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December 03, 1966 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-03

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In A rl rlb*

a . . 1Y i a aL l a {{ 4" L }x'111.1 .


For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0'
Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M.


Mancinni concert Jan. 14. Be the
1000th person to use THE MARKET.
Stop in on the second floor of the
Michigan Union 3-5 p.m. or call 665-
S 3303 anytime. FbI
SKULK WITH the Talismen!! United
Fund Mixer at the League Saturday

DRAFTSMAN wanted for map tracing.
Make $2.50/hour. 663-5718. H21
Has an opening for a computer ma-
chine operator-programmer. Prefer
full time but would accept a 75%
time employee. Hours 5 'a.m.-10 a.m.
weekdays plus some weekend work.

3-ROOM EFFIICIENCY apt. Close to MALE ROOMMATE to share 4-man MALE ROOMMATE wanted, quiet. pref.
campus, $114 with all utilities includ- house. Completely furnished single grad. student to share mod, split-
ed. Occupancy Dec. 20, rent paid thru bedroom. $50. Jan.-June. i block level 2-man apt., close to main cam-
Jan, 15. Call 665-0912. C34 from football stadium. NO 2-8186. C46 pus. $82.50 mo, including all utilities.
______ ___________ - Winter term. 665-7037 between 6-7
FOURTH MAN needed next semester for ONE MALE roommate for Charter House- p.m C59
modern, close to campus apt. Call apartment, $55/mo. for winter term.
761-3581. C35 Call 761-9027. C43 MALE ROOMMATE wanted. Mod, apt.
rlo,; to r6 s if n nn l

HIDE-A-BED-- Goad condition,$30AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 1959
HIDkAE, orouhd cition, S30Olds. 4-door, blue, winterized, clean.
aBook case, other household item. one owner. Good condition. Call Don
Available Dec. 22. Call 761-2049. B25 or Rich, 662-8555. NF

night, 9-12. FE Please call or write Mr. George Per- TWO-MAN APT. 1 bedroom. furnished, 5 rm. 2-bedrm, apt., -
ritt, Com-Share Inc., NO 2-2594, 2200 brand-new in Sept., spacious, with 1506 Packard
DON'T FORGET TO RETURN or re- Fuller Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105. many extras. 662-2872. C29 Newly Furnished
new art print loan pictures on Tues., H2G ----- - ---- - - Immediate occupancy. 665-0428 or
Dec. 6, 10-4 rm. 2Y Union. F3 . -- 2 MAN-Brand new apt, with patio at phone 663-3483 after 5. C26
--HELP WANTED - Part-time gas at- S. Division and William. Occupancy I--. - _____
THE ONLY place in Ann Arbor to buy tendant. C-Ted's Standard Service, Dec. 20. Rent paid until Jan. 20. Call SUBLET 1-ROOM one or two girls of
a diamond engagement ring. Check S. University and Forest. H19 665-0912. C36 4-man apartment. Call Bernice 665-
it. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univer- ---- -- --- ---------- ------- 2639. C40
sity. 663-7151, F4 MARRIED COUPLE (STUDENT) MODERN THREE ROOM furnished to -- -
TO MANAGE SEVERAL SMALL sublease. Couple preferred. $125/mo. NEED ONE ROOMMATE. Starting next
Leslie A. Fiedler is CAMPUS INCOME PROPERTIES. Call 665-8190. C37 semester 800 W. Fuller. Congenial
PROVOCATIVE. .. NO EXPERIIENCE REQUIRED ---- - pro-school-type roommates. 662:.-42.
"Come Back to the Raft ag'in Huck BUT BE PERSONABLE-INDUSTRIOUS. NEED 1 MAN to fill winter vacancy. C43
Honey! (CHILD NO BAR). New building one block from Union. - - .- --------.-- ---
*An End to Innocence FE MUST BE AVAILABLE THROUGH $60 per month. 662-4841. C30 MUST SUBLET lovely one man apart-I
HAEPOLM etn or - AUG. 1968. $200 per Month Plus - ____- ment. One block from Union start-I
HAVE PROBLEMS getting your typing Write MR. ROME, 1224 Blake, Lansing 2-MAN APT. $100/mo. 533 Elizabeth St. ing Dec. 20 or later. Please call 665-
done? One day service - Technical!H15 Lease thr Aug. 15. Can be seen 7:30- (7945. C31
Service Associates 665-4658. 9-4:30 8:00 evenings. C38 ;# --~ ~-~~- -- - ~~
Fu:St n avcTrmzns.,« .,i+, .r.,...oi. x..._..__ :THTIDMAXn ~id fnAt itri

dse To campus. s46 per month . 410
Observatory, Apt. 5. 665-2757. Cl-
NEW APARTMENTS. 2 bedroom apart-
ments available. One block from cam-
pus in building just finished. Call
Mr. Goldman, 665-4477 days, 662-6091
ev%,es. (C35
MODERN furnished 2-man to sublease
beginning Dec. 23. 663-9502. C20

