SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMES SEC Asks UNEMPLOYMENT DIPS: AGE T H RE-Ea . U Thant Agrees to erveSEC Asks- UNEMPLOYMENT DIPS: Changes In Ackley Foresees Prosperity, T -m MutualFunds Price Stability To Continue 'For S i Gives Pledge econd 5-Year .l U IL kill I To Seek End To Viet War Election Seen Victory For Major Powers; U.S. Given Support UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - U Thant was elected yesterday night to a new five-year term as U N. secretary-general and immediately 0 pledged "to make every 3ffort on a personal basis" to end the war in Viet Nam. Thant made the pledge in an ac- ceptance speech that followed his election by secret ballot in the General Assembly for a new term to expire on Dec. 31, 1971. The vote was 120 to 0 in the 121-nation assembly with one bal- lot declared invalid. Yields to Pressure The 57-year-old Burmese dip- lomat bowed to pressures from all the major powers and virtually tne r entire U.N. membership in accept- ing another term. He made known 11 months ago that he was con- sidering stepping down after his first term expired Nov. 3. The outcome was particularly gratifying to U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg, who played a leading role in the efforts to persuade Thant to remain. He is- sued a statement saying the United States was "highly pleased" by the council action. President Johnson was among world leaders who asked Thant to take a new term. The council declared on its be- half that it fully respected Thant's' position on _world problems and basic U.N. issues as mentioned by him in his Sept. 1 statement. Communique Issued A communique issued by the council shed light on some of the reasons for Thant's change of mind. Thant noted "with particular appreciation that, for its part, the Security Council respects his posi- tion and his action in bringing to the notice of the organization basic issues confronting it, and disturb- ing developments in many parts of the world." In the opinion of many U.N. dip- lomats this strengthened the arm of Thant in seeking a solution to the present crisis in Viet Nam and the growing threat to peace in the Middle East. World New WASHINGTON - The govern- ment announced yesterday night its first formal actions to cut off financial aid to hospitals on grounds of failure to comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It named 17 hospitals in five Southern states. The institutions in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Caro- lina and Texas have been notified they may request public hearings, the Public Health Service said. SAIGON-U.S. armored cavalry- men thwarted a massive Viet Cong ambush with help from artillery A and warplanes yesterday night. A spokesman announced that, while the Americans suffered some wounded, they counted 88 enemy dead.i American and Communist forces battled on Highway 1 about 50 miles northeast of Saigon as the 1 U.S. Command here checked bomb damage reports from daylight1 raids by dozens of Navy and Air Force jets on an oil depot and truck park close to Hanoi North Viet Nam's capital. 9.$ Free to College Students 250 to others A new booklet, published by a non-profit educational founda- tion, tells which career fields lets you make the best use of all your college training, including liberal-arts courses-which Revision Would Be AUSTIN, Tex. (IF') - President Charge Slice, Broker Johnson got a happy new year forecast yesterday. By-Pass, Buyers Aid Another big increase in food and WASHINGTON 64"')-A federal farm prices is not expected in report eight years in the making w196. No recession is in sight. Pros- recommended yesterday the first perity will continue. sweeping reforms in the mutual This is the outlook in the crysral fund industry in more than a ball of Gardner Ackley, chairman quarter of a century. of the President's Council of Eco- nomic Advisers. If accepted by Congress. the The President, Ackley and pres- reforms could save American in- idential assistant Joseph A. Cal - estors million o lars yeal fane Jr. put in most of the day in fees and commissions. The in- talking about this and other mat- dustry made clear it will oppose ters that will have a bearing on some parts of the program, the administration's budget and The recommendations, contained program. Midway, they broke off in a 346-page report to Congress. for a session with reporters in the would slice sales and advisory presidential office in the federal charges and abolish the so-called building here. front-end load fund which can May Hit $140 B siphon into commissions up to half Yes, Johnson said, Ackley did a customer's first-year investment. bring some definite figures that Five major legislative recom- will help in making decisions on mendations in the report, if adopt- a tax increase and a budget some ed, would represent the first basic federal officials say could go as, change in 26 years in the Invest- high as 140 billion. ment Company Act of 1940 which "But these nay change tomor- now governs the mutual fund in- row," the President cautioned. dustry. At any rate, there still was no Favors Institutions word on whether there might be a In a sixth major recommends- tax boost or when the decision tion, the comission said the na- ght be announced. tion's stock exchanges should pro- But there was word that John- vide discounts to institutional son had released 150,000 tons of buyers, including mutual funds, the government's copper stocks for not only to save the investors use