Page Twelve
Go To The Bahamas Student Stand-by Flights..
It W- 1 -2~ m l
And IFfollow the Sun-A
Your Chances?
Warm, blue-green ocean, blue night c
sky, pink powder beaches, and which
sun! Sound great? It is, becaue moves tC
it describes the Bahamas. a uni- known
que sun-enchanted world of wa- chestras
tersports and motorbikes and is also
fringed-top taxis-a world that is the chip
perfect for relaxation mixed wit plush ca
fun and adventure. a gracio
The Bahamas are fast becom-
ing one of the places to go for IShoppi
adventuresome college students the hign
on vacation. And why not? vacation
There's so much to do, for it's rie.th
always fun and games with a tro-p
pical flair! For daytime, there are Hong K
sports galore with golf, tennis, Ewns frol
deep sea fishing, sailing, skin div-Switzerl
ing, or swimming. For something liquors
really different, take a catamar- goods f
an cruise or see the sea gardens straw m
in a glass bottom boat. urious s
Nights in the Bahamas are en- No pa
tertaining encores to eventful ed to co
days. The dinner hour is fashion- dise, an
ably late, and wherever you dine, worth of
there's a tempting variety of fine ily reac
foods such as Bahama-style lob- rect dai
ster, conch salad, or turtle steak. which t
But the fun is only beginning hours, o
then, for a tour of the native only thi
lubs should follow, 1I
fter- dark entertainment
an exotic calypso beat
as 'goombay", and or-
play until dawn. There;
the excitement of letting
s fall where they may at'
asinos where gambling is
us art.
ing is undoubtedly one of
h points of any Bahama
, for there are treasures
e world over at bargain,
Silks and linens from,
ong, cashmeres and wool-
: Britain, watches from
and, perfumes, wines and
from France, leather
from Italy, and native
narkets all offer you lux-
hopping opportunities.
ssports or visas are need-
me to this vacation para-
d you can bring back $100
f goods duty free. It's eas-
hed by sea or air with di-
ly flights from New York,
ake only two and one-half
r from Miami, which take
rty minutes.
br STE ELMAN is Wnray duri,_ the middle of but also for uniformed military
Going someplace? Do it in S! the da Monda morning and stand-by's. Only if there are seats
and fy oto uh el"fleft after thse two groups have
you're between the ages of 12 and F'iday eveing are especilly bad embarked are youth stand-by's
21, you can save up to 50 per cent because of the nmber of busi- allowed to board. Once on the
of the jet-coach fare. Yes, Youth* nessmen that fly at those times. plane, you are halfway home--if
Fares are finally here. Mlost of the time all day Saturday the flight is non-stop. If not.
To quallfy for Youtn Stand-by is good, while Sunday is generally youth stand-by's are the first ones
Fares, one must be older than 12 a bad time because of the numbe to be "bumped-off" the plane if
years of age and younger than of Family Excursion Plan flights there are full-fare passengers
21. The second step is to purchase that depart. Other mornings and waiting at an intermediate stop.
a $3 I.D. card which expires on evenings during the week are var-
the holder's 22nd birthday. From iable. Before and after major As one can probably see, it is
the timerthe2cardbirvalidatedFun-holidays is also a bad time to fly possible for a youngster to wait
the time the card is validated un- stand-by. This year Youth Fares for hours on end to get a plane
til the expiration date, it can be are not accepted by most airlines to where he is going. There is also
used to purchase tickets with a between Dec. 15-24 and Jan. 2-4. the chance that he can be strand-
savings of up to 50 per cent of Generally, the four to seven days ed for many hours in a strange
the jet-coach fare. An I.D. card before and after a major holiday airport if he is taken off the plane.
from one airline is usually good should be avoided if you want In an attempt to get around these
on any other airline participating shudbIvie fyuwn
in the project. As implied, pass- your chances to be good. hazards, some teen-agers began
agin thoopol.Aimhecacedpass- fc calling the airlines and making
age is good only in the coach sec- Of course, there are some draw- reservations under false names.
tion of the plane; if coach is fill- backs involved, too. No reserva- Then they would go to the airport
ed, and you still want to make a tions are allowed, and all space is as stand-by's, and, when the "per-
particular flight, the difference on a first-come-first-served basis sons" with reservations did not
between coach and first class must after full-fare passengers are on show up, they would be able to
be paid and you would fly first board. But this is only part of make the flight. Still, many
class. "stand-by." Not only do you have youngsters didn't get the flight
The best time to fly stand-by to wait for full-fare passengers, they wanted or were taken off at
an intermediate stop. The kids
didn't appreciate this, the air-
Peace and quiet of a winter night in Ann Arbor while students
have no time for snowball fights or implanting the first footprints
in a fresh snow because finals are approaching.
