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December 04, 1966 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-04
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Page Two





FLORENCE Bridal Shop
O After-5 GOWNS
for Pledge Formals
Also Custom arnd Ready-Made Gowns'
or Brides and Bridesmaids
303 S. Main. . Phone 662-5878
Open Mon. & Fri. evenings 'til 9

Student Book Service
1215 S. University

18 Shopping Days
Un1tol Christinas
With only 18 more shopping days and shops to choose from. The
until Christmas and finals just a heavy concentration of stores in
few days away the pressure is cer- this area is ideal for hurried
tainly building up for students. Christmas shopper.s
The prospect of fighting the last Arborland, easily accessible by
minute shoppers after a trying set car or bus, offers an additional
of exams is a grim one indeed. market for gift ideas. Located at
Fortunately for students, Ann Arborland are Hughes, Hatcher,
Arbor is an excellent market for Suffrin; Montgomery Wards; J.C.
gift selections. Ann Arbor stores Penneys; Winkelmans; Grahms;
are exceptional in quality and and many others.
quantity. How fortunate we are to j Detroit, only forty minutes from
have a readily available market to Ann Arbor, opens up still another-
ease our holiday ;hopping prob- market for Christmas shoppers.
lems. In addition to the downtown shop-
The State Street and South Uni- ping area students will find East-
versity areas offer a variety of land, Westland and Northland
ladies' and men's apparel stores, shopping centers attractive places

I. 71




Instrumnents from around the wVorid


jewelry stores, hobby shops, book-
stores, and an amazing assortment
of specialized gift stores.
Just a few blocks from campus
and stretching for several blocks
is Ann Arbor's downtown shopping
area. This area affords studentsI
many additional department stores

to fill their holiday needs.
The advertisements in this sup-
plement should be of help to you
in suggesting many Christmas gift
ideas and a variety of holiday
items. Shop through the pages of
The Michigan Daily - a helpful
guide to your holiday needs.

Mexico: A Land of Sunshine
Hola ! This is the greeting that provides a great change of pace and colonial past blend with the
Mexico, the friendly land, offers from the slush and cold of Michi- comforts and refinements of mad-
the adventuresome college student, gan. ern life. Mexico has preserved its
along with a holiday of sun and Mexico is a perpetual invitation great artistic treasures and tra-
excitement, spiced with all the at- to become acquainted with an ex- ditions at the same time that it
mosphere of a foreign land. Its un- traordinary world in which the has kept in step with contempor-!
rivaled climate of eternal spring splendor of the native heritage. ary progress.
.. As famous as its pyramids and
colonial-style c a t h e d r a 1 s and
PLAN NOW: churches are its deluxe hotels, and
*_ elegant typical restaurants where
the gourmet may savor the deli-
cacies of Mexico as well as those
Following1 the S* -.cmmnto itentinlhusie
But what's there to do? In Mex-
ico, with its fascinating past and
dazzling present this is no prob-
lem. To catch the flavor of the
Spanish influence, a, bull fight in
Tijuana might first be in order.
You've made it! Finals are over plays in a delightful climate. The There are also many historic folk
and you're still alive-just barely, nightclubs are unlimited and have traditions which will fascinate the
maybe, but alive. Well, after the national entertainment for you. visitor as will the majestic relics
initial collapse is over, what are For the gals, if you can ever of an ancient culture.
you going to do? Sit and look at drag yourself out of the sun, Mi- For those who like to "do more"
slush and mud? Of course not! ami offers unusual specialty shops. and "observe less," Mexico is filled
Follow the sun to Miami Beach, Since Miami has a sun and fun with opportunities. Acapulco is
the "Playground of the World", atmosphere all year round, the fast becoming a by-word for those
and forget pressure, papers, and selection of bathing suits is really who are looking for sun, fun, and
exams, lying on a sandy beach j good, from bikini to . . .! Also, the i adventure. Located on the Westj
under a blazing sun. many things made in alligator coast of Mexico, with the Pacific
Don't expect to sit too long, should be a first on your list of I Ocean at its door, the water
though, because in Miami, there special purchases. sports, beaches, and night life
is always something going on! The In the area right around Miami, provide everything that a daring
beach is the place for activity there are also great things to do, spirit could ask for.
both day and night. During the' oYu might try going to Musa Isle Mexico is easily accessible by
day, the ocean will provide the and watch the Seminole Indians plane for the student on a holiday
place for any sport you might wrestle the alligators. The Semi- vacation. The country's handsome
swi gtakskiing subing, sa iing, noles, by the way, are the only capital, Mexico City, would bea
You name it and it's on Miami tribe which didntmsin abuteace way to see the many varied as-
Beach ! The parties on the beach {treaty with Uncle Sam,bu they wyt e h ayvre s
areinformal andes on tinuous.h don't hate us any more and are pects of this fascinating ancient-
are informal and continuou' strictly nonvioilent. Another high modern country is to travel on its
Bingean extra six-pack and you'lpoint would be Hialeah racetrack, modern highway system, either by
be the hit of the evening,.seilyo lmnoDywe bus or car. Your travel agent1
The nightlife in Miami, besides the flamingoes are let out of the would be the best person to sees
the beach is as diversified as you garden, and the Indians chase concerning the arrangements of!
could wish. The places frequented them around the track. The color your trip, and he will be able to
by another "U of M" crowd, Uni- is better than the NBC peacock! give you excellent advice on howl
versity of Miami, are the Ale to make the most of your holiday
House and Varsity Inn, which The ways to get to Miami are in the sun.
provide an atmosphere which is as numerous. oFr those who don't No matter what you do or where
unique as the P-Bell's or Bimbo's want to spend one more minute in you go in Mexico, this friendly
here in Ann Arbor. There are also a winter climate, planes depart ev- land of sun, of clear, blue skies,
many fine dining places for your ery day to the "Playground of the of immortal art and dynamic pro-
enjoyment. Try the Mai Kai, where World." Driving isn't bad either, gress offers you a perfect, unfor-
you can order a pineapple drink since I-75, which goes right past gettable voyage of fun and ad-
served in a real pineapple with a Ann Arbor, goes all the way down venture in the sun.
straw, or Tom's Fish Market on to the "Sunshine State", and then
Biscayne. Bay, where a Florida it's only a hop, skip, and a jump
lobster is really a pleasant experi- on U.S.-1 to Miami. But no mat-
ence for the gourmet. The Coco- ter how you go, just follow the
nut Grove Playhouse offers a sun to Miami Beach and have a Books for Gifts

