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December 04, 1966 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-04
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* t 9; p


ge Ten





v ... ...... .- ..,. _... . 7

tily. 3 miles northeast of Harbor
>rings. 17 runs, 3 triple chair
ts; pomalift: T-bars. Snow
aking equipment. Heated pool,
ental equipment. Overnight lod-c
ug for 250. Dining room, cafe-
ria, cocktail lounge. Service
lops. Instruction. Sauna baths,
sating rink. Phone H a r b o r
prings 1521 (Area Code 616).


To Ski in

West 'Michigan

NUB'S NOB: Open daily. 5 miles PETOSKEY WINTER SPORTS 6,000 ft. 4-passenger chair lift; 5 making equipment. Instruction.
northeast of Harbor Springs o PARK: At Petoskey. 2 slopes, 1 double chair lifts: T-bar lift: J- Plane landing strip. Equipment
Pleasant View Road. 12 slopes 1,- tow. 2 skating rinks. Tobogganing. bar lift: rope tows. Snow making rental. Lodging for 106. Cafeteria,
000-5.200 ft. 2 double chair lifts2 bump-jumper runs. Warming equipment. Instruction and rental bar. Phone 228-5461 (Area Code
house with snacks. Phone 547- equipment. Automatic waxing ma- 616>.
5 rope tows: pomalift. Snow mak- 2101 (Area Code 616). chine. Heated outdoor swimming TIMBER LEE: Open daily. 6
ing equipment. Skis. equipment,iMT. McSAUBA: 1 mile north of , pool. Year-around skatir rink. miles northwest of Traverse City.
rental and repair. Ski fashion Charlevoix. 5 slopes; beginners', Overnight lodging for 425; meals, south end of Lake Leelanau. 4 ski
shop. Sleigh rides. Heated outdoor area. 3 tows. Lighted. Skating. To- bars. Plane landing fields. Phone slopes including beginners'. Trails.
pool. Overnight lodging for 100. bogganing. Shelter house with 549-2441 (Area Code 616). Pomalift; rope tows. Snow pack-
Dining room, lounge. Phone Har- snacks. Phone 547-2101 (Area GLACIER HILLS: 1 mile west ers. Instruction. Ski equipment
bor Springs 423 (Area Code 616). Code 616). of Bellaire. 7 slopes: 4 trails. Pom- and rental. Warming house with
WALLOON HILLS: Open daily. alift: tows. Rental equipment. snack bar. Phone 947-5075 (Area
4z miles east of Walloon Lake Warming house and snack bar. Code 616).
junction of US-131 and M-75. 9 Open weekends and during Christ- TRAVERSE CITY HOLIDAY:
slopes, 2,300-4,800 ft. Several mas holidays. Lighted. Phone 533- 5 miles east of Traverse City. 12
trails. T-bar lift: pomalift; 3 tows. 4898 (Area Code 616). slopes. 2 T-bar lifts; 4 tows. Night
Instruction. "A" Frame cottages- MAPLEHURST SKI AREA: At skiing. Snow making equipment
Overnight lodging. Clubhouse with Kewadin. 6 slopes, 4 trails. Poma- I and packer. Instruction. Ski shop
U .W cafeteria and bar. Phone 535-2451 lift; rope tows. Rental equipment. with rental equipment. Chalet
or 535-2262 (Area Code 616). Instruction. Overnight lodging and with meals. Phone 946-5035 or 947-
THUNDER MOUNTAIN: Open meals. Phone Elk Rapids 264-9675 15075 (Area Code 616).
daily. 5 miles northeast of Boyne (Area Code 616). MT. MANCELONA: r/ mile
Falls. 12 runs, 1,600-3,000 feet. SHANTY CREEK LODGE: Op- northeast of Mancelona on US-
Beginners' area. Double chair lift; en daily. 2 miles south of Bellaire 131. 18 ski runs and trails; 300-
T-bar lift; pomalift; 2 rope tows. off M-88. 14 slopes; trails. 2 pom- 3,000 ft. T-bar lift; pomalift; 5
Instruction. Equipment rental and alifts; 2 double chair lifts; T-bar tows. Tournament hill. Dishpan
repair. Ski shop. Clubhouse with lift; rope tows. Rental and equip- hill. Ski shop with rental equip-
cafeteria and bar. Phone 549-2482 ment shops. Slope warming hous- ment. Snow grooming equipment.
or 582-9154 (Area Code 616). es. Snow making equipment. In- Instruction. Lounge, snack bar and
BARN MOUNTAIN: Open daily. struction. Overnight lodging for bar. Phone 587-7491 (Area Code
In Boyne City. 14 ski runs; double 250. Cocktail lounge, dining room. 616).
chair lift; 2 pomalifts; rope tows. Heated swimming pool, sauna I CHIMNEY CORNERS: Open
k IRestaurant, bar, lounge. Ski shop. baths. Phone 533-3833 (Area Code daily. 7 miles north of Frankfort,
Rentals. Instruction. Snow ma- 616). via M-22 on Crystal Lake. 5 slopes,
chine. Lodging. Phone 582-6517 SUGAR LOAF MOUNTAIN: Op- 5 tows. Lighter. Toboggan and
(Area Code 616). en daily. 20 miles northwest of sledding hills. Ice fishing. Over-
BOYNE MOUNTAIN: Open dai- Traverse City. 50 acres of ski runs. night lodging; meals on weekends.
ly. Boyne Falls. 16 ski runs; 1,000- 2 double chair lifts; J-bar. Snow Phone 353-7522 (Area Code 616).
ive S '
s, Yamahas,=
in Tyrol a
The Finest...
C e boots lambswool and cashmeres are knitted by our
Scottish mills to provide you with the ultimate in
MA sweater luxury. The sleeveless style under a sport
I silcoat, or the long sleeve sweater for casual wear.
the area An excellent range of colors will enable you
to select just the right gift.
)ove's, the equipment fits Sleeveless V-Neck Pullover
s to you. Dave's I.D num-S
are so small, they're hardly Lambswool 12.50
he equipment is rented. Lec u
nd you a boot tree! If you Long Sleeve V-Neck Pullover
we lend you a ski rack for Lambswool 16.00
ines and the'prices at ski Cashmere 37.50
,our equipment from Dove's
latt Roads.
all new, and all for you!
Since 1927
1119 South University NO 3-1920

