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December 01, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-01

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' ui U Thant May
1ug n1Serve Five
More Years

Kiesinger, Brandt, Strauss
Form German Cabinet

* ase,,
Of Justi e
All Cases Involving
Questionable Evidence
To Be Reviewed.
tice Department announced last
night it has begun an extensive
review of all court cases-pres-
ent and past-in which evidence
may have been gathered by means
of electronic eavesdropping. -
The department made the an-
nouncement in a paper filed in
the U.S. Supreme Court in the
case of Joseph F. Schipani, who
had been convicted of income tax
In the supplemental memoran-
dum it filed with the court, the
department said: "Recognizing its
obligation not to use evidence ob-
0 tained in violation of a defend-
ant's protected rights in any crim-
inal prosecution, the department
has initiated the program to dis-
cover prior instances in which
this may have occurred."
Memorandum Sent
The department also disclosed
that Acting Atty. Gen. Ramsey
Clark had sent on Nov. 3 a mem-
orandum to all the U.S. attorneys
cautioning them that the depart-
ment "must never proceed with
any investigation or case which
includes evidence illegally obtain-
0 ed or the fruits of that evidence."
A department spokesman said
the current investigation affects
all cases which have been brought
to trial as well as pending cases.
The department's memorandum
to the court said that "an exten-
sive review is presently being con-
ducted in order to determine the
instances in which there might
have been monitoring affecting a
case which has been brought to
"Reports of the results of this
continuing. review are being sent
to the acting attorney general," it
Careful Review
"Similarly, a careful review of
pending and prospective prosecu-
tions is being conducted by the
department for the purpose of de-
termining what other cases might
fall within this category."
As' for the case of Schipani,
the Justice Department recom-
mended that it- be sent back to
the U.S. District Court. in New
York "for a new trial, should the
government seek to prosecute pe-
titioner anew."
TThe department said it had
been informed by the FBI in a
memorandum dated Oct. 28 that
although ^Schipani was not the
subject of "direct electronic sur-
veillance by agents of the FBI,
he was a participant in various
conversations electronically moni-
tored on a number of occasions
in 1961."
The FBI had installed a micro-
phone at a place of business where
Schipani and others frequently
met because agents believed "that
this establishment was being util-
* ized for purposes connected with
organized crime, the department


'rnevi ew

-Associated Press
Close-up of the crater Copernicus, a prominent lunar feature was taken by the Lunar Orbiter II
satellite Nov. 23. The view, looking due north, shows mountains rising from the crater's floor to a
height of 1,000 feet. The 3,000 foot high mountain on the horizon, left, is the Gay-Lussac Promon-
tory in the Carpathian Mountains.
LI3J Tax Increase Hinges On
Fed Monetary Policy Action

Secretary-General #
Seen Willing To Take
Second Term at Post
The belief mounted among U.N.
diplomats yesterday that U Thant
has decided to accept another
term as secretary-general, but
there was no confirmation from
.him or any official U.N. source.
"He will stay" was the con-
fident prediction of many close as-
sociates of the 57-year-old Bur-
mese, who has been the U.N.'s
chief executive for five years. None
would add that they knew for
Members of the 15-nation Se-
curity Council met informally to
draft an appeal acceptable to
Thant, who has been under con-
stant pressure to remain on the
job ever since he announced on
Sept. 1 that he would not offer
himself for another term. He
agreed later in the month to stay
on until the end of the current
General Assembly, expected on
Dec. 20.
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg, president of the council for
November, was taking a leading
role in persuading Thant to re-
Informants said he drafted an
apeal to Thant saying that the
present international situation and
problems confronting the United
Nations require Thant's strong
leadership. Goldberg presented the
appeal to other council members
for their approval.
Thant gave as his reasons for
not accepting a new term per-
sonal considerations and failure
of the warring factions in Viet
Nam to heed his pleas to come
to the conference table. He cited
also inability of the major powers
to agree on peacekeeping proce-
dures and come up with voluntary
contributions to ease the United
Nation's financial problems.
On the financial aspect reliable
sources said theUnited States, the
Soviet Union, France and East
European nations were considering
making simultaneous voluntary
contributions as part of the cam-
paign to persuade Thant to re-
One hitch was described as So-
viet insistence that the United
States make the largest contribu-
tion. The United States objects on
the grounds it is not like the
others delinquent on peacekeeping
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vassily V. Kuznetsov was reported
to have assured Thant earlier in
the week that a Soviet contribu-
tion would be made.

