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November 30, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-30

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(See Editorial Page)


Bk A


Continutd cold
and windy

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Students To Elect
Steering Committee,
Discuss Future Action
S .A teach-in "as mandated by
last Monday's Hill Aud. teach-in"
will be held tomorrow at 7 p.m.
in Angell Hall Aud. A, B, C, and
D, Student Government Council
President Ed Robinson announced
Robinson chaired the Hill meet-
ing. The announcement was made
to an open meeting of 30 inter-
ested students and organization
leaders, who added recommenda-
tions for general procedures.
There will be no agenda for the
meeting. General procedure was
generally agreed to as follows:
* For one hour after the meeting
convenes, motions will be accepted
from the floor. A time limit will be
set on presentations "to prevent
them from becoming individual
The four auditoriums will be
joined by a common audio system
* allowing a speaker in any audi-
torium to be heard in the other:
After the hour is up, the body
will break up randomly into class-
rooms for general discussions. At
1:30 the bodyrwill reconvene to
entertain additional motions and
to vote.
The group yesterday expressed
a feeling that some overall time
limit would probably be necessary.
They also expressed the hope that
a legitimate steering committee
would be elected to take care of
IN planning details in the future.
In an erlier meeting lasting
well into yesterday morning, SGC
voted to help sponsor the teach-
in, to spend up to $300 to finance
the affair, and to move in later
meetings to present proposals for
future action.
SGC also said that while it rec-
ognizes "the need for a committee
to review the relationship between
the University and the Selective
Service . . .. several points yina
President Hatcher's report were
inadequately discussed."
Council asked Hatcher to with-
draw the names of the three stu-
dents selected for his new com-
mission to study the draft and to
allow SGC and Graduate Student
Council to select three members.
Robinson and Mark R. Killings-
worth, editor of The Daily, have
rejected Presidential invitations to
serve on the commission. GSC
President John DeLamater, the
third student invited to serve, is
"thinking the matter over."
SGC urged the draft commis-
sion'be composed of an equal vot-
ing number of students, adminis-
tration and faculty representa-

An Editorial .a.Q.
YESTERDAY'S SIT-IN was a reasoned, responsible demonstra-
tion of student feeling that President Harlan Hatcher's am-
biguous statement Monday needs swift clarification.
If Hatcher's statement is intended as a sincere first step
towards a solution to the current crisis, two issues are paramount.
FIRST, HOW WILL STUDENTS decide among themselves
exactly what place'they want in the University community as
a whole? We favor the following procedures on this issue:
r A student teach-in will occur tomorrow evening at 7
p.m. at Hill Aud. We urge all students to attend to discuss alter-
native student positions on student and University government.
f Students at the teach-in should decide on how to draft a
new student government plan. Two possible methods of doing
this are to elect a drafting committee or to divide the teach-in
itself into large committees to work on various sections of the
new government plan. In either case the tentative results would be
submitted to a meeting of the whole student group for iratifica-
We urge that the teach-in vote affirmatively on whether
to send representatives to sit on a tripartite faculty-student-ad-
minisrator committee on student government and University
decision-making. It should then nominate and elect representa-
tives to the committee who would consult with the teach-in until
a student plan is adopted. Then and only then is there a meamng-
ful basis for their participation as true student representatives.
" Consideration of a new sit-in ban, like consideration of
any other rules and regulations concerning student affairs, should
be deferred until new plans for student government and Uni-
versity decision-making are established under the procedures out-
lined below. We urge that students attending the teach-in tomor-
row night vote against sending student representatives to a com-
mitee dealing with specific rules since such specific rules are best
considered in the broader context of student affairs as a whole.
* Because ranking concerns students and faculty exclusive-
ly, students and faculty should form a committee to determine the
University's policy on class rank under procedures outlined be-
low. The teach-in tomorrow night should nominate and elect stu-
dent representatives for such a commnittee.
" Should it become obvious that the goal of greater student
participation in a reformed University decision-making process
cannot be served by working in the structures outlined above, the
alternative tactic of militant action once again will become rele-
vant: At this point, however, such action-specifically, a sit-in--
can only be counter-productive.
SECOND, how will the University as a whole decide on the fu-
ture decision-making roles of each of its groups?
To clarify the generalities set forth in Monday's state-
ment, we urge that President Hatcher and the presidents of
SGC, Graduate Student Council, and the Faculty Assembly meet
no later than next Monday if the principle of committees is ac-
cepted and announce forrnal agreement to the following:
" Students, faculty (excluding administrative deans) and
administrators should be equally represented on the commttee on
decision-making. Students atd faculty should be equally repre-
sented on the committee on ranking. All parties shall have' equal
access to information; all shall have an equal voice and vote.
" The committees shall continuously consult with the
President and with student and faculty groups. They shall then
transmit directly to the Regents only recommendations previous-
ly endorsed in a vote by the student body and the appropriate
faculty unit. These recommendations shall become University
policy unless the Regents explicitly reject them.
1f-HE UNIVERSITY cannot afford a repetition of the events of
the last several weeks; it cannot withstand those breaches of
faith and trust in the future which have typified the past.