OPEN Monday and Friday Night
Dec. 12, 16, 19, 23-till 8:30

Skiing in Eastern Mi
. :aPINNACLES SKI RESORT: (El ing. Lodge with snack bar. Phone of Lan
.xMac Hills): Open Daily. 11 miles 422-5287 (Area Code 517). off M-
east of Gaylord off M-32 to Sparr SNOWSNAKE MOUNTAIN: 9 structic
Road. Ski slopes and trails. Double miles north of Clare on US-27 Snow n
chair lift; tows. Snow making freeway at Lake George exit. 10 332-06C
equipment. Overnight lodging for slopes. 5 tows. Cross-country MT
80, Dining - American or Euro- trails. Sleigh bowl. Ski shop. In- North
pean plan. Ski weeks. Instruction struction and rental equipment. ation
'Equipment rentals. Ski shop. Ski- Lodge with restaurant. Open dailyn
ioring. Cross-country trails. Phone except Mon. and Tues.; night ski- (old U
- 732-5597 (Area Code 517). ing Wed., Fri. and Sat. Phone 10
GRAYLING WINTER SPORTS 539-4673 (Area Code 517). metpe
{.PARK: Open T Daily. 21 miles M O T T MOUNTAIN: Open Night
southwest of Grayling off M-72 Daily. 1 mile southeast of Farwell Lion an
and M-93. 20 ski runs and slopes, off US-0. 12 runs; beginner's restaur
- 1,000 to 1,500 ft. T-bar lift; 12 area. 6 tows. Snow making equip- D a n c
rope tows. Snow making equip- ment. Night skiing. Ski shop. In- adults.
merit. Instruction and rental struction and rental equipment. Codes3
Av'equipment. 2 toboggan runs 3,000 Lodge with snack bar. Lounge
w V ft. long. Night skiing Thurs., Fri., with dancing, refreshments and MT.
and Sat. Snacks and Warming entertainment. P h o n e 588-2331 5 miles
....!:...Lodge. Phone 348-6641 (Area Code (Area Code 517). son L
517). AP P LE MOUNTAIN: Open Prom .
Members of the ski club pose in good form on one of their ex- 517). A mPL NTAIN: Open From
cursions. SKYLINE: Open Daily. 6 miles Daily. 8 miles northwest oFarm, 4535 1 pomei
-- --(US-27) at 4-mile Road exit. 9 I North River Road. 7 slopes. 8 making
3 slopes. Chair lift; 8 tows. Lift I tows. Tow fees: $3.50 Sat. or Sun.; Instru
Yfees: $4 Ceekdays; $4.50 Sat. or $2.50 weekdays. Snow making Tobogg
Sun.nsightrskiing Wed.,ri. andequipment and grooming equip- and f
Sun.Nigt siin We., ri.andment. Lodge with cocktail lounge, availab
Sat. ($1.50). Cross-country trails. mrt og ihccti one
In the mass of initials that who brings Norwegians go d ski- nstructio and rental equip Ski shop. Snack bar. Rental 628-39
strike the student as he walks ing weather, and guards their Lodge with snack bar and cafe- equipment and instruction. Night MT.
around school, the letters ULLR slope for better skiing. Originally, teria. Ski weeks. Phone Roscom- 'skiing. Open 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. 14 milc
pop up, perhaps on the Diag, or Ullr was merely the snow God, INDIAN HILLS SKI PARK: Phone 792-9924 or 792-4421. (Area east of
maybe in The Daily, perhaps a but with the invention of skis, in mon27 -5445 (Area Code 517) Code 517). off M'
handout is started with them. snowy Norway, he took on the OnM-76-55 57miles south of LANSING SKI AREA: Private Road (
new significanceM5With5he hard club, closed on Sundays. Open Pomali
skigethsat r eIn ewsgiicnetih h ad Helen. Ski runs and trails. nights ard Saturday to public. NE. Se
itely a member of the University winters, skis were the only practi- Elect. rope tows.Ski lodge, meals g. E__
Ski Club knows what they mean. cal method of travel. The practice and snacks. Ski shop rental equip- -- ;t--te
They're not the usual abbrevia- started of appealing to Ullr for ment. Instruction. Write: Indian