BONN. West Germany U ) -
Ludwig Erhard stepped down as
chancellor yesterday making way
for a "grand coalition" govern-
ment of his Christian Democrats
and the opposition Social Dem-
ocrats. -
The new Christian Democratic
leader, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, is
due to be elected chancellor today
by the lower house of Parliament.
The posts of vice chancellor
and foreign minister will go to
Mayor Willy Brandt of West Ber-
lin, the Social Democratic leader

U.S. Forces Attack
Friendly Viet Village

SAIGON (j)-A U.S. artillery
battery killed three Vietnamese
villagers and wounded 14 yester-
day in a mistaken shelling of a
friendly community, Tan Uyen,
that just five months ago was
bombed accidentally by a U.S.
Air Force F100 Super Sabre Jet.
Vietnamese headquarters re-
ported a Viet Cong atrocity in the
Mekong delta, the murder of four
civilians in a Communist prison
camp from which government
troops freed 14 others long in
chains. The soldiers found the
bodies of two men and two
women who, survivors said, had
been shot by the Viet Cong a
short time before. One of the
survivors died of wounds after
being liberated.
The sharpest of scattered con-
tacts on generally quiet war sec-
tors was a 20-minute fight 32
miles northeast of Saigon. Five
Americans of the 1st Infantry
Division, headed by Sgt. Cletus
Sanders of St. Louis, Mo.. took on
a file of 80 Viet Cong troops after.
a snapping twig betrayed the
patrol's position.
A U.S. spokesman said the patrol
and supporting aircraft killed 46
of the enemy
Nine U.S. 105mm shells ex-
ploded at Tan Uyen, 20 miles
northeast of Saigon, in what an
American spokesman said was a
very regrettable accident caused
'by miscalculation in computing
firing data. The U.S. command
said "appropriate disciplinary ac-
tion will be taken."
Tan Uyen is on a bend of the
Dong Nai River just north of the
Bien Hoa airbase. A canister of
antipersonnel bombs exploded iri
the market place there July 1,
killing five Vietnamese and wound-
ing 43. Investigators said it was
a delayed drop in the jettisoning
of unused explosives upstream by

a Super Sabre returning to Bien
Hoa after a strike mission.
A dispatch from Dong Ha, head-
quarters of U.S. Marines and
South Vietnamese troops guard-
ing the northern border against
infiltrating Hanoi regulars, re-
ported American antiaircraft guns
have now been set up just 10
miles south of the demilitarized
B-52 jets from Guam raided two
suspected North Vietnamese troop
concentrations in the central high-
lands, one wave dumping explo-
sives 17 miles northwest of the
U.S. Army Special Forces camp
at Plei Djereng and the other
striking 24 miles southwest of the
Monsoon rains limited U.S. pil-
ots to 59 bombing missions over
the North on Tuesday, a little
more than a third of the daily.
average under good weather con-
These and offshore naval bom-
bardment are to be called off al-
together during the three holiday
truces proclaimed by South Viet
Nam and its allies-48 hours over
Christmas and 48 hours over New
Year's, as outlined previously by
the Viet Cong, and 96 hours over
the Vietnamese lunar new year
starting Feb. 8.

whose party had formed the op-
position since the federal govern-
ment came into being 17 years
In a meeting that extended into
the small hours of the morning,
Kiesinger and Brandt reached an
agreement on a new Cabinet that
will bring the Social Democrats
into the government for the first
Overwhelming Approval
Late in the day, Kiesinger an-
nounced that his Christian Dem-
ocratic party had given over-

tPhelming approval to the coali-
tion Cabinet. But he declined to
say who was in it.
Erhard said he was glad the
political crisis was over and that
West Germany would have a
strong government again. Charges
of weakness and indecisiveness
within his own party had played
a large part in his ouster after
three years in office.
It was generally assumed -
though there was no official con-
firmation -- that the new min-
ister of finance would be Franz
Joseph Strauss, one of West Ger-
many's outstanding supporters of
French President Charles de
Asked if he was satisfied with
the result of the meeting, ex-
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, 90,
answered with a clear, "Yes."
Earlier in the day, when there
was more uncertainty about
Strauss' future, his answer had
been a resounding, "No." He did
not explain either reply. But he
earlier had endorsed Kiesinger,
and defended Kiesinger against
criticism of past Nazi activities.
Strauss in the Center
Strauss had been in the center
of the crisis stage all day.
Supporters of the controversial
former defense minister said he
had wanted assurances that the
government would back him in
any unpopular measures he might
have to take to meet budget
deficits. In a signed newspaper
article, Strauss wrote that the
deficit would be $5 billion by
Both parties wanted him in the
Cabinet because he would be a
formidable critic outside it. His
attacks on Erhard's government
as not being friendly enough to-
ward France played a part in
bringing on the crisis.
His presence in the Cabinet is
also important for foreign policy
since he is the foremost admirer
of De Gaulle now that Adenauer
is in virtual retirement.
The new Cabinet was expected
to consist of nine Social Dem-
ocrats and 10 Christian Dem-
ocrats, in addition to Kiesinger.

