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December 04, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-04

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(See Editorial Page)


4Ia iti

Increasing cloudiness,
windy and warmer

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom




. ..... - --------------

jthe A 3higan atjil

Group Finds
Jobs Abroad
International Service
Arranges Work in
Europe, Scandinavia


Late World News
By The Associated Press
BERKELEY, CALIF.-Berkeley campus Chancellor Roger W.
Heyns took under consideration last night a conciliatory gesture
from striking students and teachers and said he would reply Sun-
The move came from the strike committee and offered to
lessen the role of nonstudent strike leader Mario Savio, whose
status has stalemated negotiations in the current University of
California cisis.
Heynshas refused flatly to negotiate with a nonstudent-
Savio-to end the dispute that started last Wednesday over an
on-campus Navy recruiting table. Ten were arrested, including
six nonstudents.
The strike committee-a coalition of the Associated Stu-
dents, the American Federation of Teachers and the Council of
Campus Organizatio$s-said without mentioning Savio's name
that nonstudents present in negotiations would be silent observ-
ers." It was also reported that Savio, at least, would have caucus-
calling privileges.
AN ADDITIONAL 6,000 graduate students wo show promise
of developing into good college and university teachers will
receive fellowships for doctoral study during the 1967-68 aca-
demic year, the U.S. Office of Education said yesterday.
Approximately $82 million will be obligated during fiscal
year 1967 to cover the cost of the 6,000 new graduate fellow-
ships plus some 9,000 awards continuing from previous years.
A NATIONAL SURVEY reveals that nearly half of the na-
tion's college health services will now prescribe contraceptive
pills, but only one in 25 will do so for single women who do
not intend to marry in the near future.
Out of 315 institutions polled:55 per cent do not prescribe
contraceptive pills; 26 per cent prescribe only to married women
students; 7 per cent prescribe only for medical purposes; 8 per
cent will prescribe for single, unmarried women who take a
premarital exam or show other intent to marry in the near
future; and' 4 per cent will prescribe for single, unmarried
No individual institutions were identfied by Dr. Ralph M.
Buttermore, presdent of the Pacific Coast College Health Asso-
cation, who released the study. Most institutions which would
not prescribe the pill said this was not an appropriate function
of a college health service, but required continued supervision
by a personal physician, he reported.
"Others thought prescribing the pill would express (tacit)
approval for premarital relations, implying that colleges accept
a responsibility that does not properly belong to it and runs
counter to the great majority of parents."
* * * *
MICHIGAN'S BIG THREE universities remain among the
25 biggest schools in the nation, a report in the educational
' journal School and Society indicated yesterday, the Associated
Press reported.
Michigan State, with 35,846 full-time students enrolled,
ranks No. 11 in terms of both full-time and total enrollment.
The University, with 28,343 full-time students, retained its No.
14 rating in both classifications and Wayne State, with 18.757,
dropped from 23rd to 25th. in full-time students and from 19th
h, to 20th in total students enrolled.
A .UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO COED lost her first suit
to change a failing English grade in court recently, but she has far
from given up.
Miss Jacalyn Dieffenderfer filed an amended complaint with
the Boulder District Court, following the dismissal of her original
suit on the grounds that the grade case was an academic matter
that the court could not decide.
Miss Dieffenderfer had received what she described as a puni-
tive "F" for allegedly cheating on a final exam last year. The bas-
is of her complaint is that a university disciplinary committee had
handed down a ruling of "no action" when the case came before
it in June.
Although this is not equivalent to a ruling of innocent, the
coed maintained that she should have been considered innocent
until proven guilty and should not have been punished for an
unproven offense.
THE UNIVERSITY'S NEWLY enlarged Botanical Gardens,
considered one of the nations' best installations of its kind,
will be open to the public thisafternoon.
The open house is scheduled for 2-4 p.m. Free buses will
leave from Hill Aud, at 1:30 and every half .hour thereafter
until 4. Buses will also return to Hill at half-hour intervals.

