Seventy-Sixth Year EnITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICMrGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ' kx4'i t~A\ } ...v +R! .., ..9X'rti ,f~:' tka .., . .....a ... .. .. . . .V. . . . . .. ... ...... x'.. .. ,,, . .,4 ~ r A. .. ...w . _ge .sv .. 4 ...... . .. , .. .. . : POWER4ThenReents: Crisis of omprehenasion 1POETRY by MARK R. KILLINGS WORT H :.:.*.S....~..~. .f.Y}. ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER R The 'Student Power' Fight: Moderates May Win THERE IS ANOTHER student side to the present University crisis, and it ought to be recognized. A number of students, an undetermined number, are re-affirm- ing their faith in the student advice phi- losophy of "sharing in administration." Speaking with a minority volume, these students represent what to the present revolutionaries of student power is defeat. But, for the present crisis, it could wind up being the solution-the gaining of an effective voice in affairs through advisory boards, THIS GROUP HAS several contentions, though like everyone else they are probably divided on most of them. Here are their major points: -SGC does not represent the majority of students; --students must show themselves to be responsible before the administration will listen to them; ' -the administration will lisen to stu- dents only "if they want to;" -the administration has been nice to' put up with as much as it has; -attempts to force the University to do anything are useless "because no stu- dent or group of students can force the University to do anything;" -student advisory boards can work. SOME OF THESE arguments, which basically represent the administra- tion's public relations line, have some validity. The decision to sit-in was ram- med through an assembly of 4,000 stu- dents, which, though large, was a definite minority of the student body. However, as elected representatives, the members of SGC have a strong case for claiming to represent students, and tle different opinions of SGC members may well re- flect the feelings of all students. The old line that students must show themselves to be responsible has, since the bookstore incident, been overshadowed by charges that the administration was not being responsible to students. This is ob- viously a two-way proposition. AS FAR AS being nice and permitting dissent, the administration knows these are the only things that kept stu- dents fairly quiet-until the sit-in ban. Perhaps individual students do not have any power. But united students are trying to show that they are the Univer- sity, and they can force the administra- tion to do something. Time will tell. Advisory boards of some type, believe it or not, could become an effective means of giving students and faculty a great deal of say in the way the University is run. But at the present rate they will never gain a thing for either of these groups. As everyone seems to admit, there seems to be no reason for the administra- tion to listen to anyone. IT WILL TAKE demonstrations, sit-ins or some type of exertion of power to force the administration to listen. There is. no reason for the administration to act, and they won't unless forced. And as it is up to the students to pro- vide that force, it is also their responsi- bility to provide a solution to the prob- lems they have brought to light. Perhaps in the final solution, those moderates who seek a mere advisory capacity for stu- dents will take the lead. Perhaps once the revolution has begun to result in concessions, those who insist on student-faculty supremacy will find their ranks dwindling as the majority seek peace and harmony. It will take action to bring about any results, but the results are likely to be those favored by students who would not take action. There is a bit of disillusion- ment for everyone in a revolution. But there is always a bit of hope, too. FOR THE MOMENT, therefore, support your campus revolutionaries. -MICHAEL HEFFER THE STUDENT affairs crisis may have changed course as a re- sult of President Hatcher's state- ment to the faculty senate yes- terday. But it has exposed anoth- er crisis-a crisis among the Re- gents. What the Regents have done- or failed to do-so far in the current crisis indicates that they have failed to meet their respon- sibilities to a great university. One says it with a sense of sadness and a wish that it were not so. Yet it is so, and three examples indicate the appalling degree of the Regents' failure to understand or meet the crisis: " ONE REGENT, a staunch member of one of the University's honorary societies, is known to have felt that the best contribu- tion the current student mem- bers of his honorary could make in the crisis is to help remove sit- in demonstrators from the Admin- istration Bldg. " Regent William Cudlip de- clared recently that the develop- ments here are part of a "nation- al pattern," and added that "an exact prototype of what we are now seeing in Ann Arbor took place at the City College of New York last week. We have an SDS handbook out here, and it is loaded with phrases like 'complete student power'." " The Regents met privately with SGC members last week and, after hearing an extensive descrip- tion of the breakdown in commu- nications with the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, could only suggest that SGC talk with the OSA again-"that's what we set it up for." IN LIGHT of the foregoing it is not hard to see why even Neill Hollenshead, an SGC moderate, could only tell the Regents at the end of their half-hour "meet- ing" with SGC, "You just simply don't understand how serious this is." But the Regents' inability to understand the gravity - indeed, the very nature-of the situation did not begin with their gather- ing with SGC or Cudlip's non- sensical remarks. Indeed, the Regents to a large extent brought the crisis on them- selves. For they virtually ordered Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard L. Cutler to enact the sit-in ban, and they made it clear that they wanted no con- sultation with students or facul- ty before the regulation was pro- mulgated. Not only does this order - and Cutler's supine fulfillment of it- make a mockery of the oft-pro- nounced University policy of full consultation before decisions are made; it also violates what the Regents themselves claim to want. IN THEIR GRANT of power to Cutler, the Regents specifically stated that Cutler should review and establish regulations "with a view to involving all concerned segments of the University com- munity, specifically including the faculties of the several schools and colleges, interested and responsi- ble student representatives, and members of the administration." Yet in promulgating the sit-in ban Cutler never bothered even to inform SGC of the new rule, let alone ask their views on it. And Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Allan F. Smith's faculty ad- visory committee explicitly told Smith well before Cutler's rule was issued that such a ban on sit-ins would be ill-advised. Hence the Regents' actions in November exude the hypocrisy of a group of men who have forgot- ten-or never believed in - what they endorsed in October. AND THEIR ACTIONS since the crisis began indicate they have failed to understand what is the root of the problem. The advisability of a sit-in ban is not at. issue. Almost all ele- ments of the University commu- nity-including the vast majority of the student body and all the members of SGC-believe in an orderly University. Their actions bear out that belief far more than the Regents' actions bear out theirs. And the advisability of submit- ting class ranks, strange to say, is also not at issue. Many of those students who are insisting that the University in some way take account of the draft refer- endum voted to retain its policy of submitting ranks. For the issue is, simply, wheth- er the Regents and the adminis- tration are sincese when they claim to be interested and con- siderate of student opinion. THE REGENTS and the admin- istration failed to meet their lofty pledges of continuing consultation with students and faculty. (Presi- dent Hatcher yesterday conceded that Cutler's sit-in ban "had not received adequate discussion.") Their decisions until yesterday have been made in the main with blithe disregard for whatever those views might be-from the book- store decision to the decision to submit political group member- ship lists to the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee to the sit-in ban promulgation. Viewed in this light, the cur- rent protest is not part of a "na- tional pattern." Edward Robinson is not Robespierre, nor is the cur- rent writer John Peter Zenger (or Piotr Kropotkin, for that matter). It is not a premeditated con- spiracy to overthrow the admin- istration and gablish student pow- er. It is the anguished reaction to the broken promises of the Re- gents and the administration. It is an attempt to see that in the future the Regents and the ad- ministration will do what they promised to do-and did not do-- in the past. SOME MEMBERS of SDS have always been remarkable in their fixed belief in the conspiracy theory of government. The Re- gents, too, have apparently join- ed that little band of the be- mused who subscribe to that fool- ish interpretation of human events. Nor is President Hatcher's state- ment to the faculty senate yester- day the product of Regental wis- don. It is almostdexclusively the result of the sound-and presum- ably chastened-Judgment of the deans, the faculty and administra- tors. The Regents' position throughout the period preceding Hatcher's statement can be sum- med up as simply, "Noconces- sions." IF THE REGENTS fail to pre- ceive the nature of the situation, however-and if they fail to feal- ize that what they have done or failed to do in fact created the crisis-then they will eventually know, the the University disinte- grates, the bitter words of the sage: "We have left undone what we ought to have done, and we have not done what we ought to have done, and there is no health for us." Letters: A Plan for Student Government To the Editor: An Open Letter to SGC: I FEEL that this far, the stu- dent movement looks really good. But it should not die if and when the administration gives us satisfactory answers on the sit-in rule and ranking. There are much largerissues involvedand they must not be forgotten or overlooked. We must develop long range answers to questions on stu- dent power and on the whole structure of the University. These decisions should be made in as democratic a manner as possible. I OFFER the following sug- gestions for deciding on such long range plans. 1) Call for individuals and groups to submit long range pro- posals. This call should go out as soon as possible. 2) Widely publicize all such pro- posals (through leaflets, The Daily, etc.). 3) Hold workshops to discuss the various proposals. Each work- shop should center around one proposal and have the submitter of the proposal attending it. 4) Hold these workshops as soon as possible, definitely well before exams. 5) Continue exploring the pro- posals (and any new ones that develop) next semester in as many ways as possible: workshops, town meetings, informal discussions, etc. Every effort should be made to keep the large number of students now interested deeply involved in the movement. 6) Sometime next semester hold a referendum to decide the best plan for restructuring the student role in the University. AS FUNCTIONAL leader of the movement, you, SGC, have an ob- ligation to help students consider and decide the long range aims of the movement. -Susan Gordon, '67 All-American ro the Editor: IN RESPONSE to your editorial ("Looking at Ann Arbor," Nov. ) regarding Ann Arbor and the All America Cities contest - this national award is made for mu- nicipal and civic progress as a direct result of citizen action- not for perfection in government, which does not exist anyhow. It is made to cities that do better in relation to their problems be- cause of the initiative and lead- ership of their people. In recent years Ann Arbor has had a tremendous outpouring of activity by citizens on a number of fronts but particularly in the field of civil rights. Citizens mo- bilized to get the first fair hous- Elitism and the Honors College IT HAS BEEN argued that the existence of an Honors program such as ours promotes an inequality which is unneces- sary and should not be tolerated. Here is a system, its critics contend, in which certain students must withstand inferior conditions including teaching fellows and large sections while others must not; where some are graded on a C curve and others on a B curve; where the limitation in size, of classes and number of sections make provisions for, enroll- f ment of non-honors students negligible. But there are significant reasons which justify the existence of the Honors Col- lege within the academic community. IT PRESENTS AN opportunity for the superior student to escape some of the flaws of mass education and to feel a part of the intellectual elite to which every university student used to belong. Today 5/2 million students are enrolled in universities. They are neither the 'elite nor the elect.' Sociologist Martin Meyer- son, former Chancellor of Berkeley, wrote that much of, student tension and dis- satisfaction, represented by a high drop- out level, 40 per cent on a national basis, is due to the all-enveloping concept of 'majority education.' If the University wishes to win good instructors away from the other great educational centers, it must offer them conditions, and most importantly, stu- dents, with whom they will be willing to work. Besides increasing the value of the Honors College, -this acts to raise the level of other academic programs and thus helps all. BEING IN COLLEGE can no longer in itself be considered any great accom- plishment. The Honors curriculum makes an elite from a majority and restores some of the natural self-respect and equilibrium that used to be a part of the college experience. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY TD .... Assnt ata Businaa Manager If, in fact, one must consider the Hon- ors college an example of an elite, then as dissent is necessary to the proper functioning of a democracy, elitism is necessary to mass education. -CYNTHIA MILLS The Perfect Candidate J KNOW THE perfect candidate for Cali- fornia Democrats striving to turn the political tide in that state. Paul Newman. He is younger, handsomer, and infinet- ly more virile than Ronald Reagan is. I know of no woman over the age of 25 who does not immediately reach a state of orgaistic joy upon the sight of New- man. PAUL NEWMAN is also a fairly good ac- tor. (When Ronald Reagan is called an actor the word is being used in the sense as when one calls monkeys who fingerpaint in the Cincinnatti Zoo, art- ists.) Another valuable political asset Paul Newman possesses is a beautiful wife, oJanne Woodward. (Although I do know one middle age man that is not turned on by Miss Woodward.) Newman is also a liberal and an intel- ligent thinker, although these qualities seem to be more harmful than helpful to political candidates in California these days. JUST TO INSURE a smashing victory, by soundly securing the state's large ethnic vote, I would suggest a man who has been a life long symbol and champion of minority groups. Tonto. -WARREN ZUCKER No Comment D ep mmartment 94 1 , t-,' TY cr' TTL nT ~F ?++.i-- t-,n..J. ... ing law in the state and then to have it amended ,to be one of the strongest in the nation. Citizens put up a remarkable battle to achieve a plus referendum at the polls for a Housing Commission. These are All America City-type achievements. - YOU CAN question appoint- ments to the commission if you wish; the fact of the matter is that the commission has approv- ed a program of 40 temporary and 200 permanent low rent housing units, has secured an advance planning grant of $35,000 and has appointed as director, Mrs. Joseph Mhoon, assistant administrator of the Inkster Housing Commission, and a long time public housing ad- ministrator. You can say if you choose that Ann Arbor still has ghetto con- ditions-but civil rights and mi- nority leaders will quarrel with you if you try to gainsay the efficacy of the city's fair hous- ing law and the fact that the federal government, most state governments and 99 per cent of the cities of the country haven't risen to the rough political task of enacting such a law as Ann Ar- bor has. IF YOU HAD read Ann Arbor's presentation, you would have real- ized that the city while claiming All America Cities' recognition, considers current progress way- stops to the real goals ahead. It is difficult for Ann Arbor with 29,000 student critics to be Number 1, but at least give us credit for thying hard to be bet- ter than Number 2. -Guy C. Larcom, Jr. City Administrator Ranking To the Editor: I AGREE with the many partici- pants who spoke at the teach- in Monday night in favor of stu- dent involvement in decisions which will affect their lives. All students (and many others) should vote on the necessity of selective service. However, only those stu- dents subject to the draft should vote on the mechanisms for en- forcing the draft as they are the only ones directly affected by such mechanisms. That part of the referendum on class ranking which is hailed as a "strong mandate" for student action was a vote on the use of a mechanism and not a vote on an issue. I do not believe that there exists a strong mandate from those directly affected by the use of this particular mechanism for two reasons. FIRST, the vote on the draft referendum was not a vote sole- ly by those directly affected by it. Certainly females should not vote, on the use of this mechanism. Let us assume that the males who voted on the referendum were a representative sample of those af- fected by the decision. In this case, only 55 per cent of the males favored withholding grades; 45 per cent favored using them. The difference between the two isclearly notd-a "strong man- date," if any mandate at all. Second, I wonder if the 'male vote was representative of those most significantly affected. by the decision. Over 6000 students have requested that grades be sent to their draft boards. This number is equal to the number of males who voted for and against with- holding grades. Moreover, it is double the number of males vot- ing to withhold grades. I know that these 6000 students are di- rectly involved in the issue; I do not know the qualifications of the 3300. I URGE those favoring student action on the basis of the rank- ing vote to reconsider their strong mandate. I am classified 1-A by my "committee of friends and neighbors" and personally voted for withholding grades. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that ny opinion is a minority opinion. Rather, I urge those favoring action to consider significant the total vote itself as a justification for action. The number of votes on the referendum is double the number of votes in the usual stu- dent election. This rare turnout could be seen as a mandate from students demanding an end to ar- bitrary administrative decisions concerning their lives. --Skip Luken, Grad To the Courts To the Editor: STUDENT Government Council stands before two divergent roads. One is the well known road of sit-ins and demonstrations. It will lead to Berkeley. One is the unknown road of court injunc- tions. No one knows where it will lead. SGC should go into court next Tuesday and obtain an injunction prohibiting the University from implementing its sit-in rule and compiling class ranks until such time as the Regents grant to SOC the power which is implicit in the November, 1959 statement on student government, and which SGC needs to become a responsi- ble and constructive member of the University community. IF I WERE able to make the choice, I would take the road less travelled by. It should make all the difference. -Harry Perlstadt, $3 #i . Policy Statement IT HAS BEEN informally reported to us that some members of the faculty have been told that The Daily has refused both to print the full texts of administrative announcements and to allow the administration to buy advertising space in which to print those texts. This information was evidently drawn from conversations with members of the administration. Neither of these allegations is true. Administrators who were originally concerned about these rumors have been assured of this. We have been informed that they are satisfied that our efforts have been fair in every case. It is the policy of The Daily to print in full, insofar as tech- iical considerations permit, the texts of statements dealing with significant issues affecting the University. It is also our policy to accept advertising from any person or group requesting it, so long as the identity of that person or group is made clear in the advertising. THIS HAS BEEN the policy of our staff of editors since we entered office last February. It still is and will remain our policy. -CLARENCE FANTO Managing Editor #I I *I R IF r'v The Assassins .." : . h . : .. ..i2> n , ... .... ..'.. . .. ;.. . . . .....x.4:.v.M.: . :.. .. ,...... . .. . : ;.,.. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . e :1y .4: l ". r. . .': .,. x'.,n: ....:.n.,,r. s. . .r,;:. ..:. ....:..:._. ......'..... Iu 4l--inThe AtlanticDra Ends i Germany A FEW DAYS after Chancellor Ludwig Erhard returned from his visit to the President I hap- pened to find myself in Bonn. The roof had fallen in. Even then, in early October and some weeks before the coalition cracked up, it was evident that nothing would ever be the same again. The Federal Republic had come abruptly face to face with a radical change in German- American relations. The Wash- ington-Bonn axis, which has been the mainspring of U.S. policy in Europe, was broken. pended on offsetting their cost in foreign exchange. This amounted to saying that the present level of NATO forces was not vital to the peace of Europe. He was told, too, that the idea of nuclear sharing was now subordinated to an effort to induce the Soviet Union to play a mare active role in Asia. These two American decisions gutted the postwar idea that West Germany is the principal partner of the United States in Europe. When Dr. Erhard returned from Washington it had become brutal- ly apparent, to all but those who diid not want toe hlie it. that Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN Washington-Bonn, but could come only as a result of a reconcilia- tion with the East and a thaw in the cold war. WHAT HAPPENED in Bonn really originated in Washington. In the President's exceptionally mature speech of Oct. 7 to the editorial writers we see the new official point of view and the first public statement of the new poli- cy. Better late than never. Never- theless, the damage done by years of stubborn adherence to decay- ing ideas is very great. o rthe nrmo+inn ,of +h e n- THE DAMAGE inside Germany is severe. For the Germans, hav- ing depended so long on American corsets and American crutches, have been denied the experience of reality which is essential to their independence. Now that the postwar illusions are swept away, the Germans find themselves with very few public men who are fit- ted for the new times to come. The former Nazis, even the com- paratively innocent ones, do not find acceptance; with few excep- tions the anti-Nazis lack experi- ence in governing. The German economy has recomrvre fnm +he Germany was the nucleus of in- dustrial excellence and military power around which a new Euro- pean great state would be con- structed; that France, Britain and Italy would follow the American- German lead: that the overwhelm- 01