Voice Asks
For Sit-In :.
On Friday
Proposal Requests}
Action Based on
Teach-in Thursdayv
Voice political party tenatively
decided last night to stage a sit-
in Friday pending the outcome of
Thursday night's campuswide
At a meeting of about 150 mem-
bers Voice decided to propose at
the Thursday night teach-in that
students stage an all day sit-in
at the administration building Fri-
Voice said that if there is a
minimum of 250 to 350 peoule wbo
support their proposal they defi-
nitely will stage a sit-in Friday.
The members emphasized that
even if the majority of students
at the teach-in go against it's
plan, they will sit-in anyway-as
long as 250 to 350 people are will-
ing to participate.
Voice members also discussed
the November 16 draft referendum.
at length..
Most Voice members contend
that students are losing sight of
the referendum in the midst of 'w
the confusion over sit-insandthex
They voiced concern that the
issue is being buried under the
prevailing campus chaos.
In another development an ad-
hoc committee of 12 teaching fel-
lows charged last night that they
had been summarily excluded
from next Monday's literary col-
lege faculty meeting by drawing
up a petition defending the right
of faculty members to conscien- SNAKING THEIR WA
tiously object to University policy. 1,500 students. This ph
The petition, which is to be cir-
culated among all teaching fellows SKIP MEAL-
greater studentparticipation in HEAL:
starting Thursday also supports
University decision-making and
voiced disappointement at the de-I
cision to exclude teaching fellows.
literary college denied that, any
such' decision had been reached.
He said that the literary college
executive committee is planning to
continue consideration at a meet-

Protest Is
Largest In
'U' History
Demonstration Shows
Student Response
To Hatcher Statement
Charging that the University
administration refused to neet
their demands, 1,500 students
packed three floors of the campus
Administration Bldg. yesterday in
the largest sit-in in the school's
The students demonstrated in
response to President Harlan
Hatcher's refusal to acede to their
demands that the school cease
compilation of class rankings for
the Selective Service and rescind
a controversial new sit-in ban.
At a noon rally on the diag stu-
dents rejected Hatcher's concilia-
tory offer Monday to resolve the
dispute by establishing three new
committees as "sweet talk."
The students at the rally march-
ed on the Administration Bldg.
after Student Government Coun-
cil President Ed Robinson told
them, "Last Monday's teach-in
asked for a yes-or no answer from
the administration on our de-
mands. I would interpret President
Hatcher's statements yesterday as
not meeting that ultimatum,"
As the students marched off to
the sit-in, SGC members Robert
Smith, '67, and Jay Zulaff, '67,
pleaded with them not to go.
About 200 students stayed on to
her Zulaff say, "The administra-
tion has. started to work with us.
. We must continue to work
with the administration."
The students filled the lobbies
foyers, and some corridors of the
first, second and third floors start-
ing at about 12:20. Access to of-
fices was largely blocked for Uni-
versity employes.
Technically the protest did not
violate the controversial new sit-
in ban whichhas been the focal
point of the two week old dispute
Robinson spoke to a wide cross-
section of students in short talks
on all three floors. He thanked
the students' for attending and
said their numbers showed "a real
committment to student decision-
He later said that "it should be
clear that this is just a beginning.
I would anticipate another meet-
ing Thursday night with complete
debate and an open agenda to de-
cide on further actions."
Robinson received frequent ap-
plause as he told the students they
were doing "the best thing that
has ever been done for education
anywhere."He predicted that ac-
tions by interested students would
continue into next semester'
"I would like to thank everyone
who came in spite of 'the vaca-
tion and the weather and Hatch-
er's statement. This show a real
commitment to student decision
making," said Robinson..
"It should be clear that this
is just i beginning," he added.
Voicing a more militant stance
was Students for a Democratic
Society President Mike Zweig,
Grad: -"Next time I think we'll
have to have a site-in of indefi-
nite duration."