"Jobs Abroad" is an internation- ..
al job placement service that finds.
jobs in Europe, Scandinavia and .
Asia on a year-round or summer W : " |":
basis for persons between the ages
#of 17 2 and 40. '} ::: .n:?.}.->>;::.:..r: .*-.::r . : :::;:::;.{.
The program is sponsored inter-
nationallyby.he Iterntional
Student. Informaton S e r v c. ..e.
( S a n d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . . . ..r d. . . . . . : . . . . . ..r.A.B r .k . (. ) , sh.:s:h... . .t.a r.. -e r . . . . .r a ng.. .e K en. .y e.. . .s.. . .h 's.. .v ic.r y.y.h e
by an A m erican affiliate, the In-... .... ............,..._.................,. - .:.::::::;.::;:..::
and Culture (ISTC).. An I.:.STC .:.................rep-}.. ii :':i:.:: -
r esentative w ill be on cam pus this " ~ .N:. . . ...._,'..,.. ...r. N..,:'.:' .,..,. . ,:, . :; :v:.. .. ., . _- - r... ......... ...{.:?;:;._.. .. , ... . ---"---
week interviewing interested stu- , Dal3 rhomas R. Copi 1
d"Many students who are anxious Michigan Icers Drop Waterloo Again, 6-2t
to go abroad, but can't afford to Michigan' forward Al Brook (19), shoots the puck toward Waterloo Lutheran goalie Ken Payne in last night's 6-2 victory by the t
travel as tourists and need a pay-i
ing job to cover their expenses Wolverines. Michigan outshot the Golden Hawks on the way to their fourth straight victory without a defeat. Mel Wakabayashi
while in Europe, find this program and Bob Baird led the scoring with two points apiece as six different Wolverines netted goals. (See story on Page 6.)
essential," says Francis K. Gor- ---- - ----._- -
don, Jr., executive director of the 'r
program.{ IF NECESSA RY:
Similarly, he adds, "there aret
those who could afford to travel
in Europe but don't want to skim
the surface. They are interested
in something besides filling up a
photo album."
The work categories of the pro-
gram range from factory, farm By ROGER RAPOPORT voluntary enlistments will force prefer to have as much informa- got to have some fresh ones to'
and construction work to restau- Special To The Daily draft calls upward in the near!tion as possible about a student- fight," said Hershey.
rant and hotel-resort positions. WASHINGTON - The nation's future. such as class standing. "The public gets optimistic whenx
There are also jobs in camp coun- Selective Service director says he The 74-year-old draft director In line with Secretary of De- we say we're not going to raise our1
seling and child care. favors drafting women for servaice estimated that "half of the nearly fense Robert S. McNamara's re- military strength much more inz
Accomodations are frequently in the U.S. armed forces. 800,00 men who enlisted in the cent announcement that draft Viet Nam. But our boys are not allt
provided by the employer. Room Ina - .nterv-ew ithTheDailyarmed forces between June 1965! calls in the December-March 1967 in Viet Nam. We've got them all
and board with a family can some- I ra inteve e wi D and June 1966 did so after they period would be 80,000, down from over the world.
times barranged, but can some- draft director Lt. Geen.e we nee were notified they had passed their 160,000 in the August-November ''This is a very turbulent revolu-
a reciprocal basis where the stu- women I think we ought to draft pre-induction draft physicals. 1966 period, Hershey said, "If you tionary world and It's not so easy
dent's family agrees,to take a for- thme , Hershey explained that the men are going to read the situation as to predict manpower needs."
eign student for the same amount em. knew they were about to be drafted # it runs now, the calls are lower Still Hershey confirmed reports1
of time. While pointing out that there and decided to enlist. ahead of us then they are behind that full-time college students in
The program is not limited to are no current plans to draft The draft official said he thinks us." good standing are indefinitely
American students only but has women, Hershey said, "One area students who do not submit rank- Hershey also cited several other saved from the draft because of
placed students from Australia, here ve heard a lot of talk aboutings can probably win deferments factors that will push' the draft.t the generally lower calls. Hershey
placedngstudentss fromnAustralia, .has said that as long as calls stay
Germany, France, Peru, Korea etc. drafting women is nursing. There's provided they take the draft ex- up, such as illness, combat deaths beo 30,000 a mong asudens ta
Eight hundred American students a real nurse shortage," in the amination and turn in their school and wounds, as well as military below 30,000 a month, students are
participated in the program in armed forces. grades, discharges. in the lear.
1966. Hershey also -thinks a drop in But he added that boards would "To maintain effectiveness we've mara's abrupt Thanksgiving deci-
sion to slash the January draftt
S call from an announced 27,.600 to
cten tst De elo et (J / ] r (j Stuonly 15,000 came as a complete
'U' Scientists Develop Method To Study ese adhelando h
Hershey said he learned of the :f
deiinbelatedly from wire serv-i
truc tureDisorders of Human Inner Eartagon gives us the calls three or
four days before they're made pub-r
By WALLACE IMMEN and nevrve fibers which relay their can be made of any irregularities acoustic trauma, which is very Hre xpidh gn
The award-winning work of two responses to sound impulses to the or damage in the nerve cells or the common, especially among people 27,600 January draft call was cut
researchers at the Kresge Hearing bran. As the last accessible portion membrane itself with the deficien- who work in noisy industry, where ack becaue ocriticis hat
Research Institute promises to lead of the ear, corti's organ has re- cies noted in the tests made before the ability to hear higher frequez- was higher than McNamara pre-r
medicine to a clearer understand- mained one of the least understood the donor died. These observations cies of sound is lost. It is believed dicted in a Nov. 5 news conference.
h parts of the body. will lead researchers to a better that a constant exposure to certain At the t M
in of the mysteries of the struc-said he