Mexico's scenic valleys are but one of ti
country that make it another exciting
-- -- -- -- --- -


Buy Greeting Cards Now

The holiday spirit is growing
morecand more each day. Santa
has come down from the North
Pole and made his yearly pilgrim-
age down Fifth Avenue to visit his
biggest competition-Macy's Toy-
The Ann Arbor card and gift
shops are brimming over, with
every conceivable type of greeting
and wish, from Santa wishing you
a Happy Hanukah to a beautifull

209 S State St.


Crrier and Ives paintaing reflect-
ing the serenity and peace that
accompanies this time of the year.
The Post Office will soon be
barking cries of mail your Christ-
mas greetings now to be sure of
Christmas delivery. That card you
liked so much yesterday will be
gone, so whether you buy them by
the box, or spend time selecting
just the right card for the right
person, start looking early before
the crowds grow unbearable.

(' 'I

-t+ tt

U f4
" "

. .t+4

Imported Horn
Wire Pin
Available in silver a
$250 to $3

4r0 1}

The Monogrammed Circle Pin


Pierced Earrings

+- K
- +

Regular: Dec. 10-15
Air Mail: Dec. 15-20
Parcel Post: Dec. 4-10


chance for you to see Broaduway'

',net ut ay ~ lk'vacadtionI..

Drops and

Post Styles

To Match

Christmas is
cisoon, so you
come in and see our
variety of imported
330 Maynard
ouie ocvend

Travel Greyhound for $99
Throughout U.S.A., Canada



as 3 sw 5 Te3M5,s3. .w °3w r"r"eSw kC sA S i

About four years ago, Grey-
hound introduced a new travel-
by-bus plan in an attempt to get
more people to travel during the
winter months.
For $99, one can travel any-
where Greyhound goes in the
United States and Canada. There
are only twc restrictions: 1) that
the trip must be completed with-
in 99 d.ays, and 2) that the same
route cannot be traversed twice.
For example, one might be travel-
ing from Detroit to New York, and
then decide to go north to Bos-
ton. He could later g- south, pass-
ing through New York; however,
he could not go to Boston again
from New York.

Greyht-und also insists that the
traveller have a general idea of
the citi !s he will be going to visit.
This is done so that tickets can
be issued for passage between
points. But the issuance of these
tickets does not compel the holder
to follow the route first laid out.
Any time during the trip he can
ask Greyhound to reissue his
tickets so that he can go to places
other than the ones he originally
desired to visit. This is done with
the provision that he doesn't pass
through the point of origin.
If you want to visit places in the
U.S. and Canada you've never
seen, "Go Greyhound, and leave
the drmving to us!"


619 E. Liberty St.
Open Monday




fr r4 ChHiettnare 9dea

Student Book Service
1215 S. University

312 S. State St
Mon. and Fri. 9:00
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sot.'



3.00 to 7.5o

Travel to Exciting California
In Search of Fun, Adventure,



4.50 to


Engraved Free

/, . + I

f $

arcade jewelry shop
16 nickel arCade
--* .g *': * * * 7$- -*

Want a vacation that's as diver-
sified as night and day? Do you
want snow skiing and ocean surf-
ing within a few hours of each
other? Do you want the thrilling
excitement of a sprawling metro-
polis and the grand splendors of
nature only miles apart? Then
California is for you!
California offers anything you
could want. Sun and fun are yours
in the southern part of the state
while the majestic mountains in
the north offer great skiing op-
portunities. Picturesque S a n
Francisco has its great Golden
Gate, Fisherman's Wharf, and ca-
ble cars, besides its unique China-
town, which is like stepping into
another country. Seeing bustling
Los Angeles and Hollywood will

bring to life all the places you'vej
heard so much about-Wilshire
Boulevard, "Sunset Strip", and the
fashionable homes of Bel-Air and
Beverly Hills. And an absolute
must, of course, is Disneyland.
If nothing else, it will revive the
memories of your Mickey Mouse
Club days (you aren't that old!).
Places to stay in California are
no problem, and your choice is as
wide as the horizon, from a lavish
hotel to a beach cottage. Getting
to California quickly means a
plane trip, since you probably
don't want to spend your precious
days of vacation fighting traffic.
For a holiday vacation that has
everything you could ask for in
the way of sun, fun, and adven-
ture, California is for you. Have a
;reat time !

You'll love Muffins
the cozy slipper from
Madeof fineleatheror
suede with fluffy
shearling collar and
lining-there is
nothing in this
world more
comfortable and
adorable than
Toasted English,
Cranberry, Winterberry
Golden Corn Muffin

Y. ..k

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