PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. NOVEMBER. 2U_ I UA PA E T W 'E I H I A A I YTT F f'Fui ,o{i n 1. -'.4--i,- ,.~V A.A~iLUM4U, 1,L3 UI.9 i Study Reports Local Schools Favor College-Bound Student Text of Hatcher's Speech: Role Of Students To Be Examined A~eross amu ._1 a itt. 3_" _-_"- _. -a 1a £ 4 1; AA A A e S a 1 n A sweeping report that blames' a large part of the high school dropout problem on American school systems themselves, with particular reference to the Ann Arbor school system, has been drawn up by two faculty members at the University school of social work. The report, based on a three- year study of Ann Arbor High School and four other southeast- ern Michigan schools, also states that there tends to be a dispro- portionate number of working- class Negro boys in non-college- preparatory courses among those who fail to complete high school. The study, conducted by Dr. Robert D. Vinter, associate dean of the school of social work, Dr. Rosemary C. Sarri, associate pro- fessor of social work, and a- large research team, was financed by the President's Committee on Ju- venile Delinquency and the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The Vinter-Sarri report finds that Ann Arbor High School has a dropout rate of about 13 per cent when computed on a cumulative basis. High school officials, us- ing an annual basis, report a drop- out rate of 3 to 5 per cent. The report says the schools stud- led tend to favor white, middle- class students enrolled in the col- lege-preparatory curriculum, with obstacles built into . the system for students in other categories. Pushout "The term dropout might often be changed to pushout," Vinter said. "In most cases our study showed that various aspects of the school system itself, rather than any qualities inherent in the students, were the chief factors causing students to leave high school. Dr. Sarri noted "a strong ten- dency by teachers, counselors and administrators to regard students from working-class homes as less capable than students from upper and middle-class backgrounds. This results in a disproportionate number of working-class students being placed in the various non- college-preparatory curricula, re- gardless of their I.Q. scores, read- ing abilities as reflected on tests, or other objective criteria. The general student starts discouraged. "Once in the general curricu- lum, the students are further dis- couraged by the discovery that different grading standards exist of middle-class parents who take the trouble to talk to officials if their children are classified in the lower curriculum. Working-class parents and students are often advised out of the upper curric- ulun, whereas middle-class par- ents tend to be far more success- ful in getting their children reclas- sified." Dr. Sarri pointed out that this difficulty had no relation to I.Q. or to the students' objectively measured abilities. "The secondary school, unlike the university, feels it has a so- cial control responsibility as well as an educational responsibility," among the curricula, with teach- she said. "Since working-class stu- ers and administrators applying dents are assumed by school per- a different set of expectations to sonnel to have fewer advantages the general curriculum than they at home and to present greater do to the college-preparatory cur- behavior problems, they are also riculum. assumed to have less inherent abil- No Curriculum Mobility ity. Students frequently are shunt- 'There is virtually no mobility ed into the general curriculum to among the curricular tracks, so avoid potential behavior problems that once a student is placed in in the college preparatory classes, the non-college-preparatory cur- before the students have had a riculum his chance of up-grading chance to demonstrate whether his status are practically nil. He they would in fact create behavior is locked in, whether he performs problems. This attitude contrib- well or not.. utes to the very behavior problems "The system tends to favor the it is supposed to avoid." middle-class student in the col- 'Made in the Dark' lege-preparatory curriculum in ex- Vinter said much of this prob- actly the reverse way. He has lem results from educational pol- very little chance of being down- icy "being made in the dark." graded, no matter how poorly he He said student record systems performs." are not properly used to develop "In the districts studied," Vin- comparisons between classes or ter said, "the arbitrary aspect of groups of pupils, which would per- the college-preparatory classifica- mit evaluation of the schools' per- tion is reinforced by the schools' formance as well as that of the attitudes toward parents and the students. parents' attitudes 'toward the "We obtained many of our re- schools.' Counselors and adminis- sults by using the schools' own trators tend to take different ap- records," he said, "but by look- proaches with the few working- ing at them in a new way and class parents who complain than making connections that the they do with the larger number schools do not normally make." (Continued from Page 1) and I request them to proceed with designation of advisory student committees to the President and the Vice Presidents as approved by the Regents on October 21. II. DISSENT WITHOUT DISRUPTION The second area concerns the inherent responsibility - of the Regents and the University ad- ministration, faculty, and student body to see to it that normal and orderly operations of the Univer- sity are not disrupted. It is not a new policy to state that disruptive demonstrations are not acceptable methods for ex- pressing protest and dissent in a University. This is accepted by all of us as basic and fundamental to the operation of a University. It is unfortunate that the re- statement of this point as a re- minder to a few of our over- zealous students, teaching fellows, and hon-students became en- tangled with the separate problem of procedures, and that the com- munication of the Vice President for Student Affairs came through to the University community as a statement of a new policy, sup- ported by a new set of rules and regulations that had not received adequate discussion. This was not the intent, and the Vice President for Student Affairs will delay the implementation of new rules and regulations pending full understanding and re-ex- amination. The general policy against dis- ruption of the University cannot be abrogated. This is a constitu- tional responsibility of the Regents of the University. Because of the rather wide- spread misunderstanding on these points and issues, I am establish-' ing a Review Committee, repre- senting students, faculty, and ad- ministration, to consider this mat- ter and make recommendations upon which wise and proper pro- cedures can be based. Again, I will ask for recom- mendations from duly constituted representative bodies within the University of persons to serve cn this committee, and will shortly announce its membership. III. CLASS-RANKING FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE The third area of aggravation concerns the draft, embroiled as it is in the larger issues of N iet Nam. There are questions about the responsibilities of the Univer- sity to students who request class ranking of male students to aid Selective Service in its difficult task of determining deferments. The issue of class ranking is separate from that of grading, which is under the jurisdiction of the faculties of the schools and colleges. It should be reiterated that, at the specific request of 6,293 students, the University has agreed to compute class rank for the current academic period. This will be done next May. The Uni- versity is obligated to these stu- dents, some of whom may be de- pending upon class rank as the means of supporting their defer- ment requests. Selective Service Boards are accepting either class rank or results of the Selective Service Qualification Test as the criterion for determining classifi- cation. Another test will not be' held until next spring. Again, the University has no position on this issue except that of serving the best interests of its students. The whole problem of Selective Service is under review WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30 8:00 p.m.-Department of Speech University Players performance of Tennessee Williams' "C a m i n o Real": Trueblood Aud. THURSDAY, DEC. 1 3:45 p.m.--Mental Health Re- search Institute Seminar. Thomas 1 AT URDAYDC by a special board appointed by C. Schelling, Center for Interra- tional Affairs, Harvard University, :00 and 9:05 p.m. -Cinema President Johnson. The issue is "On the Analysis of Some Violent Guild, Buster Keaton's "Sherlock being widely discussed. The na- Junior": Architecture Aud. tional and international scene may Enterprises": 1057 MHRII. 8:00 . Tenure A ld. change before next summer when 4:o p..-Department of An- "Camino Real" Trueblood Aud new decisions will need to be insonUnivLecture. John sinRob- n3 . ruelo"dsah, made. There is no crisis demand- "nennoiversity of Wisconsin' University Choral Union and In- ing hasty action or ultimatums. gell Hall.Aud. B, An- terlochen ArtsrAcademy Orches- gell Ha, y es I am establishing a special com- 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.-Ron Rice's tra: Hill Aud. mittee to review this problem and "The Flower Thief": Architecture SUNDAY, DEC. 4 to make recommendations as to Aud. 2:30. p.m.-Handel's "Messiah," what Dolicy the University should 8:00 p.m.-Tennessee Williams' University Choral Union and In- follow in subsequent academic "Camino Real": Trueblood Aud. terlochen Arts Academy Orches- periods. FRIDAY, DEC. 2 tra: Hill Aud. I am asking Professors William 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.-Ron Rice's 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.-Buster Kea- E. Brown, Kenneth E. Boulding "The Flower Thief": Architecture ton's "Sherlock Junior": Architec- and E. Lowell Kelly, Deans Francis Aud. ture Aud. A. Allen, Gordon J. Van Wylen, and William Haber, and students Edward Robinson, John DeLa-| mater, and Mark Killingsworth,|R The University of Michigan along with Dr. Ernest Zimmer-Uo mann of the Academic Affairs Of-Q Gilbert & Sullivan Society fice to serve on this committee. I hope they will accept. Presents It seems to me that this ap- proach is the way a University should go about solving its prob- H M S P N F R lems, and I hope that members of the University Senate, the stu- dent body, and the staff will share; Nov. 30, Dec. 1-3 this view. Wed., Thurs. Performances..... .. $1.50 Fri., Sat. Performances .............$2.00 Sat. Matinee......................$100 presents QTickets on Sale Nov. 21, 22, 23-SAB Al cliiia l $6Crco n 47 and Read and Use Daily Classified Ads n-n T T r.rni..-_________________________ . '. M1 8:00 p.m.-Tennessee Williams' "Camino Real": Trueblood Aud. 8:30 p.m. -- University Musical Society Concert. Handel's "Mes- siah": University Choral Union and Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra: Hill Aud. . . ____ WKNR presents I MASONIC AUDITORIUM Friday, Dec. 9, 8:15 P.M. s;." , :: «; yvr L;..w .; g ::l ra " v,.}vr r,.",r + "i,}};a r , r ~r~ v, v,.vry ,t " "i: :%." ":.",. . % ~v : v : ::r': r g .$J . .f~' . « ..Lt ' A. r"S?"«."4' ' .., r' v."}Y:'.":+>:.".}v.: .". r i .rY.C «.J q".' ''. f" ' i q, "'JJ L'' J:.' J/fJ },' ". 1 ". .V. ''..~f . J .J" }.1.Y'., !J. ~ L" . J:'if:'::"O :'Jt ..L y ., s {?k.'"fQed. ":"x#< :'::':'::<":':.:::, "}...:Y... :::i:":::....::;k «i1'+'I: " Iw. r:4 L+J"«51.. WW~n'."Y«V,"dM«4'fiJ.1Y i'L^" +"i":M:. N'" i" ,1 r: tnn.+""'ss+ , "J.tiY«l:":." LLL:1V:":+}::"::" :"O.:': .Yi}r."."}~.:".' :':!r:J.iF".1tiJlffi ii ~"'Yf " DAILY OFFICIAL B LLETI L ;r":r ..} .;," q r7... v ~........ +{i};{t$v'y'"'iy+~, vs;. "s .'rM: ii 'i4G? 'tii",'. '4.' ":":i'vv} "}}}}"r""."r~;~;r, v."r, yvv; } y}".;rot~J;:...r:.LV « .""«:v" r "' ;: