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December 04, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-04

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1 Cl }L LiRiV li 1:!


Wilson-Smith Meeting
Indicates Settlement
Reached During Talks
LONDON (P)-Prime Minister
Harold Wilson of Britain and Ian
Smith of rebel, white-minority-
ruled Rhodesia ended their sea-
borne summit conference yesterday
amid signs that they had reached
broad agreement on a settlement.
Although no official word was
released by either side, the at-
mosphere at No. 10 Downing
Street, Wilson's official residence
in London, was one of scarcely
concealed elation.
It was considered significant
that Britain was in no hurry to
tell its side of the story to news-
men in both London and Gibral-
tar, following the two-day con-
frontation aboard a Royal Navy
The British had planned to lose
no time in telling their version if
there had been a breakdown, sour-
ces said.
Smith, who a year ago led Rho-
desia to a declaration of independ-
ence branded illegal by Britain,
left the cruiser Tiger soon after
midnight and immediately took a
plane-presumably for Salisbury,
his capital. He had radioed his
Cabinet to assemble in Salisbury
for an emergency session, presum-
ably to report on the talks.
Wilson remained on board the
vessel overnight and was sched-
uled to return to London in the
It appeared the two had agreed
to make no announcements until
Smith returned home and reported
to his cabinet.
The meeting was the first be-
tween Wilson and Smith since the
rangy ex-fighter pilot declared
Rhodesia independent of Britain
Nov. 11, 1965 to bar the country's
four million Africans from even-
tual power.
Wilson went into the talks de-
manding guarantees that Rhode-
sia's 250,000 whites will end the
rebellion and permit eventual Afri-
can rule in Rhodesia. '
Failure would toss the crisis to
the United Nations. Its African
and Asian members are eager to
cut off Rhodesia economically
from the outside world and use
force to oust Smith if possibles
In case of failure, Britain has
circulated a resolution for the U.N.
Security Council calling for a
worldwide ban on trade in Rho-
desia's main export goods.
The draft of the resolution lack-
ed stiff enforcement procedures
possible under the U.N. charter,
presumably to provide a bargain-
ing counter against African and
Asian delegates who will demand
stronger action no matter what
Britain proposes.
The House of Commoms has
been promised a statement about
7 p.m. tomorrow, no matter what
the outcome. Wednesday has been
set aside for a debate.
If a settlement has been reached,
Smith will be at a disadvantage
when explaining it to his col-
leagues. It would expose him to the
threat of an ouster by extremists
who might think any compromise
to be a humiliating retreat.

Test Bomb

Soviets, French

To Make

Payments on Debt to U.N.

Detonates Limited ' UNITED NATIONS (A - The
Soviet Union and France yester-
Nuclear Explosion day were reported planning to
To Verify Theory contribute between $5 million and
' $7 million each to help wipe out
HATTIESBURG, Miss. f P)--The a UN peace-keeping deficit of al-
HITESBRG iss.day Te-most $30 million that they helped
United States yesterday suetss- build up.
fully conducted a well-advz1-tised A well-placed diplomat said his
"sneak" test in thenuclear pwea- information was that each would
pons field and then set project make a voluntary contribution in
scientists to work to determine that range before the General
how secret it was. Assembly adjourns on Dec. 20. Aj
Their preliminary findings could UN official said the figure was
have international impact if they "not far wrong" but he did not
affect present proposals to extend ---
the present limited test ban on
nuclear weapons tests to include
the outlawing of underground testsK osgtn
still allowed under the treaty.

know about the timing. Another{
official predicted that eventually
all UN members would give.
At the same time, UN Secretary-
General U Thant refused to rule
out the possibility that he would
take a trip to Southeast Asia,
where the war in Viet Nam is a
source of great concern to him.
Asked about speculation that he
would make such a journey after
the assembly, he told reporters,
"I have not contemplated any
trip for the moment." But asked
subsequently if he would rule it

ails Viet

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON is shown with Mexican President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz yester-
day, after the two viewed the site of the new $75 million international dam beIng built by the two
countries over the Rio Grande during Johnson's Mexican trip.
Viet Cong Larn c Two At
HIt Saigon's Airport, Bullding