Group Plans
Teaeh-In For
Ad loc Committee
To Act Independently
Of Voice and SGC
Although Student Government
Council and Voice Political Party
will not decide on future action
until meetings early this week,
an ad hoc group of students spent
the weekend planning a student
power teach-in to be held inthe
Administration Bldg. lobby to-
Students participating in a
similar teach-in riday voted late
that afternoon to return to the
Administration Bldg. tomnorrow".
Plans for tomorrow were fornnu-
lated yesterday by an informally
organized group of about 50 stu-
dents. It decided to begin wfe
teach-in at noon and invited all
interested students to attend.
At 4 p.m. a delegation will be
sent from the Administration,



ture and disorders of the human So little is known about this sec- understanding of the effects of old noise damag
derreadand dishordercs off thneihudama
-inner ear. tion of the ear, that it has been age, toxic drugs and certain viruses responding tc
nProf. Joseph Hawkins of the de- difficult to understand what effect upon the sense of hearing, and Hawkins b
diseases have upon it or to deter- may help to eliminate some of insights gain
partment of otorhnolaryngology mine- the causes of many disturb- these common causes of hearing method, it s]
(study of ear, nose and throat) defects. physicians to
and Dr. Lars Johnsson, a Full- ances of hearing. phscast
bright fellow from the University The method of preparing speci- Especially intriguing to re-[diagnoses of]
Hospital of Helsinki, Finland have mens which has dominated the searchers is the phenomenon of basis of stan
reapplied a system of studying the field requires embedding the bone =s::r< :.: ............
inner ear first developed in the in a plastic-like substance called
19th century in Sweden. celloidin for a period of as long
An exhibit demonstrating their as nine months.'P ER SOA L
application- of this technique on This is done after the calcium
Ithe human ear recently received has been removed from the bone
first place award at the annual with strong acid and the inner am pus
meeting of the American Academy structures are thus hardened in a
of Ophthalmology and Otolaryn- preservative block which can
an ..r..sm h.....m.
vinfrfvx which rnrsnt om then be cut into thin sec- ~. .

es the hair cells cor-
o certain sounds
elieves that with the
ed by employing this
hould be possible for
make more accurate
hearing losses on the
dard hearing tests

thought the draft will average
"less than 25,000" men a month
in December through January."
Hershey says, "People were rais-
ing hell about that 2600 extra
so he decided to cut it back by
Copyright 1966, The Michigan Daily

dg. to a literary college faculty
eeting to try to persuade faculty
embers to join the demonstra-
LSA Meeting
The literary college meeting,
hich starts at 4 p.m., will con-
der a resolution that faculty
embers be allowed to evaluate
ale undergraduate students on a
ss-fail basis, thus avoiding the
,ed to give grades which could
s used to compile class ranks for
se by the Selective Service sys-
m. Such a policy decision is
ithin the province of the faculty.
Another resolution charging that
e administration has shown "less
sponsibility and less fidelity to
e principles of the democratic
:ocess" than SGC will also be
Teaching Fellows
Teaching fellows have charged
at they have been summarily ex-
uded from tomorrow's faculty
eeting. Literary college rules
ohibit attendance 1by non-fac-
fy members at faculty meetings,
aless the faculty votes to admit
Several teaching fellows have
ritten out a pledge that they will
>t send grades, in the hope that
flow teaching fellows will sign it
pass-fail, is voted down to-
David Shapiro, Grad, a spokes-
an for the group arranging the
ach-in, said he. hopes that at
ast 100 faculty members will join
ie teach-in after the literary col-
ge meeting concludes at approxi-
ately 6 p.m. Shapiro said the
ach-in will end when the par-
cipants vote to adjourn. He Wdd-
1 that the group does not expect
i hold additional demonstrations
atil next semester.
There were no SGC members at
sterday's planning session. One
iC member said he was pretty
re that council would not be-
me involved in any more teach-
s this semester.
Although some members of Voice
-e involved in planning the
ach-in, Voice Chairman Michael
ach-in, Voice Chairman Michael
veig, Crad, emphasized that his
ganization is not officially spon-
ring the event. Voie members
ho participated in yesterday's
eeting and plan to attend the
ach-in are acting as individuals,
said. Voice will meet Tuesday
decide what stance the orga-
zation itself will take.
Position Paper
The ad hoc group planning the
ach-in has prepared a position
per on student power. The pa-
r will provide the subject mat-
r for discussion at the teach-
a among other things, it advo-
-An unarmed University-run po
e force responsible to a stu-
nt faculty judiciary review com-
ittee. The force would keep civil
-der, and the committee would
view complaints about the force
ad be able to fire its members;
-A student faculty referend n
a apass-fail system;
-Special student-faculty comn-
ittees to determine which foun-
tion grants and business ad
>vcriiment coitacts will be ac-
,ted by each department and
,hool, determne hiring and fir-
ig of facu'ty members, examine
>ssible conflict of interest among
rembers of the administration
ad establish admission policies.
-Acknowledgement that civil
urts have sole jurisdiction where
.vil laws are concerned, because
he administration should have
o power to discipline students."


gu lgy, ..a.±. ..fl .J...,
3,500 ear specialists throughout'
the United States and Canada.
Organ of Corti
The structure involved is the
organ -of corti, a spiral membrane
a little more than an inch long,
lined with thousands of hair cells

tions for viewing under a micro-
This system, however allows only
a transverse view of the structures
in each area of the membrane, and
the whole organ must then be
graphically "reconstructed" if the
pattern of any damage is to be
determined. The thickness of the
sections as well as the long per-
iod in the acid and embedding
solution results in a general loss
of detail in the specimen.
The new "autopsy" technique
for the inner ear is based on stu-
dies started by Hawkins and Dr.
Hans Engstrom about four years
ago while Hawkins was working in
Engstrom's 'laboratory in Gothen-
burg, Sweden. It is based on the
largely forgotten ear studies . of
the Swedish anatomist Gustav

None of the students in sections
20, 24 and 26-H of Economics 201
need worry about their grade be-
ing sent in to the draft board.
Their instructor Mike Zweig isn't
giving any grades to anyone,
Zweig hasn't been doing a lot
of things lately. He hasn't been
sleeping,hehasn't been able to
make "Dr. Zhivago," in fact, he
hasn't even had time to trim his
lush brown beard.
For the 24-year-old economics
teaching-fellow, student, author,
and chairman of Voice political
party has been spending almost all
his time in the sit-in and protest
activities that have provided Pre-
sident Hatcher with a daily night-
Zweig grew up in Bloomfield
Tnin rhin Alfilt' "h fIIQ nl

"When I look at some of the de-
cisions the University has been
making this year on the draft,
HUAC, and sit-in bans, I'm not
so sure the students couldn't have
done a better job. We certainly
couldn't have blown it as totally
as the administration has."
Zweig believes much of the
problem stems from the fact that
the "administration views the stu-

University of Chicago Opens
Conference on Draft Today

your picture. Sure you can have a
draft referendum. But we're go-
ing to turn your rankings in any-
Zweig, who had 10 hours sleep
between Monday and Friday,
thinks that disgust with such ad-
ministration policies extends far
beyond Voice.
"It's not true that the Friday
sit-in was a Voice thing. Alot of
our members were there, sure, but
so we're all kinds o f other people
who have nothing to do with us.
"Students are excited for the
first time about making something
out of this place where they work
and live."
Zweig says he wants to see key
University issues decided by stu-
dents and faculty in a senate
"I wonder if the faculty and
students would rather see the
sports stadium that's going up or
the residential college that hasn't
gotten, off the ground," says
While he concedes that "It's all
very true that the Regents and
administrati'on have ultimate pow-
er, it's hard to tell what' the
scenario is going to be.",
At the moment it looks as if
.grades are the prime weapon of

CHICAGO UP)-More than 100 the University of Chicago con-
educators, students, military spe- ferees will debate revisions and
cialists and congressmen will take alternatives to the present draft
what promsies to be the most system-a topic dramatized by the
searching look yet at the nation's increasing m'anpower needs for
Selective Service system during a the Viet Nam war.
four-day conference beginning to- But conference director Sol Tax,
day at the University of Chicago. a professor of anthropology at the
Participants in the novel meet- University of Chicago, says that
ing-to which the public has not unlike the others, his meeting will
been insited-include some of the have a fixed goal:
most glowing names in academics: "To see if there is a best solu-
anthropologist Margaret Mead, tion to the draft-or if there are
economist Milton Friedman, soci- two or possibly three beter ways
ologists Morris Janowitz and Han- of doing it."
nah Arendt, and Erik Erikson, i Tax spent months selecting the
n.nfzsnr . int h )n .mn t ofInnfaanc. an danlr ' +'I-in im -

presenting their final views.
"This is a conference in which
we expect the first things people
will say won't be the same as the
last thing they say," Tax said' in
an interview. "We want to march.'
We want to hammer it out and
get to some conclusions we didn't
have in the beginning.,,
Not Extreme
Tax acknowledged that he thinks
"the draft may be absolutely in-
valid and a voluntary army might
be best. But I don't think we'll
come up with a recommendation'
that extreme."
Tf: A tn, I ki f arr,.na n an n

Retzius in the late 19th century. wen the nt t Jws live
when they wouldn't let Jews live
This method employs a high in Bloomfield Hills," he explains).
speed drill, similar to that used A former SDS community organ-
by dentists. With a burr hit first, izer in Hoboken and Jersey City,
the outer thickness of the bone is New Jersey, he's been at the Uni-
removed until only an egg shell versity for six years and expects
thickness remains. Then, with a to take a doctorate next year.
very fine tipped pick the bone re- Zweig's thesis ("A Revenue
maining around the membrane is Forecasting Model for the State
carefuly removed exposing the oi- of Michigan") is an effort to ex-
gan far examination under a dis- plain how much money the state's
secting stereo microscope, which antiquated tax structure will bring
gives a three-dimensional view of into Lansing's coffers next. year.
its structure. !711fnfo 4. ie ,,+. 4 sfi f





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