tion for a mile long name that good snow, to make skiing Hills Ski Park St Helen, Michi-
wants to be cute. easier, hence the connection. ganth
ULLR is the mythological god b From this origin, Ullr now has OGEMAW HILLS: 3 miles west
- - --_--become the skier's good luck sym- west of West Branch, north off
bol. Tokens, with his inscription M-55/M-76. 6 slopes. T-bar lift;
suitably inscribed, are *:arried by 2 rope tows. Ski shop. Instruction -
U!the provident skier to avoid ava- and rental equipment. Tow fees:
lanches, breaks, and other un- $3 per day; $1.50 for children.
.j J happy occurrences. With Ullr Lodge with snack bar. Open
WS ers on his person, the supersitition weekends. Phone West Branch
says, the skier is safe. 541W1 or 231.
For the superstitions, or even HOUGHTON L A K E SNOW
In t1Ys o1 [the scoffing, it doesn't hurt to try. BOWL: Open Daily. 4 miles south
Ier oIncidentally, Ullr, the figure, not south of Houghton- Lake, west off UNI
the initials, makes a rather color- US-27 (I-75). 27 runs. 13 tows.
Christmas and Spring vacations ful emblem, typified in the Nor- Snow making equipment. Instruc-
afford club members time to travel wegian skiing eagle, ULLR. tion and rental equipment. Skat- o
to two ofthescountry's most popu- No.7
lar ski areas, Colorado and Ver- 688
mont.LIKE .. 66-8
Christmas recess will find ULLR L EMAMA SED TO MAKE .
skiers in oeB. The nine A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED x-~x
day trip begins Dec. 26 and ends
Jan. 3. The cost of the trip, $130, COLLECTION OF JEWISH RECIPES
includes seven days of skiing,
seven nights of lodging, food, C Ann Arber Hadassah
transportation, and apre ski life. Compiled by
The club will travel in student ORDER NOW FORHOLIDAYS
cars-a 28 hour drive cross-coun- THE W E FEATURE
try to. Colorado. Send $2 to: Box 1734-Ann Arbor, Mich.
Where else but Aspen, Colo.,R L$2FME
could a ski enthusiast find a more R
diversified and exciting skiing ex-
perience. The trip includes: Aspen the Standard in twin-
Highlands, Aspen Mountain, But- l
termilk, and Snow Mass. ensreflex cameras
During spring recess, March 1-5, EACIING, OFTIIDEAS cm
the ski club travels to Vermont lleiOvertheyears,more
for a memorable four days of ski- at riuOvresthe eenmon
ing. pictures havebeen m
.t . Rolleiflex than any other ca
Skiers will spend one day at wonder-only the famous R
each of four of Vermont's finest Honeywell offers the convenie
ski sites: Stowe, Mt. Snow, Kil- (2% x 2%) negative, plus the
lington, and Sugarbush. and ease of operation found in sr
The club leaves March 1 at 5 The Rolleiflex is the standard ca
p.m. and arrives in Vermont at 9 of the world's leading professic
a.m. when the lifts open. After phers, yet it's a camera with wh
four days of skiing the students new a Spus 2shopcan achieve remarkable results.
journey back to Ann Arbor to The widestselection of Ro
arrive in time for Monday classes. 211 S. State in years is awaiting your insp
The cost of the entire trip in-21 St ecera tinthe rit pe
eluding transportation by car, (next to Marshall's Book Shop) eae sit b enr ghtcamer
food, lodging, and skiing tow fees
is $60.
18 MORE "With a LDfkf erentLoo OPEN MON. & FRI. EVENINGS
SOpen Daily9-5:30Shop by Phone... Call 6
N ~ Monday & Friday Evenings NASK FOR OUR PERSONA

MERRY CHRISTMAS J BrdKen's-on the PrO1enade
LOVE; c ;A"r
Student Book Service .
1215 S, University j NAM *NUNVERIT

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