SAIGON OP) - The Viet Cong
launched a double-barreled attack
on Saigon yesterday, hitting the
capital's huge air base with mor-
tars and a ground attack and then
three hours later blasting a U.S.
headquarters and billet downtown.
American officials said 11 U.S.
Army soldiers were wounded in the
downtown billet blast, none ser-
At the Tan Son Nhut Air Base
on Saigon's outskirts, U.S. and
allied} casualties and material
damage were all described as light.
U.S. spokesmen said 17 Viet
Cong were killed at the base and
one captured in a firefight after
the mortar attack. They said the
fighting ended shortly before 6
a.m., about 4% hours after the
initial mortar barrage.
An allied reaction force was re-
ported to have pinned down a
number of the attackers inside
the base defense perimeter before
the firefight ended.
The building that was blasted
downtown is called the Kinh Do,
which adjoins the main headquar-
ters in Viet Nam of the U.S.
Agency for International Develop-
Windows in the AID building
were shattered by the blast, but
apparently there were no casual-
ties or other damage there.
The Kinh Do, a foi'mer theatre,
houses a headquarters of a U.S.
Army psychological warfare unit
and part of it is used as a tran-
sient billet.
One demolition team officer on
the scenes yesterday said it was
believed a charge had been plant-
ed on the roof of the building and
set off by a timing device.
But other investigators said an
explosive device apparently had
been planted on the ground floor


and the blast tore upward through Vietnamese and U.S. air police.
the building. Earlier in the day the North
The two Viet Cong raids in Vietnamese F o r e i g n Ministry
Saigon closely followed massive charged the United States, in
U.S. bombing attacks Friday near carrying out heavy air strikes
Hanoi, the capital of North Viet Friday near Hanoi, took "a new
Nam. and extremely dangerous 'escala-
About one hour after the attack tion' step" in its air war on the
began there was a thunderous ex- Communist North. It claimed U.S.I
plosion that unofficial sources planes bombed within the capital
said was caused whenone shell itself.
hit an ammunition dump. U.S.; The Foreign Ministry's state-!
military spokesmen said they meat was broadcastby Hanoi's
could not confirm that a dump Viet Nam News Agency. It said
had exploded. More than 40 mor- the government had protested the
tar rounds reportedly hit the air air attacks to the International
base. Control Commission for Viet
Helicopters and tther aircraft Nam. The commission is composed
soared into the sky and lit up a of Canada, Poland and India.
wide area with flares.
Military police and troops with The statement said:
guns at the ready sealed off the ,"On Dec. 2, 1966, planes of the
big base, prohibiting entry to all United States attacked a densely
persons including newsmen. populated area in the southern
The air base handles both mili- suburb of Hanoi and other dense-
tary and civilian air traffic for the ly populated areas inside the city."
city and houses some 15,000 U.S. U.S. military spokesmen in Sai-
military personnel. gon said two targets of the attacks
The sprawling base onthe edge were outside Hanoi, one of them
of the capital handles both civil- 14 1,x2 miles away.
ian and military traffic and, as a1 s
result of the Viet Nam war, is one
of the busiest airfields in the
world. 1W 7

A nuclear bomb with a built-in
explosive power of 350 tons of
TNT was detonated at 7:15 a.m. in
a huge, preformed cavity more
than a half-mile beneath the sur-
face of the great Tatum salt dome,
22 miles southwest of Hattiesburg.
The spherical cavity, almost as
high as a nine-story office build-
ing and 110 feet across, was cre-
ated in October, 1964, by the de-
tonation of a nuclear explosive
with much greater' power than
yesterday's device. The earlier one
had the equivalent yield of 5,000
tons of TNT.
The idea of yesterday's blast was
to make the first major test of
the theory of "decoupling," or
muffling, of a nuclear under-
ground blast.
This theory, previously support-
ed by tests with nonnuclear high
high explosives, holds that if a
nuclear device is detonated within
some kind of a cavity, its built-in
explosive power can be masked up
to 400 times-as compared with a
device of similar built-in punch
exploded in a closely confined
l area.
That is, the "decoupling" con-
cept holds, an underground blast
-if detonated under the right cir-
cumstances--can be made to ap-
pear far less powerful than it
actually is, and could possibly es-
cape long-range detection.
Sensitive seismographs to rec-
ord the power-or the extent of
apparently toned down power-
were deployed all the way from
close-in points out to distances of
1,200 miles, including a network
in Montana.
But, long before preliminary
findings on their readings were
available, nonscientific observers
were agreed that the blast was
somewhat of a real "sneak."
i cP

Whar a Roadblock'