-UM News aervice-Maiteland LaMotte
AY from a Dag rally to the Administration Bldg. in yesterday's sit-in were
hoto was taken from the fourth floor of the Administration Bldg.

stors Go Hungry on
time Demonstration

ing this afternoon.
He added, however, that al- By NEIL SHISTER
though the faculty code prohibits G
non-members of the faculty from "Go home and enjoy a good
attending any faculty meeting, lunch!"

he would "welcome the teaching
fellow's point of view."
Philip Newman, who chaired the
teaching fellow's committee meet-
ing, indicated that a member of
the literary college committee had
said that teaching fellows would
not be invited to Monday's meet-
ing. However, he refused to name
his source.

IStudent Government C o u n c i1l
member Bob Smith, '67, who made
the motion two weeks ago sepa-
rating SGC from the University's'
Office of Student Affairs, thus be-
ginning the current protest move-
ment, stood on the steps of the
General Library yesterday at
noon, urging students not to sit-in.
There was a squeaky pitch toj

his voice and it sounded as if it
might horribly crack at any mo-
ment. But the feverishness of his
tone was wasted, for it soon be-
came evident his attempt to stop
what he helped create was futile.
Ann Arbor police had to hold
up State Street traffic for 15
minutes as 1,500 students and a
sprinkling of faculty flowed into
the first, second and third floors
of the Administration Bldg.
Disruption of University busi-
ness was minimal. Most adminis-
trators lunched early or ate in
their offices to avert the pro-
But some employes were piqued.
"I couldn't get to the ladies
lounge during noon houi," re-
ported Mrs. Mary Lindauer, clerk
at window A of the cashier's of-
fice. She was also limited to "half
of someone else's milk shake for

professor as he watched the Ad-
ministration Bldg. fill up.
At first there was a sort of fum-
bling about, people standing in
the lobby uncertain what to do.
But gradually they got seated.
Up front, near the door, a girl
with a good voice was leading
"We Shall Overcome." The singing
never really caught on, though.,
It was mostly the hard-core 'New
Left' that knew the words to the
more obscure songs. The majority
of the demonstrators listened.
Midway through the hour SGC
President Ed Robinson got up to
talk, the afternoon's first speaker.
A stillness came over the room.
Robinson, as always, was artic-
ulate, succinct and just polemical
enough to keep the edge of the
moment without losing sight of
its larger perspective.

There was national coverage-
/ from Life Magazine, and all theeW o uy ud eSak
television networks were on handWorld Court Judge Speaks
But if the sit-in was causing a stir
among the University people, it
seemed almost boring to the proAt W inter Com mencement

"Kind of a shame, sorta, me be- Philip C. Jessup, the only Amer
ing here when it's so warm in ilip C.messup, the nlyrnaier-
New York, said the dapper, tan- ican member of the International
ned photographer from Life, three Court of Justice at The Hague,
cameras hanging from his neck. will speak at the winter com-
He was mad that his editors felt mencement exercises, Saturday,
the sit-in important enough to Dec. 17.

the U.N. was formally established.
Jessup was also U.S. envoy to
the U.N. General Assembly from
1948 to 1952, and served as am-
bassador-at-large for President
Harry Truman from 1949 to 1953.

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