semester. Selective Service Specialist Advocates Limiting Draft Calls to 18-Year-Olds btudents at two major univers- e ities are being given the oppor-c tunity to play a more active rolei in university decision making.I Members of the student bodies of Northwestern University and thec university of Minnesota are par-r ticipating in the selection of im- portant university officials. Northwestern's charman of a faculty committee selecting a new Dean of Students, Donald Camp- bell, has invited undergraduates, graduates, transfer students and faculty members to offer recom- mendations of people considered suitable for the position. The final decision rests with the' Board of Trustees. They are expected to act on the advice of the administration, 1 which in turn will probably ap-r prove the candidate offered by the faculty committee.r The role of students at the University of Minnesota is more formal. Three students will parti-i cipate on the alumni advisory committee selecting a successor to President 0. Meredith Wilson whof will leave in July, 1967. These stu-i dents along with nine other mem-c bers of the advisory body will 1 present their recommendations to' the Board of Regents, which has the power to decide who will be the future president. A faculty committee also offers suggestions, to the Regents. 'U' Serves as Model This model for student partici- on the advisory committee be sen- iors or grads. Therefore, although members of the various classes petitioned for positions on this committee, the student govern- ment screened them, selecting a qualified grad, a law student and a senior. Ann Arbor City Council Pases Cycle Ordi-nance CHICAGO (R'P) - Annual draft ; draft and some alternatives until pose of completing high school or; calls should generally be limited Wednesday when conference offi- undertaking college programs aim-I to 18-year-olds, an Army special- cials hope some compromise rec- ed at providing officers, doctors or ist on Selective Service told a na- ommendations can be adopted. other specialists for the armed tional conference on the draft yes- For Draft Study services. terday. These will be turned over to the Hayes said his proposal would Col. Samuel H. Hayes, director National Commission on Selective !have these advantages: of military psychology at the U.S. Service, a 20-member panel con- -It would distribute the selec-j Military Academy, suggested that vened by President Johnson to ; tion of draftees throughout theI 19-year-old youths also should be study the draft and make recom- social stata on the basis of apti- retained on the draft lists on a mendations by next month, tude and ability. "It should be at stand-by basis in case of emer- Parts of the draft laws will ex- least as fair as the lottery system gency. pire June 30. and considerably more efficient," "If not inducted after their 19th In his analysis of the present he said. year or not. deferred for cause," Selective Service System, Hayes -It would provide high qualityI relationship to the national wel- fare," Hayes said. "In any assessment of critical objectives, national security must rank the highest." Hayes also challenged the notion that the armed services should j serve as an educational or social welfare agency-a position advo- cated by many at the conference. Efficiency Is Objective These are worthwhile programs, Hayes said, but "should not be confused with programs to im- prove the efficiency of our armed Open Question Coucil emphasized that they consider the ranking issue an open question and that if the commis- sion so decided, rankings would not have to be compiled next spring. By RON KLEMPNER+ The Ann Arbor City Council passed an ordinance regulating motorcycles at last night's Coun- cil meeting and tabled an ordi- nance on motorcycle rentals. The ordinance is essentially a dupli- cation of the new state law re- garding motorcycles which will go into effect 90 days after the Leg- islature's adjournment. The ordinance will go into ef- fect 10 days after. the date of its legal publication, which ac- cording to City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner, Jr. should be around De- cember 2Gth, the last day of fin- als The ordinance covers several as- pects of motorcycle operation, in- cluding: -All passengers must wear a safety helmet; -All cycles shall be equipped with lights that are onerated with drive in the center of the lane; -Cyclists shall not ride more than two abreast in any lane; -It shallrbe illegal for a cyclist to pass between adjacent lines of, ve'hicles proceeding in the same d- rection. They may pass on the left of such lanes, and pass only on~ the right when it is lawful and safe, and -No one shall operate a motor- cycle on sidewalks, bicycle and bridal paths, city parks and open spaces (scrambling courses) ex- cept wheie designated. Reduce Paper Work Police Chief Walter Krasny said that a local ordinance duplicat- ing the forthcoming state law would facilitate enforcement and reduce paper work in issuing sum- monses for violations. At present some ambiguity exists over the definition of a motorcycle as opposed to a motor scooter and