1956 CHEVY. Standard transmission, re-
cently overahuled. $150 or best offer.l
Call 663-9938. B261
MEN'S 9-m, SKI BOOTS excellent cond.
Best offer. Call Jeff 761-7657. B21
ELECTROLUX tank-type vacuum. All
attachments. Runs well. $35. NO 3-!
9177. B24
AMPEX 860 4-track stereo tape re-
corder. 2 walnut enclosed speakers,
patch cords, mikes, tapes. Call Jim
NO 2-3779. B23F
HAARMONY - Sovereign guitar, case,
capo, and strap. Call 668-8317. B20

still for sale. I must sell it, even
at a loss - Only $950. Give it to
your boyfriend for Christmas. 665-
3560, Dick B., 1020 Oakland. N49
1961 AUSTIN HEALY 3000. Rebuilt
engine and front suspension. New
tires and clutch. Call 663-6881. N47
PORSCHE 1600N 1956 Just overhauled
Must sell. $485. Contact Ken at
665-2230. N48
FOR SALE - 1966 Triumph TR-4A.
Green with white top. 7000 miles.
$2350. Call 482-2688. N45
1965 V.W. IN GREAT Shape-just over-
hauled. Call 761-3716 after 5:30. N

Guitars: Gretsch, Mosrite, Rickenbeck-
er. Harmony, Gibson. Fender, etc.
Ukelele,. $4.95 and up. Banjos. 30c
c;off. Drum sets - All muakes : Rogers,
Gretsch, Camco. etc. Maestro Music,
DI 2-8880. 15314 W. Seven Mile, E.
Greenfield. Wonderland Music Co.,
LU 4-8112. 13519 Michigan at Schaefer,
Detroit, Open from 10-10 daily, Sun,
12-6. X12
Wanted: Responsible party to take over
low monthly privments on a spinet
piano. ('an be seen locally. Write
Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby-
vilo. Indiana. X1
A-1 New and Used Ir struments
119 W Wshingtn


ROOM AND BOARD-Avail. next seines-
ter. Call house manager, 761-5857. E15 COLT AR-15 cal 5.56 m.m. with hard
thungr 7- .E case. U S. Enfield Caliber 30-06 761-
ROOM AND BOARD available. Winter 6776 B18
FOR SALE - Like new 1966 Walter
WANTED TO RENT Hagen Ultra Irons (2-9) D-O swing

ROMNEY Special 1961 Rambler Ameri-
can. Radio, heater, 4 near new tires,
complete with Romney sticker. Best
offer over $100. Call 761-2795. N41

