FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY '& A AMID half FRDvDCMBR.l96T ea R A R VR[ Rfl II. PiAGE THRE I U. . Propaganda Leaflets Deluge North iet am SAIGON, South Viet Nam (R)- Enough paper to reach more than twice around the earth. at the equator has been dropped on North Viet Nam by American planes. More than 400 million propa- ganda leaflets have been dumped on the C o m m u n i s t-controlled north since April 1965. Such psychological warfare- called psywar here-"is not going to win the war but it will make a real contribution by wearing down morale," said one U.S. intelligence man. North Vietnamese prisoners and *the pockets of northerners killed in action often carry leaflets, many of which promise safe conduct if they surrender to allied forces. The main purpose of the leaflet barrage is to win Communist sol- diers over to the Saigon govern- will be less and less to buy. Prices' ment. will go higher. Your savings will They are also aimed at discour- become worthless paper." aging northerners from repairing The note is of one dong denom- roads and bridges destroyed by ination, worth about two and a U.S. bomb strikes. third cups of rational rice in One leaflet has a photograph of North Viet Nam. Northern army a shattered bridge and the shadow privates reportedly earn five dongs of a circling U.S. bomber. The re- each month. verse side says in Vietnamese: Experts said the printing is al- "Compatriots who are forced to most an exact duplicate of Com- repair bridges and roads, beware. munist money but the paper is of The quicker they are repaired the different quality. sooner they will be bombed again.: Preparation of the leaflets is Try to avoid working on roads and a complex process. Subject matter bridges, you will save yourselves is developed jointly by U.S. and from a needless death." Vietnamese experts in Saigon. Counterfeit Bank Notes Most are dropped in the Red River delta near Hanoi by high- To cripple Communist savings, flying planes. counterfeit North Vietnamese bank notes are dropped along with the Widest Possible Dispersion message "As the war goes on there For the widest possible disper- sion, experts use 8.5 by 2.3 nch paper of special weight. These drift on the wind to targets as far as 100 miles. Leaflets are packed in bombs set to explode at a certain height to scatter the paper. The rectang- ular shape gives them both spin and lift. William L. Stearman of the joint U.S. Public Affair Office in Saigon reports 447,657,0000 leaf- lets have been dumped on North Viet Nam since the project began. Dropped from High Altitudes Most leaflets are dropped from high altitudes but a report on the recent Manila conference on Viet Nam was strewn in downtown Hanoi by F-105 Thunderchiefs. Perhaps the most widely known single propaganda leaflet was a poem written by a young North Vietnamese trooper to his mother. those like mother and me. It was found on his body after a Dropped Before Holidays battle. Millions of copies were Propaganda paper is u printed and dropped near his home dropped just before imp in the north, holidays. One for the lunar The poem described hardships year wished "The people of1 he endured on the trek through Viet Nam a happy and prose Laos into South Viet Nam and ulti- New Year." mate disillusionment from the kill- A recurring theme is that+ ing of fellow countrymen. The munist troops heading into poem said in part: bat are "born in the north t "But why did they order me to in the south." These are illust burn the villages, destroy the by photos of dead northern bridges, diers, including one of a he "Lay mines to sow death Northern troops are indo around? ated to believe they will be "Often my hands trembled tured and killed by allied f "While laying a mine, because Stearman says. In one attem later I saw counteract this, South Viet "People blown up and blood released 21 Communist pris sprayed around. and announced their return t "Whose blood it was? north with leaflets bearing "It was the blood of our people, nhotogranhs and addresses. 's sually ortant r new North perous Com- com- to die trated n sol- ead. ctrin- tor- orces, npt to Nam oners to the their Effectiveness of the leaflets is virtually impossible to measure, but Hanoi has reacted angrily to the paper deluge. North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh said in a speech: "We must further heighten our deter- mination to stop all spying and psychological war activities of the enemy." Advises Propagandists Another Communist official ad- vised propagandists in a Hanoi publication not to "single out any enemy leaflet for comment and analysis because this would focus the people's attention on specific enemy tricks. However, when an argument is found to be positively dangerous, it is necessary to mo- nopolize public opinion to counter its effects.", Leaflets are also scattered wide- ly over South Viet Nam. They are directed at Viet Cong Irregulars, and have a different slant than messages dropped on the north. Most are safe-conduct passes urging Viet Cong to take advan- tage of Saigon's open arms pro- gram to "rally to the national cause." Around U.S. Base Camps Communists in the south have a small leaflet campaign aimed both at Vietnamese and American GIs. This' propaganda is scattered by hand around U.S. base camps or in Jungles where U.S. forces are operating. One addressed to "U.S. officers and men" says the Vietnamese are not enemies of the American peo- pie r - "'f l114AVV 1 W'j~llU WllMl W{.