of defense and defense-sup- money but to eliminate fee split- porting industries in the first six ting among brokers and dealers. months of next year. This is moe Negotiations are nowy being held with the exchanges in hopes of7" accomplishing this administrative- i OSV L l la ly, the SEC said. '11 than a third of the stockpile, which now stands at 409,000 tons. At the same time, Johnson said in a memorandum to Farris Bry- ant, director of the Office of Emergency Planning, that efforts should be stepped up to replenish the copper stockpile and to expand domestic copper production. To Meet Mexican The President was clearing his desk yesterday so he could get away today to meet President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz on the Mex- ican border, near Del Rio, Thx., to inspect the Amistad Dam the two nations are building on the Rio Grande. It will be a brief down-and-back trip. Johnson announced yester- day that Secretary of State Dean Rusk will go along as well as Sol Linowitz, U.S. ambassador to the Organization of American States. No matters of momentous im- port are expected to come up. In fact, little time for formal talks is likely to be available. Asked for the assessment of the economy for 1967-whether pros- perity would continue, what chances there might be for a slow- down or recession-Ackley anwer- ed: "Of course prosperity will con- tinue. We will have an expanding economy. Sees No Recession "I certainly see no reasonable prospect of a recession. "We are also looking forward sis Germany to increasing price stability. "We don't expect a repetition of the large increase in farm and food prices we had this year." The economy, he said, should be on a moderate course that will sustain jobs and incomes and pro- duce a moderate growth that will not bring on bottlenecks. One item of presidential busi- ness yesterday was the 'elease of a report from a commission John- son appointed last year to study the patent system and recommend ways of improving it. The commission came through with wide-ranging suggestions for changes, including some Cimed at reducing the cost of patent litiga- tion and at establishing "a uni- versal patent, respected through- out the world." The cochairmen were Dr. Harry Hunt Ransom, chancellor of the University of Texas, and Judge Simon Rifkind of New York. Employment Rises Meanwhile, in Washington the Labor Department reported yes- terday that more Americans held jobs last month than in any No- vember in history. Total employment climbed to 75 million while the nation's jobless rate edged back to a 13-year low of 3.7 per cent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Assistant commissioner, Harold Goldstein, of the Bureau of Labor Statistics said before the White House state- ment that the November job fig- ures indicated renewed pressures on the nation's tight labor supply. -Associated Press U THANT, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS (left) is shown last night shortly after having been re-elected to a new five-year term. He pledgede "to make every effort on a personal basis" to end the war in Viet Nam. With him are General Assembly Pres. Abdul Pazhwak and Chief de Cabinet C. V. Narasimhan. SUNDAY DEADLINE: Wlson-Sith Showdown Starts With.Britain avingdvantage Commission Chairman Manuel F. Cohen said the report, based on eight years of w o r k, should strengthen public confidence in Urges Ailiance Breakups l 1 a t i i LONDON (iP-Prime Ministers tions committee meeting scheduled Harold Wilson and Ian Smith I for Monday would go ahead. Bri- sought to defuse the Rhodesian tain is committed to asking the powderkeg at a seaborne summit United Nations for mandatory meeting yesterday night amid economic sanctions should a set- signs that both are recoiling from tlement fail. the explosive perils of failure. If a settlement is reached, Smith The British and Rhodesian lead- could only justify it to his col- ers boarded the guided-missile leagues after a 12-hour journey cruiser Tiger at Gibraltar in the back to Salisbury. This puts him early hours yesterday, sailed east- at a disadvantage and, indeed, ex- ward into stormy seas and then, poses him to the threat of an with their advisers, held a series ouster in his absence by extremists of face-to-face working sessions. who might think any compromise Until Sunday to be a humiliating retreat. The leaders have until Sunday In setting up their dramatic to come to terms, with the prop- rendexvous for a last-ditch bid to aganda cards stacked in Britain's end Rhodesia's 13-month-old re- favor whatever the outcome. bellion, each prime minister had fuses a settlement. The first draft of a mild British resolution pre- pared for the United Nations Sec- urity Council also omits any call for oil sanctions. -In Rhodesia, censors allowed the Bulawayo Chronicle to print an editorial saying Smith could oust militant Cabinet colleagues who oppose his meeting with Wil- son. -In Key African capitals, such as Kampala in Uganda and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, there were rumblings of 'bitter African resist- ance to anything that looked to them like a British sellout of the interests of Rhodesia's four mil- lion blacks. the mutual fund industry and in PARIS (P)-Visiting Soviet pre- securities markets by improvmng mier Alexei N. Kosygin assailed protection for shareholders. Germany, urged closer French- FSoviet cooperation and proposed Five Proposals breaking up military alliance in The five major legislative rec- Europe. ommendations are to: He declared West Germany "de- 1. Limit sales charges to 5 per mands for revision of postwar cent. The typical charge is now frontiers, coupled with pretensions 9.3 per cent of the amount in- for nuclear armament, carry the vested. threat of upsetting the equilibrium 2. Abolish the front-end load and peace of Europe." fund in the future. Under this, a Referring to the recent electoral person agrees to buy a stated successes of the German National amount of a fund regularly over a Democratic party, accused of being period of 10 years, for example, neo-Nazi, the Kremlin leader said, and half of* his first year's pay- "The forces of fascism and war, ments are deducted for salesmen's defeated on the battlefield, are commissions and other fees. 