On the first day of finals
My roommate said to me
"Don't worry, soon you'll be free!
On the second day of finals
My father called to say
"Only five more days"
"So, don't worry, soon you'll be
On the third day of finals
M3 boyfriend said to me
"Let's take a break"
"Only. five more days'
"So. don't worry, soon you'll be
On the fourth day of fine ls
My House-mother said co me
'Snacks in the library"
"Let's take a break"
"Only three more days"
So, don't worry, soon you'll be
On the fifth day of finals
My psychiatrist said to me
"It's just a little pressure"
"Snacks in the library"
"Let's take a break"
"Only two more days"
"So, don't worry, soon you'll be
On the last day of finals
I said to myself
"I'm going crazy"
"It's just a little pressure
"Snacks in the library"
"Let's take a break"
"Only one more day"
"So, don't worry, soon I'll be free."
t 9
306-10 So. Man St.
F .1
F a :
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$INT0.-at NoiCa r
the bookworm turns...
into an adventurer.
Join TWA's
50/50 Club and get
up to 50% off regular
Jet Coach fare.
It's easy. If you're under 22,
just fill out an application, buy
the $3.00 ID card-and you're on
your way to any TWA city in the
U.S. for half fare. Your 50/50 Club
fare is good most all y3ear*, when
you fly on a standby basis..
To get your card, call your travel
agentor your nearest TWA office.
We're your kind of airline.
depend on 7A
*Except: Nov. 23 and 27, Dec. 15 thru 24, Jan. 2, 3, 4.
lines didn't like to do it, and, even
1 more important, the parents
started to complain. They com-
plained that their sons and daugh-
ters should get the flights they
wanted. They complained about
their sons and daughters being
put off planes at stops along the
way. With parental pressure bein
what it usually is, the airlines
were in a bind. What were they
to do?
One airline did do something.
Delta Airlines asked for CAB ap-
proval to amend the original plan.
A Youth Fare I.D. card would still
be needed, but savings would only
be up to 33 per cent of the jet-
coach fare. But the big item was
that there would be confirmed
reservations. The idea was sub-
sequently approved by the CAB
and Delta's new program is in
See STAND-BY, p. 13
Calendars (Beautiful)
Student Book Service
121 S. University
Non-Profit Air Travel
$~~A Round
g~ Wu Trip
Mexico City $110; Tokyo $250
Etc., Invest $1.00 for Info. to:
Travel Information Service
Box 494, Berkeley 94701
While traveling for lectures, inter-
views, and pleasure you receive
generous discounts on Friday, Sat-
urday and Sunday nights at any of
Sheraton's 130 hotels and motor
inns-all with free- parking, radio
and TV.
For I.D. cards and teletyped
reservations contact:
Bruce Hillmon, 1320 S. University
Your Sheraton Man On Campus
NOTE: Special rates are
good any night during
Thanksgiving, Christmas,
and summer vacations.
Even snowmen read the Daily!! And even the Daily staffers
build snowmen! The staffs of both the editorial and business join
together to build the first snowman o! the year. Togetherness is
our motto?
Thoughts of approaching inal
may worry everyone, but it doesnt
stop the busy Daily workers frin
getting out the news. The Michi-
gan Daily publishes througe De-
cember 9 at which time the Daily
editorial and business staffs reces
for the final exam period. They,
too must avoid the draft!
The Winter Holiday Travel and
Recreation Supplement, published
by the business staff, is becoming
a tradition for the newspaper as a
climax to the fall semester. We
hope it will give you some sug-
gestions for a more enjoyable va-
cation and give you some helpful
hints for your holiday shopping.
Publication resumes January 6.
1967, for the winter semester The
first issue will be a preview edition
disti ibuted around campus at no
En:oy a happy holiday season!
We'll see you next year!
Buttons for Mother
Student Book Service
1215 S. University
give beautiful stainless steel
serving and accessory pieces
. . .they never need polishing
A. 12" coupe platter.
B. 1-pt. sauce boat on attached
saucer, with ladle.
C. Pair of candleholders with
6" white candles.
D. Boxed set of four
3" butter dishes,
or individual ashtrays.
5.00 each
- -
/ .
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Jacobsons w
312 S. State Street
Mon. and Fri. 9:00-8:30