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson's decision on a tax in-
crease may turn, not only on
Viet Nam war costs, but on wheth-
er the Federal Reserve Board
promises easier money to credit-
hungry business, congressional
sources said yesterday.
"I can't imagine the President
asking for a tax hike without a
firm understanding with the Fed,"
said one source close to both exec-
utive and congressional tax plan-
ners. He asked not to have the
comment attributed to him.
One major employment-creating.
industry, housing, is in recession
while the economy generally con-
tinues to flourish. Many observ-
ers attribute the sag in new hous-
ing starts to mounting interest
rates and keen competition for
money since the Federal Reserve
raised the discount rate and the
rates allowed on banks' time de-
posits almost a year ago. These
actions tended to shrink the cred-
it money supply,
Too Chilling?
If a tax increase turns out to
have too chilling an effect on the
economy,. easier money--particu-
larly for the housing industry-
could serve as an offsetting stim-
Whatever the decision on a gen-
eral tax increase may be, the con-
gressional outlook is for passage
of an increase in Social Security
benefits and taxes such as John-
son recommended. The effect of
such an Increase on the infla-
tion-deflation balance is consid-
ered neutral.
The h4ller payroll tax, especial-
ly if it comes on top of a boost
in individual and. corporate in-
come tax, might tend to cool the
economy. But the 'increased flow
to pensioners of ready spending

money, would, planners think,
cancel this effect.
The reduction or postponement
of $5.3 billion in federal pro-
grams, including $3 billion in
savings between now and July 1,
which Johnson announced in gen-
eral terms Tuesday, is expected
to check the expansion of ad-
ministration undertakings rather
than drastically cut back any.
As for the prospect for Federal
Reserve cooperation in a flexible
fiscal-monetary undertaking to

December, the Federal Reserve'
dramatically demonstrated the in-
dependence it often asserts. It took
steps in the face of direct and
public pleas by the Treasury that
they be held off at least until
budget discussions were complete.
Since then, however, Chairman
William McChesney Martin, Jr.
and other members, though they
never forecast policy, have given
some indication of willingness to
change, especially if fiscal meas-

FLORENCE Bridal Shop

avoid inflation without causing re- ures were added to the collection
cession, congressional expectations of weapons against inflation. A
are reasonably bright, tax increase, of course, would be
In its interest-raising action last one of these.
'Shp Sinks in Lake Huron
32 Men Feared Drowned

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Battered apart by 25-foot waves,
the freighter Daniel J. Morrell
went to the bottom of Lake Hur-
on before dawn Tuesday in the
worst Great Lakes tragedy in
eight years.
At least 12 of the Morrell's 33
crewmen died. Their bodies were
plucked from the choppy water
and taken to a morgue here. One
survivor was found.
The 603-foot ore carrier, lash-
ed by winds of up to 60 miles
an hour, snapped in half during
the season's first major snow-
storm. about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday,
the Coast Guard said.
"There was no distress signal,"
a Coast Guard spokesman said.
"That was the weird thing."
The survivor, Dennis Hale, 26,
of Ashtabula, Ohio, was taken by
helicopter from a raft about eight
miles northeast of Harbor Beach
light. He was suffering from ex-

posure. Three bodies were on the
"I was asleep when I heard a
hard thump," Hale said. "I thought
the anchor was dropping. I heard
the emergency alarm, got dressed
and ran topside. The ship was
breaking in half."
Hale said the ship had broken
a little more than halfway from
the bow. He launched a raft with
the three other crewmen.
"As we were floating out on this
raft, I could see the two halves
hitting each other," he said.
"They had separated, and the
back part still had power and
kept ramming the front part.
"She buckled and she sank," he
The Morrell, built in 1906 in
Bay City, Mich., was refitted with
new power 10 years ago. She is
603 feet long and 60 feet wide
and capable of holding 13,000 tons
of cargo, according to the 1966
edition of Greenwood's Guide to



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light and lacy
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sweaters dyed-to-
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world News Roundup



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A California
congressman served notice yester-
day that he will try to block Rep.
Adam' Clayton Powell, D..N.Y.,
from taking his seat in the new
* Congress unless the New Yorker
quits defying his state courts.
"Here is a guy writing the laws
of the land in open defiance of the
law," declared Rep. Lionel Van
Deerlin, like Powell a Democrat.
"We have to do something about
it. Congress is looked. on as going
along with this if it doesn't act."
Powel has been sentenced to 30
days in jail by the New York State
Supreme Court for criminal con-
tempt growing out of a libel judg-
ment which Powell has failed to

satisfy over a, three-year period.
* * *
PARIS - Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin arrived yesterday to plant
a new signpost pointing toward
cordial relations between France
and the Soviet Union.
The initiative has come from
President Charles de Gaulle, whose
aim is to settle the cold war by
"bringing Russia back into Eur-
De Gaulle's courtship. of the
Soviet Union has produced bila-
teral cooperation in economics,
science, technology and culture.
So far there have been no political
agreements, and French officials
insis't none is expected during
Kosygin's nine-day visit.



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