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November 29, 1966 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-29

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Icers Down Chatham Deucedly

Four 'M' Gridders


"What do you expect? Our
goalie's just turned 17 and its the
first ,time he's ever been away
from home in his life."
Michigan's hockey team didn't
expect much and they didn't dis-
play all that much either, al-
though they defeated the Chat-
ham Juniors handily, twice in suc-
cession over the weekend.
The Chatham outfit is no push-
over and certainly provides a good
opening test for any WCHA con-
testant, but as the Montreal
sportswriter algeady quoted point-
ed out, "on the average the play-
ers are about two to three years
younger than Michigan and cor-
respondingly less ,exeperienced."
Volcanos and Hares
Friday night in the Juniors'
home arena, the Wolverines were
shakey for two periods but erupted
for five goals in the final-20 min-
untes, led Bruce Koviak's hat trick
for an 8-4 victory.
Saturday on Michigan's home
ice the game was less exciting, but
the Wolverines also had less
trouble, winning 6-0 behind a
'shutout by goalie Jim Keough.
Saturday's match was note-
worthy if, for no other reason,
than that it provided the unveiling
for the new four foot wire ipesh
screen which now surrounds the
New Netminder
Sophomore goalie Keough, in his
first start, gave indication of
promise, but most of the action
was kept at the other end of the
rink and he only had to make 23
saves. Whereas the homesick lad,
Bruce Landon, turned in several
outstanding efforts and ended with
a grand total of 42 saves, despite
allowing the six tallies.

Asked if he would say that
Keough is now his starting net-
minder, Coach Al Renfrew replied
to the point "no I wouldn't."
Mel Wakabayashi, whose num-
ber nine is one of the best known
in Michigan hockey annals, scored
two goals in the third period and
received a long ovation on each.
Good Day for Sophs
Detroiter Lee Martilla got the
first goal at 3:44 of period one
when he slapped in a face-off pass

from Bruce Koviak, who also as-1
sisted on one of Wakabayashi's
The second goal belonged to'
sophomore wingman Doug Gal-e
braith who put one in from 25 feet
out and a little to the left. Assists8
were credited to Phil Gross and
Three minutes later, at 18:24
and with Chatham a man short,3
defense man Paul Domm took thet
set up from Al Brook almost atT
the Blue line for a 3-0 lead as thei
first 20 minutes ended.i
Second Down1
The second period was a loser
both nights from a Wolverine
point of view. Friday Michigan{
had entered with a 3-1 lead andf
emerged tied in knots 3-3. Satur-t
day they kept the Maroons score-C
less, but didn't do much on their
own as they were out-skated for
a good bit of the period and ham-1
pered by penalties for the restx
of it.
And as it had been the night 1
before, so was the third period
Saturday a boon for Michigan.
Wakabayashi's goal came froml
close in front of the net at 2:391
on a pass from Lars Hansen and i
was follewed 52 seconds later by <
Koviak's fourth goal of the two
game series. Again the shot was
from close in and this time ther
assist was Galbraith's.t
Wakabayashi's and Michigan'sc
last tally came with Chatham a
man short at 13:57 and was as-
sisted by Koviak and Lee Martilla.
Swinging Ruction
The second period produced the
only altercation of the evening, a
stick swinging match between
Gross of Michigan and Jim Shine
of the Juniors highlighted accord-
ing to the gossipy Montreal scribe,
by the fact that "Shine was one
of his old boy friends."
From a Michigan standpoint
Friday night's match was just one
big incarceration. Referee Bob
Doyle slapped the Wolverines with
36 minutes in penalties including
five straight in the second period,
during which Chatham tied the
Outside of this cataclysm, high-
light of the game was the triad
of markers by Koviak, who -was
voted Most Valuable Sophomore
by his teammates last year.
Evil Whistle
After Bob Baird of Michigan
and Brian Hind of Chatham
traded goals in the opening mo-
ments, Koviak sent Michigan up
3-1 with his first two goals, the

latter coming while Chatham was
a man short.
But with the Wolverines strug-
gling against Doyle's quick and
evil whistle, Chatham tied the
score early in the second period on
a powerplay goal by Paul Grills
and another by Hind.
Again, this time with just 45
seconds gone in the third third,
Koviak pushed one in to break the
tie. Mike Martilla, Ddmm and
Mark Thompson all followed suit
in the next ten minutes, making
it 7-3 before Bob Dickson of the
home team added a tally.
Waka's )Nome Show
Then Wakabayashi's, who calls
Chatham his home, delighted the
fans with one of his storybook
breakaways. The center was killing
off a penalty when he broke free
and raced in alone on Landon. The
goalie made the save but the puck
bounded off his skates over his
back for the eighth goal at 17:50.
Renfrew, none too pleased with
Ffriday's encounter, was pacified
after Saturday. "We skated pretty
good and moved the puck a lot
better. I was especially pleased
with the defense. And the wings
were moving back better to help
out. I hope they will keep it up."
This weekend the Icers will face
Waterloo Lutheran college, whose
name conjures up anything from
the Reformation to the Congress
of Vienna, twice, on home ice.

Voted All-BigTen
Climaxed by a crushing 17-3 wiler, and Fisher to offense and
victory over Ohio State in their Nunley and Volk to defense.
last game, theMichigan Wolver- Tackle Jim Hribal. Ward, and
ines finished figuring impressivelyRrt
in post season polls and dominat- Rowser were named to the second
ing Big Ten statistics in spite of team, and tackle Ray Phillips and
a third place tie with Illinois. Vidmer received honorable men-
Wolverines led the league in five tion
categories: Jack Clancy in pass re-
ceiving, Jim Detwiler in kickoff Nine USC P ay
returns, Stan Kemp in puntingP y
Rick Sygar in punt returns, and Ineliible for Bowl
Frank Nunley in tackles. Rick'I
Volk, John Rowser, Rocky Rose-
ma, quarterback Dick Vidmer, andv LOS ANGELES r C-The Uni-
backs Carl Ward and Dave Fisher versity of Southern California said
also figured in individual statistics. yesterday that nine players, in-
cluding star end Ron Drake and
It's not surprising that four safety Mike Battle, won't be on
Wolverines were named to the its Rose Bowl football team
All-Big Ten poll by the Associated against Purdue.
Press. Volk, the only Michigan re-!
peater in the poll, and linebacker The nine, all junior college
Nunley were chosen for the de- transfers, were eliminated by an
fense, Detwiler and Clancy, end. NCAA rule requiring such players
were selected from offense. Clancy to have at least 48 units, or have
was also named to Look's 22-man a B average, for at least a year to
All-America team. be eligible for post season games.
On the second All-Big Ten team, Drake is USC's top pass receiver
tackle Henry Hanna, and backs with 52 catches. Battle, a sonho-.
Fisher and Ward captured offen- more, has been first team safety
sive honors, while Vidmer and most of the season.
Sygar elicited honorable mention. Others ineligible are punter Dick
The UPI also favored Michigan, Hough, third string center Bill
c s C'o'D Adams, fullback Dan Scott, line-
backer Steve Swanson, offensive
SPORTS NIGHT EDITOR: tackle Dennis Born, safety Earl
GRETCHEN TWIETMEYER McCullouch and defensive tackle
Mike Taylor.

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Uclans Rank Supreme

Bruins, with fabulous sophomore
Lew Alcindor, are favored to win
the national colegiate basketball
championship in the 1967 season
that opens Thursday in. the pre-
season Associated Press poll.
The handwriting was on the
wall when Alcindor led the fresh-
man to victory over the varsity in
their annual game before the sea-
son started.
The Bruins beat out Texas
Western, the defending national'
champion, and Kentucky, the
team the Miners beat for the title
last March.
The Duke Blue Devils, who fin-
Ished third nationally in the NCAA
tourney at College Park, Md., last
March, landed fourth place and
the Louisville Cardinals of the
Missouri Valley Conference were
ranked fifth.
Rounding out the pre-season
Top Ten are, in order, New Mexico,
Houston, Western Kentucky, North
Carolina and Cincinnati. Boston
College, Kansas and Chicago Lo-
yola missed by only a few points
of making the Top Ten.
The pre-season Top Ten in
the Associated Press college
basketball poll with first place
votes in parentheses, total points
on basis of 10 for first place,
9, 8, 7, etc. and last season's

9. North Carolina 16-11 22
10. Cincinnati 21-7 21
Other teams, listed alphabet-
ically: Boston College, Brigham
Young, Bradley, Chicago Loyola,
C o I o r a d o State University,
Creighton, Davidson, Dayton,
Drake, Illinois, Kansas, LaSalle,
Michigan State, MICHIGAN,
Mississippi State, Nebraska, Pro-
vidence, Purdue, Seattle, South
Carolina, St. John's of New
York, Southern Methodist, St.
Louis, Utah, Utah State, Wyom-
ing, Wichita, West Virginia.



1. UCLA (12) 18-8'
2. Texas-Western (3) 28-1
3. Kentucky (1) 27-2
4. Duke 26-4
5. Louisville (1) 16-10
6. New Mexico 16-8
7. Houston 23-6
8. Western Kentucky 25-3


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