WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAIUV PACM, THIMIM THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAE'±V 'FuDrr rtt~l lncrJ 15 Spain or Parliament Approves Provisions Spanish Referendun Needed To Set Rule To Follow Dictator MADRTD ) -Cetn. Franci Franco, Snain's dictator for years. offerd the nation vest day a nw law desgned to set a lberalized monarchv when t amino cairllo s&n down. Franco. who willbe b 74 Dec. made his prooals in a 52-m ute address to the Cortes-Par ment-and it anroved them once by acclamation. This ope the way for a national referend exnected to ,be held Dec. 14. Frar. so's proposals would bro en popular representation a open the doors to his own succ sion by a king or royal i1g when death or age forces his7 tirement. Program The program ranging from si cession to assurances of religi liberty, appeared to be aimed t ward political liberalism. B Franco stubbornly resisted the a e mission of political parties as p of the plan. "Every country smust solve I question of democracy in its o way. With us, a genuine, order and effective democracy exclu political parties;" he said. To soften this bitter pill f many, Franco continued.: "This no way implies the exclusion the legitimate contrast of opi ions, Spanish Republic Alfonso XIII left Spain in 1 after elections indicated a la pro-republican vote. A repub 4 was established, but its coaliti government proved weak, and( army revolt broke out in 1936. Two and a half years of ci war followed until Franco t: umphed in 1939. His nationali were helped by Hitler's Germa and Mussolini's Italy; the Sov 4 Union of the Stalin era support the republicans, who also had t sympathy and help of ma groups in anti-Fascist nations. Professional A professional soldier when t revolt broke out, Franco won t war and emerged as leader of t empire, chief of state, command in chief of the armed forces, pri minister and head of the. Falan party. Franco's proposals included new program of religious freedc in this Roman Catholic natic An amendment to the laws vfou permit the practice of other fait although R o m a n Catholici would remain the protected sta religion. Franco told the Cort his draft had the approval of t Pope. Adopts Liberal New Law Monarchy Coalition Work Lags In Germany Brandt and Mende Stress Unity; East Hits Kiesinger Past BONN, Germany (P)-West Ger- many's Social Democrat and Free Democrat parties reported only slight progress yesterday in efforts to patch together a governing coalition as Communist East Ger- many fired another salvo of criti- cism at the Nazi past of Kurt George Kiesinger. Kiesinger is the dominant Chris- tian Democrat party's choice to succeed Chancellor Ludwig Er- hard. Goebbels A spokesman for the East Ger- man Communist party's Polit- buro, Albert Norden, said in East Berlin that Kiesinger often took part in daily policy conferences at the Nazi Foreign Ministry andl that propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels often led the meetings. Both Mayor Willy Brandt of West Berlin, head of the Social Democrats, and Erich Mende of the Free Democrats expressed a will to form a government, but the talks apparently produced no agreement on the crucial issues of domestic economic and financial policy. Party Control Brandt's party controls 202 of the 496 votes in'the German Par- liament and the Free Democrats 49. The Christian Democrats have 245. Thedthree parties are striving to produce a coalition that would provide a majority needed to elect a successor to Erhard. Kiesinger, 62, has been widely criticized because he was a mem- ber of the Nazi party from 1933 until the end of World War II, working ii the radio section of the Nazi Foreign Ministry propaganda section. FREQUENT ATTACKS: Communist China's Attitudes Will Hinder Admission Plan 13y WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Special Writer Red China can be expected to reject and denounce the latest move on the issue of its admis- sion to the United Nations. The chances are that the prospect of Peking's entry is more remote than ever. The United States has supported an Italian resolution proposing committee study of the issue. Some diplomats interpret this as a re- laxation of the hard U.S. line against U.N. membership for Com- munist China. Opportunity The move can provide an op- portunity for member nations to support an initiative with the ap- pearance of compromise. But such a compromise has practically no chance of success. In fact, Peking will view it as part of a plot and as proof of Red Chinese accusa- tions against the world organ- ization as it is now constituted. The United States strongly re- asserted its determination to pre- vent the expulsion from the Unit- ed Nations of the Nationalist Chi- nese government based on For- mosa. But any "two-Chinas" solu- tion is out of the question so far as the current Peking leadership is concerned. Peking has burned its bridges. It wvil not join the United Nations, it has said repeatedly, until the organization is overhauled and re- organized. It is unlikely to re- treat from that stand-the mare so now because of an apparent conviction that the Russians and Americans are plotting against Red China. ..'Revisionists' For more than a year, Peking has been accusing "Soviet revi- sionists" of plotting a "holy al- liance" with the United States and others to contain and isolate Red China. Thus, says Peking, Mos- cow has adopted a "policy of ap- peasement" in Europe preventing the establishment of "a second anti-imperialist front" to divert American power and concentra- tion from Viet Nam. For a year, Peking has portrayed the United Nations as a market place for U.S.-Soviet trading. Thus, in effect, Peking demands that before it aacepts the world organization, the United Nations must conform to Red Chinese no- tions of what such an organization must be. There is little chance that Red Chin, can dictate to that extent to the rest of the world. RejectionI Red China is unalterably com-j mited to rejection of any "two- Chinas" solution. Its stand is con- tained in a statement by "Ob- servcr," the pen-name for a top leader, who wrote last spring in People's Daily: "So long as the U.S. government does not change it hostile policy toward China and refuses to pull out its armed forces from Formosa and the Formosa Strait, normal- ization of Chinese-American rela- tions is entirely out of the ques- tion." Constantly. Peking denounces the United Nations. In June, it ac- cused the Russians of voting in support of measures which would suppress people's war in various areas. It accused the Americans of using the organization as an instrument in seeking a Viet Nam solution. Senate Reports Show Rise In Major Automotive Flaws -Associated Press DICTATOR FRANCISCO FRANCO was greeted by cheering crowds and the police needed to restrain them yesterday as he entered the Spanish Parliament to present legislation for a new form of Spanish government: a liberalized monarchy. Franco is 74. STRENGTH NEAR SAIGON: Viet Cong Mortar U.S. Post, eaken Teory of Escape WASHINGTON (A -- Auto makers are being plagued with safety defects in their 1967 models but are trying hard to recall all suspected faulty cars as rapidly as possible, a Senate committee reported yesterday. The main troubles reported to the government, under the new auto safety law, are faulty braking systems and throttle linkages, in both American and foreign makes. Potential The Senate Commerce Commit- tee listed 279,385 cars as potential affected, but gave no exact total of autos actually found defective. These included 167,257 of the 1967 models, the others 1965 of 1966, owners so the defects can be cor- rected. Dr. William Haddon Jr., admin- istrator of the new national safety agency set up by the legislation, said, "The companies are clearly making. a very concerted and sub- stantially successful effort to iden- tify and correct such defect promptly." Listings The committee staf provided an abstract of selective reports re- ceived by Haddon's agency be- tween Sept. 21 and Nov. 8-almost all of 1967 autos. Five of the 14 listings gave no series numbers for the vehicles affected. The domestic auto makers who SAIGON, South Viet Nam OP)- B-52 jets from Guam lashed at The Viet Cong demonstrated with a North Vietnamese staging area a mortar attack on a U.S. com- mand post yesterday that they re- tain a foothold northwest of Sai- gon despite pressure from Opera- tion Attleboro, the largest Amer- ican action of the war. Twenty enemy shells exploded at field headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, one of several units that massed more than 30,000 troops to seek out and destroy the Viet Cong's 9th Division. A spokesman said U.S. casualties were light. Reported Fled On the basis of diminishing con- tact An the campaign, in which Americans have reported 1,098 of the enemy killed over the last five weeks, Brig. Gen. G. G. O'Connor said Monday it appeared the Viet Cong had fled to sanctuary in Cambodia. But O'Connor, assistant commander of the 25th Division, said the search would continue. Ground action across the 900 square miles of swamp, grassland, and jungle and elsewhere in the country was generally slight. U.S. pilots took to the air for strikes against Communist tar- gets, but bad weather again lim- ited forays over North Viet Nam. American squadrons flew only 41 missions, about a third the usual number, over the north Monday. in the central highlands near the Cambodian frontier. The target site was 17 miles west of the U.S.- directed Special Forces camp at Plei Djering, about 240 miles north of Saigon. A U.S. spokesman acknowledged heavy over-all casualties Monday to a three-platoon force of about 105 men of the U.S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile Division, who fought off a North Vietnamese battalion of perhaps 500 troops 22 miles south- west of Plei Djering. He said, however, the cavalrymen and sup- porting planes and artillery killed 102 North Vietnamese. One of the platoons was over run and the spokesman reported the enemy soldiers slew several wounded Americans. He declined to comment on a report bhere were only three survivors in this pla- toon. Information Held U.S. officials consistently refuse to give specific casualty figures in any action. On grounds of security, their reports of losses are limited to such terms as light, moderate or heavy. Two small fights flared north of the cavalry battlefield Tuesday between North Vietnamese and units of the 25th Division, which also is carrying on in the high- lands. American riflemen reported kill- in three Hanoi regulars in a skir- mish 12 miles southwest of Plei Djering. A second fight developed 13 miles northeast of that settle- ment. There was no immediate word of the results. French Urge Interchange Of Chinese Vote in UN made reports were General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, American Motors, The figures usually referred only International- Harvester and Kai- to thenumber of cars in each series ser Jeep. There were reports from where defetcs turned up and whose three foreign firms, Rolls Royce, owners were notified to have a Renault and Honda. check made. Some of the listings Troubles detailed by the auto gave no totals at all.,safety office included reports on Notification difficulties in such items as car- Under the auto safety legislation buretor, steering gear lockups, spassed by the last Congress, auto tires, brake hoses, door latches, makers are required to notify the throttle linkages and master brank government of defects and inform cylinder push rods. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)- France urged the U.N. General Assembly yesterday to admit the Chinese Communists and expel the Chinese Nationalists without re- gard as to Peking's attitude toward the world organization. French Ambassador Roger Sey- doux rejected an unrealistic an Italian proposal for a high level study of the 16-year-old Chinese representation problem that would explore Peking's attitude on join- ing the United Nations. This was in sharp oppostion to the stand taken by the United States to keep the door closed to Peking, but to support the study. Seydoux asserted that the pres- ence of Peking in the United Na- tions is vital to the cause of dis- armament and the search for peace in Southeast Asia, including' any settlement in that part of the world. "Indeed, nobody questions the weight carried by the People's Republic of China by reason of its size, the number of its popula- tion, its civilization, its armed forces and finally, its nuclear power," he added. He declared that there was no cause to raise the question of whether China intends to take its place in the United Nations if the assembly extends an invitation. The United States has said it would vote for the Italian pro- posal, which some view as setting the stage for a two-China settle- ment. But the supporters- of Pe- king are opposed to it, and its cances of winning assembly ap- proval are doubtful. BLA CKHEADS? New Beauty Washing Grains wash away blackheads as you wash your face. Helena Rubinstein's impor- tant scientific discovery unclogs pores, checks forma- tion of'blackheads, gently foams away excess oil. Achieves amazing results in even the most difficult cases. Start a clearer complexion today with Helena Rubinstein's Beauty Washing Grains. 4 oz. container costs only 1.00 plus tax. *MOTHERS NOTE: EXCELLENT FOR YOUR TEEN AGED BOY OR GIRL! f. ::;::.:;.::"I ' Democratic Caucus: Pledge Of Cooperation, Leadership World News Roundup By The Associated Press LANSING - Democratic mem- bers of the equally divided State House of Representatives caucused in Lansing today. They pledged to cooperate with their Republican colleagues and raised the possi- bility that the two parties might have equal shares in the House leadership. The caucus empowered speaker Joseph Kowalski to name a com- mittte to negotiate with the Re- publicans over how to organize the House in view of the 55-to-55 split resulting from the November 8 election. The Republican caucus named a similar committee last week. One of the things the Dem- ocrats will discuss is a co-leader- ship system involving two House speakers and two co-chairmen for each committee. Kowalski said the Democrats passed a resolution saying they- in their words-"Pledge our co- operation with the Republican governor and the Republican sen- ate." The Democrats put off action on what could be a touchy job-that of selecting their candidate for speaker. Kowalski has indicated he wants the job again, but Dem- ocratic representative Ed. O'Brien of Detroit has vowed he won't vote for Kowalski. ANNOUNCING 1967 PanAm Group Flight to Europe for Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University of Michigan June 1-August 17 June 24-August 11 July 12-August 12 N.Y.-London-N.Y. $300 Further information available soon Your Special Make-Up The first beauty make-up that actually benefits an oily, blem- ished skin-improves it visibly in just days of regular use! Helena Rubinstein's new Clear and Lovely Liquid make-up medicates asit beautifies all day. Helps heal while it covers every tiny flaw and coarse pore. Clings without caking. Won't turn orange. 7 glamorous shades. 1.50 plus tax. } uUI By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The fed- eral government ended the first four months of the new fiscal year with a deficit of almost $13 bil- lion partly because of increased spending for the Viet Nam war. This was disclosed yesterday in a monthly statement of spending and tax 'collection made public by the Treas..'v Department. It showed spending of $44.17 billion and receipts of $31.19 billion. Tax collections normally are heavier in the second half of the fiscal year. * * * WASHINGTON - The United States may not be able to meet French President Charles de Gaulle's April 1, 1967, deadline for evacuating all its troops and sup- plies from France, informed sour- ces indicated yesterday. However, Pentagon officials are reluctant to discuss this prospect. Instead they point out that statis- tics released in Paris Tuesday show more than half of all U.S. military stocks and one-third of all personnel had been relocated out of the country by the end of last month. -WASHINGTON-The Republi- can National Committee embarked yesterday on a drive to convince young people that they should join the GOP. National Chairman Ray C. Bliss announced the effort, which runs parallel to the recruiting program of the conservative-orented Young Republican National Federation. The Bliss program has the co- operation of the Young Republican organization. Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results tholiilla9 4Aphecaryn~o ATTENTION SENIORS! BECOME A CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER For Information write to: DIRECTOR OF TEACHER RECRUITMENT Chicago Public Schools-Room 1005 228 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 1112 South University Phone 663-5533 I I E SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FOR THOSE AHEAD OF TOMORROW -I Have you been putting off your cycle REPAIRS? Put your cycle back into GOOD RUNNING ORDER FOR THE WINTER ..-.-:~r .r.T v ?.' :.:.. +.. vh,- .. . . . . .. . wh in '.f:.. ' .Pi............_..::. :. ...:.:. . . . . . . . . . . ....r May yOu all have a veryf Hap py Silver tiered drop earrings from our wild and exotic jewelry collection I i I f ' 11