I"551 BABYSITTER for faculty winme
_2635.__ _'Niiuy myo- -1 vj.nc-'weight: stiff shafts,$95. Call John,
in school, one at home. 1-5:00 Mon.- ONE-MAN EFFICIENCY - Am drafted, term. Call 663-2635. C32 665-7432 any time. B16
HONDA SERVICE Fri. 15 mn, walk from campus. 1043 must sublet, 4 blocks from campusG- an r pesn ONE TICKET for MSU-Notre Dame,
Free pick-up. NO 2-3979 F5 Olivia. NO 3-8714. H11 completely furnished (stove and r GRAD STUDENT SEEKS OTHER SU man to share expenses Jan or Feb.
----__- -._____r,________ptn DENT FOR START OF WINTER in Apt. furn Rent $67.50/mo. Laun- highest bidder. 764-5620. B12
-- ________-- - --- -- __....-_- -_--- --- ---- frigerator), wal to wall carpeting, SMSE osae2lrebdom --
MOTORCYCLE STORAGE. NO 2-3979. PROGRAMMERS WANTED - Urgent eh db SEMESTER to share 2 large bedroom --
M C S A N 3 PRA MMES WNED - Urget weathered board interior, all utilities 2 man apt. with full sized kitchen, dry facil., near North Campus and SONY 50A taperecorder with accessor-
F6 and, continual need for computer paid for. Must be seen. $70/mo. Avail plenty of storage space and ideal hospital. 1506 Plymouth Rd., Apt. ies. Call 668-6037 after 4:00 p.m. B10
fulmpt tie, e-Dec. 5. I will pay up to Jan. 1. 663. study conditions. Close to campus. 51. 663-5337 after 5:0 P. M. L14_
SATURDAY is SKULK Night! FE cellent wages, unlimited vocational 87.C9-Rn 675.Cl 6.93. C8--FRSL---Hona awk-E--cnd
-- E-- -- ---and educational opportunities, flexi- Rent $67.50. Call 665-5963. C28 2 GIRLS NEEDED for mod. 4-woman FOR SALE-'64 Honda Hawk. Ex. Bond
CHEPi.ble hours. Information Control Sys- ROOM AVAILABLE for next semester apt. Start Jan. Quiet Easy summer Extras. 764-0066. B7
Need female roommate for large, well- : tems. 761-1600. H18 at Lester Co-op, 900 Oakland. Room APARTMENTS sublet. Efficient landlord. 663-0150. - - - -
furnished apt. Close to campus: 857- anmlcae - and board, $300 per semester. 4-6 ALL TYPES AVAILABLE. Ann Arbor L13 ELECTROLUX tank type vacuum clean-
Tappan. 761-0915. FA PART-TIME animal care taker to k work Aanwork per week.1Call2RachelAetYEA Ecy, 1217 S.AUnLLiE-r-- s er, all attachments in good cond. Will
weekdays and weekends. Opportunity 663-2929 C33 Ap m Any 7.Ua sell for $35. 663-9i7. n 2
WANTED-Fourth man for spacious for research assisting with primates, s-tyf-TRANSPORTATION
apartment with ideal location. Your , starting this month. Call Dr. Butter -_-_ ------"-HONDA SUPER HAWK, has new pis-
chance to live with honors engineer- 764-0438, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. H17 WANTED-Female roommate for 3-man 3-4 MAN APT. ON CAMPUS 7 rooms. RIDE NEEDED desperately to Grand tons and rings $450. 665-6601 B33
chnetodve, thhnor.ennd er-76-0438--- -5apt. Owne room, luxurious attic set- Parking available. CHEAP! Call 663- Rapids Dec. 10. Call 764-6989. GD tosanins_$5._6-60._3
liant writer. Call 663-7828. FC MASTER and DOCTOR of SCIENCE BK-ESAND SCOOTERS
-----------------------------------------------RIDE TO NYC (nd back if possible) SAN1COTR
RONNA JO-"Melancholy and Mytery IN NUCLEARENGINEERING: Finan- CAMPUS AREA-Furnished for 2 or 3 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for 2nd se- wanted. After 10 a.m. Dec. 20. Share ---- ___
of a Streetn"ysFEy cial aid available for Engineering and people. Vacant Jan. 1. Air-condition- mester. Newly furnished apt. Good usual. Call Clem Malca, 665-5963. G43 1965 HONDA Sport '65. Excellent con-
Science Majors for study in Nuclear ed. Call 761-9294. C41 location. 1026 Vaughn, No 5. 665-7990. -- -- - ------------- --- dition. 2.000 miles. $210. Call 761-3325
MEAL JOB available for this semester Engineering. Fellowships, traineeships - - ---- ------ C2 COED WANT RIDE to Toledo or Fort between 5:00-6:30 p.m. Z9
and next. Phone George, 761-7420. FB and research assistantships available. FOR RENT - 4 man apt. completely - Wayne Friday, Dec. 9. Call 764-0074.
For information write: Chairman. remodeled, large living room, kitchen, SUBLET SERVICE Will share expenses. GB HONDA SERVICE
CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME-Riders Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Univer- dining area, utilities included, rea- --- ---------
wanted to NYC, leaving Dec. 16. Call sity of Virginia, Charlottesville, Vir- sonable rate. Call NO 8-7821 Campus . WE RENT your apartment for you. DRIVING TO NYC Fri. Dec. 9. Wish Free pick-up. NO 2-3979. ZS
761-2223. FC gCnia. H37 ova. C16 1217 S. University. 761-3688. C27 to share driving, standard shift. 764- MOTORCYCLE TO E NO
0186. G41 Z6
A big HELLO to DOUGLAS GOLDEN. PART TIME NEXT SEMISTER. If you FEMALE GRAD. wanted to share mod- WANTED-3rd girl for very modern _-
Have a nice day. Your Daily friend, are a female over 18 have a pleasant ern furnished 2-man. $82.50/mo. in.-. close to campus apartment. Nice land- RIDE NEEDED to
FE personality and need a part time cluding utilities. Call 662-3044 after lord. $60 a month. 761-5510 or 665- FREE