(\Al l~l]UL+A): I I ple " Kiesinger Selected As, Chancellor Coalition Formed; Brandt Sworn in As Vice Chancellor BONN, Germany (A') - Kur Georg Kiesinger, once a Nazi, wa named chancellor yesterday to head a government welding hi Christian Democrats to the Socia Democrats in a coalition withou precedent in West Germany. He promptly named a Cabinet with a pro-French tinge. * The vice chancellor will be So- cial Democrat Willy Brandt, wh Leased to be mayor of West Berlir when he was sworn into the Cab- inet. Brandt also will hold the pos of foreign minister and thus may be able to brake' any policy shift toward France that might dam- * age U.S. relations. Firm Washington Ties As head of the Social Demo- cratic party, Brandt is a strong advocate of firm ties with Wash- ington. His party has been the chief opposition to the ruling Christian Democrats through the 017-year history of the Federal Republic. Kiesinger, himself known for his attachment to France named, as finance minister, Franz Joseph Strauss, the former defense min- ister. It was Strauss's criticism of Ger- Onany's drift away from France that helped bring down Chancel- lor Ludwig Erhard's government after three years in power. Elected by Bundestag Kiesinger was elected by secret ballot in the Bundestag, the lower ehouse of Parliament. He got 340 of the 496 votes. A surprising 109 deputies voted against him and another 23 cast blank ballots. This indicated that about 50 of the 202 Social Democrats broke party dis- cipline and did not support him. The only opposition group in the +house is the Free Democratic par- ty. The most controversial member of Kiesinger's cabinet is Strauss, head of the Bavariai, wing of the Christian Democrats. Strauss was ousted in 1962 as Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's de- ifense minister over his role in what became known as: "the Der Spiegel affair." Strauss in Cabinet Until a few hours before the ministers' swearing-in, there was doubt Strauss would be in the new Cabinet. He is said to have asked 4or guarantees that he would have the government's full support in any unpopular financial measures he may introduce to balance the budget. Majority Necessary No party alone has the 249 votes needed to elect a chancellor. The thristian Democrats have 245, the Social Democrats 202 and the Free Democrats 49. The new government potentially controls 447 of the 496 Bundestag votes. The Social Democrat en- dorsement of Kiesinger came de- spite considerable protest from the 4arty's rank and file. Oppose Coalition Some Social Democrats opposed the coalition on ideological grounds. Others objected to Kies- inger personally bacause he was a member of the Nazi party from X1933 to the end 'of World War II. He worked in the radio propa- ganda section of the Nazi Foreign Ministry during the war. For the past eight years he has been m n ister-president of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, a job rough- ly equivalent to governor in the E.'nited States. He is 62 years old. Limited Time Christian Democratic and Social Democratic leaders made it clear that their coalition is for a limited time, probably until the next gen- eral election scheduled for 1969. The parties are likely to sepa- *ate before then to fight the elec- Syria Claims RHODESIAN CRISIS: Jordan Fires Wilson Flies to Gibraltar; On Refugees Last Ditch Parley with Smith I Damnascus Broadcast LONDON (AM-Prime Minister Accuses Hussein of Harold Wilson flew to Gibraltar Fih Sdyesterday night for a last-ditch ighting Sde Battle meeting with Rhodesia's white Fro rSrminority leader Prime Minister From Wire Service Reports Ian Smith to end Rhodesia's re- AMMAN, Jordan-Syria charged bellion. Wilson promised Paiha- today that King Hussein's Arab ment before leaving there will be Legionnaires opened fire on anti- no surrender of Britain's principles government refugees who had tled in seeking a settlement. across the border into Syria. A The British and Rhodesian Damascus radio announcement prime ministers, with their ad- said one man was killed. Ivisers are expected to board the An official communique broad- British cruiser Tiger and then, Smith left Salisbury at dawn on a British military jet with Sir Humphrey Gibbs and Sir Hugh Beadle, the governor and the chief justice of the breakaway colony. Rendezvous at Sea The extraordinary rendezvous at sea stripped both leaders of the need in the next few days to adopt public postures. For a while they will be out of the reach of news- men. A day packed with drama pro- duced a variety of reactions to the summit-at-sea, reactions ranging from relief to hostility. There was, in the main, general approval when Wilson told an STORM CLOUDS BERKELEY -Associated Press A crowd of about 10,000 braved the rain to attend a rally yesterday at the steps of the Univer- sity of California's Srpoul Hall. During the morning pickets urged students not to attend classes to protest last night's sit-in arrests. SEEK BETTER RELATIONS: osyin Meets wit DeGaulle; Given Full State Welcome PARIS (P) - Soviet Premier Alexei N. - Kosygin arrived yester- day for an official visit that he and President. Charles de Gaulle hailed as new evidence of coopera- tion between Paris and Moscow for the good of the world. De Gaulle himself drove to the atirport to give Kosygin a top- drawer welcome usually reserved for chiefs of state, while Kosygin is chief of government. As they left the airport, guns fired a 101- gun salute accorded heads of state. Elysee Palace , The two leaders were closeted with a pair of interpreters in De Gaulle's Elysee Palace for nearly two hours. Informed sources said they had a frank exchange of views on Germany, Viet Nam, Eur- opean security and disarmament. During the premier's state visit, another round of talks is sched- uled for today and the two will meet all day next Thursday. French sources insist to new polit- ical agreement is in the offing. Importance of Visit Yet the importance De Gaulle attaches to Kosygin's visit is de- monstrated by the reception given the premier. When Kosygin's plane arrived from Moscow under a lowering sky, De Gaulle-hatless and with- out a topcoat despite a chilling east wind-was there. "Your presence marks-with a vividness for which we can only congratulate ourselves-the co- operation which is being organ- ized between the two states for the; welfare of our two peoples and,, at the same time, for the equilib- rium, progress and peace of the world," de Gaulle said in his wel-; coming speech., Develop Franco-Soviet 7 the areas of cooperation which tend to consolidate international security and the security of the Soviet and French peoples." Then the two leaders, with a 52-man motorcycle escort, led al speeding 75-car cavalcade into Paris past thin crowds to the French Foreign Ministry. Later, Kosygin stood in an open car as it rolled up the Champs Slysees past applauding lunchtime crowds to the Arch of Triumph where the premier lad a wreath on Ithe tomb of France's unknown sol- dier. Kosygin, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko and other members of the Soviet party lunched at the presidential palace before Kosygin returned to the Foreign Ministry to receive mem- bers of the diplomatic corps. Chinese Ambassador The Communist Chinese ambas- sador to France, Huang Chen, ex- changed a brief handshake with the Soviet preimer. There were no words, no smiles. Chen left imme- diately afterward. cast by Damascus radio. accusedI Jordan of "seeking to engage in a side battle" instead of' concen- trating on the Arab fight against Israel. "The Syrian government is de- termined to stop any attempt that will endanger the life of any Jor- danian or Syrian citizen inside Syrian territory," the announce- ment said. Grave New Notej The Syrian charges injected a grave new note into the Middle East crisis. Syria and Egypt radio broadcasts already had tried to in- flame Palestine refugees and other anti-Hussein elements in Jordan to overthrow Hussein. Relations between the pro-So- viet Damascus regime and Hussein have deteriorated steadily since September when Syria accused Jordan of master-minding an at- tempt to overthrow the Syrian government. Damascus has been backed by the Palestine Liberation Organ- ization (PLO) in Cairo in its charges that Hussein has not taken necessary action against Is- rael, particularly after Israel's No- vember 13 tank and jet plane "re-: taliatory raid" into Jordan. Hussein Answers Charges King Hussein himself answered those charges today. He promised to strengthen and for tif'y towns along the Israeli-Jordanian fron- tier and he called on "unified Arab action" to save Palestine. But Ahmed Shukeiry, leader of- the exeremist Palestine Libera- tion Organization (PLO) con- tinued his fight against Hussein for alleged "softness" on Israel. Shukeiry called in Cairo late Wednesday .for a mass rally of Palestine refugees to "align those who stand by their side and sup-, port their cause. , WASHINGTON (/P)-The federal government detailed yesterday the 23 proposed safety standards it thinks should be built into 1968 model cars. It hinted at a tougher code for the future. Standards range from a ban on winged wheel nuts to the perform- ance of brake systems and tires, and the placement and operation of lights. Many of them already are part of the automobiles sold in this country. They are based mainly on industry standards and those used by, the General Services Admin- istration for government cars. Commerce Department The Commerece Department, in making public the 76-page, 13,000- word document which will be pub- lished in the Federal Register, fixed Jan. 3 as the deadline for filing comments. It, was Boyd who hintedat, tougher standards in the future when he said: "the proposed ini- tial standards should not be taken as indicative of the scope and con- tent o fthe revised standards to come later." Boyd has said the interim stan- dards will be upgraded later but it would be impractical new to in- sist on standards which the in- dustry is physically incapable of meeting. Federal Register The Federal