PARIS (PX)-Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin yesterday called the Viet
Nam conflict "the world's No. 1
problem," the main roadblock to
good relations between Moscow
and Washington.
Speaking and replying to ques-
tions at a luncheon of the French
Diplomatic Press Association, the
visiting Soviet leader called for
a settlement of the Vietnamese
war on the basis of the Hanoi and
Viet Cong positions. This would
mean a halt to American aerial
bombardment of the North, with-
drawal of American troops and
eventual, removal of the Saigon
Kosygin, on a nine-day official
visit to France, said the Vietnam-
ese conflict is the cause of many
international problems. He said all
mankind is extremely preoccupied
by the continuing fight in Viet
Nam, which must be ended as soon
as possible.
In reply to one question, Kosygin
smoothly declined to slam the
European door in America's face-
as French President Charles de
Gaulle has proposed-and said any
future conference on European
security could be open to Amer-
ican participation.
Such a conference has been fre-
quently proposed over the years,
to write a European settlement
and guarantee security of Eur-
opean states. Kosygin was asked
if he favored such a meeting and
if the United States should be in-
"We favor the holding of a con-
ference on European security. It
seems to us that the European
countries could meet to exaine
the situationin Europe with a
view to reducing tension and to
assuring rapid economic develop-
ment," Kosygin said.
U.S. Participation
As for the eventual participa-
tion of the United States in such
a conference, this is something for
the European countries as a whole
to decide," he added.
The premier later was asked how
relations between Moscow and
Washington might be improved.
It was in this connection that he
mentioned Viet Nam. He said the
Soviet Union desires "good and
normal" relations with the United
States, but that a settlement of
the Vietnamese conflict is the con-
dition of better relations.

Kosygin made these other
* West Germany must recog-
nize, once and for all, that no ex-
terior force can ever erase the
existence of two German states-
the Federal Republic in the West
anld the East German regime.
West Germany must also accept
the postwar frontiers of Germany.
" Soviet relations with Red
China are "very complex" and per-
sons who want 'to know the Soviet
position should study the full
statement on this question in a re-
cent issue of Pravda. He dismissed
the Red Guards as "only a detail"
and no threat to peace.
" De Gaulle's withdrawal of
French troops from the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization inte-
grated command system was "an
act of peace" which the Soviet
"applauds." The Soviet Union, be
said, favors dissolution of al mili-
tary blocs and would agree to dis-
band the Warsaw Pact organiza-
tion if NATO is liquidated.

out, replied, "No, no, no, it's not
ruled out."
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vasily V. Kuznetsov earlier paid
a call on Thant in his office. He
said he congratulated Thant on
his re-election Friday night to a
new five-year term.
Soviet delegation spokesmen in-
sist that Kuznetsov is here just
to attend the assembly. Other dip-
lomats say he came especially for
the negotiations that led up to
Thant's accepting re-election. But
some Communist sources have
pointed out that he is an expert
on Asian questions and speculated
that he is discussing Viet Nam.
The war in Viet Nam is the
main Asian question on Thant's
mind. He told the assembly Friday
that "this war must be ended" and
promised to make every effort to
promote a peaceful, just solution.
On the unanimous recommen-
dation of the Security Council, the
assembly had just re-elected
Thant unanimously 'to a new term
ending Dec. 31, 1971. He was ex-
I plaining why he had agreed to
stay after hesitating so long be-
cause of the war, the UN's poor
financial situatioi and other dif-
He said he had been "encour-
aged to believe that, in the near
future, the financial situation will
be greatly alleviated by actions
under consideration by some
member states."
Sources in a position to know
explained. that since early No-
vember, the Soviet Union, France
and the United States had been
holding secret talks on when each
should make a voluntary contri-
bution and how much it should
Some said one difficulty was
that the Russians wanted the
Americans to make a bigger con-
tribution than their own and the
Americans refused to do that.

Continue Rioting, in Macao,

The Viet Cong attacked the base
with mortar fire last April 13, hit-I
ting fuel dumps that burned for
days. Seven American servicemen
and a Vietnamese were killed and
more than 100 persons were
wounded in that incident.
The new raid was marked by
"small arms fire and lots of flares
all over the place," an Air Force
official said.
Armed helicopters circled the
area, firing machine guns and
rockets into suspected Viet Cong
The field was sealed off by

a3. I II E 7 WLa N 11. 1 /
In Hungary Election;

MACAO ( - Pro-Communist
Chinese surged through this six-
square-mile Portuguese enclave on
China's south coast for five hours
yesterday, sacking City Hall, beat-
ing up officials and fighting police
in rioting that bore earmarks of
Peking direction. One of the dem-
onstrators' demands was that po-
lice burn their night sticks.
There were unconfirmed reports
that one policeman was beaten to
death and that three Chinese
rioters were shot.
Portuguese authorities faced
their worst crisis since Red Chi-
nese artillery fired into the en-
clave during a border dispute in
In Lisbon, Portuguese govern-
ment officials had no comment on
the rioting, saying they were
awaiting word from Macao au-
It was the third outburst in four'
days. The unrest stemmed from
a clash in mid-November between
Portuguese territorial police and
workers clearing a site for a pro-
Communist school.