job. we have two openings Apply 50C42 4274. C25 PITTSBURGH With any repair order your motor-
,in person Village Apothecary 1112 S.- - - ------- Dec. 20. Will share exenses No cycle will be stored free during
ORnitonn, u550o st ofer ceallent University. 39 TWO FEMALE students for aid house MODERN BI-LEVEL. 2-man. Available baggage! Please call Lynne, 6687534. MOTRCYCL ALS 211 U EAnn.
rebit in , csto ibe , ee l3 blocks from cam pus. $32.50,'m onth. Decem ber. $165. Call 662-7086. (13 G4 TE
426-4854, FC STOCK BOY needed for next semister. Call NO 3-8713. C44D -.7NO 2-3979.MO LE
TdiiDoFnque5ngup? Trtheferaue pply inpers. Village Apothecary - -- ---- .--.--__- GRDAEadPOSINL EUROPE UAC CHARTER FLIGHT -MTRYL NUAC
Apply in peson ilgAptcry --------. GRADUATE and PROFESSIONAL
Snack Bar-Grand Opening Thurs- 1112 5 University. - 1114 NEWLY FURNSHE two bedro a Forest GlenApartm ent WANTED: one way ticket to London. Low rates, excellent company, con-
F4 -__----.Hospital. campus area. Call 662-7787 927 S. Forest Ave. May Fih ) O AE n venieit location, 400 . Division -
day, December 1st. F41 PAID PSYCHOLOGICAL subjects want- before 5 p.m. C45 New 2 bedroom furnished units 2)May 3 (Flight761-740FOR SALE: one Liabilit fom 4 e. Z-
ed at Mental Health Research Insti- ------- __._._By Semester or Year Liability from $24 yearly. Z8
3 LOVABLE GIRLS need a fourth! tuCte. Call Pam Liggett, NO 8-7516. GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUATE December Occupancy NEEDED-One ride to San FranciscolHONDAi('110dblacktEcellent coditinn,
m entnn 316n Md r iso man a r761 -2 M on-Th. 7-10 p m . H - - -1 ob24 students not now living in the resi- Owner Op eraed for C i a v acation, C a- ow mile a , exa. e18 ord est
FA ---- dence halls, who do not have a '662-6156 GF oer. Call NO 2-8518. Z2
FAIMASTER and DOCTOR of SCIENCE IN housing committment for the winter - ..___ __)C- .
MEET YOU at the League Snack Bar NUCLEAR ENGINEERING: Financial term 1967 may apply for housing in 3 MED. STUDENTS need 4th man to RIDER WANTED to Buffalo, N.Y., this 1966 HONDA 305 Scrambler, four months
Thsday, December 1-Drinks are aid available for Engineering and I the residence halls at the Office of share modern apt. near hospital and weekend. Leaving Fri. after 10 a.m. old. excellent condition, best offer,,
oTeh ousa, e!embeEngineering.aFellowships, trainee-pActivitiessBuilding. Cld,_excellentcondition,_bestoffer,
n the house! F42 Science Majors for study in Nuclear University Housing, 3011 Student campus. Call 662-3511 after 5 p.m. C46 to return on Sun Call Marty. 761-3187. must sell 761-1303. ZE
RDR WATDtNeYokLevIships, and research assistantships - - -------ONY NEB CKF MCAPS GIRL WANTS ride to and from Austin, 1964 HONA Suer Sot odcn.
RIDERS WANTED to New York! Leav- s n~rs r rt FOR RENT - One to share 4 man ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS. GIea rn rCrsm u 94HNASpe Sport. God cond.,
ing AA on Dec. 17 or 19. Please call avial.Frifrain wie:FRRN n osae4m New
Chairman, Dept. of Nuclear Engineer- apartment. Near campus. Sound- New apartment building, has vacan- leave 12:30 Dec. 20. Share usuals Cal must sell. 663-1173.
Randy, 761-7252. F46 ing, University of Virginia, Char- proffed. Parking. $6/o.CliBb es for winter and summer terms. lev-23-e.2.Saeuuas al___ _____
YUnter alv;yo5 ev l 4n tteave t Virginia 1h37 668-8$62/mo.710. Allapartments furnished and hae" 662-3225, Megan Besele. -m36 BLACK Suzuki X-6 HUSTLER. Only64095A
Y_;_g t sv___,_Virginia. g37 687.7 dishwashers and air-conditioners. We RNLCK Suy X-6 HUSTLE. Z9
SMITTY'S Friday night, F E Jv- y .gta7RIDERSWANTED to New York! Leav-
SIMEAL JOB, Call665-3719.H8 FOR RENT - 1 man to share 4-man pay heat See apartment 207 at 4 6 ing AA on Dec. 17 or 18. Please call Available Nowl
___ ___Packard or Call 761-4156. Males onlyAvial tw
Leslie A. Fiedler Is DENTAL HYGENIST wanted for a apartment. 1 block from campus, for winter semester. C30 Randy. 761-7252, G37 Yamaha Sportcycles
new, completely furnished with many __________________ trom 5) cc. to 305 cc.,
a CATALYST,.. Plymouth office. Full or part time. extras. $62 50/mo plus electrci. 3-4 MAN APARTMENT Clavailae a Le DNTED tuBessen e3. Call Y-
FAxCtlaGs3-1802r GL0-224. IDERuWATEDeoctesimrtMch. Including the unbeatable YL-l
3. toge twn cylinder Yamaha.
-_- __CLaFrgse,2 bedroom. Close toca ps. Judy Davidson, 665-0166. G38 Bank financing.
Rent Your TV from NEJAC BLOOD DONOR3 ROOM FOR RENT - 428 Cross St. Furnished, utilities included. $175 a B___________nc____g_
('10 month. Call NO 5-8503. C49 RIDE NEEDED to Chicago. Can leave NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES
GE and Zenith portables for only $1 URGENTLY NEEDED--=_--after 10 a.m. Dec. 20. Call 764-6989. Triumph, Yamaha, BMW
per month. FREE service and delivery MAN NEEDED for 4-man modern apt. WINTER SEMESTER SUBLET 5-man 3 224 . First 662-7409
Phone 662-5671 NOW. F f19 ii level in theTnorn 2berm.2 - -- . . ..35-.
7. orhpstve$0$2$4fr nxtrm$50 no Call 665-1862 p-tve _nte ou I ero

