*' 06. Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1966 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ENTERTAIN ER'S DEL IGHT Set of Six Plastic Coasters With Rope Insert for the Holiday Season. $300 fi m GiftT Dliver The most rmportant thing to crnsider in mailing Christmas gifts is preparing and addressing the package. The first step in mailing a Christmas package is a check with the local post office to find out about size and weight restrictions. At the same time, the zip code of the address should be looked up Carefully wrapping the gift is very important. Heavy brown pa- per and twine should be used to insure a 'secure package. If neces- sary, clearly indicate on the, out- side that the contents are fragile or perishable. A letter may be in- cluded if the correct postage is paid and the package is marked as containing a letter. After the package is wrapped, write the address clearly on the outside. If you're not sure of the address, check it in the phone book. Be careful, though; merely because a city is grouped under a general heading in a telephone directory does not mean it will be under the same heading with the United States Post Office. Be sure to check all uncertain addresses with your local post office before mailing your Christmas ackages, Missing packages should be checked with the post offices to which they were addressed. Do not conslut your local post office be- cause they don't keep records of packages sent from there. A last general rule about Christ- mas packages: if in doubt, phone your local post office. It is mheir business to know how the ~mail is run, and they will be more than happy to assist you with your mailing problems. Checking with the post office early means less work' for them and certain delivery of your Christmas mail. HAPPY HOLIDAYS American Airlines was the first the middle of April. During the parents and teen-agers alike have company to come -up wth this first ten days of April, 1966, Amer- almost vanished. In March, 1966, idea.I was an attempt to into- over 22,000American flew over 41,000 youn- duce to young people, at a low cost, teen-agers; from April 3-9, United sters on stand-by, and received Addition to STAND-iy Flights the1experience of flying. The corn- Airlines served 12764 youngsters. only 11 lett ers of complants. ?nyv hoped that they would keI lThe early skepticism that some Iis:ems that Youth Stand-by effect from noon Monday to flOOn coming back to Ameiican when- of the airline companies had held Farcs will be around for some St Friday, Saturday afternoon and ever they flew when they aee has now been brushed aside by time. If you an right., you really evening, and Sunday morning, adults. Besides, there was the the extremely favorable response shouldn't have too much trouble According to the supervisor of the extra revenue to be taken in, even that the public has afforded the getting where you want to go. And Delta ticket counter at Detroit at half fare, that could not beY.r h Metiopolitan Airport, Mr. Ash- realized if the sats remain YCmr berry, both the company and the empty. At first'some o th_ the. public are quite pleased with the airlines were skeptical about th way the new plan is working out. success of this plan, but they did Complaints from parents have not wait long to find out. They virtully vanished at Delta. Even had to conform or come up ith though not as much money is something better, or American saved, the confirmed reservation would virtually corner the teen- takes much of the worry out of age market. Under the pressure of stand-by flying. This new plan competition, the other major air- is also good for uniformed military line companies took up the battleCGYf personnel, but they still have tne cry, giving the plan widespread option of using the original 50 publicity once it was approved by C iristln a s G per cent- off - take - your - chances! the Civil Aeronautics Board. plan. If statistics are any indication' Across the way from Delta arej of how well Youth Stand-by Fares° AherEssteAyrlie onDertandr are working, then it must rye work- ( u d the desk of American Airlinesthe ing very well. From Jan. 27, 1966, the Easern Airines conter anearemwrkiniheneitfmust wor- originator of Youth Fares. 1he when American Airlines first in- stituted the cut-rate fares,- to G. James, of Eastern, and Miss March 1, 1966, an average of 1100 Linda Zaremski, who takes care of youth stand-by's per day were American's Youth and Military served by American. Almost 100,- Stand-by Counter, both agree that000 D. cards were sold by Ame- the project is working very wellan from the end of January to and that the amount of additionalc f t nua revenue has been "fantastic." Mar- V ;: i-me j ,x. _ )lOao JOn J P-tl VIP Hottia e ion Sadler, president of Ameriean Airlines, said that there has been "less trouble than we expced" and that American has no inten- tion of changing its plans. HAPPY HOLI DAYS Sugges 312 S. State Street Mon, and Fri. 9:00-8:30 Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. 9:00-5:30 .:ms I" ="-. ' -. Take my salary, divi in-laws, add a few f parties, and wherec de it riend does by family, multiply that by s, and subtract the office that leave me? In elegant style for the holidays, Diane Smaller and Linda Weiner wear full-length robes from Jacobson's. For W" hat unique lpca agft. "DATES TO REMEMBER" 52 FULL PAGE REPRODUCTIONS BY FAMOUS ANN ARBOR ARTISTS ORIGINAL RECIPES PERPETUAL CALENDAR APPOINTMENT BOOK Send $1.50 to: Box 1734-Ann Arbor, Michigan TOURS Student Travel Overseas Program Announces their 1967 Tours CONTACT MR. NAROZNY CIn TRAVEL BUREAU SPORT COATS-Fine impo woolens in hopsacks, sheti DRESS SHIRTS - Distincti\ body, long point button dc I t Follet t' ooks EEven I know wer to that. OLLETT'S s suggests as ideal gifts We'll have a sale on check books as soon as we find an author who'll agree to an autographing Party. for young and old If you're trying to make the most of your Christmas time and money, you should consider books for your gift-giving. Of course, Follett's has loads of- books for students-school-required and school- approved. But, did you know that we have non-academic books on science, religion, history, psychology and such? And, you will also find many gift-worthy titles in our immense stock of fiction and non-fiction paperbacks. With books you don't have to worry about sizes, fits, colors, etc. Just take your cue from hobby, current interest, profession, or job, and you can't go wrong. There's no better way to show your awareness and appreciation of a person than to show your interest in their interest, WIALDENMYERSales and Service GARDEN and LAWN Equipment Ice Skates PRECISION SharpenedM to Customer Specifications _Q.0 Area's Finest Equipment * Convenient Hours .0E. MICHIGAN 0 Service While You Wait Mon.-Fri. 1680 E. Michigan Ave. 9 A.M.to5PM. Ypsilanti-HU 2-0073 St. 8A.M. to 5 P.M. Would you like to do your Xmas Shopping on PLUM STREET? then., .attend our Pre-Xmas GRAND OPENING SALE DEC. 5 /1P c a /earl 937 Plum St. 109 S. Fourth Ave. Detroit 10 A.M.-6 .m Ann Arbor A most unusual selection of Jewelry Specializing in pierced earrings 'FREE GIFT WITH EACH PURCHASE 1329 So. University N02-5587 \ t t\ \\\t ANNOUNCING 1967 PanAm Group Flight to Europe, for Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University of Michigan June 1-August 17 U June 27-August 16 0 June 12-August 11 N.Y.-London-N.Y. . .. $300 Further information NECKWEAR- lords, oal-silk avai labe in January Ski Jackets Ski Boots Ski Pa nts Ski Rentals and all. SKI, EQUIPMENT Also CCM SKATES SEE OUR KNEE SOX-63 COLORS AROLD S. TRIC 711 N. UNIVERSITY SWEATERS- Cox Moore TOIILETRIES- East, Englis- ly or gift set BELTS-Cant sled Surcinc Italian calfs -Imported Swi Repps...... Rcehwoo& R FOLLETT'S OA TAIEITTINE TO ETTCATION I1tEYOI0 SERVICE Ma YouE STATE STREET AT NORTH UNIVERSITY . ANN ARBOR I traditional excellence 1208 S. University - ---------- ------- i i . " E- t . S S '' . - a 9 ":? 1°': l -.: . S .