A broadcast saying Portuguese
authorities had yielded to Chinese
demands brought a halt to the
rioting by nightfall but Portu-
guese troops patrolled the streets
to enforce an all-night curfew.
The broadcast that ended the
violence was made by Ho Yin, 56,
a multimillionaire who serves as
Macao's unofficial go - between
with Red China. Ho did not list
the demands to which he said gov-
ernment officials had. yielded.
The pro-Communist Chinese
had blamed police for brutality
that caused the clash at the school
site last month. Police had gone
there to halt work on the school,
saying it had not been approved
by Macao's Public Works Depart-
The rioters, many of whom
shouted quotations from Chinese
Communist chief Mao Tse-tung,
demanded a public apology and
admission of error by the govern-
ment because of police interfer-
ence with construction of the

World News Roundup

BUDAPEST, Hungary (A)-Janos
Kadar won re-election as Hun-
gary's Communist Party chief yes-
terday after calling for expansion
of relations with the United States.
At the same time, the party trim-
med its hierarchy.
"We want normalization of rela-
tions," Kadar said in his closing
speech to the party's congress here.
"We want political, economic, sci-
entific and other relations with
the United States as well.
"If we find a similar readiness
on their part, our relations (an be
Kadar's speech was made Friday
night but made public Saturday.
In the minor shakeup of the
Hungarian Communist Party hier-
archy, the politburo was reduced
from 12 members to 11. Dropped
aparently because of their ages
were Ferenc Muennich, 80, and
Miklos Somogyi, 70. Both had been
top members. One new member
was added. He is Rezsoe Nyers.
Kadar, 54, became head of the
T- i i ftr th -

amnesty for political prisoners.
Kadar also had extended a wel-
come for Hungarians who are not
Communists to participate in re-
constructing the nation, saying:
"He who is not against us is with
In his final congress speech he
seemed to expand on the offer.
"Everybody is with us who earns
his bread by honest work," he
said. After his election as party
chief, Kadar conferred with So-
viet Communist leader Leonid I.
Brezhnev, who led foreign Com-
munist officials at the congress.
An announcement of the meeting
said it was "cordial and friendly"
and that "questions of mutual in-
terest were discussed."

1, ______________________________ I



By The Associated Press
Clayton Powell's House colleagues
are cautiously awaiting further
developments before making up
their minds whether to bar him
from the 90th Congress.
Despite'their present reluctance
to commit themselves on the pro-
posal to deny the New York Dem-
ocrat a seat when Congress con-
venes Jan. 10, their private com-
ments make one thing clear:.
The flamboyant Harlem preach-
er-politician is in the most serious
difficulty of his 22-year congres-
sional career.
Talkswith House leaders and
influential members of both par-
ties disclose a wide sympathy for
the announced intention of Rep.
Lionel Van Deerlin, (D.-Calif), to
challenge Powell's seating if Pow-
ell still is in contempt of court on
Jan. 10.
Whether that sympathy can be

turned into the votes needed to
excluse the 57-year-old Negro from
Congress apparently is question-
WASHINGTON-A Senate sub-
committe said yesterday night re-
ports from 21 manufacturers of
foreign autos imported into the
United States disclosed 127 recall
campaigns on 1960-66 models to
correct safety-related defects.
The 'data were submitted to the
subcommitte on Executive Reor-
ganization. Chairman Abraham A.
Ribicoff, (D.-Conn.), requested it
last May in connection withan
inquiry into highway safety after
domestic automobile makers had
supplied similar information.
Ribicoff said, "The information
supplied by the manufacturers
would thus appear to indicate that
only 7.5 per cent of the cars con-
tained defects warranting a re-
call campaign."

Kennedy, (D.-N.Y.), said yesterday
both Communist-led guerrillas and;
rightist military elements in
Guatemala are threatening the
newly elected moderate govern-!
ment of President, Julio Cesar
Mendez Montenegro.
"1Atinr~ ir rt nii in

The two possibly discussed a
call for a world Communist meet-
ing which would take up the So-
viet-Red Chinese split but, as
Brehznev said earlier in the week,
would not read Peking out of the
world movement.

Room 2Y, Union -10 A.M.-4 P.M.

An increasingly serious situ- Hungarian regime ai er
ation exists in Guatemala," Ken- viet Union put down the:
nedy said in a statement issued 1956. Hated at the time,
through his office here. He said enjoys considerable popu
the United States must avoid in- Hungary.
tervention, but should make clear He is credited with a
its support of the elected govern- ization movement that r
ment. peak in 1963 with a decla

Me O
revolt in
he now
clarity in
eached a
ration of

at the
David Sobrepena Speaks on

s The Paulist Father is a m-dern
man in every sense of the word. Hie
is a man of this age, cognizant of
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ways to work with, for and among
100 million non-Catholic Amer-
icans. He is a missionary to his own
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' 'the vital'spark of serving God
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you, why not pursue an investiga-
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