G.T.O. 1965, 2-door nardtop, tri-power,
4-speed, new 4-ply tires. Call 663-9875
after 5 p m. N
ANYONE interested in having fresh
bagels delivered to their door on Sun-
day mornings call 761-2484. We deliver
to dorms, fraternities, sororities,
apartments, and homes. J29

Free pick-up. NO 2-3979.


FRENCH & GERMAN-Tutoring In con-
versation, translation, special courses
for grad. exams. By native speaker.
Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, 663-2108.
COMPLETE TYPING service available in
my home. Call 665-7081. J23
SCRIPTS, ETC. 439-2831. J20 ,
and ladies' clothing in excellent work-
manship. 225 E Liberty St. 665-8195.I
Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE
AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and
thesis typing, transcription--medical,
legal and technical conferences;
mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho-
graphy; varityping and composition,
334 Catherine

For your dinnet meetings, dances, or
banquets . . . excellent food and ac-
-ommodations for up to 140. Reason-
-ibly priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo-
C lassifed
The Michigan Daily
Business Phones
Complaints: 9-11:30
a.m. M-Sat.
Subscriptions: 1-4 p.m.
CLASS IF I EDS-764-0557
12:30-2:30 p.m. M-F
10:00-11:30 a.m. Sat.
DISPLAY ADS-764-0554
1 :00-3:30 p.m. M-F

er is


Leslie A. Fiedl<



,.v i a - 4 ll/74Y . *I , pl , q t l .
Rh negative. Hours: Mon., Tues.,
WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed, 1-7. 18-21 years
ring at any designated time-day or old need parent's permission.. Detroit
night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE Blood Service, 404 W. Michigan, Ypsi-
FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. lanti, Mich. 483-1894. H
665-8871 (24 hours). F BUS BOY WANTED. Chi Psi Fraternity,
__________________________- 620 5. State, 761-6281. 14
"The F.B.I. Security Affair" WANTED-Male graduate student with
Bob Marshalls-Overbecks car. Apartment with garage exchange
--- -- 12 hours a week household chores.
WAR AND PEACE Call NO 3-2588. H10
Episode 20
The prince was silent. But Anna Pay- LOST AND FOUND
lova, with the adroitness and quick _
tact of a courtier and a woman, want- LOST on Thursday, Dec. 1-In or near,
ed to chastise the prince for daring Waterman Gym, a black wallet. Re-
to speak in such terms of a person ward for return of papers and I.D.
recommended to the empress, and at Important! Please call 663-3721. AB
the same time to console him. FE
LOST-Yellow tiger kitten not quite full
grown. 528 S. 4th Ave. Please call 662-
-___- 5931. A25
ON SIDEWALK between Aud. B and
Read and Use diag, on south side of Angell Hall-
Heirloom ring, gold, 3 rubbles, set
vertically with 2 pearls. Substantial
Daily Clnssifieds reward offered; immense sentimental
value. Please help!! Call 665-5720.
____ _ - -- Debbie. A61

11A+6kl..w/11V .'1 D~-jV. U- C l L1 VU~. LUUV,
C17 bath, furnished, modern kitchen,
parking facilities. Call 761-7900. C48
EFFICIENCY APT, avail, Dec. 30. 4 --~----
blks. from campus. 761-4332. C27 FALL'67
4TH GIRL for roomy attractive apt,
on S. University. $65 a month. Call NEW, completely furnished, close-in
Alice at 761-2499. C19' apartments. Available for 2-5 persons. I
apt. with 2 senior engineer students OFFICE. 545 CHURCH ST.
$55 per mo. Call 663-6473 between 761-7600
12-1 p.m. weekdays. C20 C47


ONE OR TWO GIIRLS needed to fill
4-man furnished campus apt. $50
per mo. Call 665-3580 after 6 p.m. C21
ONE MAN NEEDED to share modern
4-man apt, next year. Only 2 min-
utes from the diag. Call 668-8900.
WANTED 1 or 2 girls to share spacious
bi-level apt starting Jan. '67, Ex-
ceptional location $55 per mo. Call
665-2174. C24
FOR RENT - Winter Semester-spac-
ious 5-6 man apt. Bi-level, 3-bed-
rooms, 2 full baths, Call 761-8479.
Ask for Alice or Sue. C25

WANTED-Male student to share two
man apartment in beautifully kept
house, 2 block from Law Quad. Win-
term term '66-'67. Rent $75/mo./man.
726 Oakland, Aptt. 4. Phone 761-6754.
ROOMMATE WANTED to be third man
in 4-man apartment. Two bedrooms,
modern, completely furnished with
all kinds of extras. Call Scott, 668-
6203. C44
1 ROOMMATE NEEDED-Modern 3-man
apt. Air-cond. $60/mo. State Street
Manor, 1111 S. State. Located in the
shadows of historic Yost Field House.
Call 665-0438. C47


Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore!
For "Gals and Guys"
"White" and 5 Colors
Never Needs 1Ironing-$7
LEVI'S Superslims-$4.98
LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.98
Guy's S-T-R-E-T-C-H
Gal's S-T-R-E-T-C-H
Sta-Prest Slim Fits-$5.98
Cotton Turtlenecks-$1.79
(All Kinds of Colors)
Open Mon. & Fri. Nights
122 E. Wash ington

Are you informed about the
latest campus happenings?
Subscribe NOW for next term
to The Michigan Daily
Yes, I would like to be a subscriber to
I 4t44 0 + #I4
I agree to be billed later.
$4.50 by carrier
$5.00 by mail
I -

1. How come you've been getting
such swinging computer dates?
I guess you haven't
seen my personality
3. "Play the ocarina."
5. You mean to tell me
those great-looking girls t
go for these things?
It's the last item that
really clinches it.

2. "Five foot two.
113 pounds.
#. "Like cucumber
$. "Stepping into swell job with
Equitable Life. Goo pay.
Fascinating work. Plenty of
chance to move up."
I thinkIIsee
Jane tonight, Susie

"The nineteenth century myth of the
Immaculate Young Girl has failed to
survive in any felt way into our time,"
"An End to Innocence
January 5-25, 1967





to get a

. . .



for $5.00 (up unti


Dec. 20,





I Next year the price

(Please Print)

Last Name

First Name

Middle Initial







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