Register is used by government agencies and depart- Commerce Department. Thurs- day's document merely spelled out the technical and legal details of those proposals. One provision would require hinged seats to be equipped with a selflocking device to prevent the seat from tipping forward when the vehicle is in motion. Another would require two headrests for the front seat to reduce whiplash injury. somewhere in the Mediterranean, , try to thrash out differences that I have brought Southern Africa al- most to the flashpoint. New Guidelines Released For Auto Safety Code overflowing House of Commons of his government's "utter deter- mination" not to give on Britain's terms for a settlement. After Simth's takeoff, reports in Salisbury said the Rhodesian prime minister had a tough time winning his Cabinet's approval for the conference. Right wingers were said to have opposed the mission. There were suggestions that Smith actually threatened to quit if he did not get his way. Africans Suspicious Among some Africans, a sense of shock and suspicion was evident at what some saw as a possible white man's deal at the expense of Rhodesia's four million blacks. Wilson left word he wants to be home Sunday, report to the Cabinet by Monday morning and to Parliament in the afternoon. "A decision one way or the other cannot be delayed any longer,"he said. "If no settlement on the terms which we are prepared to commend is possible, then it is right that this fact should be known and known quickly." Committed to U.N. Action The Wilson government is com- mitted to a precise course of ac- tion in case of failure. It involves a request to the U.N. Security Council for worldwide compulsory sanctions on key Rhodesian com- modities. The aim would be to throttle the Rhodesian economy. Leslie A. Fiedler is ...PIERCING .. 0 World News Roundup SAIGON, South Viet Nam - said yesterday that Rep. Adam A slackening in the movement of Clayton Powell last weekend U.S. servicemen to Viet Nam came threatened the life of one of its to light yesterday even as spokes- photographers with a shotgun. men announced three new allied A Life spokesman said the in- field operations. Only a thousand cident took place in Bimini Island1 GIs arrived last week, against the in the Bahamas, 50 miles off the! 1966 average of more than 3,000 coast of Florida. Powell reportedly a week. has real estate holdings there. Contact was reported generally The spokesman said Powell light in ground campaigning, new aimed a shotgun at photographer and old. Stormy weather persisted Lynn Pelham and said, "I'll kill over North Viet Nam, where mon- you if you set foot on my prop- soon rains limited U.S. pilots to erty." 38 missions Wednesday. W * * S * NEW YORK-Sen Robert F "Only one goal becomes increasingly difficulfperhaps impossible: failure. Only one satisfaction is forbidden: violence." No.In .Thunder Writer-in-Residence January 5-25, 1967 11 f _ _ _ _ f Terrorist Attacks ments to advise the public of ac- The PLO, which has been re- tion planned or already taken. sponsible for terrorist attacks The 23 proposed standards were, against Israel from Jordanian ter- outlined earlier this week in a ritory, includes many of the es- Detroit speech by William Hadden timated 125,000 Palestinian refu- Jr., director of the National High- gees in the Middle East. way Safety Agency, part of the L i1 1 TOKYO - Red China said yesterday that "with its usual ma- licious intent, the United States again mobilized its voting ma- qhine" to keep Peking out of the United Nations. The broadcast by Radio Peking also noted that the Soviet U.N. delegation distributed copies of a Pravda article assailing party 'Kennedy (D-NY) yesterday ex- pressed opposition to members of the John Birch Society and oth- er extremist groups serving with the FBI and the Secret Service. "These agencies have special re- sponsibilities in the field of na- tional security," he said. "And it does not seem to me to be wise to allow members of any extrem- :1 FOR SPORT OR DRESS-UP Relations Chairman Mao Tse-tung while ist group to serve on them." The 62-year-old Soviet premier other delegates were speaking for Kennedy's statement was in a replied: "This meeting should per- Red China. pamphlet issued by the American mit us to develop Franco-Soviet * * Jewish Committee, a human rela- relations even more, and to widen NEW YORK - Life magazine tions agency. at TONIGHT TONIGHT with the . .- - - . ... . .. A. ...-. L t ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE'S production of A RAISIN IN THE SUN originally scheduled for December 8-10 has been rescheduled as follows: January 5, 6, 7-8:00 P.M. January 8-7:00 P. M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Tickets for all perforomances may now be ordered with the coupon below. Please do NOT order $2.00 tickets for Friday or Saturday; only $1.75 tickets remain for those nights. The best seats now available are for Sunday evening. Mail to: AACT, No. tickets desired for. Box 1993, Ann Arbor Thur., Jan. 5 (1.50, 1.75) Fri., Jan. 6 (1.75) Sat., Jan. 7 (1.75) Sun.. Jan. 8 (1.50, 1.75) PULLOVER SWEATER DICKIES IN FASHION COLORS AVAILABLE IN TURTLE OR CREW-NECK STYLS. I l liii le I