'reappearing in broad daylight, un- " ashamed and arrogant." ope. He asserted that bringing France and the Soviet Union closer together is contributing to an East-West approachment which "fills us with the certitude that for the Europe of today the danger of war can and must be taken off the agenda. Offers Trade-Off Kosygin repeated in another form a Soviet offer to disband the Warsaw Pact alliance in return for the breakup of the North At- lantic Treaty Organization. He proposed "dissolution of politico- military alliances, or, as an ini- tial measure, the discontinuation of their military organizations" to make "the danger of war disap- pear from our contingent." Before going to City Hall on the second day of his nine-day state visit here, Kosygin had af two-hour talk with President Charles de Gaulle at Elysee Palace. RENEW or RETURN ART PRINTS TUESDAY. DEC. 6 10-4 Room 2Y, UNION ART PRINT LOAN Wilson, speaking before the taken a calculated political risk. Faces Rebel House of Commons before he left, For it had become clear to both Tb encounter at sea brought cautioned that there is "still a that a breakdown could engulf Wilson face to face with a inan considerable gap to bridge." To Britain, Rhodesia and all sub- fiis ministers branded a liar and keep pressure on the Rhodesians, continental Africa in deepest polit- a rebel when he proclaimed Rho. he said a Commonwealth sanc- ical and economic trouble. desia's independence and con- Three Levels tinued white minority rule Nov. 11, This emerged on three levels. 1965. -In London, diplomats dis- Early radio reports from the closed the British have ruled out warship provided a bare comment- force or blockade to implement ary on the strictly formal pro. compulsory sanctions if Smith re- ceedings. MOSCOW-The Soviet Union said yesterday two young Amer- WKN R MASONIC AUDITORIUM icans plan to plead guilty to charg- I es of currency violation and theft presents Friday, Dec. 9, 8:15 P.M. at a trial to be held soon in Len- ingrad. Tass, the official Soviet news 4 IN PERSON agency, said the two Americans would plead guilty to the charges -implying Tass meant all threeT charges. t r3 d 'I 3. tegq re r~ecSlcfI onadi Ea- agement charges. The commission set no figure but said present safe- guards have not resulted i the passing on to investors of the economies resulting from size. 4. Prevent creation and opera- tion of fund holding companies, a comparatively new development. 5. Regulate the sale of stocks in organizations which manage the assets of mutual funds. The recommendations would not apply to present front-end load plans. Germans Ill Kosygin's remarks were made at a ceremony yesterday in the Paris City Hall attended by several hun- dred French officials and members of the diplomatic corps. A spokes- man at the West German Em- bassy said Ambassador Manfred Klaiber and the charge d'affaires, Peter Limbourg, were ill and did not attend the ceremony . Kosygin went on to say that close French-Soviet cooperation is important for the security of Eur- rri i -- _.._ _. . LONDON-Gales and rainstorms lashed most of Europe yesterday, with the British Isles and the Ital- ian peninsula getting the worst of it. There was no sign of a letup as night fell. In Italy, St. Mark's Square in' Venice was flooded again. The Arno River was rising once more in flood-battered Florence. Of- ficials thought this time the floodsI would subside in both cities with- out serious damage. The seven-man crew of a drift- ing channel lightship was snatched to safety in a dramatic rescue eight miles off England's Kentl coast. LOVIN SPOONFUL PLUS.. TH ASSOCIATION $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 On sale at Masonic Aud. Box Office, Marwil's Northland, Westland and Coss at Warren. MAIL ORDERS to Masonic Temple, 500 Temple, Detroit, Mich. 48201. Enclose self addressed envelope. ** * The University of Michigan Gilbert & Sullivan Society presents H. M. S. PINAFORE Nov. 30, Dec. 1-3 Wed.. Thurs. Performances $1.50 Fri., Sat. Performances . .... $2.00v Sat. Matinee .$1.00 Tickets on Sale at Lydia Mendelssohn box office ~.5 DI1A MON D RI NG S S FM I > SONATA . .'!. .FROM $100 PROTESTERS MOLESTERS, I NVESTERS DRAFT-TESTERS SECOND-BESTERS OFF-CAMPUS-NESTERS CHAMPIONS-OF-TH E-WEST-ERS FEWER-WITH-CREST-ERS From Sigma Chi to Markley Hall Students of every hue Say, "The really best gift of all Is 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U."' (Waiting for you are copies galore at your favorite gift or book store.) PORTABLE WRITING CASE This Unique Gift Suggestion Is Complete With Built-In Desk Pad, Envelopes, Stamps and Storage Compartments Together wth Perpetual Calendar, Address Book and Pen. Neatly organized in zippered case. f .:. :..: .::::_..: