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November 29, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-29

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(See Editorial Page)


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Cloudy and
continued cold

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


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Sit- Ins





Student Sit-in -
For Today

7Voice Firm
mj{a B About Sit-in
NEWS WIRE Action Toda


Hatcher's Proposals
Fail To Deter Student
Protest over Policy
A meeting of student leaders
affirmed last night that a sit-in
would occur today "in accordance
with the demands made by the
body at Hill Auditorium last Mon-
day," while another group of stu-
dent leaders at the same meeting
expressed the feeling that "it
would be inadvisable for students
of this University to stage any
formal protest action" at this!
The group, chaired by Student
Government Council President Ed
Robinson, '67, and made up large-
ly of leaders and members of
Young Democrats and VOICE-
EDS, expressed the feeling that
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher's statement to the fac-
ulty senate yesterday had clearly
fallen short of last Mo'nday's de-
mands, and that, 'in accordance
with those demands, a sit-in had
been mandated.
Last Monday's teach-in formal-
ly demanded "that the sit-in ban
0 be suspended" and "that the Uni-
versity administration accept the
recent referendum on ranking as
Robinson said that "as chair-
man of that meeting, it is clear
to me that the demands of that
meeting have not been met."
Ask Again
Robinson said that shortly be-
fore the scheduled noon Diag ral-
ly he would, with a number of
other leaders, go to President
Hatcher's office to inquire wheth-j
er "the sit-in ban has been sus-
pended and the referendum has
been made binding. We will then
report back to the -Diag at noon
and, if the requests of the Hill
meeting have not been complied
with, I will ask those on the Diag
to fulfill the lunch hour sit-in.
Administrative Willingness
A petition signed by the heads
of Graduate Student Council, Pan-
hellemc Association, Inter-Frater-
nity Council, Inter-House Assem-
bly. Universities Activities Center
and SGC members Dick Wingfield,
Robert Smith and Hollensnea
"We . . . feel that the recom-
mendations embodied in President
Hatcher's report . . . indicate a
willingness on the part of the ad-
ministration to engage in mean-
ingful interchange with students
and faculty. . .'
The petition expressed the be-
lief that in light of this, "until
such time as the joint problem-
solvirng effort implied by these{
recommendations ha v e cler1
faied.' a sit-in would be "inad-
In a meeting last night SGC
unanimously passed a resolution
acknowledging "President's Hat-
0 mher's recommendations as a step
toward building a better Univer-
sity community."
After almost five hours of de-
bate SGC statedethat it "desires
to work with the Administration
and faculty on the implementation
of Hatcher's proposed Commis-
sion on Student Participation."
'SGC does feel, however, that it
reservts the right to select student
members to serve on the commis-
SGC further recommended that
the commission be composed of
an equal number of students, ad-
ministrators and faculty members
and that an additional faculty
member be selected to chair the
Recognize Delay
SGC also voted to "recognize the
'delay of implementation of new
rules an regulations'" as stated

-------------- - ---- ------
MICHIGAN STATE University wants the state to provide
13 million more dollars next year to handle 23,000 more students
and to raise faculty pay 6 per cent. The MSU trustees also asked
for $250,000 to start a law school, making the total request $57
million to operate the East Lansing campus for the 1967-68 school
year. Last year's request was only $44 million.
The MSU trustees complained that the state currently pro-
vides a far higher level of support to the University and to Wayne
State University. They said to match its level of support to that
of the University, the state would have needed to aid $18,500,000
to MSU's current budget.
THE ANN ARBOR CITY COUNCIL met last night and heard
a report from Guy Larcom, city administrative officer, on an
advisory committee on police-community relations. The purpose
of the board would be to review procedures of the department
as a whole, and not the conduct of the individual officers, and
would be headed by Police Chief Krasne.
In referring to a similar committee set up this summer and
consisting of the city attorney, city administrator, director of
human relations, and the police chief, Larcom said that consider-
able work was done in safely steering the community through
the 'long hot hummer.'
A separate review board, consisting of members of the
police force, and chaired by Chief Krasne, would consider com-
plaints brought against individual officers' conduct. Complaints
would come through the administrator, human relations com-
mittee or Karsne, who would then decide whether further in-
vestigation is necessary.
The city will ask the University to split the cost of a study
on the Huron River Basin Recreational Resources. Richard R.
Wilkinson, assistant professor in architecture and design, will
head the study that is estimated as costing $14,000 and covering a
period of eight to nine months. The area will include camping
and other recreational facilities, and will be in the vicinity of
the residential college.
AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF the site for a proposed 200-mil-
lion-volt atomic particle accelerator, expected sometime in
December, is probably at least two weeks off, according to Rep.
Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor).
A Northfield Township site is one of six under consideration
for the new Atomic Energy Commission facility.
Vivian said yesterday he had talked to Glenn F. Seaborg,
- chairman of the AEC, last Wednesday but could get no definite'
statement as to whether or not the site selection has been made.
"I have no reason to believe that Ann Arbor is the winner,
but I have every reason to believe that it has not yet lost out,"
Vivian said. A rumor was revived over the weekend that Ann
Arbor had been chosen.
THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS and Space Administration
announced the awarding of two research contracts to members
of the University faculty. $400,000. was allotted for the -renewal
of a contract for the development of laboratory and flight ex-
perimental techniques directed toward obtaining data to be used
in interpreting satellite radiation measurements.
$75,000 was awarded to Joseph E. Rowe, director of the
Electron Physics Laboratory for a research project.
PHILIP C. JESSUP, THE ONLY American sitting on the In-
ternational Court of Justice at The Hague, will speak at the
University's winter commencement exercises on Saturday, Dec.
17. About 1,800 students will receive degrees at the ceremony in
Hill Aud.
THE UNIVERSITY GILBERT and Sullivan Society is mark-
ing its twentieth year on the Ann Arbor campus this fall with its
production of HMS Pinafore or the Lass That Loved a Sailor on
Nov. 30, Dec. 1,.2, and 3.
Timothy Adams, the musical director, and John Allen, the
dramatics director, have joined together for the first time to bring
the Pinafore to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A supporting chorus, plus John Allen as Si Joseph, Charels
Sutherland as Captain Corcoran, Susan Morris as Josephine,
Judy Rieker as Little Buttercup, Lenore Ferver as Cousin Hebe,
Greg Isaacs as Ralph Rackstraw, Robert Schneider as Dick
Deadeye, Jim Karls as Bob Becket, and Randy Solomon as Bill
Bobstay will make up the cast.
HMS Pinafore will be given at a 2 p.m. Saturday matinee
on Dec. 3 as well as the 8 p.m. performances on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
* * * *
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' most controversial play will take
the stage for University Players this week, as they will present
"Camino Real," a modern fantasy, Wednesday through Saturday,
in Trueblood Aud. Curdtain time will be 8 p.m. sharp.
Williams describes his play as being "outside of time in a
place-of no specific locality. If you regard it that way, I suppose
it becomes an elaborate allegory."
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Campus Leaders Say
Commissions Do Not
Meet Student Demand
The sit-in and rally scheduled
for noon today will go ahead as
planned according to Student
Government Council President
Edward Robinson, '67, because the
demands of students as expressed
at the teach-in last Monday haveI
not been met by the administra-
Robinson said that President
Harlan Hatcher will be invited3
to explain his position as taken
in his statement to the faculty
senate yesterday, at today's ral-
ly. His statement will be discuss-
ed and a decision made by the
participants at the rally as to
whether the demands of students
have been adequately met.

_..... _..u. {

-Daily-Bernie Baker
THE DOCUMENT IN HAND at last night's SGC meeting was President Hatcher's statement pre-
sented earlier in the day to the faculty senate.

"If those students decide that
the administration has not ade- 's Cn r v ryqaeymthird ad,"Rb
inson said, "the rally will move
to the Administration building."a
Hatcher's statement has led to
much debate on plans for today's
action. Mark Simons, administra- I
tive vice-president of SGC believes By MEREDITH EIKER has been applauded at a senate in light of the procedures adopt-
that the statement "has potential. The faculty senate yesterday meeting. ed in the senate meeting itself.
But it doesn't meet the demands passed a motion approving Presi- Following Hatcher's proposals, a He urged that some opportuni-
head on." dent Harlan Hatcher's establish- r report of the Knauss Committee {ty be made for open discussion
He added that the two requests ment of two student-faculty-ad- was received by the senate as was of the issues embodied in Presi-
of the students were not granted ministration presidential review a report by the Ad Hoc Committee dent Hatcher's statement. In re-
and "now it is up to the students ' committees and a commission on on Disclosure with comments by sponse to this request, Hatcher
Sto decide for themselves how they aspects of student affairs-leaving its chairman, Prof. James Wendel said he believed he had follow-
feel about the. response from the some senate members "stunned" of the math department. ed the rules of the senate and
administration. and "dumbfounded" that the sen-; As the meeting was about to be ?tie agenda prepared by its mem-
Jay Zulauf, University Activi- ate had left no opportunity for adjourned, Prof. Carl Cohen of the bers.
ties Center president, said, "I discussion or debate of the mo- philosophy department at the At Hatcher's suggestion, the last
don't feel that a one hour sit-in tion. Dearborn campus, rose to a point report, a report by Vice-President
will be that significant in its ef- Although administrators said of order complaining about the for Student Affairs Richard Cut-
fect." He does not believe that the that Hatcher's statement won "un- prpocedure which had been adopt- ler, was deferred. A motion to
statement is an answer to all animous support" in the body ed at the senate meeting. 1 adjourn the meeting was then
problems of student involvement, composed of all faculty members Cohen said that the faculty made, seconded and passed.
but he does believe that it is a of professional rank, many of had been presented with a set of Brown explained that Hatcher
strong basis for discussion of the those present later expressed important proposals but had not chairs all senate meetings as pre-
role of students in deciison mak- strong dissatisfaction with proce- been given the opportunity to read scribed by the Regents. He said
ing. dures during the closed meeting. or study those proposals. He add- further that the deferred report
Michael Zweig, chairman of Subsequent to Hatcher's presen- j ed that the faculty had been giv- by Cutler concerned student ad-
Voice political party took an ada- tation, Prof. Irving Copi of the en no opportunity to discuss or visory committees, bringing facul-
mant stand against the statement philosophy department made a debate Prof. Copi's motion and ty up to date on their progress.
by Hatcher. "It is no longer the supporting motion that the senate that a voice vote, rather than a Brown said further that because
time to be advisory," be said. "approve the specific proposals straw vote or division, had been the proposals made by the Sen-
"We're not going to fall into that made by Dr. Hatcher." taken without any opportunity on ate Assembly last week were close-
trap." According to Prof. William E. the part of the faculty to argue ly parallel to Hatcher's and be-
Another supporter of the sit-in Brorwn of the dentistry school,! the matter. cause faculty members had had
is Douglas Ross, Grad, president Hatcher asked for discussion fol- Cohen said that he was not sufficient opportunity to think
of the Young Democrats. He be- lowing the seconding of Copi's surprised that students are de- about those, he felt that the rap-
lieves that since, "the termsof.motion and receiving none, called pressed at procedures within the id passage of Copi's motion was
the mass meeting have not been for a vote. Other members of the University within the University not a form of "railroading."
met, it would be contrary to the faculty insist, however, that i0
decision of the 4000 students at Hatcher made no such appeal for Hatcher Sets Up Committees
the teach-in not to have the sit- discussion of the motion on the
jThe consensus among those A voice vote with no dissent Re f-evaclualite Roll e
questioned seemed to be that the passedthe motion. To Student
sit-in is still officially scheduled Brown who at last week's teach-
for today at noon, but that the in presented parallel proposals The following is the text of a I. THE STUDENT AND
final decision to takeaction will made by the Senate Assembly, statement by PresidenteHarlan DECISION-MAKING
be made by those students who commented that Hatcher received Hatcher at the regular meeting The first concerns student gov-
attend today's rally and partici- "gradually swelling applause" by of The University of Michigan er.nment: (1) How shall student
' pate in the reconsideration of the the senate after his statement. faculty Senate, Monday, Novem- government be organized and
sit-in in terms of the Hatcher Brown noted that "this is the first ber 28,1966- structured at the present time?
3 statement. time in a long time" that Hatcher ' 2 (2) What should its role be as an
A University by its very nature action body? (3) What is the
TFois never static. It must at all times rightful role of the students in
maintain on open mind as it grows U ersydecisionmaking, at all
_- -_ .- - - --, lvel. afectng he'

'U Stands
Firm On
Committees Formed
On Protest, Draft
Decision Making
In the face of a threatened sit-
in at the Administration Bldg.
today, University President Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday that the
school will "delay the implemen-
tation" of the new sit-in ban and
submit class rankings to the Selec-
tive Service as planned next May.
Hatcher also established three
new faculty -tudent - administra-
tive committees to discus the sit-
in ban, examine the class ranking
matter, and study the overall ques-
tion of "the student and decision
Hatcher's eleventh hour move
apparently did not placate student
leaders who are going ahead with
plans for an hour long sit-in fol-
lowing a noon rally on the Diag
About 3,000 students voted in a
teach-in last Monday night to
stage a sit-in today unless the
University suspends a tough new
sit-in ban and abolishe class
ranking for the draft.
The Import of Hatcher's re-
marks on, the sit-in ban is uncer-
tain. Administration officials indi-
cate that the University will not
impose the sanctions of the sit-in
ban (new penalties and judicial
procedures) pending completion of
the new sit-in committee's study.
When asked if this is the case,
Hatcher declined comment. But In
his speech to the Faculty Senate,
Hatcher said, "The' general policy
against disruption of the Univer-
sity cannot be abrogated. Disrup-
tive demonstrations are not ac-
ceptable methods for expressing
protest and dissent in a univer-
Hatcher also said, "It is unfor-
tunate that the restatement of this
point (the new sit-in ban) as a
reminder to a few of our over-
zealous students, teaching fellows,
and non-students became entan-
gled with the separate problem of
procedures, and that the commun-
ication of the Vice-President for
Student Affairs came throgh to
University community as a state-
ment of a new policy, supported
by a new set of rules and regula-
tions that had not received ade-
quate discussion.
"This was not the intent, and
the Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs will delay the implementa-
tion of new rules and regulations
peinding full understanding and re-
Hatcher said that he will ask
SGC President Ed Robinson, '67,
Graduate Student Council Presi-
deit John DeLamater, 67, and
Daily Editor Mark R. Killings-
worth, '67, to serve on the ranking
Killingsworth said last night he
will "decline to serve on the com-
mittee" because "The Daily and
its staff members play no struc-
tural pole in community decisions
on policy."
Robinson is expected not to ac-
cept Hatcher's invitation and De-
Lamater says he is "thinking the
matter over."
However, seven faculty mn-
bers, deans and administrative of-
ficials invited to join the com-
mittee will all probably serve.
The University Regents who
held a private meeting with SOC
members last week have generally
backed a hard line stand against
the wave of student protest.

Regent Frederic Matthaei (R-
Ann Arbor) said that he "was
sorry to hear" that President
Hatcher was delaying implemen-
tation of the sit-in ban. "I would
have liked it to stay the way it
is. I think if we had created this
npw .i1a le a Innst imng we

S up ort S In
Associate Editorial Director
Graduate philosophy students
and an ad-hoc group of teaching
fellows added their support to stu-
dents demands for decision-
making power and supported to-
day's proposed sit-in during the
past week.
, Teaching Fellows for a Dem-
ocratic University (TFDU) an ad-
hoc group of about thirty Univer-
sity teaching fellows supported the
sit-in and vowed support for stu-
students' 'short term goals' at a
meeting last Tuesday.
.m--11 -

, in experience and organization.
The present format of Student
C Change is normal. The University Government Council was devised
dent A ct 1on1. helps initiate and prepare for in the mid-1950's. It has been
those changes. It must reflect, it modified by subsequent experience
vote that they would attend and must weigh and consider, and it and as reflected in the Reed Re-
tutor at a full-scale sit-in if such must act. It must be certain to port a few years ago. It is time to
a tactic is supported in the future take a new look.
by students. act in accord with. the fullest I now establish a President's
In their discussion fo the role knowledge and best wisdom and Commission, composed of students,
of teaching-fellow decision-making, counsel available to it. I have faculty and administrators, to con-
the group considered putting or- found that this is always sub- sider these questions in the light
ganized pressure on the literary stantial. of past experience-with the very
college faculty for participation in E ' able Knauss Report before them-
the discussion of pass-fail grading Especially in these troubled and to make recommendations for
at next Monday's meeting of the times, with so many worries and action to the President and the
frustrations about their country, Regents at the earliest moment
LSA faculty. the Selective Service and Viet consistent with the -nature and
Presently, the teaching fellows Nam, and the future of their own importance of the task. Their rec-
cannot participate. They decided lives insistently nagging at them, ommendations should be in keep-
against concerted action however, we must explore every -avenue to ing with our continuing goal of
when it wa sleaned that the far- heln our college-age .zeneration nmui +tha ,+ nci i Mnn_

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